View Full Version : Father's Day Ideas

Lucky DAWG
06-14-2008, 02:04 PM
Well fathers day is coming up, and my dad lost his job and has been feeling really down about himself and i'm in college so we don't get to spend much time together anymore, so i wanted to do something fun for him to get him back to enjoying life because all he does is work.

So basically i'm looking for some really fun day trip ideas or something outside the typical dinner, movie, sports, etc.

I was thinking try and maybe play a round of golf with him but i really wanted to go somewhere for the day on a trip.

All i got right now is...

1) Some kind of concert he likes we could go to together
2) go rafting down the Ocoee (we have already done parts of it though together a few years back)

if anyone has suggestions on sky diving for prices or references let me know because i'm thinking i want a good place if i'm jumping out of a plane. Or if you have any better suggestions let me know, i'm thinking of this kind of last minute because i have been gone all week.

Thanks :goodjob:

good suggestions will earn you some rep

06-14-2008, 02:14 PM
i was going to suggest that you just take him out to eat in a nice restarunt and invite him to some nice red wine and just tell him that you appreciate everything that he's done for you and that everything will be alright with his situation. but you're 19, so that wouldn't work. i got my dad a bottle of avalon red wine and he seemed shocked but happy at the same time lol. i got it free at work too so... yea lol. i gave it to him last night. but im sure whatever you do it'll be enough to make your dad smile.

06-14-2008, 02:39 PM
Yeah I agree.. think about how guys are, we're simple and if we take pride in being a father spending time with our children means more than any gift that could be given. Just take him out and have a heart to heart on how great of a dad he has been since his pride may be lost through his job.

It may be a bad thing but whatever card my son gives me on fathers day I look at it and tuck it away, but the moment he expresses how proud he is of me as a father I am 100% attentive and the feeling is one of.. through all the wrongs in life and the bad decisions I made the one person that matters to me the most admires what I am, it is a sense of purpose like no other.

Hope this helps.