View Full Version : Pretty cool bday present (Military stuff)

05-30-2008, 08:44 PM
I don't really have a close relationship with my Dad but he does know I'm studying for the AFOQT (Air Force Officer Qualification Test) and sent me a framed painting from Alaska:


It probably seems insignificant cause its just a painting but I know if I test well enough Pilot school MIGHT be an option so its nice to look up and have that extra motivation.

05-30-2008, 09:21 PM
nice man, happy bday and good luck with it. that is something i have wanted to do for a long time, but life and my attitude toward education in high school have made it a rather unlikely possibility for me. i hope it works out for you though. that would be awesome.

05-30-2008, 09:24 PM
nice man, happy bday and good luck with it. that is something i have wanted to do for a long time, but life and my attitude toward education in high school have made it a rather unlikely possibility for me. i hope it works out for you though. that would be awesome.

You would be suprised how quickly that can turn around (grades) I had a 1.9gpa in high school and now have a 3.5 in college. Sometimes it just takes a little time to be focused in school... it certainly wasnt for me coming straight out of high school.

05-31-2008, 11:14 AM
the education part of it isn't as much an issue as the sacrifices i'd have to make as far as family goes. i got married, have an infant daughter, and just found out that we need to be making preparations for another rugrat. i'm going to school full time right now (13 cr hrs on top of 50-55 hours a week obligated to work. i've decided to pursue an aerospace engineering degree instead. it just seems like it will offer a bit more stability.

05-31-2008, 11:30 AM
tony my father was a col in the air force and is now a contractor that works with the govt, if you need anything let me know

He has alot of connections or if you would like to just simply talk to him he can steer you in the right direction.

05-31-2008, 01:25 PM
The photo does not show up.

Tony, are you in AFROTC?

I was going to go in afrotc but i couldnt stand driving to Ga Tech back and forth all the time. So I think after I graduate I will try to go to OTS. I plan to sell my v6 mr2 within 1-2 years to pay for pilot school and that will give me an edge if I go to a AF pilot selection board.
My great uncle flew F-100 Super Sabres in the Air Force and it has always been my dream. I know there isnt much of a chance for OTS guys, greater a chance for ROTC guys, and you can do anything you want for the Academy guys. But hopefully, just maybe, I can make it.

05-31-2008, 01:36 PM
that's is a awesome painting. I am heading in the same direction after i finish college. GL on the AFOQT

05-31-2008, 02:43 PM
The photo does not show up.

Tony, are you in AFROTC?

I was going to go in afrotc but i couldnt stand driving to Ga Tech back and forth all the time. So I think after I graduate I will try to go to OTS. I plan to sell my v6 mr2 within 1-2 years to pay for pilot school and that will give me an edge if I go to a AF pilot selection board.
My great uncle flew F-100 Super Sabres in the Air Force and it has always been my dream. I know there isnt much of a chance for OTS guys, greater a chance for ROTC guys, and you can do anything you want for the Academy guys. But hopefully, just maybe, I can make it.

I have 2 years left in college so I'm going to do the AFROTC 2 year program.. I'm trying to transfer to GA State so I'm not too far from tech. I have the same mentality you do on becoming a pilot, I'm going to try and test well enough but I wont be disappointed if it does not work out.. I know the odds are slim especially with me being 28 (You have to be in flight school by 30 years old) but a stint in the Air Force is really what I want and need at this time.

Mike, thanks and I will certainly let you know if I need something. After talking to my dad last night he told me the KC-135 (The Tanker) in the picture is THE plane he crew chief'd when I was born in California.

06-02-2008, 12:25 PM
That's a nice piece... good luck on your officer's training/exams