View Full Version : Academics = Intelligence?

05-07-2008, 07:43 PM
Just reading through the thread with the Autumn chick and she was explaining how she tested better than 95% of GA students. This topic is no knock to her but I am interested to know what peoples thoughts are on the subject. Do good grades and high test scores translate to intelligence?

I'll share my experience after a few replies, people tend to think I'm well versed in academics when honestly I barely graduated high school with a 1.9gpa.

05-07-2008, 07:45 PM
eh, i have a 3.3

GPA and Standardize Testing doesn't mean ish.

PS... its 99% better than GA students.

05-07-2008, 07:49 PM
I graduated high school with a 2.4gpa...and I got a 1180 sat score...neither of which is something to brag about...But I'm only 21 and I'm a licensed commercial real estate agent and a personal trainer..and a "college dropout"... and I had a 1.3 gpa @ valdosta state..so no I don't think grades and test scores translate to intelligence..

05-07-2008, 07:51 PM
they don't mean ish. like i said.

05-07-2008, 07:51 PM
no, I believe there are different types of intelligence.

05-07-2008, 07:51 PM
no, I believe there are different types of intelligence.


05-07-2008, 07:53 PM
My dad never made it through school and has trouble knowing parts of speech and such, but I would never say anything bad about that or say he's not smart. He knows how to do things I would never understand and that's one reason I look up to him with so much admiration.

05-07-2008, 07:57 PM
common sense goes a long ways....

05-07-2008, 07:59 PM
Well, Ill chime in with my h/s story. Graduated with a perfect 4.0, made a 1350 on SAT, ranked number 9 out of 220 students in my class, and dual seal diploma. Made it to college, dropped out two months in to it. Now, I am a service tech for a Chevrolet dealership, and am co-owner of my grading/landscaping business. I say that the tests don't mean anything, except who studied harder, or who cheats better. $.02

05-07-2008, 08:00 PM
grades show that you have enough sense to take care of **** that matters, so i'd say yes.

05-07-2008, 08:03 PM
common sense goes a long ways....

It does but good grades opens a lot of doors. Specialized professions almost require a good academic history, I've never known a doctor or lawyer prone to flunking classes which is why I push my son to do well in school... at the least it gives that little extra push.

05-07-2008, 08:05 PM
It does but good grades opens a lot of doors. Specialized professions almost require a good academic history, I've never known a doctor or lawyer prone to flunking classes which is why I push my son to do well in school... at the least it gives that little extra push.
That's awesome you are a caring father. I mean my dad, didn't realize I was a senior until 3 months before graduation. LOL. Just don't push your son too much. Maybe doing more harm, than good.

05-07-2008, 08:09 PM
It does but good grades opens a lot of doors. Specialized professions almost require a good academic history, I've never known a doctor or lawyer prone to flunking classes which is why I push my son to do well in school... at the least it gives that little extra push.

I agree with you 100%, but I think that school just simply isn't for some people(myself included). But everything requires SOME kind of research/studying...even in retail/sales you've gotta brush up on your product and know your stuff..so it really depends on what you want to do in life. Do I wish I was still in school? Absolutely...But I like both of my professions, and I feel like I do them both rather well from a profitability stand point. But they are also things I could be doing while attending college..I'd just have to take less classes per semester.

I push my younger brother to do well in school, b/c it will open more doors for him. I've had many job opportunities but I didn't get it b/c I didn't have the degree and someone else did. ...just my :2cents:

05-07-2008, 08:10 PM
intelligence means nothing when you couple it with ignorance.

05-07-2008, 08:10 PM
That's awesome you are a caring father. I mean my dad, didn't realize I was a senior until 3 months before graduation. LOL. Just don't push your son too much. Maybe doing more harm, than good.

Amazingly he likes school and isn't looking forward to the summer :screwy: So I don't have to push him too much but my dad was similar to yours.. I remember coming home with 3 F's on a report card and he didnt notice.

05-07-2008, 08:14 PM
It does but good grades opens a lot of doors. Specialized professions almost require a good academic history, I've never known a doctor or lawyer prone to flunking classes which is why I push my son to do well in school... at the least it gives that little extra push. very true, but book smarts without common sense will only get you so far in my opinion.

05-07-2008, 08:20 PM
Amazingly he likes school and isn't looking forward to the summer :screwy: So I don't have to push him too much but my dad was similar to yours.. I remember coming home with 3 F's on a report card and he didnt notice.

That's always nice. I hope when I do have kids, they'll like school. Wow, I would have gotten my butt whipped for 3 F's. LOL They were strict, but when I got to high school, he seemed to forget what grade I was in. LOL

very true, but book smarts without common sense will only get you so far in my opinion.

