View Full Version : Misc Religon In a relationship.

Bruce Leroy
04-16-2008, 08:49 AM
Can two people who have different religious views be in a relationship together?

I ask because I've recently started dating a girl that I've know for about 3 years. She is a christian, and I don't have any specific religious beliefs. It does not bother me at all, but my neutrality on the topic bothers her alot. I'm not against religon, its just that I've never had "the feeling" She says she would be able to get over it if i was part of some religious group, but not if i'm neutral on the "most important thing". She knew my views before we started officially daiting, but now whenever we talk about the future she brings up religion. Honestly I can see myself marrying this girl, but i'm afraid that one day she is gonna hit me with an ultimatum of some sorts. And if she does I'm going to have to leave, because i wont be able to just change how i think at the drop of a dime.

Anyone else have any similar experience?

04-16-2008, 08:53 AM
i agnostic myself therefore i barely ever run over cute girls witht he same beliefs,

only problem i could see happening is if there die hard x-ian's or whatever belief then there not going to agree with how you could be so "ignorent" no calling you names just been told myself a few times

04-16-2008, 08:59 AM
if u feel an ultimatum will come up..leave now before later, cuz its gona be hard to leave later. and believe me, whatever issues you have now, will be there later. so if you dont want religion and she wants you to have it...its gona cause friction, believe it.

04-16-2008, 08:59 AM
pick up scientology.

Bruce Leroy
04-16-2008, 09:02 AM
if u feel an ultimatum will come up..leave now before later, cuz its gona be hard to leave later. and believe me, whatever issues you have now, will be there later. so if you dont want religion and she wants you to have it...its gona cause friction, believe it.

Thats what i told her. She is either going to have to accept my views, or it is going to bother her 1000x worse down the road... And i'm not going to deal with that.

pick up scientology.


04-16-2008, 09:03 AM
good luck man. it depends on how accepting and tolerating you both are on religion.

if no one will compromise (ie get past the point of beliefs) then the relationship will fail.

religion and politics are the worst two entities in a relationship because most people are not open minded enough to get past their views and they try to transform their significant other.

04-16-2008, 09:05 AM
which is why i say leave now. she's gona say that she will get over it, but in actuality (most girls) do not let things go if its of a big magnitude like that, real talk....

04-16-2008, 09:07 AM
Yes and no is the short answer to your question.

My wife and I had slightly different beliefs when we started. She was Baptist and I Catholic. Not worlds apart, but different enough to cause some conflict at times. I didn't matter when we were dating, because well.....we were DATING. We did discuss many times what would happen IF we got married. Once the decision came up, we made it together. We like what decision we made and it was a compromise. It works for us.

With that said, I'd say that you guys are really putting the horse before the cart sort of speak. I don't know you or her and am only going by the brief description you have given here when I say the following:

If yall just started dating, why is it such a big point of contention? Can you guys not have a good time "dating" and "getting to know each other" at that level before talking about the 3.2 children and white picket fences? I know you said she could be "the one", but don't you think that's like arguing about something that hasn't even happened yet???? It's very non-productive to argue about things that are far enough into the future to be a non-issue today.

Be honest and explain that sometime in the future this may become a hurdle to get over and work through, but TODAY it should be the "honeymoon" phase of your relationship and this should not be a reason for contention.

Let me give you a very direct and real example:

My grandmother.....as in, my DAD'S MOTHER.....as in, the ONLY grandmother (paternal of course) that I've ever had......so this is no passing person....she's BLOOD......is a Jehovah's Witness. She has been every since I was little. She was raised Catholic, just like 99% of all Puerto Ricans. She converted when she got married to my grandfather. She has ALWAYS tried to sneak in little things here and there to TRY and discuss religion with me. My mother put her on notice YEARS and YEARS ago that if she wanted to spend time with all of us, her ONLY grandchildren, that she needed to respect that we were NOT Jehovah's Witness and DIDN'T believe the same thing she does. She has semi-respected that forever. Matter of fact, she was at my house on Monday night for dinner and "accidentally" left a Watchtower pamphlet thing on our table. My wife simply picked it up and threw it in the trash. We didn't make a big deal about it, just like she didn't. I gave her the same parameters about MY children that my mother gave her about us.....religion is NOT to be pushed on them while they are with you. She has respected that, obviously there are times where she says certain things that are religious and we just have to respect her right to say that too. But 99% of the time, my children understand that she believes something different than we do and it's just the way it is. They wouldn't DARE disrespect her or her beliefs, just like she doesn't push hers onto mine.

