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View Full Version : Must appear in court for traffic citation, under 21?

04-29-2008, 03:59 PM
hey guys,

didnt really want to post this in the whoreslounge for obvious reasons, but back in early april i got a traffic citation.

it was for using an H.O.V lane improperly. it was the on ramp to 75 by the tiffany's & waffle house for those who know where i am talking about.

i honestly had no idea that it was an H.O.V lane, and neither did the 12093801923 other people the cops pulled over the same time i was pulled over.

i pulled up my traffic citation online and it said i had 0 fines to pay, so i called and asked. apparently if you are under 21 you have to appear in court?

i have no previous driving records / traffic offenses so im not too sure what is going to happen? i wanted to just pay the ticket and be done with it... any idea why they want me to appear in court?



04-29-2008, 04:29 PM
because. they're gay.

even if there was a fine you'd still have to show up. happened to me in sandy springs. cept i had to show up with a parent.

04-29-2008, 04:31 PM
they prolly just want to scare the crap out of you and boost the fine by including court cost. but that is my opinion...... this isn't that bad i don't think you will get bashed that bad maybe alil bit of making fun but it is all fun.... i would rather people have questions like this than know someone in the car scene is drinking and driving

04-29-2008, 04:50 PM
court fee's. lawl. they added a $50 dollar court fee to my ticket back then.

04-29-2008, 05:56 PM
you are going to jail...over that cornhole!

04-30-2008, 10:59 AM
The only reason they want you to appear in court is because of "underage" as they see it. I got pulled over around a year and a half ago and they told me I had to appear in court because I was 20.

05-07-2008, 09:50 PM
I find that dumb. Court sucks, its a waist. I had to go, but you only have to go for certain violations. You'll be fine. But I hate how they pull ppl over for stupid crap. Like going with the flow of traffic so you don't get run off the road...

05-07-2008, 09:57 PM
they're gonna make you take driving classes!! and then the judge will say "you'll thank me for this one day!" and give u another court day... OR if he's in a bad mood, he'll say, "you're a menace to society!" < that's if you're currently not working.
i dont think i'mhelping. You wont be in serious shiit.. worst is driving classes... and/or points. i can picture him giving you a 1st warning.

Wooters? =P