View Full Version : Sometimes.....(Racism Thread)

05-25-2008, 10:46 PM
I dont understand things sometimes. I recently had a conversation with an older black gentlemen that was a friend of a friends who litterally blames everything on white people for everything. He even went as far as to put the blame on my generation for holding black people down. Even though he lives in a 300k house his daughter went to a great college so on and so forth. How can people be so incredibly ignorant? Don't get me wrong I can see part of his argument as 90% of the people in any position of power are white but to go as far as to blame my generation for things that happened 400 years ago and to say that white men's only legacy is slavery is just dumb.

05-25-2008, 10:48 PM
"guilty of being white".

the song might fit lol.

05-25-2008, 10:51 PM
hes just mad cause hes not white :D

05-25-2008, 10:54 PM

05-25-2008, 10:59 PM
LOL sup echo. i just wanted to see what other people thought of this. Was talking to this guy about obama and he went into a 30 minute lecture on how terrible white people are.

05-25-2008, 11:02 PM
I'm honestly getting sick of the race sht. I'll be more than up front about the fact I make race jokes, but I say them to people that know I'm kidding. Every race has good people and bad people.

05-25-2008, 11:03 PM
I'm honestly getting sick of the race sht. . Every race has good people and bad people.
that was part of the argument i tried to make to him.

05-25-2008, 11:06 PM
LOL sup echo. i just wanted to see what other people thought of this. Was talking to this guy about obama and he went into a 30 minute lecture on how terrible white people are.I'm good, and you? We white folk are a terrible lot I must admit. I think what you're having trouble grasping is that for most of our lives we've been taught that only us Crackers can be Racise. Without going into a re-hash of the slavery debate, it boils down to this. No matter what that guy has or will recieve in his lifetime, it will never be enough to fill the hole in his heart. So he fills that hole with hatred (hatred is proven to have more MSG than love). You can't fix stupid... Nod your head and move on. Save your energy for those who are willing to listen, not just preach.

05-25-2008, 11:07 PM
racise naggers.

05-25-2008, 11:10 PM
I dont understand things sometimes. I recently had a conversation with an older black gentlemen that was a friend of a friends who litterally blames everything on white people for everything. He even went as far as to put the blame on my generation for holding black people down. Even though he lives in a 300k house his daughter went to a great college so on and so forth. How can people be so incredibly ignorant? Don't get me wrong I can see part of his argument as 90% of the people in any position of power are white but to go as far as to blame my generation for things that happened 400 years ago and to say that white men's only legacy is slavery is just dumb.
I wouldn't call him ignorant. He knows about what he's saying and have come up with many of conclusions as to why everything is the way it is. The word for him is stupid. Some black people are still looking for an excuse as to why they can't do anything for themselves. Some people are willing to learn from what history teaches us. Others (according to other sources) say we black people suffer from what is referred to as Post Traumatic Slave syndrom. It's basicly just another excuse as to why we can never get along and why some of the black population can't stand caucasians. I try to distance myself from people like them. I think some form of reperations should be in order for the slaves, but in the form of free education. The government went threw the indian culture and damn near wiped them out completely. Yet they did get some form of reperation. There was only one state who acknowleged that yes, slavery was bad and that the government at least wants to apologise for it. That state is new jersey I don't think the rest of the states even want to consider to acknowledge any of the states.

05-25-2008, 11:10 PM
you shouldve told him that statistics dont lie as to which race's are the more disobedient or crime riddin(sp).

05-25-2008, 11:10 PM
I am NOT racist by far, but I herd this on comedy central and I lol'ed.

why do black people always name their children after things they will never have. 1.mercedes, 2.porche, 3.justice... lol

05-25-2008, 11:11 PM


05-25-2008, 11:12 PM
I'm good, and you? We white folk are a terrible lot I must admit. I think what you're having trouble grasping is that for most of our lives we've been taught that only us Crackers can be Racise. Without going into a re-hash of the slavery debate, it boils down to this. No matter what that guy has or will recieve in his lifetime, it will never be enough to fill the hole in his heart. So he fills that hole with hatred (hatred is proven to have more MSG than love). You can't fix stupid... Nod your head and move on. Save your energy for those who are willing to listen, not just preach.
Good to hear your doing well.

