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View Full Version : New meaning to everyone "rise for the next hymn?"...

03-19-2005, 10:00 AM
A naturist church minister has called on like-minded Christians to join him in celebrating religion in the nude.

Pastor Robert Wright, 51, is to hold weekly fellowship meetings at a nudist resort near Brisbane, reports the Australian Daily Telegraph.

Mr Wright, who has been a naturist for more than 16 years, said: "I am not trying to get Christians to become nudists, I am catering for Christians who are nudists."

Mr Wright, who was ordained three years ago, is also to open a naked music festival at nearby Cabarita and lead services there.

Even security guards will be naked at the event, Raw Cabarita, which promises "an awesome three-day party where clothes aren't necessary".

But Mr Wright added: "Nude is not rude, and the festival will not be like a '69 Woodstock-type thing.

"There are more Christians in it than people realise. We are not into sex orgies, we are very well-adjusted people."


Later, QD.

03-19-2005, 10:19 AM
lol i read about that yesterday

03-19-2005, 03:23 PM
wth is this world coming to...gay christians to nude christians!