I agree with this. I had all the book smarts, but wasn't up to par on common sense..lol Now, with all the schooling away from me, Common sense hit me hard. You can ask me all these math problems, find the error in this sentence, and Ill be lost, but ask me how to shot a grade on a yard, or how to run a tractor/ uniloader, or something about cars......And I can tell you without any problems.....LOL

05-07-2008, 08:45 PM
I do not believe that good grades mean that you are intelligent.

Some of the most intelligent most successfull people barely made it out of high school. I graduated high school with a 2.2. I have a 3.2 in college. I believe that work ethic also have a lot to do with intelligent.

05-07-2008, 09:00 PM
I do not believe that good grades mean that you are intelligent.

Some of the most intelligent most successfull people barely made it out of high school. I graduated high school with a 2.2. I have a 3.2 in college. I believe that work ethic also have a lot to do with intelligent.

but clearly not spelling :lmfao:

05-07-2008, 09:20 PM
I agree... I consider myself pretty academic, and fairly intelligent (i hope), however, among the folks around me in the academic setting, many of them don't know shyt, except for how to take tests (ie, what to study for, have copies of old tests, etc).

intelligence should not be represented by degrees or GPAs, but rather by communication skills, reasoning skills, etc... I've met some really academically accomplished people, but talking to them is like talking to a brick wall. Intelligence to me means being able to hold an interesting conversation (about things other than tila tequila or what's on E! network), and also, being able to hold your own in an intelligent debate without getting flustered.

I find that the most intelligent people I've met have not necessarily been through crazy amounts of school, but they do tend to be well read. I think reading is the key to being intelligent, and you don't have to be in school to read, obviously. Not that academics aren't smart; especially in the maths and sciences, there are BRILLIANT people. You kind of have to be a nerd if you are in it for this long ;).

Oh and btw, if you're talking about the Georgia high school graduation test, that shyt is like made for 8th graders- seriously. If you do poorly on the that test, you probably should have never made it out of middle school. The high school I went to had like a 99% pass rate or something like that. They ask shyt like "what is a cell" and also really simple math problems (addition, multiplication) - that should tell you how easy it is.

05-07-2008, 09:22 PM
Eh, it can define work ethic but not so much intelligence. All of my teachers know I'm smart but I have like a 2.7, but I did get a 1940 on the SAT. It just depends on how you look at it, the valedictorians will always be intelligent but it doesn't necessarily mean they're going to be more successful over time. The public school system is pretty much bull**** anyway, any dumbass football player will get good grades in high school if they have the right teachers.

05-07-2008, 09:24 PM
Eh, it can define work ethic but not so much intelligence. All of my teachers know I'm smart but I have like a 2.7, but I did get a 1940 on the SAT. It just depends on how you look at it, the valedictorians will always be intelligent but it doesn't necessarily mean they're going to be more successful over time. The public school system is pretty much bull**** anyway, any dumbass football player will get good grades in high school if they have the right teachers.

When did they change it from 1600= perfect?

05-07-2008, 09:32 PM
Some people are book smart and some are street smart like I...

I know people that went to college and now dont even use their degree to make A LOT of money...

Besides when is the next time anyone is gonna use the word MITOCHONDRIA or have to explain to their boss what the French Indian War was about ????????

I hate GPC...

05-07-2008, 09:32 PM
its now out of 2400. it makes all us old schoolers look retarded with our comparatively low scores.

05-07-2008, 09:33 PM
its now out of 2400. it makes all us old schoolers look retarded with our comparatively low scores.

True story, I made a 1350 out of 1600, and was proud...lol now the 2400 hurts my feelings.

05-07-2008, 09:35 PM
Some people are book smart and some are street smart like I...

I know people that went to college and now dont even use their degree to make A LOT of money...

Besides when is the next time anyone is gonna use the word MITOCHONDRIA or have to explain to their boss what the French Indian War was about ????????

I hate GPC...

mitochondria: important because this is where your body makes energy! you should know what your body is about.

french n indian war may seem useless, but history is important because if ya dont learn it, yer doomed to repeat it (isn't that what they say?). History has a lot to do with current politics and global issues. Nothing you learn is useless, my friend! :yes:

05-07-2008, 09:37 PM
georgia high school graduation test? i've never taken & never will. my old school had a 100 % passing rate. doesn't mean everyone there is smart.

i'm talking about the CRCT & IOWA Test. Does it really matter? No.

I agree with others. Many people have different intelligences. Like my dad for example, he quit high school his 10th grade year. He however reads alot. Any computer problem you may have? He can do it. Any problem with an older car? He can fix it. Any problem with lawn equipment? He can fix it. He is a very smart man to me.

I also think my sister is very intelligent (book wise, and other). She dropped and got her GED. She has no people skills, that's why she can't be in school. She tends to pick fights with anyone and everyone.

Most intelligent (and i don't mean a certain thing... but like Einstein complex) can't stand to be in a classroom with normal people. Did Einstein have ADD? Yes. I think most of the problem was that the teachers couldn't understand his intellect.