I also agree with you I just find it funny how people can generalize and justify certian things. This guy boils everything I do down to a racial issue."Everything's racial and it's all ya'lls fault" Those were his exact words to me.

05-25-2008, 11:13 PM
I am NOT racist by far, but I herd this on comedy central and I lol'ed.

why do black people always name their children after things they will never have. 1.mercedes, 2.porche, 3.justice... lolThe first thing a racist says is that they are not Racise!!!!

How come no kids are named Job?

05-25-2008, 11:14 PM
The first thing a racist says is that they are not Racise!!!!

How come no kids are named Job? :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
its not that they will never have one, its keeping it thats the prob :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

05-25-2008, 11:15 PM
I wouldn't call him ignorant. He knows about what he's saying and have come up with many of conclusions as to why everything is the way it is. The word for him is stupid. Some black people are still looking for an excuse as to why they can't do anything for themselves. Some people are willing to learn from what history teaches us. Others (according to other sources) say we black people suffer from what is referred to as Post Traumatic Slave syndrom. It's basicly just another excuse as to why we can never get along and why some of the black population can't stand caucasians. I try to distance myself from people like them. I think some form of reperations should be in order for the slaves, but in the form of free education. The government went threw the indian culture and damn near wiped them out completely. Yet they did get some form of reperation. There was only one state who acknowleged that yes, slavery was bad and that the government at least wants to apologise for it. That state is new jersey I don't think the rest of the states even want to consider to acknowledge any of the states.
:goodjob: Sounds like a great explination to me. How you been man hadn't seen you in a good minute.

05-25-2008, 11:15 PM
Good to hear your doing well.

I also agree with you I just find it funny how people can generalize and justify certian things. This guy boils everything I do down to a racial issue."Everything's racial and it's all ya'lls fault" Those were his exact words to me.http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x249/Echonova1/coolright9or.gif

05-25-2008, 11:16 PM
is this thread a hate crime?

05-25-2008, 11:17 PM

I'm beginning to believe that it's actually in place to somewhat protect whites rather than minorities. I'm the only white guy at my job and my last three jobs were the same :thinking: :screwy: .

05-25-2008, 11:17 PM

05-25-2008, 11:18 PM
is this thread a hate crime?

05-25-2008, 11:18 PM

05-25-2008, 11:21 PM

05-25-2008, 11:21 PM

I was making a sad attempt at sarcasm. :cheers:

05-25-2008, 11:23 PM

05-25-2008, 11:23 PM
I was making a sad attempt at sarcasm. :cheers:

05-25-2008, 11:28 PM
Every race has good people and bad people.


Racism definitely goes both ways. Some would say that black people are more racist than white people. It sucks that that old guy is so narrowminded, but you have to remember, he probably experienced some pretty extreme racism, and that kind of thing is probably pretty hard to get over.

05-25-2008, 11:28 PM
sh!t is about to get real racist in here!

05-25-2008, 11:31 PM
you shouldve told him that statistics dont lie as to which race's are the more disobedient or crime riddin(sp).
Racist Mod FTMFW

05-25-2008, 11:37 PM

05-25-2008, 11:43 PM
i <3 black girls.

05-25-2008, 11:46 PM
^^^ LOL @ dined for our country.

05-26-2008, 12:26 AM
I think some form of reperations should be in order for the slaves, but in the form of free education. The government went threw the indian culture and damn near wiped them out completely. Yet they did get some form of reperation.

