View Full Version : Semper Fi indeed....

07-07-2008, 12:25 PM
i'm just mad he didn't reload and drop the other one for good...


07-07-2008, 12:32 PM
the people who said he shouldnt have shot them are ****ing retarded, why wouldnt you shoot somebody that poses a threat your your life? wtf at people these days.

07-07-2008, 12:35 PM
the people who said he shouldnt have shot them are ****ing retarded, why wouldnt you shoot somebody that poses a threat your your life? wtf at people these days.
:werd: he shouldn't have shot them? how about these 2 fvcktards shouldn't have tried to rob the place? good fvcking riddance.

07-07-2008, 12:39 PM
yay! less worthless ppl breathing yay!

Evil Goat
07-07-2008, 02:49 PM
damn right, old man pulled the trigger, thats awesome

07-07-2008, 03:04 PM
Some one should shoot the grandparents too.

07-07-2008, 03:05 PM
I can understand the grandmother grieving for her loss. I'm sure she loved that kid to death. However, displacing blame in order to appease her feelings is by no means appropriate. She needs to get alone, grieve, and begin to look at things objectively.

The man did what he felt he had to, within the confines of the law. As a fellow Marine, I don't applaud him, for there is no actual accomplishment, but I do respect his decisiveness and willingness to eliminate the threat before others were hurt.

Sometimes this world just sucks.

07-07-2008, 03:08 PM
I can understand the grandmother grieving for her loss. I'm sure she loved that kid to death. However, placing displacing blame in order to appease her feelings is by no means appropriate. She needs to get alone, grieve, and begin to look at things objectively.

The man did what he felt he had to, within the confines of the law. As a fellow Marine, I don't applaud him, for there is no actual accomplishment, but I do respect his decisiveness and willingness to eliminate the threat before others were hurt.

Sometimes this world just sucks.
agree to disagree, bc i think he just accomplished more in those split seconds than the "justice" system could've done in that individual's entire lifetime. scum is scum, the less there is, the better society becomes.

07-07-2008, 03:13 PM
agree to disagree, bc i think he just accomplished more in those split seconds than the "justice" system could've done in that individual's entire lifetime. scum is scum, the less there is, the better society becomes.

very well said.

07-07-2008, 03:16 PM
Probably stated that wrong. My apologies.

Some of us through certain experiences have a different perspective on human life whether that be friend, ally, enemy, women or children.

Regardless of the circumstances, I faint from making anybody out to be a hero for the act of taking a life, but rather for the willingness, selflessness, and courage to do what they feel has to be done.

By no means do I believe our justice system is perfect, but to conditionally establish acceptance of circumstantial diversions is dangerous ground. Such paradigms can be found in the political and social foundations of Socialist and Fascist governments - and that's a far cry from the system I want to live under.

Not arguing, just discussing.

07-07-2008, 03:19 PM
Stop trying to use big words to make yourself look smart. You're writing a post in a thread, not a language arts book.

07-07-2008, 03:25 PM

My apologies if it was above your level - but if you knew me, you'd know that that's pretty much how I talk, write and communicate on a daily basis.

Oh sorry....

com·mu·ni·cate [kuh-myoo-ni-keyt]
verb, -cat·ed, -cat·ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to impart knowledge of; make known: to communicate information; to communicate one's happiness.
2. to give to another; impart; transmit: to communicate a disease.
3. to administer the Eucharist to.
4. Archaic. to share in or partake of.
–verb (used without object)
5. to give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, or the like, by writing, speaking, etc.: They communicate with each other every day.
6. to express thoughts, feelings, or information easily or effectively.
7. to be joined or connected: The rooms communicated by means of a hallway.
8. to partake of the Eucharist.
9. Obsolete. to take part or participate.
[Origin: 1520–30; < L commūnicātus, ptp. of commūnicāre to impart, make common, equiv. to commūn(is) common + -icāre v. suffix]

—Synonyms 1. divulge, announce, disclose, reveal. Communicate, impart denote giving to a person or thing a part or share of something, now usually something immaterial, as knowledge, thoughts, hopes, qualities, or properties. Communicate, the more common word, implies often an indirect or gradual transmission: to communicate information by means of letters, telegrams, etc.; to communicate one's wishes to someone else. Impart usually implies directness of action: to impart information.
—Antonyms 1. withhold, conceal.

Just because I'm on IA, doesn't mean I can't speak with intelligence or have make some cute, smartass comment.

Crazy Asian
07-07-2008, 03:26 PM
Why rob a Subway? Seriously.

07-07-2008, 03:30 PM
Probably stated that wrong. My apologies.

Some of us through certain experiences have a different perspective on human life whether that be friend, ally, enemy, women or children.