I might not be the brightest star, but I pick up on things fast. I am very intelligent in that way. I might not know how to fix a car, but I sure can do a math problem. I have book smarts. And book smarts can take you a long way.

who cares if any of this is mispelled or has bad grammar... im tired.

05-07-2008, 09:42 PM
mitochondria: important because this is where your body makes energy! you should know what your body is about.

french n indian war may seem useless, but history is important because if ya dont learn it, yer doomed to repeat it (isn't that what they say?). History has a lot to do with current politics and global issues. Nothing you learn is useless, my friend! :yes:

lol you missed my point...
Like for instance my major is Business/Marketing and management...
Mitochondria falls in this category bc ?????????????????????????
As well as French Indian War ???????????
:thinking: ...

I hate GPC .... once again :lmfao:

Crazy Asian
05-07-2008, 09:55 PM
Funny thing is GA is NOT A FAWKING STATE TO BE PROUD OF IN TERMS OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION. It's 2nd lowest amongst the nation and the top one is well Mississippi. Sorry nothing to be proud of. Colleges well the only ones are Emory and Tech but even Tech I scratch my head at that.

05-07-2008, 09:57 PM
Funny thing is GA is NOT A FAWKING STATE TO BE PROUD OF IN TERMS OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION. It's 2nd lowest amongst the nation and the top one is well Mississippi. Sorry nothing to be proud of. Colleges well the only ones are Emory and Tech but even Tech I scratch my head at that.

You just hush your trap. LOL

Crazy Asian
05-07-2008, 09:58 PM
Oh and book smarts doesnt take you along way. Have you ever seen how many Harvard and Stanford kids come out and yet they work at some dead end jobs? This world revolves around connections people. Either you parents are filthy rich, you family has a rich hertiage knowing top business people, or you work from the bottom of the corporate bucket and work your way up which is insane on how much work you need to do. Sorry book smart is nothing great.

Crazy Asian
05-07-2008, 10:00 PM
You just hush your trap. LOL

Sorry Im from Cali, and where GA is so backward you guys want to ban evolution from the curriculum? That's just insane. Ya I'm a Christian and I dont believe in evolution but people all around the world believe in it so why take two steps back?

05-07-2008, 10:06 PM
Oh and book smarts doesnt take you along way. Have you ever seen how many Harvard and Stanford kids come out and yet they work at some dead end jobs? This world revolves around connections people. Either you parents are filthy rich, you family has a rich hertiage knowing top business people, or you work from the bottom of the corporate bucket and work your way up which is insane on how much work you need to do. Sorry book smart is nothing great.

How do you think they got into Harvard and Stanford? Please.

I know many people who are book smart and are going no where. Lots education doesn't always equal a job. There are other flaws you can have. Like I said my sister doesn't have people skills. In that, she will never go anywhere in life.

It doesn't just depend on the connections. You can make a name for yourself. You just got to work hard and believe yourself. Haven't you ever read dammit. I forgot the book... it's Walden (or Life in the Woods) by Henry David Thoreau.... This is why he went to the woods:

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived"

That is the philosphy he used to go to the woods. But when you read the part on why he left the woods... Sheer brilliancy.

"I left the woods for as good a reason as I went there. Perhaps it seemed to me that I had several more lives to live, and could not spare any more time for that one. I learned this, at least, by my experiment; that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success in uncommon hours."

Ahhhhh i love it. if you don't get it, GTFO.

Crazy Asian
05-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Um lets Thomas Edison and Einstein never went to school. Yet they managed to do incredible things.

Autumn Im sorry but in your litteraly safe little chamber out there is a cruel word. And those business guys dont care if you graduated from Harvard and Stanford. Youre still a scrub to them and they wont give you any respect. Sorry. It's not cutting anyomre.
Got to downtown LA and see how many Harvard and Stanford kid drives M6 and Ferrarri's. Few may less then 5. Againa sorry.

05-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Let's face it Autumn. Thoreau was overrated. You want real philosphy, check into Voltaire. IMO

Crazy Asian
05-07-2008, 10:12 PM
You know half of all those kids I know graduated from high school and that's it yet they make 600K a year. Oh wait that's right they work for their uncles company which is giving them how much again, 600K? Hrm must be nice. BOOKSMART DOESNT MEAN YOULL GET THE TOP JOB SORRY!!!!!!

Crazy Asian
05-07-2008, 10:15 PM
Bill Gates also dropped out of Harvard knowing that education wont mean anything to him unless he takes the golden egg which he toook with building the first computer chip. He was a braniac that's all. He knew how to do business well and didnt need a damn book to teach him on how to make billions.

05-07-2008, 10:15 PM
as said before, its not what you know, its who you know, in most cases

05-07-2008, 10:15 PM
You know half of all those kids I know graduated from high school and that's it yet they make 600K a year. Oh wait that's right they work for their uncles company which is giving them how much again, 600K? Hrm must be nice. BOOKSMART DOESNT MEAN YOULL GET THE TOP JOB SORRY!!!!!!

