View Full Version : Bush to lift Executive Ban on Offshore Oil Drilling

07-14-2008, 12:09 PM
WASHINGTON - In another push to deal with soaring gas prices, President Bush on Monday will lift an executive ban on offshore drilling that his stood since his father was president. But the move, by itself, will do nothing unless Congress acts as well.

The president plans to officially lift the ban and then explain his actions in a Rose Garden statement, White House press secretary Dana Perino said.

There are two prohibitions on offshore drilling, one imposed by Congress and another by executive order signed by former President Bush in 1990. The current president, trying to ease market tensions and boost supply, called last month for Congress to lift its prohibition before he did so himself.

But Perino said Bush no longer wants to wait. She pinned blame on the leaders of the Democratic Congress, noting that no action has been taken on this issue.

"They haven't even held a single hearing," Perino said. "So we are going to move forward, and hopefully that will spur action by the Congress."

Asked if Bush's action alone will lead to more oil drilling, Perino said, "In terms of allowing more exploration to go forward? No, it does not."

The president, in his final months of office, has responded to record gas-prices with a series of proposals, including more oil exploration. None would have immediate impact on prices at the pump, according to White House officials, who say there is no quick fix. But starting action now would help, they say.

Bush's proposal echoes a call by Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, to open the Continental Shelf for exploration. Democrat Barack Obama has opposed the idea and instead argued for helping consumers with a second economic stimulus package including energy rebates, as well as stepped up efforts to develop alternative fuels and more fuel-efficient automobiles.

"If offshore drilling would provide short-term relief at the pump or a long-term strategy for energy independence, it would be worthy of our consideration, regardless of the risks," spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement. "But most experts, even within the Bush administration, concede it would do neither. It would merely prolong the failed energy policies we have seen from Washington for thirty years."

Congressional Democrats have rejected the push to lift the drilling moratorium, accusing the president of hoping the U.S. can drill its way out a problem.

Bush says offshore drilling could yield up to 18 billion barrels of oil over time, although it would take years for production to start. Bush also says offshore drilling would take pressure off prices over time. In addition, the president has proposed opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for drilling, lifting restrictions on oil shale leasing in the Green River Basin of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming and easing the regulatory process to expand oil refining capacity.

Congressional Democrats, joined by some GOP lawmakers from coastal states, have opposed lifting the prohibition that has barred energy companies from waters along both the East and West coasts and in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. A succession of presidents, from Bush's father — George H.W. Bush — to Bill Clinton, have sided against drilling in these waters, as has Congress each year for 27 years. Their goal has to been to protect beaches and coastal states' tourism economies.

Its a step, hopefully congress pulls their head out of their a.s.s and does the same

07-14-2008, 12:13 PM
It's about time. Considering that Cuba is selling oil rights to their waters that border ours, it's a race to see who gets there first. Either we get our sh*t together and start drilling for ourselves, or we wait and let other countries take it.

07-14-2008, 12:14 PM
Good Move but will take 3-5 years on ANY barrell to come out of the new sites they drill at assuming they started today, but this does not lift the federal ban anyways. Its more for press I think to look good right now

07-14-2008, 12:19 PM
Hopefully it motivates congress to do something. I dont see how congress can ignore the issue with gas prices this out of control.

While it may take 3-5 years or longer, the point is that it will help.

There is NO short term fix. We have to start looking at 5-10 yers down the road.

If we would have started drilling 10 years ago, gas would be $1.50 a gallon

07-14-2008, 12:21 PM
Hopefully it motivates congress to do something. I dont see how congress can ignore the issue with gas prices this out of control.

While it may take 3-5 years or longer, the point is that it will help.

There is NO short term fix. We have to start looking at 5-10 yers down the road.

If we would have started drilling 10 years ago, gas would be $1.50 a gallon
It's not that congress is ignoring the issue it's just that it's so divided that nothing gets done

07-14-2008, 12:26 PM
congress hasnt even MET to DISCUSS the issue , i call that ignoring .

