View Full Version : Pwnage time

06-17-2008, 06:39 AM
Facebook pwnage:

Ok so last week my cousin was usin my computer and messed around with my facebook... Changed my status to "enjoys anal penetration" etc and stuff... har har har half assed prank lawl... I didn't find out til a few days later bc i don't log into FB much,
So yeah I put a keylogger on the next time he was gonna use my computer and i got his password to his FB and his email... coincidentially the same email that FB was registered to:

So i'm gonna try to make this a pretty epic pwnage bc lol he thought he was the shznit when he messed with mine lawl.

so yeah:

so far i logged into his email... changed hte password and recovery questions, routed his alternate email to mine... (so he can't recover)

and logged into his facebook, changed his PW (and if he tries to recover his PW it'll send an email to his email address that he can no longer access)

then i did random messing around in facebook... like poking other dudes... adding random people, racist wall posts/private messages (mainly towards asians)

made a stupid facebook group- invited all of his friends

changed his account to single male interested in male.

any other ideas? i wanna make it memorable

06-17-2008, 06:54 AM
Facebook pwnage:

Ok so last week my cousin was usin my computer and messed around with my facebook... Changed my status to "enjoys anal penetration" etc and stuff... har har har half assed prank lawl... I didn't find out til a few days later bc i don't log into FB much,
So yeah I put a keylogger on the next time he was gonna use my computer and i got his password to his FB and his email... coincidentially the same email that FB was registered to:

So i'm gonna try to make this a pretty epic pwnage bc lol he thought he was the shznit when he messed with mine lawl.

so yeah:

so far i logged into his email... changed hte password and recovery questions, routed his alternate email to mine... (so he can't recover)

and logged into his facebook, changed his PW (and if he tries to recover his PW it'll send an email to his email address that he can no longer access)

then i did random messing around in facebook... like poking other dudes... adding random people, racist wall posts/private messages (mainly towards asians)

made a stupid facebook group- invited all of his friends

changed his account to single male interested in male.

any other ideas? i wanna make it memorable

lol. printscreen! this is too good.

06-17-2008, 09:43 AM
lol. printscreen! this is too good.x2 :lmao:

06-17-2008, 09:49 AM
Wow...awesome work.

make a photoalbum and photoshop him w/ other dudes.

06-17-2008, 09:51 AM

06-17-2008, 09:53 AM
One of my friends works at the local audio shops, and another dude got on the comp to check his myspace. So friend 1 turns around and photoshopped ALL kinds of crazy gay pictures and gaypride stuff and threw it on there. Friend 2 doesn't check myspace that often, so it took a minute before it was changed back. He caught some serious sh*t.

06-17-2008, 10:04 AM
lol i did this to my friends myspace one time before and he almost got kicked out the national guard. it caused a lot of shat, no that is being pwned

06-17-2008, 12:59 PM
any sort of photoshops welcome:


that'd be a good one


someone make a thought cloud and a picture of a shirtless dude flexing his muscles or something, or two gay dudes

nothing TOO out of line or facebook will take it down.... (no nudity, cawks, etc)

MEGA REPS for all who participate

i'm sure thats enough to work with.... lemme know if you need more

06-17-2008, 01:00 PM
he lives in canada but reps ATL (he used to live here back in the day) so photoshop some canadian pride somewhere LOL that'd piss him offff

06-17-2008, 01:12 PM
canadian gay pride

06-17-2008, 01:44 PM
How's this?


06-17-2008, 01:45 PM
lol reps if i can

06-17-2008, 01:57 PM

06-17-2008, 02:29 PM
No reps received (PBS doesn't count), but it's all good. Hope your boy enjoys his new profile pic. :lmao:

06-17-2008, 02:30 PM
got one

06-17-2008, 02:30 PM

06-17-2008, 02:33 PM
this is awesome.. i did this to a girl that pissed me off.. she had her pw and email saved on her myspace..

i changed her background to a giant penis, deleted all her friends and added World of warcraft to her top 8

then i changed her email address to mine and her password to imabignastyho2

06-17-2008, 02:34 PM
someone make some!

06-17-2008, 02:38 PM
Two down, two to go.