Troof, when I was younger working for our grading company, I made 8k a year with them. Now that I am co-owner I have almost tripled that, and plus I have my daily job at the chevy dealership. Making more than that. I am still broke though, being 20 and having money, no wife no kids....weekly splurges FTMFL

05-07-2008, 10:19 PM
Um lets Thomas Edison and Einstein never went to school. Yet they managed to do incredible things.

Autumn Im sorry but in your litteraly safe little chamber out there is a cruel word. And those business guys dont care if you graduated from Harvard and Stanford. Youre still a scrub to them and they wont give you any respect. Sorry. It's not cutting anyomre.
Got to downtown LA and see how many Harvard and Stanford kid drives M6 and Ferrarri's. Few may less then 5. Againa sorry.

I already said something about Einstein. It was mainly, probably, i'm saying probably, because i'm not for sure, because he was too smart to be around average people. Average people only dumb you down. Do you want to be in a classroom full of five years learning how to add basic numbers? How would you feel in that setting?

I'm not saying degrees = money, success, or intelligence. But it sure does help. Intelligence comes in many forms. Book wise intelligence is a great thing to come by, but they have an Einstein complex. You can't leave them in the five year old setting forever.

05-07-2008, 10:19 PM
Let's face it Autumn. Thoreau was overrated. You want real philosphy, check into Voltaire. IMO


05-07-2008, 10:32 PM
Um lets Thomas Edison and Einstein never went to school. Yet they managed to do incredible things.

Autumn Im sorry but in your litteraly safe little chamber out there is a cruel word. And those business guys dont care if you graduated from Harvard and Stanford. Youre still a scrub to them and they wont give you any respect. Sorry. It's not cutting anyomre.
Got to downtown LA and see how many Harvard and Stanford kid drives M6 and Ferrarri's. Few may less then 5. Againa sorry.

Einstein finished school.

Crazy Asian
05-07-2008, 10:34 PM
In 1894, when Einstein was fifteen, his father's business failed, and the Einstein family moved to Italy, first to Milan and then, after a few months, to Pavia. During this time, Einstein wrote his first scientific work, "The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields".[9] Einstein had been left behind in Munich to finish high school, but in the spring of 1895, he withdrew to join his family in Pavia, convincing the school to let him go by using a doctor's note

05-07-2008, 10:37 PM
He didn't finish high school. But he did finish college.

05-07-2008, 10:37 PM
Not trying to argue just citing my source

Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics. In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor's degree.


Crazy Asian
05-07-2008, 10:40 PM
Oh I though you meant high school, LOL

05-07-2008, 10:52 PM
lmao @ IOWA test. Same shyt. Tests like these do not necessarily reflect how smart you are, just if you know what you should know at your given grade level.

My point is that I don't think standardized test scores reflect intelligence well. There are so many factors involved when it comes to taking tests like that (ie. test anxiety, test taking skills) that its I don't think its a fair assessment.

Same thing with college; my homegirl that dropped out of HS and got her GED is balling out of control. She found something she can excel at, which obviously wasn't school. Meanwhile, my ass is still a broke student. I do really well in school, but it really doesn't say shyt about who is smarter.

10 years from now:
Her- lots of real estate and money saved
Me- Looking for job w/ mad college loans.

Sure, I've got crazy skills in the lab and I can fvck up some biochemistry, but that shyt ain't payin the bills. yet.

05-07-2008, 10:58 PM
Some Of The Stupidest People I Have Met In My Life Were While I Was In College, And I'd Like To Think I Went To A Relatively "Prestigious" University [Virginia Tech]. IMO, Academics In Terms Of Receiving Good Grades And Scoring High On Tests Is Nothing More Than Memory Recall And The Ability To Regurgitate Knowledge. I'd Say Academics Is Definitely A Form Of Intelligence But The Term Encompasses Far More Than Just That. Having The Capacity To Learn Can Be In Many Forms Beyond Book-Knowledge.

05-07-2008, 11:02 PM
Some Of The Stupidest People I Have Met In My Life Were While I Was In College, And I'd Like To Think I Went To A Relatively "Prestigious" University [Virginia Tech]. IMO, Academics In Terms Of Receiving Good Grades And Scoring High On Tests Is Nothing More Than Memory Recall And The Ability To Regurgitate Knowledge. I'd Say Academics Is Definitely A Form Of Intelligence But The Term Encompasses Far More Than Just That. Having The Capacity To Learn Can Be In Many Forms Beyond Book-Knowledge.That must have taken a while to write, whats with capitalizing the first letter? lol

Personally, I think someone is intelligent when they can figure out a solution to a problem through their own knowledge and reasoning, versus regurgitating **** they might have memorized in order to solve it. Someone whos open minded, willing to try new things, willing to take risk, thats intelligence imo.