IMO **** THE SPOTTED OWL AND THE ENDANGERED CARIBOU. Put them in a zoo, and start drilling.

But unfortunetly, the liberals are as.shats

Evil Goat
07-14-2008, 01:45 PM
the problem with congress is they never look out for the wellbeing of the country, as they give oath that they will, they always look out for the wellbeing of securing votes for themselves or their parties....its a useless circle

and im with you kidd....**** the endangered animals, whipe out iran and move them all there

07-14-2008, 01:46 PM
congress hasnt even MET to DISCUSS the issue , i call that ignoring .

IMO **** THE SPOTTED OWL AND THE ENDANGERED CARIBOU. Put them in a zoo, and start drilling.

But unfortunetly, the liberals are as.shats

because most of them have investments in oil and are taking this all the way to the bank

07-14-2008, 02:03 PM
Great move by my Prez. but people still will hate him.

07-14-2008, 02:09 PM
Hopefully it motivates congress to do something. I dont see how congress can ignore the issue with gas prices this out of control.

While it may take 3-5 years or longer, the point is that it will help.

There is NO short term fix. We have to start looking at 5-10 yers down the road.

If we would have started drilling 10 years ago, gas would be $1.50 a gallon

It wouldn't be THAT cheap, but it'd definitely be atleast a dollar cheaper. Thanks Clinton for not letting us tap the Alaskan oil table...way to f*ck sh*t up for us down the road. Not that this President hasn't but the economy wouldn't be AS bad. 5 years from now gas will be cheaper but we'll never see below $3/gallon again IMHO

07-14-2008, 02:13 PM
we are not going to be able to drill our self out of this. we need to explore alternative energy sources. not just oil there are several safe sources but they keep pushing neuclear power which is ****ing retarted. and "clean coal" which there is no such thing. and my grandfather work on the govenment team to explore coal gasafication and it cant be done!

07-14-2008, 02:29 PM
and im with you kidd....**** the endangered animals, whipe out iran and move them all there

That is the mentality that has us in this situation today, damn everyone else.. America needs its oil. Addressing supply rather than demand is a boneheaded approach, especially at the detriment of the environment since it solves nothing.

07-14-2008, 02:40 PM
US offshore oil will be sold overseas...lol

07-14-2008, 02:46 PM
Screw everyone else. If we don't take charge and take what we can then someone else will. That's the way it's always been and that's the way it will continue to be. Anyone that thinks otherwise is doomed to be a victim of the other party.

07-14-2008, 02:49 PM
That is the mentality that has us in this situation today, damn everyone else.. America needs its oil. Addressing supply rather than demand is a boneheaded approach, especially at the detriment of the environment since it solves nothing.

The thing is, when energy (oil) prices effect your economy in such a way where it stops/slows economic growth severly and the average American households quality of life goes down all accross the board....there ARE priorities which need to be addressed.

The priority now should be, provide the quickest possible relief to the US Citizens and the world in general by easing up the strain on the world supply market. This would provide enough relief and more nat'l disposable income that we would start seeing things the way they were. It would provide a great economic stimulus. The off shore drilling is not doing shiit in harming the environment if you look at the way the oil that we get from there is going to be used to fuuck over the environment.

F*ck plastic, more glass, more metals, more clean public transport (provided by OUR tax dollars to OUR people), a more developed rail system is what you need to be saying if you really care about the environment. This can all happen with the right people in power and the right finances to do it. What can provide this? Economic growth normal to what were were seeing in the 90's.

Also, how is it so bad if America wants to think of itself everynow and then when it is going through a rough patch. I agree, its not too bad right now, but it isn't very good. If America can get the oil it needs at the price it needs, the rest of the world markets will simply have a domino effect of success. Thats the truth right there.

07-14-2008, 02:53 PM
The priority now should be, provide the quickest possible relief to the US Citizens and the world in general by easing up the strain on the world supply market.

