View Full Version : Your energy plan

06-25-2008, 05:59 PM
From what I have seen for the last couple of week I think the main focus of the election will be energy both today and in 10 years. I think its a significant enough issue that the "winning" proposal will be presented by the next President of the United States. So the simple, yet complex, question is if you were running for president, what would your energy plan look like?

I'll go first.

1. Increased grants to organizations that research renewable energy types. Including solar, wind, nuke, and new technology. Emphesis will be on bio-deisel and comparable fuels.

2. Increased domestic drilling and mining.

3. In order to stimulate commerce I would allow owner/operator truck drivers to receive a rebate on taxes paid at the pump.

4. Federal gas tax holiday running from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

5. Emphesize building of new, more efficient refineries.

Please note that I'm not mentioning any particular party or canidate and I hope others will follow suit. I know that anyone with any knowlege of the subject will not agree 100% with me or anyone else so I think it could turn into a good discussion.

Lucky DAWG
06-25-2008, 06:16 PM
From what I have seen for the last couple of week I think the main focus of the election will be energy both today and in 10 years. I think its a significant enough issue that the "winning" proposal will be presented by the next President of the United States. So the simple, yet complex, question is if you were running for president, what would your energy plan look like?

I'll go first.

1. Increased grants to organizations that research renewable energy types. Including solar, wind, nuke, and new technology. Emphesis will be on bio-deisel and comparable fuels.

2. Increased domestic drilling and mining.

3. In order to stimulate commerce I would allow owner/operator truck drivers to receive a rebate on taxes paid at the pump.

4. Federal gas tax holiday running from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

5. Emphesize building of new, more efficient refineries.

Please note that I'm not mentioning any particular party or canidate and I hope others will follow suit. I know that anyone with any knowlege of the subject will not agree 100% with me or anyone else so I think it could turn into a good discussion.

Don't know if you know this but my friend just filled me in on this last night.

GM has cut production of all trucks indefinately... The Sierra and Silverado and any of the other big haulers are not going to be made any more. That is going to hurt the economy a few years down the road when the demand goes up and only used trucks are there to fill the demand.

I think ford is still making the F series 150 and up, even the big honkers like the 550 for businesses.

I have an F-150 though, would said rebates at the pump apply to me or only for business owners who use trucks for their job?

06-25-2008, 09:33 PM
owner operator long haul truckers for their tractors. They can typically write it off as a business expense now, but we all know that they can use the relief at the pump.

06-26-2008, 06:41 AM
you sir, have my vote. great overview for a plan! you need to be mcain's energy advisor

06-26-2008, 02:34 PM
Or Obama's advisor... whatever.

Great simple plan. The rebates should go to those who USE their trucks for what they are supposedly built for. Not for those just drivin them around cuz they're nice.

I do like the basic plan though, much better than either candidate, since u know... ur a regular person unlike Ruiner

06-26-2008, 04:09 PM
The rebates should go to those who USE their trucks for what they are supposedly built for.

This is why I would stipulate that the rebates were for owner/operator long haul truckers.

If asked by either major canidate, I would tell them to pound sand. Neither are worth supporting.

06-27-2008, 10:40 PM
i have heard the same with gm quiting the truck line and saying WTF? the tax rebates are great for owner/operator's and the tax holiday. i would look into hydrogen, solar, and wind for power. Hydrogen can be used on your vehicle now with a 50/50mix and it would be safe. i'm about to try it with my hatch and see if it works. if it does offer rebates on the product so consumers can get it. i would leave alaska alone and go off the gulf and too Utah and wyoming for the shale. BUT WE MUST GET OFF GAS BUT NOT EVERYBODY CAN BUY A NEW CAR!!!!

BTW love the fair tax idea, that way everybody pays!!! we are not even legally supposed to pay taxes, look it up there is controversy over it.