05-07-2008, 11:38 PM
That must have taken a while to write, whats with capitalizing the first letter? lol

It's A Habit Now. I've Been Doing It So Long That I Actually Type Faster Like This Than I Do typing like this. :D

05-07-2008, 11:40 PM
Just reading through the thread with the Autumn chick and she was explaining how she tested better than 95% of GA students. This topic is no knock to her but I am interested to know what peoples thoughts are on the subject. Do good grades and high test scores translate to intelligence?

I'll share my experience after a few replies, people tend to think I'm well versed in academics when honestly I barely graduated high school with a 1.9gpa.
isnt ga ranked 48th in the country in education? thats is all

05-07-2008, 11:44 PM
isnt ga ranked 48th in the country in education? thats is allThats cause the ass backwards parts of GA drag the average down. Schools in Fulton, Cobb, Gwinnett, and Forsyth are some of the top 100 or so in the country, consistently.

05-07-2008, 11:46 PM
mitochondria: important because this is where your body makes energy! you should know what your body is about.
correct it is the powerhouse of the cell where aerobic metabolism takes place. myosin heavy chain type 1 fibers aka slow twitch fibers (ones recruited first and for endurance activity) have the highest amount of mitochondria do to the fact they rely on oxygen to help make atp and atp is used in the myoisn head coupling to created torque (the only reason i paid attention in neuromuscular plasticity, car terms people!) aka force/power. i could go on but that is the importance of mitochondria in slow twitch fibers in a nut shell.

05-07-2008, 11:47 PM
Thats cause the ass backwards parts of GA drag the average down. Schools in Fulton, Cobb, Gwinnett, and Forsyth are some of the top 100 or so in the country, consistently.
more affluent areas have better school IMO. rich ppl care more about education standards then ppl less well off.

05-07-2008, 11:51 PM
I think that pretty much goes without saying haha.

05-07-2008, 11:56 PM
I think that pretty much goes without saying haha.
word. my parents lived in atl we lived in smokerise golf and country club but that was zoned in the Tucker HS district, needless to say they put my a$$ in private school.

05-08-2008, 12:27 AM
word. my parents lived in atl we lived in smokerise golf and country club but that was zoned in the Tucker HS district, needless to say they put my a$$ in private school.

Yeah private school, paid for segregation!

05-08-2008, 12:29 AM
Oh I though you meant high school, LOL

I dont even know why ur posting in this thread...
Ur asian...
Which means ya'll come naturally smart right off the boat in Math and Science...
Hell all my tutors are asians...
the only bad thing ya'll are at is driving in Atl and shopping in AnF....

Do love ur women tho ....

05-08-2008, 12:35 AM
Anyone who thinks there is a clear and universally accepted definition lacks the understanding of what intelligence truly is. Academics may not define one's intelligence, however, they are a definite sign of an existing intelligence. For instance, the person may not have been able to slack off in class and get decent grades because of good test scores, yet they possessed the intelligence to realize what it would take for them to achieve what they did.

For me, intelligence is the ability to ultimately realize and utilize your abilities to maximize your quality of life. Think of the playboy bunnies... Do you truly think they are unintelligent? They have realized a career path that has allowed them an amazing quality of life while many mislead individuals believe THEY are the intelligent ones for becoming a desk jockey. Which would you choose? Workaholic desk jockey for mediocre pay, or ditsy girl who gets paid the same (or even less money) to do what they do best, and have the freedom they have?

Some people are good at the desk jockey type job, don't get me wrong. But if you think that only billionaires and executive workaholics are the only intelligent ones in the world, you MAY not be so intelligent yourself. In fact, I would rather be poor and enjoy life than work all day everyday for huge amounts of money to spend on things I wont have time to enjoy.

05-08-2008, 12:44 AM


05-08-2008, 01:34 AM
it's a myth that Einstein failed math. stanford and harvard b-school graduates might not all be millionaires or drive ferraris, but they are living very very comfortable lives. great academics doesn't define intelligence, nor does intelligence always result in great academics, but I would say there is a high correlation between the two. For every high school drop out that made it big, there's at least 10 others that didnt and are working dead end jobs. education is THE surest way to a future.

btw, georgia, at least dekalb, public high schools suck. I slept through my classes and studied for exams during study hall and managed a 4+gpa. That gave me a very skewed representation of what type of work ethic it takes to succeed in the real world. moral of the story: georgia high schools suck, don't be satisfied with doing well in a ****ty public school, develop a good work habit, especially if you want to obtain an advanced degree of some sort.

05-08-2008, 05:51 AM
they don't mean ish. like i said.

You don't mean shiit. Like everyone has said. Later, QD.