10 years is hardly quick, alternative measures surely can be vamped up within that time. Less dependency on oil would do a lot more for U.S Citizens than drilling.

07-14-2008, 02:59 PM
10 years is hardly quick, alternative measures surely can be vamped up within that time. Less dependency on oil would do a lot more for U.S Citizens than drilling.

I agree, 10 years is not quick enough. We will start seeing some immediate relief not from expanding the oil supply or decreasing the demand, but we're gonna see some relief thanks to all the investments that are being created everyday by entreprenuers and businesses all over the country who are takin advantage of the down markets. This is going to be what provides the immediate relief, Bush's $600...hardly.

Less dependency on oil will come with more government regulations/incentives in private industry that create a new face for economic growth. In the end, people are only going to litsen and act if they can immediately benefit from something.

07-14-2008, 03:55 PM
10 years is not a quick solution. Something needs to be done so we can have quick affective relief and then the long term solutions can be put into action.

07-14-2008, 04:00 PM
10 years is not a quick solution. Something needs to be done so we can have quick affective relief and then the long term solutions can be put into action.

Aside from gov't rebates. There is nothing the Gov't can do really for us. It will take years to implement a better public transport system, 10 years for the effects of new drilling to take effects (at current rate of work), and it isn't going to cease oil from Iraq. Private super corporations is where the power lies for relief.

On a side note, if the middle east can build a mini world in a few years, why does it take us 10 years to build a contraption we've been building for decades?

07-14-2008, 04:00 PM
What quick solutions are you guys hoping for? Ethanol is fail, coal is laughable, nuclear is insane. What would have happen? Public transportation use is skyrocketing at the moment. Do you think a better public system would be the answer?

07-14-2008, 04:03 PM
What quick solutions are you guys hoping for? Ethanol is fail, coal is laughable, nuclear is insane. What would have happen? Public transportation use is skyrocketing at the moment. Do you think a better public system would be the answer?
LOL a better public transport system in ATL will not happen for at least a few years. Remember the train they were talking about building along I-75? They passed a law saying it couldn't be brought back to the table for at least 10 years

07-14-2008, 04:03 PM
What quick solutions are you guys hoping for? Ethanol is fail, coal is laughable, nuclear is insane. What would have happen? Public transportation use is skyrocketing at the moment. Do you think a better public system would be the answer?

Quick solution meaning, 2-3 years would be the economic stimulus created by private investments that make the country in general better off financially and able to afford the rising cost of things. You know, balanced inflation if you will...balanced inflation with economic growth is never a bad thing.

LOL a better public transport system in ATL will not happen for at least a few years. Remember the train they were talking about building along I-75? They passed a law saying it couldn't be brought back to the table for at least 10 years

Thats to prevent corruption. You see, too much red tape, our government is inefficient when it comes to taking care of citizens. Although if you think democrats can solve that you are drinkin the kool aid, lol.

07-14-2008, 04:08 PM
THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO QUICK OR SHORT TERM SOLUTIONS. We need to think about 5-10 years from now. If Clinton would have done that when he was in office we would have been drilling in Alaska, the outer continental shelf, and the eastern gulf 10 years ago and we wouldnt be in this situation now.

I laugh at people that say oil is not the solution and we need to research alternatives. Why cant we drill for oil now and get the 100% reliable solution and still research alternatives? Get your gead out of your ass and think, should be shut down all of coal, and oil buring plants too so that we can research new fuels?

I expect a small drop in oil prices because of this, but nothing much. Now if congress gets off their ass and removes the restrictions you will see an immediate $20 drop in oil prices. As the rigs get online you will see another $20 drop, then when oil starts flowing you will see another sizable drop. I wouldnt be the least big suprised to see oil back under $100 a barell.

07-14-2008, 04:11 PM
Quick solution meaning, 2-3 years would be the economic stimulus created by private investments that make the country in general better off financially and able to afford the rising cost of things. You know, balanced inflation if you will...balanced inflation with economic growth is never a bad thing.