Regardless of the circumstances, I faint from making anybody out to be a hero for the act of taking a life, but rather for the willingness, selflessness, and courage to do what they feel has to be done.

By no means do I believe our justice system is perfect, but to conditionally establish acceptance of circumstantial diversions is dangerous ground. Such paradigms can be found in the political and social foundations of Socialist and Fascist governments - and that's a far cry from the system I want to live under.

Not arguing, just discussing.
well said, although i'm not sure what word you actually wanted to use there and in which way...

07-07-2008, 03:31 PM
Stop trying to use big words to make yourself look smart. You're writing a post in a thread, not a language arts book.
man made some good points, lay off him a little :yes:

07-07-2008, 03:33 PM
well said, although i'm not sure what word you actually wanted to use there and in which way...

I think refrain...but not sure...he makes a solid point...but I definitely agree with wayne

07-07-2008, 03:34 PM

My apologies if it was above your level - but if you knew me, you'd know that that's pretty much how I talk, write and communicate on a daily basis.

Oh sorry....

com·mu·ni·cate [kuh-myoo-ni-keyt]
verb, -cat·ed, -cat·ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to impart knowledge of; make known: to communicate information; to communicate one's happiness.
2. to give to another; impart; transmit: to communicate a disease.
3. to administer the Eucharist to.
4. Archaic. to share in or partake of.
–verb (used without object)
5. to give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, or the like, by writing, speaking, etc.: They communicate with each other every day.
6. to express thoughts, feelings, or information easily or effectively.
7. to be joined or connected: The rooms communicated by means of a hallway.
8. to partake of the Eucharist.
9. Obsolete. to take part or participate.
[Origin: 1520–30; < L commūnicātus, ptp. of commūnicāre to impart, make common, equiv. to commūn(is) common + -icāre v. suffix]

—Synonyms 1. divulge, announce, disclose, reveal. Communicate, impart denote giving to a person or thing a part or share of something, now usually something immaterial, as knowledge, thoughts, hopes, qualities, or properties. Communicate, the more common word, implies often an indirect or gradual transmission: to communicate information by means of letters, telegrams, etc.; to communicate one's wishes to someone else. Impart usually implies directness of action: to impart information.
—Antonyms 1. withhold, conceal.

Just because I'm on IA, doesn't mean I can't speak with intelligence or have make some cute, smartass comment.
Any one can type in a manner which makes them seem smart, but you suck at it. You just sound like a retard trying to sound educated, you didn't even use some of the words right.

Crazy Asian
07-07-2008, 03:36 PM
Holy crap why not change the title to Grammar 101?

07-07-2008, 03:38 PM


You must not know me.

Go back to your hole.

As my Gunny used to say, "Stand up and state your case, or sit down and shut the *** up!"

As I have something objective to say, and you've failed to even contribute to the conversation beyond stating that someone needs to shoot the innocent grieving grandmother, I rest my case.

Go do whatever it is you were doing before you brought your ignorance into this thread...

07-07-2008, 03:53 PM
As I have something objective to say, and you've failed to even contribute to the conversation beyond stating that someone needs to shoot the innocent grieving grandmother, I rest my case.

Haha, f*ck right!

Look here poindexter, I'm just trying to make you look like less of a douche. Your argument was a very valid one, you just worded it like some one who was trying to prove to everyone that they just read the dictionary. You may really be quite the educated individual, I myself have taken a year and a half of language arts at my college. But it's just asinine to word an entire paragraph the way you did. It just looks stupid. Especially whe you use some of the words incorrectly.

07-07-2008, 07:46 PM
Haha, f*ck right!

Look here poindexter, I'm just trying to make you look like less of a douche. Your argument was a very valid one, you just worded it like some one who was trying to prove to everyone that they just read the dictionary. You may really be quite the educated individual, I myself have taken a year and a half of language arts at my college. But it's just asinine to word an entire paragraph the way you did. It just looks stupid. Especially whe you use some of the words incorrectly.

Holy fukk a year and a half of Langauage Arts classes?!?! You are totally wasting your talents on the interweb. You should go teach classes at Harvard with qualifications like that.

Internets...serious business...only not serious enough to use big words. Lets continue the trend and dumb down the english language even further.

So what K9 came off as Mr. English language know it all, he had a valid point that you and I were both able to understand, and respond too.

NOW back on topic...

The old man saw a threat, and handled it as he saw fit. Honestly many of us, in that same situation (having a concealed weapons permit, being in some sort of danger) would have done the same thing. Cheers Grandpa, you still got it.

07-07-2008, 10:28 PM
he did what he thought was right at the time. I support his decision. Ooh-rah DevilK9 !