05-08-2008, 05:58 AM
Do good grades and high test scores translate to intelligence?\

On different levels; yes. I graduated HS with a 3.75 GPA. Took the SAT in only the 9th grade and scored a 1560/1600. Went to college and graduated Dean's List with 4.0 in computers. That's my educational background. I am, and I'm sure I can be vouched for by many on here, quite intelligent. My posts speak for my education as well. I even talk, most of the time, the same way I type. I play Jeopardy with other folks at the house and they wonder not only why I don't go on the show, but why and how I know most of the answers on the show. I don't attribute all my knowledge to schooling though. A lot of it is through memory retention. I've been watching quiz shows and doing crossword puzzles since I can remember. SO that part helped me with my intelligence level without schooling.

I believe, wholeheartedly, that good grades equals intelligence. But, on the other side of the fence, I don't believe (all the time) that bad grades equals stupidity. There are lots of intelligent people out there that DO NOT do well in test situations or in school period. Doesn't mean they aren't intelligent or smart. Just means they haven't applied themselves where it really does matter. In a school environment.

Later, QD.

05-08-2008, 06:25 AM
Gotta go to work but there have been about 5 presidents that did not go to college. Off the top of my head Truman was one but I'm not sure if you could get away with that any more.

05-08-2008, 07:31 AM
There are many levels of intelligence. Just because you pass a test does not make you any smarter than Joe Blow down the street, it just shows you retain information well. :)

05-08-2008, 09:41 AM
Anyone who thinks there is a clear and universally accepted definition lacks the understanding of what intelligence truly is. Academics may not define one's intelligence, however, they are a definite sign of an existing intelligence. For instance, the person may not have been able to slack off in class and get decent grades because of good test scores, yet they possessed the intelligence to realize what it would take for them to achieve what they did.

For me, intelligence is the ability to ultimately realize and utilize your abilities to maximize your quality of life. Think of the playboy bunnies... Do you truly think they are unintelligent? They have realized a career path that has allowed them an amazing quality of life while many mislead individuals believe THEY are the intelligent ones for becoming a desk jockey. Which would you choose? Workaholic desk jockey for mediocre pay, or ditsy girl who gets paid the same (or even less money) to do what they do best, and have the freedom they have?

Some people are good at the desk jockey type job, don't get me wrong. But if you think that only billionaires and executive workaholics are the only intelligent ones in the world, you MAY not be so intelligent yourself. In fact, I would rather be poor and enjoy life than work all day everyday for huge amounts of money to spend on things I wont have time to enjoy.


05-08-2008, 09:46 AM

Don't be so sure.

05-08-2008, 10:22 AM
There are many levels of intelligence. Just because you pass a test does not make you any smarter than Joe Blow down the street, it just shows you retain information well. :)

Honestly, and this is not intended as an insult, but that's really just a standard cop out reply for those who... well aren't smart. Tests, and especially standardized ones above the grade school level, measure not only how well you retain info (or how much time you spend memorizing) but also how well you integrate new information with what you have and how well you apply everything, often under time constraints. I don't know about what others may think what general intelligence is, but if someone is able to learn new information and apply that information quicker than the next person, I'd say the former is smarter than the latter. Of course, like I said, there's alot of other factors that decide how well you do on a test, which is why I prefer to think that there's only a correlation between academic performance and intelligence, nothing more.

05-08-2008, 10:42 AM
we had this convo here a long time ago, and what i said then still stands. there are diff types of intelligence, some of it is book smarts, some of it is street smarts. always better to have a healthy mix of both, and obviously, the smarter you are in both areas, the smarter you're going to be overall.

05-08-2008, 10:44 AM
oh and one more thing, book smarts can be tested for (obviously) where as it's much harder to test for common sense and street smarts. due to that, maybe we place too much emphasis on grades and standardized test scores.

Crazy Asian
05-08-2008, 10:49 AM
But you also have to know that this country is stupider then the world. We have the most highest numbers of dropouts and they all work for some company making minimum wage. When you look at China, Indian, and other major upcoming countries these kids are amazing. Chess, playing 3 diff types of instrument, studying 4 hours a day vs we love football, going out to the mall, and hanging out.

05-08-2008, 10:51 AM
we had this convo here a long time ago, and what i said then still stands. there are diff types of intelligence, some of it is book smarts, some of it is street smarts. always better to have a healthy mix of both, and obviously, the smarter you are in both areas, the smarter you're going to be overall.

I don't really buy into the book smarts vs street smarts thing that much, mainly because I don't think they're that mutually exclusive (except in extreme cases); ie. if the "street smart" person can think logically and fast on his toes in practical situations, I'd say he can very much be "book smart" and do well in abstract thinking tests as well (and most likely he probably is).

edit: also, as an addendum, that's based on my take of street smart, I have a feeling that many equate street smart more with EQ and the ability to perceive and deal with other people.

