View Full Version : Looking for sponsorships...

04-28-2008, 02:38 PM
Me and another guy are getting together an elite cycling team next year, and are kinda feeling around for possible sponsorships. There will be different "tiers" of sponsorship available, and whichever tier a certain person is will, of course, dictate how much exposure they get. An example would be our title sponsor, in which we are looking for $40,000, would get main exposure on our uniforms, and our team would be called by "w/e cycling team". There will, of course, be smaller tiers available where you can get exposure via different smaller panels on our uniforms. We will also be available for volunteer work at an agreed upon amount of time if need be. There is a lot more stuff that goes with this, but as I said, we're just feeling around right now. PM me if interested.