I'm all for reparations for former slaves. Too bad all of them, along with their former masters have been dead for a century.



by its own defination Affirmative Action is discriminatory. So how can you have a law that requires discrimination to prevent discrimination?

Another large part of race being brought into everything are the individuals that depend on racial tension for their very comfortable life styles. Groups like the NAACP and ACLU along with individuals like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Rev. Wright gain their power from making blacks think that white people are holding them down. They mostly preach to the uneducated and tell them that white people and the govt owe them something. They always seem to forget to spread the word that hard work will allow them to move out of the projects, get into great schools, and get the great jobs that are always out there for people willing to do the work.

but you have to remember, he probably experienced some pretty extreme racism, and that kind of thing is probably pretty hard to get over.

I have less respect for a racist that has been the victim of racism and knows how ugly it can be than I do for someone that doesnt know what it really is or feels like. To me, its a true sign of ignorance to knowingly participate in something that you were yourself a victim of.

05-26-2008, 12:30 AM
I have less respect for a racist that has been the victim of racism and knows how ugly it can be than I do for someone that doesnt know what it really is or feels like. To me, its a true sign of ignorance to knowingly participate in something that you were yourself a victim of.

I've tried to put that in words so many times. reps for you.

05-26-2008, 12:51 AM
I have less respect for a racist that has been the victim of racism and knows how ugly it can be than I do for someone that doesnt know what it really is or feels like. To me, its a true sign of ignorance to knowingly participate in something that you were yourself a victim of.

I disagree with that, I know a lot of older blacks and whites that have been programmed to think the way they do because of how they grew up and because of their life experiences. My dad grew up in Alabama where he witness a lot of things and to this day he doesn't trust white ppl. Now he is not the person to blame the white race for anything, but he does not trust white people and doesn't associate with white ppl unless at work. I brought over a white girlfriend of mine and after the b.s. he put me and my girlfriend through I decided I would never bring any female or friend around him no matter what their race, just because his behavior when it comes to race upsets me enough to get into a argument with him each time.

My cousin is half white and his white grand parents never wanted me around them when I came to visit my cousin. I am just lucky that my Mom side of the family is level headed and very accepting of all the races, and thats why I get along with everybody and I am not a bigot like my dad.
towards other
I think people's early life experiences has a lot to do with their prejudice tendencies and its really no fault of their own and I just hope it doesn't pass to the next generation

(TIRED) night

05-26-2008, 01:04 AM

I disagree with that, I know a lot of older blacks and whites that have been programmed to think the way they do because of how they grew up and because of their life experiences. My dad grew up in Alabama where he witness a lot of things and to this day he doesn't trust white ppl. Now he is not the person to blame the white race for anything, but he does not trust white people and doesn't associate with white ppl unless at work.

IMO there is a difference between distrust and racism.

Racism is blatantly hating a person based only on his race.

Distrust is just that, distrust. Your father may not choose to associate with white people, but you said it yourself, he doesnt blame them for everything bad in his life. He can also work with them.

A fairly similar situation happened to me as you and your friend, but escellated quite a bit more. A good friend of mine in HS was black. He was by my house and we were getting ready to meet up with a bunch of other friends and play football when he saw he forgot his spikes. On our way to the field we stopped by his house and I went in with him while he looked for them. He was down in the basement and I was in the kitchen when his dad got home from work early. My friend was coming into the kitchen as his dad did and saw me standing there. He immediately walked back out of the kitchen and grabbed a shotgun from the coat closet. He started cussing at my friend and me saying that if he ever saw another white ******* in his house he would kill him.