05-08-2008, 11:02 AM
I don't really buy into the book smarts vs street smarts thing that much, mainly because I don't think they're that mutually exclusive (except in extreme cases); ie. if the "street smart" person can think logically and fast on his toes in practical situations, I'd say he can very much be "book smart" and do well in abstract thinking tests as well (and most likely he probably is).

edit: also, as an addendum, that's based on my take of street smart, I have a feeling that many equate street smart more with EQ and the ability to perceive and deal with other people.
i never said they're mutually exclusive though...thought i was pretty clear in stating that most ppl have both to some degree, and the more you have of both, the smarter you are overall. but obviously there are those obsessed with one or the other (more commonly book smarts) and will focus on that one area and tend to end up more well versed in one area and not the other.

05-08-2008, 11:05 AM
But you also have to know that this country is stupider then the world. We have the most highest numbers of dropouts and they all work for some company making minimum wage. When you look at China, Indian, and other major upcoming countries these kids are amazing. Chess, playing 3 diff types of instrument, studying 4 hours a day vs we love football, going out to the mall, and hanging out.lol, d@mn son.

I'll take street smarts and common sense over book smarts anyday. But that's just me.

05-08-2008, 11:07 AM
lol, d@mn son.
seriously, and this guy called me a fake azn the other day :lmao:

Crazy Asian
05-08-2008, 11:08 AM
It's true. They even did a study between the American lifestye of a High School teenager vs China, India, and other coutries teenages. We suck basically. We have sucumb to where it matter about sports only. It's sad and ontop of our dropout are incredibly high.


05-08-2008, 11:19 AM
It's true. They even did a study between the American lifestye of a High School teenager vs China, India, and other coutries teenages. We suck basically. We have sucumb to where it matter about sports only. It's sad and ontop of our dropout are incredibly high.

i only shag your mother's carpet...ok so the only part isn't true :chuckles:

05-08-2008, 11:21 AM
i never said they're mutually exclusive though...thought i was pretty clear in stating that most ppl have both to some degree, and the more you have of both, the smarter you are overall. but obviously there are those obsessed with one or the other (more commonly book smarts) and will focus on that one area and tend to end up more well versed in one area and not the other.

Yea I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. I was merely stating that when talking about book smarts vs common sense, people are always quick to see the two as very polar and incongruent things, as evident by Ran's post of choosing one over the other.

Kids in Asia spend so much more time studying due to competition. I think america's primary and secondary education systems need to step it up, stop cuddling kids and giving everyone As in elementary school.

Crazy Asian
05-08-2008, 11:22 AM
you are nasty NASTY!!! DIRTY WEIRD NON AZN MAN!!

05-08-2008, 11:26 AM
Yea I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. I was merely stating that when talking about book smarts vs common sense, people are always quick to see the two as very polar and incongruent things, as evident by Ran's post of choosing one over the other.The thread topic seemed to be steered towards one preference over the other so I responded appropriately.

I do believe that a balance of both is necessary and that, in one way or another, both "divisions" of logic play into the other. For instance, you can't get book smart without knowing how to get to school, but you can't balance your checkbook without taking a math class.

I think america's primary and secondary education systems need to step it up, stop cuddling kids and giving everyone As in elementary school.My girlfriend works in a daycare and they can't even put the kids in timeout anymore because it secludes them and lowers their self-esteem. :no:

05-08-2008, 06:43 PM
man tests dont prove ****! My SAT scores and my grades sucked but somehow I have a 140 Iq... I know why my scores sucked later. I had drama in highschool so i couldnt concentrate. tests dont account for that. And a lot of people now with all these degree's and high grades dont always do well. I know two folks with degrees and guess where they work: In the same warehouse as i do making 11/hr. Some jobs like google dont always require you to have any degree to make at least 12-17hr. i know i looked. I mean tests come in handy but nowadays teachers teach to the test and not the subject matter as i noticed.

05-08-2008, 08:40 PM
academics= intelligence......

the old debate since the formation of educational systems.....

in my own personal experience i believe academics CAN be a POSSIBLE reflection of intelligence, but it in no way equals it.

i've seen the brightest people in high school working at WENDY'S and the ones people thought were completely dumb holding mid to upper 5 figure jobs (or more) in fields that no one thought they would be in/ or no one knew existed.

i care not talk about myself, because, not that it's negative, it doesnt matter in this topic.

but according to merridian dictionary:
A: of, relating to, or associated with an academy or school especially of higher learning
B: of or relating to performance in academic courses <academic excellence>
C: very learned but inexperienced in practical matters <academic thinkers> D: based on formal study especially at an institution of higher learning

i believe intelligence, though it can be measured by how people do in school, has more to do with an individuals ability to use EXPERIENCE or KNOWLEDGE(of their own, or others) to adapt and excel in the environment they are in.