Point is that very different religious beliefs can indeed co-exist and even thrive IF they both respect each other and most importantly LOVE each other more than they care to argue about who is right and who is wrong.


04-16-2008, 09:23 AM
Can two people who have different religious views be in a relationship together?

I ask because I've recently started dating a girl that I've know for about 3 years. She is a christian, and I don't have any specific religious beliefs. It does not bother me at all, but my neutrality on the topic bothers her alot. I'm not against religon, its just that I've never had "the feeling" She says she would be able to get over it if i was part of some religious group, but not if i'm neutral on the "most important thing". She knew my views before we started officially daiting, but now whenever we talk about the future she brings up religion. Honestly I can see myself marrying this girl, but i'm afraid that one day she is gonna hit me with an ultimatum of some sorts. And if she does I'm going to have to leave, because i wont be able to just change how i think at the drop of a dime.

Anyone else have any similar experience?
It all depends. An ultimatum wouldn't really be effective on her part. You believe what you believe. I myself don't follow any religion and I know it makes some people uncomfortable. I think she has a vision of the perfect husband/family in which religion is of importance. She sees your lack of faith as an incompatibility. How religious are her parents? Maybe she also feels pressured because they would not approve of your beliefs. YOU need to make her understand that there is nothing that can be done about it and to either accept it or not. I'm willing to bet that she would make your kids Christian anyways, so everything will play out the same as if you belonged to a religion besides Christianity. Maybe she just thinks your going to hell or something.:thinking:

Bruce Leroy
04-16-2008, 09:30 AM
It all depends. An ultimatum wouldn't really be effective on her part. You believe what you believe. I myself don't follow any religion and I know it makes some people uncomfortable. I think she has a vision of the perfect husband/family in which religion is of importance. She sees your lack of faith as an incompatibility. How religious are her parents? Maybe she also feels pressured because they would not approve of your beliefs. YOU need to make her understand that there is nothing that can be done about it and to either accept it or not. I'm willing to bet that she would make your kids Christian anyways, so everything will play out the same as if you belonged to a religion besides Christianity. Maybe she just thinks your going to hell or something.:thinking:

Her parents are very religious, and so are mine. I asked her if she thought i was going to hell yesterday. She said that she couldn't say yes or no, because people cant judge others.... But that just means yes to me

04-16-2008, 02:52 PM
if u feel an ultimatum will come up..leave now before later, cuz its gona be hard to leave later. and believe me, whatever issues you have now, will be there later. so if you dont want religion and she wants you to have it...its gona cause friction, believe it.

Agreed. From what you've said, it seems like she's already making a big issue of it and that issue is not likely to go away.

There are two types of religious people in this world... those who accept other people's belief's and those who don't. If they don't, it's not going to work out.

Of course the religion and lack of religion CAN coexist but both people have to be willing to let them coexist.

I also agreed an ultimatum is likely. I've seen it happen. I know a girl who met this guy online, they met in person and hit it off really well and dated for a while. Then he moved for her and one day she said "I just can't do it. I can't marry someone who isn't of the same religion as me". I think her family may have had some influence but religion is just such a huge part of her life. Her whole life revolves around it and she realized he we never be a part of so many things that meant so much to her. He was left high and dry... heartbroken. I agree in standing behind your principles, but I think she should have made that clear before he moved for her and they spent nearly two years together. All a waste now.

Be upfront, honest and open. Don't end up heartbroken one day because you thought things would change.

04-16-2008, 02:55 PM
Agreed. From what you've said, it seems like she's already making a big issue of it and that issue is not likely to go away.

There are two types of religious people in this world... those who accept other people's belief's and those who don't. If they don't, it's not going to work out.

Of course the religion and lack of religion CAN coexist but both people have to be willing to let them coexist.

