View Full Version : Misc Need advice!

05-30-2008, 01:25 AM
Alright I been working out off and on for a while, but just a couple weeks ago I started working out like 3-4 times a week. Yes I can see and feel a big difference but just not where I want to be. I'm about 5"11 and I weighted in at 179lbs last week at doctor. I want to get to, about 165lbs-170lbs but still build muscle. I do not use any kind of weight loss pills or anything, but I have been using Six Star Muscle whey protein for about 2 weeks. Now so far it really hasn't shown any major changes except that my arms are getting bigger, but their not getting cut. I want to have big arms, nice chest and the abs are not that big of a deal right now. I drink water most of the time and every now and then I'll drink some sweet tea, but I do not drink any kinds of soda. Oh and every Friday/Saturday night me and the budds will drink some beer, but its bud light<does that play a role in not losing weight? Eating wise, I eat maybe one full meal a day... No fast-food, or junk food ever. Now I need some advice on how I could lose a few more pounds and gain more muscle/get some what ripped the right way, no pills or steroids or anything... Just some advice on something that may have worked with you or something.

05-30-2008, 03:50 AM
I was on the phone with my girl and her mom is a health nut, and she told something about drinking alot of water, and all it will do is make you gain weight. But the doctor told me to drink lots of water and eat health, which I already do of both and really no change, and I've been eating good/health food and drinking water for like 3-4months and I have lost about 10lbs since then, but now its like it just stopped and I can't lose anymore no matter what I do. Please someone help me! Oh and I'm about to start jogging, so around 6:50 I'm going to try and jog about 2 miles. <haven't jogged in moonths.

05-30-2008, 04:32 AM
If you re-read everything you just typed. I can already see about 5+ of your problems. If you're 100% serious about losing the weight.

1. cut the sweet tea
2. cut out the beer
3. eat more than just 1 full meal a day (try maybe fruits & veggies??). 1 FULL meal a day really isn't healthy, even though a lot of people do it.
4. yes, water does keep your body/system clean...have you asked the doc about water pills? i've heard of some friends using those to lose weight
5. exercise ... ever thought about contacting a personal trainer? they can tell you exactly what areas you need to work on, as well as which foods would best help fit the look you're going for.

hope that helps!!

05-30-2008, 08:43 AM
drink a fvck ton of water, cut out carbs, do cardio, make sure your overall daily caloric intake is 500 less than usual (you can eat more if you burn more working out).

05-30-2008, 10:20 AM
thanks for the tips/advice.