BEING ABLE TO READ SOMEONES NAME THAT'S WRITTEN OUT IN BINARY CODE: my name= 01110010 01100001 01110011 01101000 01100001 01100100.

means nothing if i can't use that knowledge in practical life. and like SLEDLUDE SAID : you can't interact with others (in your environment)

05-08-2008, 08:48 PM
academics while it can be used to change your standing in your environment, more often than not, can be looked at as more of a gauge of what you can learn.

one of the smartest people i know (street smarts/book smarts/common sense) graduated from college with a computer science degree, top of his class, yet he could adapt to his past and present environments (southside CHI-town...hell chicago period/ southside atlanta i.e. college park mid 90's) and when he proved he could grasp "difficult" concepts in computing, but could'nt get a permanent job in that field (dot-com bust) adapted and he became a truck driver. simply enough, he didnt panic about not being hwere he wanted to be, he adjusted(adapted) and found what still made the same pay, just different field.

05-08-2008, 09:03 PM
Looking at the big picture, then yes; academics equals intelligence.

What a lot of members are trying to say is that academics doesn't always equal to success.

It's better to regret 4 years of college [in the sense it doesn't benefit you], then spending your life regret not going.

05-08-2008, 09:06 PM
i just looked up the definition of intelligence also.....i'm not completely off the mark.....

read up folks....

(1): the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : reason; also : the skilled use of reason

(2): the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests) bChristian Science : the basic eternal quality of divine Mind c: mental acuteness : shrewdness2 a: an intelligent entity; especially : angel b: intelligent minds or mind <cosmic intelligence>

3: the act of understanding : comprehension

05-08-2008, 09:13 PM
i just looked up the definition of intelligence also.....i'm not completely off the mark.....

read up folks....

(1): the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : reason; also : the skilled use of reason

(2): the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests) bChristian Science : the basic eternal quality of divine Mind c: mental acuteness : shrewdness2 a: an intelligent entity; especially : angel b: intelligent minds or mind <cosmic intelligence>

3: the act of understanding : comprehensionw00t, thats almost exactly what I said in my earlier post, FTW!

05-08-2008, 09:15 PM
man tests dont prove ****! My SAT scores and my grades sucked but somehow I have a 140 Iq... I know why my scores sucked later. I had drama in highschool so i couldnt concentrate. tests dont account for that.

Did you go to a public high school in Ga? What type of IQ test did you take? I have a hard time believing someone with the IQ close to that of a genius couldn't do well in a ****ty public school system and ace the SAT, a test that doesn't really test for information retention but rather how logically and quickly you are able to think, especially on math.

05-08-2008, 10:58 PM
w00t, thats almost exactly what I said in my earlier post, FTW!reps to you! because off my dome, prior to looking up those definitions, i stated what is meaning 2 of intelligence.

05-08-2008, 11:02 PM
Looking at the big picture, then yes; academics equals intelligence.

What a lot of members are trying to say is that academics doesn't always equal to success.

what the thread poster was asking....is what i was sticking to.....DOES ACADEMICS=INTELLIGENCE?


academics is a way to GAUGE intelligence.....as is REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE.

05-09-2008, 02:00 PM
On different levels; yes. I graduated HS with a 3.75 GPA. Took the SAT in only the 9th grade and scored a 1560/1600. Went to college and graduated Dean's List with 4.0 in computers. That's my educational background. I am, and I'm sure I can be vouched for by many on here, quite intelligent. My posts speak for my education as well. I even talk, most of the time, the same way I type. I play Jeopardy with other folks at the house and they wonder not only why I don't go on the show, but why and how I know most of the answers on the show. I don't attribute all my knowledge to schooling though. A lot of it is through memory retention. I've been watching quiz shows and doing crossword puzzles since I can remember. SO that part helped me with my intelligence level without schooling.

I believe, wholeheartedly, that good grades equals intelligence. But, on the other side of the fence, I don't believe (all the time) that bad grades equals stupidity. There are lots of intelligent people out there that DO NOT do well in test situations or in school period. Doesn't mean they aren't intelligent or smart. Just means they haven't applied themselves where it really does matter. In a school environment.

Later, QD.

Most intelligent post i've read, in this intelligence debate... pun intended.. lol

05-11-2008, 09:47 PM
Did you go to a public high school in Ga? What type of IQ test did you take? I have a hard time believing someone with the IQ close to that of a genius couldn't do well in a ****ty public school system and ace the SAT, a test that doesn't really test for information retention but rather how logically and quickly you are able to think, especially on math.

It was a iq test my college psch teacher had us do. I'd have to look it up but i did take one early on in highschool i'd have to go look for them. the highschool one was a bit lower. Well to explain what I meant I was in advanced classes or honor courses till my junior year. Like I said a lot of drama happened like parents divorce, grandpa passing the day before i took the SAT just didnt quite help so my transcripts look like crap but since then I have been bringing my grades up dramatically. Like i said tests dont always account for outside stress. But I do agree it is a way to gague their intelligence.

05-11-2008, 09:48 PM
addendum to that: also if the person cheats on the tests then it doesnt really help