I also agreed an ultimatum is likely. I've seen it happen. I know a girl who met this guy online, they met in person and hit it off really well and dated for a while. Then he moved for her and one day she said "I just can't do it. I can't marry someone who isn't of the same religion as me". I think her family may have had some influence but religion is just such a huge part of her life. Her whole life revolves around it and she realized he we never be a part of so many things that meant so much to her. He was left high and dry... heartbroken. I agree in standing behind your principles, but I think she should have made that clear before he moved for her and they spent nearly two years together. All a waste now.

Be upfront, honest and open. Don't end up heartbroken one day because you thought things would change.

reps for this cuz this applies to all things in a relationship..the person will not change unless..THEY want to

04-17-2008, 10:59 PM
True that, put your big girl panties on and DEAL WITH IT.

04-18-2008, 12:11 AM
Since her parents are very religious, I'm willing to be the "equally yoked" conversation has been talked about in that family more then once. Meaning that it's been ground into her more that if both people do not have a strong faith in the same religion, the pair are bound to fail as "god isn't the foundation" so to speak.

My wife was very strong in her beliefs when we were dating, I'm more open to that sort of thing, but I believe there is a god. I'm not into religion at all, but she was. Hell I've even had her mom tell me we need to be equally yoked, I was like "oh ok, sure". But during the dating process, I made it clear in no uncertain terms, that I would NOT be railroaded in becoming religious, even though her family believed it was best. Trust me when I say that caused many a fights, but I did not back down. Now however, we have a very open relationship regarding religion. Before she couldn't even talk about evolution, she would get too upset, now however we have many very good discussions about that and other things. I think what it boils down to is that both people need to be willing to be open minded about the other's views on the subject, even if they dont 100% agree. If she can't at least acknowledge that your views may be different and accept that then you don't need to waste your time. Saying she needs you to be in some religious group to make her feel ok is in a way already an ultimatum and thats not good. I think however your getting way ahead of yourself with the talk of being the one. Knowing someone as a friend for 3 years isn't the same as dating someone for 3 years. I dated my wife for 6 years before we married, I only plan on getting married once, so I had to make damn sure it was gonna be right for us both. Take your time, don't bend yourself to her expectation of what you should believe in or participate in. If your a member of some type of religious group simply for approval and acceptance from a significant other, then my friend your in the wrong relationship, and it WILL fail.

04-18-2008, 01:49 AM
Reps for Jaime and Turbo if I can.

I've been in quite a similar situation for a while now. I've been dating the girl going on 3 years now, and she's a fairly strong Christian. I, on the other hand, am of...shall we say, wavering faith. Long story short, a lot of bad things have happened in my life, and I get to points where I question things. Also, she was raised in one of those hardcore 'Hellfire and Brimstone' style baptist churches, and I, catholic. She tried for a while to get me to start attending her church, which I did a few times, but it wasn't for me. It was nothing like what I was raised to believe and I just couldn't get into it. The same goes for her, she's gone to mass with me quite a few times but didn't care for it at all.

The point I'm trying to make is this: though you may have differing beliefs, if you truly care for one another, rather than making it a point of friction, you'll make it an experience to educate one another on your beliefs, and possibly bring a new level of understanding with it. Use your differences as a chance to bond, not a reason to break.

04-21-2008, 10:27 AM
been there done that, unfortunately. get out of it now before you become further invested, trust me.

04-21-2008, 10:42 AM
Good thread and good replies. Me and my girlfriend just had a little falling out this past weekend on this exact subject. I'm going to throw in my situation just to try and get some more opinions on the subject matter.

First off, I'm pretty much agnostic. My girlfriend, however, is a Jehovah's Witness. First off, no they're not a cult. I've been to their meetings and they're just another Christian denomination who take the Bible in a very literal sense. A lot of their beliefs are standard Christian bits. The problem I forsee, however, comes in a some things that I foresee happening in the near and distant futher. She's starting to get pretty into it so I'm getting worried. Here are some things we disagree on.