05-26-2008, 01:20 AM
ya know commin from new jersey i never really had any real racism issues until i moved here. And I only experienced them when i dated outside my race. I agree as a black man the whole white man holding us down excuse is getting played out and if obama makes it into the white house i know for sure that black people will make a huge deal out of it. I mean I lived in a crappy truly Ghetto neighborhood and my family didnt let that stop them from moving on and being sucessful its in the mindset. But everytime i go back to Atlantic City and see people I grew up with and didnt get the chance to see what life is like elsewhere its harder for me to explain it to them. People get so set in their ways after a while its like damn near impossible to deprogram them from that mindset, and you see that a lot in southern, asian, and ghetto cultures in which they are so set in their ways from not really having a chance to go anywhere or embrace learn from another culture that they dont know any better. The bright side to all this is that as we have more access to the world through internet and just things in general people tend to not be nearly as racist. Im just fortunate that my family is really mixed up to begin with like I have a white aunt a half cambodian cousin to half laos cousins and a lot of spanish mixes in my family hell my great grandfathhr was chinese and my girl is puerto rican. Going to my reunion just amazes me considering people just go ahead and mark me as black because well i am to a degree but i dont see the point in racism because im sure i'd be disrespectin someone in my family on accident.

05-26-2008, 01:21 AM
IMO there is a difference between distrust and racism.

Racism is blatantly hating a person based only on his race.

Distrust is just that, distrust. Your father may not choose to associate with white people, but you said it yourself, he doesnt blame them for everything bad in his life. He can also work with them.

A fairly similar situation happened to me as you and your friend, but escellated quite a bit more. A good friend of mine in HS was black. He was by my house and we were getting ready to meet up with a bunch of other friends and play football when he saw he forgot his spikes. On our way to the field we stopped by his house and I went in with him while he looked for them. He was down in the basement and I was in the kitchen when his dad got home from work early. My friend was coming into the kitchen as his dad did and saw me standing there. He immediately walked back out of the kitchen and grabbed a shotgun from the coat closet. He started cussing at my friend and me saying that if he ever saw another white ******* in his house he would kill him.
With your definition there are no racist in this world except for a few individuals who totally separate themselves from the other race. If you post what you said on the stormfront website, they would tell you that they live and work around other races. I am willing to bet most of them are true racists

05-26-2008, 08:45 AM

I disagree with that, I know a lot of older blacks and whites that have been programmed to think the way they do because of how they grew up and because of their life experiences. My dad grew up in Alabama where he witness a lot of things and to this day he doesn't trust white ppl. Now he is not the person to blame the white race for anything, but he does not trust white people and doesn't associate with white ppl unless at work. I brought over a white girlfriend of mine and after the b.s. he put me and my girlfriend through I decided I would never bring any female or friend around him no matter what their race, just because his behavior when it comes to race upsets me enough to get into a argument with him each time.

My cousin is half white and his white grand parents never wanted me around them when I came to visit my cousin. I am just lucky that my Mom side of the family is level headed and very accepting of all the races, and thats why I get along with everybody and I am not a bigot like my dad.
towards other
I think people's early life experiences has a lot to do with their prejudice tendencies and its really no fault of their own and I just hope it doesn't pass to the next generation

(TIRED) night
I try to distance myself from people like those. Those are the same people who categorise races by name association. For example, instead of saying "white guy" they'll say "white boy" and if they're referring to a black person they would refer to them as a "brother". I treat everyone the same whether or not if you're the pinkest of the pink or the brownest of the brown. So if I'm talking to a group of black guys about one of my white friends, I never make it ovious. I tell them I have a homeboy who's car is fast as hell and when I actually bring them around they never expect them to be white. I was never introduced to racism so I can't racism exists around me. I know it's still around and probably won't go away anytime soon, but in my world, racism don't exist.

05-26-2008, 09:32 AM
I dont understand things sometimes. I recently had a conversation with an older black gentlemen that was a friend of a friends who litterally blames everything on white people for everything. He even went as far as to put the blame on my generation for holding black people down. Even though he lives in a 300k house his daughter went to a great college so on and so forth. How can people be so incredibly ignorant? Don't get me wrong I can see part of his argument as 90% of the people in any position of power are white but to go as far as to blame my generation for things that happened 400 years ago and to say that white men's only legacy is slavery is just dumb.Thats not really a logical argument. How many more white people are there compared to black people in the U.S.? Black people are only about 10-15% of the population. Then break that down to how many whites received high level education/had high level connections to get them where they are, versus the same criteria for black people. Its simple numbers my friend.