Thats to prevent corruption. You see, too much red tape, our government is inefficient when it comes to taking care of citizens. Although if you think democrats can solve that you are drinkin the kool aid, lol.
oh no absolutely not just pointing out that a better public transport system locally is out of reach

07-14-2008, 04:11 PM
THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO QUICK OR SHORT TERM SOLUTIONS. We need to think about 5-10 years from now. If Clinton would have done that when he was in office we would have been drilling in Alaska, the outer continental shelf, and the eastern gulf 10 years ago and we wouldnt be in this situation now.

I laugh at people that say oil is not the solution and we need to research alternatives. Why cant we drill for oil now and get the 100% reliable solution and still research alternatives? Get your gead out of your ass and think, should be shut down all of coal, and oil buring plants too so that we can research new fuels?

I expect a small drop in oil prices because of this, but nothing much. Now if congress gets off their ass and removes the restrictions you will see an immediate $20 drop in oil prices. As the rigs get online you will see another $20 drop, then when oil starts flowing you will see another sizable drop. I wouldnt be the least big suprised to see oil back under $100 a barell.

:goodjob: :goodjob: qft

oh no absolutely not just pointing out that a better public transport system locally is out of reach

gotcah but most ppl always tell me why democrats should be in power after i say that

07-14-2008, 04:14 PM
:goodjob: :goodjob: qft

gotcah but most ppl always tell me why democrats should be in power after i say that
I'm just the opposite. personally i'm an indepenedent and really don't care what party anyones from if you have something intelligent to offer than :goodjob: but seems like lately the dems have been going more and more socialist and thats what scares me about obama.

07-14-2008, 05:26 PM
10 years is hardly quick, alternative measures surely can be vamped up within that time. Less dependency on oil would do a lot more for U.S Citizens than drilling.
Thats all fine and dandy, but lets be REAL and stop kidding ourselves.

Our entire ECONOMY AND INFRASTRUCTURE is build on OIL. Not hydrogen, not coal, not E85, not "alternative measures". We can sit here an preach alternative fuels all we want but that does NOT change what this country runs on in the next 20 years.

The smartest thing to do would be to start drilling our OWN land and offshore to increase OUR supply and eliviate our DEMAND.

In that time frame, we can explore alternative fuels all we want, but in the meantime we could:

Be making bank with our own oil selling to allies instead of OPEC

We could create COMPETITION with people that right now have NO COMPETITION

We would create jobs

We would lessen our dependence on foreign oil

Would prices drop overnight, absolutely not, but 5-7 years from now, we wont have the problem we have now.

5-7 years from now we will NOT HAVE AN ALTERNATIVE FUEL THAT WILL REPLACE GASOLINE, end of story.

The best course of action is to drill and use what we have now, not explore alternative fuels for 5-10 years that will also have little to no impact on our economy.

I love the liberal Bull Shi.T of "look into alternative fuels and dont hurt the environment". The environment wont be disturbed or destroyed, thats been proven. So we may relocate a few animals, well sorry, thats why we are top of the food chain.

07-14-2008, 05:27 PM
THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY NO QUICK OR SHORT TERM SOLUTIONS. We need to think about 5-10 years from now. If Clinton would have done that when he was in office we would have been drilling in Alaska, the outer continental shelf, and the eastern gulf 10 years ago and we wouldnt be in this situation now.

I laugh at people that say oil is not the solution and we need to research alternatives. Why cant we drill for oil now and get the 100% reliable solution and still research alternatives? Get your gead out of your ass and think, should be shut down all of coal, and oil buring plants too so that we can research new fuels?

I expect a small drop in oil prices because of this, but nothing much. Now if congress gets off their ass and removes the restrictions you will see an immediate $20 drop in oil prices. As the rigs get online you will see another $20 drop, then when oil starts flowing you will see another sizable drop. I wouldnt be the least big suprised to see oil back under $100 a barell.

i love you but not in a gay way