1) No sex before marriage.
I'll admit that I'm a sexaholic. Nothing wrong with that. However, as with most religions, hers doesn't agree with sex before marriage so she said she wants to stop. Kinda urking for me, but I think I can make it if I start to stockpile the porn. I can't help but feel, however, that in the future the love-making is really going to take a backseat as she gets more and more involved with the religion. That's not exactly something that I'm looking forward to.

2) No Christmas / Thanksgiving / Birthdays
This is more in future tense than anything. Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in celebrating the Americanized Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even regular birthdays. They find them all to be some form of idol worship. I'm not sure the specifics, but that's their thing. While it doesn't bother me concerning my won birthday, if we have kids, I'll be d@mned if I don't celebrate my kid's birthday and let them have birthday parties. Same thing for Christmas morning.

3) Children's Upbringing
This kind of ties in with the whole holiday/birthday thing. I WILL have kids of my own one day. I'm scared, however, of how our kids will be taught and raised if me and her do get married and settle down. I'm all for the kids finding their own beliefs, but I can't be feel that she'll subconciously push them towards the Christian system. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

There are more topics, but these are the primary ones that urk me. I love her to death, but I question whether or not we're going to be alright spending the rest of our lives together if we get that involved. We've been together almost 2 years now and to just cut bait now seems a bit...impractical and even less diserable.

04-21-2008, 12:48 PM
My great-uncle is baptist and his wife is jewish. I'm sure there were some conflicts when they first got together, but they've been married for years and years and have 3 adult children. They worked together with their religions and compromised. They didn't raise their children as just baptist or just jewish, they meshed the two. If this girl is as crazy about you as you are about her then maybe when you guys get really serious and start talking about marriage, she can be accepting of you and your beliefs. Two different religious backgrounds can work, she'll just have to accept that you don't believe the same thing she does, and that not believing in anything in particular doesn't make you a bad person.

04-21-2008, 12:55 PM
I was never really picky. But it seemed i always ended up dating methodist (just the way it turned out)

04-21-2008, 12:57 PM
Good thread and good replies. Me and my girlfriend just had a little falling out this past weekend on this exact subject. I'm going to throw in my situation just to try and get some more opinions on the subject matter.

First off, I'm pretty much agnostic. My girlfriend, however, is a Jehovah's Witness. First off, no they're not a cult. I've been to their meetings and they're just another Christian denomination who take the Bible in a very literal sense. A lot of their beliefs are standard Christian bits. The problem I forsee, however, comes in a some things that I foresee happening in the near and distant futher. She's starting to get pretty into it so I'm getting worried. Here are some things we disagree on.

1) No sex before marriage.
I'll admit that I'm a sexaholic. Nothing wrong with that. However, as with most religions, hers doesn't agree with sex before marriage so she said she wants to stop. Kinda urking for me, but I think I can make it if I start to stockpile the porn. I can't help but feel, however, that in the future the love-making is really going to take a backseat as she gets more and more involved with the religion. That's not exactly something that I'm looking forward to.

2) No Christmas / Thanksgiving / Birthdays
This is more in future tense than anything. Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in celebrating the Americanized Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even regular birthdays. They find them all to be some form of idol worship. I'm not sure the specifics, but that's their thing. While it doesn't bother me concerning my won birthday, if we have kids, I'll be d@mned if I don't celebrate my kid's birthday and let them have birthday parties. Same thing for Christmas morning.

3) Children's Upbringing
This kind of ties in with the whole holiday/birthday thing. I WILL have kids of my own one day. I'm scared, however, of how our kids will be taught and raised if me and her do get married and settle down. I'm all for the kids finding their own beliefs, but I can't be feel that she'll subconciously push them towards the Christian system. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

There are more topics, but these are the primary ones that urk me. I love her to death, but I question whether or not we're going to be alright spending the rest of our lives together if we get that involved. We've been together almost 2 years now and to just cut bait now seems a bit...impractical and even less diserable.

I don't know if this will be helpful, but my uncle and his wife (baptist/jewish) combined their beliefs on holidays, etc. Their kids got Christmas and Hanukkah (sp?). My mom's a Kindergarten parapro and they do a ton of holiday stuff. She's had a few kids who were Jehovah's Witnesses and its makes her feel bad that the kids can't participate in the class activities. Some of them understand its because of their religion, but she's had one or two that didn't really get it, and could'nt understand why they couldn't participate.