No one is holding anyone back. If anyone says that they're just looking for an excuse because they're to lazy to achieve their goals, or too scared, or a combination of both.

05-26-2008, 11:07 AM

:lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:Echonova ftw!

05-26-2008, 11:17 AM
by its own defination Affirmative Action is discriminatory. So how can you have a law that requires discrimination to prevent discrimination?

Another large part of race being brought into everything are the individuals that depend on racial tension for their very comfortable life styles. Groups like the NAACP and ACLU along with individuals like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Rev. Wright gain their power from making blacks think that white people are holding them down. They mostly preach to the uneducated and tell them that white people and the govt owe them something. They always seem to forget to spread the word that hard work will allow them to move out of the projects, get into great schools, and get the great jobs that are always out there for people willing to do the work.


05-26-2008, 01:34 PM


05-26-2008, 01:59 PM
that man goes to a black church, I have never seen any white person give a speech like that before (real passion in his message).

05-26-2008, 03:36 PM
I dont understand things sometimes. I recently had a conversation with an older black gentlemen that was a friend of a friends who litterally blames everything on white people for everything. He even went as far as to put the blame on my generation for holding black people down. Even though he lives in a 300k house his daughter went to a great college so on and so forth. How can people be so incredibly ignorant? Don't get me wrong I can see part of his argument as 90% of the people in any position of power are white but to go as far as to blame my generation for things that happened 400 years ago and to say that white men's only legacy is slavery is just dumb.

As of 2006 the USAs racial distribution is: (4 major races)

Crackers - 73.9% or 221.3 million
Niglets - 12.2% or 37.1 million
Gooks - 4.4% or 13.1 million
Spics - 14.8% or about 44.3 million

So what we have here, my furry little friend, is called the LAW OF PROBABILITY. He has no point.

05-26-2008, 03:46 PM

ok? he said absolutely nothing. We can debate for hours and both say the exact same but exchange white for black.

I love his ittle rant about Michigan. You mean to tell me that people with AP classes have a better cahnce of getting in? People that are from Michigan get more points than those out of Michigan?

Come on now. That guy is an educated man that knows how to hype people up while pointing out the obvious.

05-26-2008, 04:32 PM
As of 2006 the USAs racial distribution is: (4 major races)

Crackers - 73.9% or 221.3 million
Niglets - 12.2% or 37.1 million
Gooks - 4.4% or 13.1 million
Spics - 14.8% or about 44.3 million

So what we have here, my furry little friend, is called the LAW OF PROBABILITY. He has no point.Repost :D.

05-26-2008, 04:38 PM
Repost :D.

Aww I just saw your post. Damn you!!


05-26-2008, 05:18 PM
ok? he said absolutely nothing. We can debate for hours and both say the exact same but exchange white for black.

I love his ittle rant about Michigan. You mean to tell me that people with AP classes have a better cahnce of getting in? People that are from Michigan get more points than those out of Michigan?

Come on now. That guy is an educated man that knows how to hype people up while pointing out the obvious.

I'm amazed that is all you took from his side of his argument but then again I have never seen you objectively come to a subject you disagree with so I guess I am not too suprised.

Slow Motion
05-26-2008, 11:47 PM

Thats some racist sh!t^^^


Hell nah we aint cool...

And what the fuk is up with this Afrointroduction sh!t on IA....? v v v

05-26-2008, 11:50 PM
lexus forums
soarers with a body kit.

Slow Motion
05-27-2008, 12:25 AM
lexus forums
soarers with a body kit.


Im gettin ready to start my new project..
I am buyin a SC its gonna be sick, I got power folding mirrors for it already.