06-17-2008, 03:02 PM
ZaboomafooW: dawg thats so messed up..
Dajoka87: chu talkin bout
Dajoka87: willis
ZaboomafooW: man plz comon
ZaboomafooW: u take it so far sometimes
Dajoka87: apparently i enjoy anal penetration
Dajoka87: lawl
ZaboomafooW: man tahts the only thing i did
ZaboomafooW: s.hit:S
Dajoka87: hahah such an unwarranted attack
Dajoka87: after one was trusted on my computer
Dajoka87: i was deeply hurt
Dajoka87: by your treachory
Dajoka87: these emotional scars you left
ZaboomafooW: llol
Dajoka87: lol
ZaboomafooW: hasan plz man
Dajoka87: ok fine
Dajoka87: your password is
ZaboomafooW: that shi.ts linked to my
Dajoka87: "ima******"
ZaboomafooW: uni **** and i got course registaration due soon
ZaboomafooW: whats taht for
Dajoka87: LOL u really think im stupid like those fake excuses will work on me
Dajoka87: *fake
Dajoka87: ***** u'll get your ****
Dajoka87: did u see your newest picture?
ZaboomafooW: yea..
Dajoka87: lawl
ZaboomafooW: man ur wack u take it so far dude
Dajoka87: more coming i have a team on it
ZaboomafooW: thats some sh.it hasan..esepcially from a cuz
Dajoka87: lol haha im gonna go hit the shower and go work on the car
ZaboomafooW: i didnt take it taht far
Dajoka87: lol hahah
Dajoka87: but still
ZaboomafooW: a cuzn man
Dajoka87: first attack was unwarranted
ZaboomafooW: id expcet that sh.it from a friend or something
ZaboomafooW: dude it was already logged in
Dajoka87: therefore retaliation must be ten fold
Dajoka87: lol and when do I ever half ass s.hit
ZaboomafooW: and since u enjoy joking around i jus changed ur status. THATS ALL
Dajoka87: i mean if i'm gonna get revenge i'm gonna do it right
ZaboomafooW: i didnt hack two accounts and start expossing randoms hit
Dajoka87: lol
ZaboomafooW: seriously...
Dajoka87: lol btw its not a grudge lawl
ZaboomafooW: then why are u takin it so far
ZaboomafooW: and positng up stupid sh.it man
Dajoka87: i just get bored
Dajoka87: and s.hit like this
Dajoka87: amuses me
Dajoka87: and/or arouses me
Dajoka87: lol you'll get your account back soon....
ZaboomafooW: when is soon
ZaboomafooW: DUDE i have course sh.it to do
Dajoka87: lol ... well i'm awaiting on a reply
Dajoka87: from the gay alliance of canada
ZaboomafooW: i need this **** before my b day..hasan man why dou have to do this sh.it so far
Dajoka87: on a hookup
Dajoka87: for you
ZaboomafooW: man hasan WTF man
Dajoka87: LOL
ZaboomafooW: thats so fu.cked
ZaboomafooW: hasan man seriously..u take things to far..
Dajoka87: you're gonna have someone crash ur bday party (lawllll)
ZaboomafooW: thats fu.cked hasan
ZaboomafooW: seriously..
Dajoka87: but its funny
Dajoka87: you have to admit
ZaboomafooW: jus stop this sh.it
ZaboomafooW: plz
Dajoka87: ok fine
ZaboomafooW: no serously dont f.uck up anything
ZaboomafooW: with my bd ay or nun
ZaboomafooW: dude all i did was change ur status
ZaboomafooW: why the hell do u have to take it to a next level
ZaboomafooW: from u cuz..thats fuked
ZaboomafooW: i know u like doin that extreme **** but didnt think ud take it THIS far with me dude
Dajoka87: lol didn't think i'd take it this far?!?!
Dajoka87: lol we almost got you a blowjob from a transvestite while you were here
ZaboomafooW: like wasnt u makin fun of me on vacation
ZaboomafooW: enough
ZaboomafooW: man why u gota ruin sh.it on the real
Dajoka87: ruin what?
ZaboomafooW: can u jus plz give my password and sh.it back
ZaboomafooW: like w/e u doin with my bday and my account and s.hit
Dajoka87: i'll give it to you on your bday
ZaboomafooW: i need my hotmail acount for uni
Dajoka87: it'll be your bday present
ZaboomafooW: man i cant wait that long bro
Dajoka87: sux
Dajoka87: ok later
ZaboomafooW: dude
ZaboomafooW: comon
ZaboomafooW: hotmail
Dajoka87: yo dont anger me i might just not give it back
ZaboomafooW: wtf?
ZaboomafooW: tahts fu.cked man..w/e man
ZaboomafooW: later
Dajoka87: lol ttyl bhai saab


so he found out

06-17-2008, 03:10 PM
Dajoka87: lol ... well i'm awaiting on a reply
Dajoka87: from the gay alliance of canada

best part of it all.

thats ****ed up.

and he types like a 14 year old girl excited about going to high school for the first time.

06-17-2008, 03:22 PM
he types like a 14 year old girl excited about going to high school for the first time.Imma PM this mofo.

06-17-2008, 03:25 PM
Hasan you should be paying me for this sh!t...

06-17-2008, 04:54 PM
best thread ever.

06-17-2008, 09:56 PM
lmao. reps.

The Ninja
06-18-2008, 08:10 AM
LOL, **** had me crackin up.

06-18-2008, 08:55 PM
LIRL!!! that is ****ed up but man what the ****!

06-18-2008, 09:07 PM
lmao this is terrible!!! Delete all of his female friends and add a lot of guys. You should change his interests to things like shopping, pedicures, laying out, and other girl stuff...

06-19-2008, 12:16 AM
HOLY ****!!!! thats great hassan! u take it too far:cry:


06-19-2008, 12:25 AM
Always worth the look man :goodjob:

06-19-2008, 01:15 AM
This sh!t is so funny! Deff. best thread ever.

87 Turbo II
06-19-2008, 01:24 AM
wow haha the photoshops are priceless.