04-21-2008, 02:45 PM
Im not going to read everyones posts just post up my two cents.

If a couple has issues cause of religion, they're both a couple of retards. They claim to love each other or whatever, yet they can't get over the fact that an illusion is keeping them from living a happy life. Now why would "religion" do that?

If you really like someone, you wouldn't let a childish subject get in your way. Try to work things out, if it doesn't, then that means it wasn't meant to be. Move on, and find someone who can understand your point of view on this subject. Period!

04-21-2008, 03:10 PM
Im not going to read everyones posts just post up my two cents.

If a couple has issues cause of religion, they're both a couple of retards. They claim to love each other or whatever, yet they can't get over the fact that an illusion is keeping them from living a happy life. Now why would "religion" do that?

If you really like someone, you wouldn't let a childish subject get in your way. Try to work things out, if it doesn't, then that means it wasn't meant to be. Move on, and find someone who can understand your point of view on this subject. Period!
you sound like an ignorant, immature @sshole w/that kind of response. but then again, it is you...

04-21-2008, 03:11 PM
you sound like an ignorant, immature @sshole w/that kind of response. but then again, it is you...

typical beaners..:police:

04-21-2008, 03:15 PM
you sound like an ignorant, immature @sshole w/that kind of response. but then again, it is you...Sorry but im not going to sugarcoat my posts to sound like a nice person. Im not ass hole yes, ignorant, no. Even if I was in a coma I would be smarter than alot of the current IA members posting around. You obviously have the reading skills of a brain damaged baboon, because any normal person would understand what im trying to say.

04-21-2008, 03:36 PM
Sorry but im not going to sugarcoat my posts to sound like a nice person. Im not ass hole yes, ignorant, no. Even if I was in a coma I would be smarter than alot of the current IA members posting around. You obviously have the reading skills of a brain damaged baboon, because any normal person would understand what im trying to say.
you really are a little prick aren't you alex? what you said had nothing to do w/sugarcoating, as you so mildly put it. let me guess, you're not religious right? neither am i, so why do you speak of religion as if everyone looks at it the way you do? if wars have been fought all throughout the ages over it or in the name of it, maybe it might just be "slightly" important, and not as "retarded" as you make it out to be.

give it a break man, you have no life experience whatsoever to speak from with regards to this so quit acting like you're goddamn dr. phil. :goodjob:

oh and if i have the reading skills of a brain damaged baboon? well, let's just say that wouldn't bode very well for the amount of intellect you possess then.

04-21-2008, 03:51 PM
i vote ban the maniac lol

04-21-2008, 04:02 PM
you really are a little prick aren't you alex? what you said had nothing to do w/sugarcoating, as you so mildly put it. let me guess, you're not religious right? neither am i, so why do you speak of religion as if everyone looks at it the way you do? if wars have been fought all throughout the ages over it or in the name of it, maybe it might just be "slightly" important, and not as "retarded" as you make it out to be.
I never said religion wasn't important, I have even said it was(not in this thread of course) before. What I called retarded was the fact that relationships could be broken so easily but it, that in it self is retarded. Pointless, childish, whatever you want to call it. I say things the way most people wouldn't tell it, if that makes me a prick then oh well. Either people accept it or don't, doesn't matter to me.

Most people on IA know im not a religious person nor believe in the ludicrous tails written in the bible. But im not going to get into that in this thread, this thread is about religion and the effects it has on "realationships." Don't type things that can easily turn this thread into something it's not.

give it a break man, you have no life experience whatsoever to speak from with regards to this so quit acting like you're goddamn dr. phil.
Does it really matter if I do or don't? Just because I've never been to space does that mean I don't know how many planets are in out solar system? Wayen I have nothing against you man, but do something other than show me that your IQ is even lower than my dogs.

oh and if i have the reading skills of a brain damaged baboon? well, let's just say that wouldn't bode very well for the amount of intellect you possess then.
I'm going to ignore the leash "insult", since I can't understand how that could possibly be a legitimate attempt to insult me. Wait, it was supposed to be an insult, right? Oh wait, I get it! This is like one of those riddles on a popsicle stick, right?

04-21-2008, 04:15 PM
I never said religion wasn't important, I have even said it was(not in this thread of course) before. What I called retarded was the fact that relationships could be broken so easily but it, that in it self is retarded. Pointless, childish, whatever you want to call it. I say things the way most people wouldn't tell it, if that makes me a prick then oh well. Either people accept it or don't, doesn't matter to me.

Most people on IA know im not a religious person nor believe in the ludicrous tails written in the bible. But im not going to get into that in this thread, this thread is about religion and the effects it has on "realationships." Don't type things that can easily turn this thread into something it's not.

Does it really matter if I do or don't? Just because I've never been to space does that mean I don't know how many planets are in out solar system? Wayen I have nothing against you man, but do something other than show me that your IQ is even lower than my dogs.

I'm going to ignore the leash "insult", since I can't understand how that could possibly be a legitimate attempt to insult me. Wait, it was supposed to be an insult, right? Oh wait, I get it! This is like one of those riddles on a popsicle stick, right?

right, bc referring to religion as something simple and "childish" was really your way of stressing how important it really is?

and no, don't try to explain again what you really meant, you clearly said if 2 ppl have issues that stem from religion, then THEY are stupid.

see what's making you a prick is the fact that you think your sh1t smells like roses, that your golden nugget is worth twice that of anyone elses, but you try to mask it w/the "oh i speak my mind" bs.

and keep it up with your oh so clever insults, you could use the practice. as far as insulting you? i couldn't imagine ever doing that w/skin as thick as yours, it's a surprise you didn't mistake it for a compliment.

04-21-2008, 04:19 PM
i vote ban the maniac lol
yeah well, the thing is, he's a troll and everyone knows it. and i have no problems w/him trolling all day long in the WL, but this isn't the WL. ppl are trying to have a serious, respectful discussion and he wants to drop in, clearly declare he clearly doesn't care what ppl have said so far, throw a few insults belittling the topic, and feels like he's doing everyone a favor. well he keeps this kinda thing up and he will go, as he has many times before.

04-21-2008, 04:20 PM
I like you too much to embarrass you infront of your fans and anti-maniac members. LOL, You know that I could keep this going and going and going... but for what? I posted up my two cents, if the op likes what I said he will say it, if he doesn't, he will ignore it and move on with his life. Im just another hispanic with no brain cells :p you know this.

04-21-2008, 04:22 PM
I like you too much to embarrass you infront of your fans and anti-maniac members. LOL, You know that I could keep this going and going and going... but for what? I posted up my two cents, if the op likes what I said he will say it, if he doesn't, he will ignore it and move on with his life. Im just another hispanic with no brain cells :p you know this.

embarrass me? that's pretty funny considering how long i've been around here and how many times i've been embarrassed, by anyone.

and yes, you are quite capable of keeping this going on and on and on, but i highly doubt it'll be anything worth reading or taking into serious consideration in any way, not to mention i don't have the time to sit here as a babysitter and make sure you're entertained.

04-21-2008, 04:23 PM
Jeezz, I guess you didn't notice the sarcasm in my post. LOL w/e im done. :D

04-21-2008, 06:20 PM
Jeezz, I guess you didn't notice the sarcasm in my post. LOL w/e im done. :D
all seriousness today man, check back w/me on wed, that's my funny/sarcastic day ;)

04-21-2008, 07:52 PM
I just avoid the problem in the first place - I won't get too far into a relationship unless I know how the girl thinks and feels about religion. I'm an atheist, and I won't get too serious with a girl that tries to force religion on me. But if a girl is willing to put up with me and not drag me to church or anything, then I don't care what she believes. I think the big issue for me would be raising a kid and what to do with teaching them beliefs or not. I would probably let the mother pick in that case. :dunno:

04-22-2008, 01:13 PM
Good thread and good replies. Me and my girlfriend just had a little falling out this past weekend on this exact subject. I'm going to throw in my situation just to try and get some more opinions on the subject matter.

First off, I'm pretty much agnostic. My girlfriend, however, is a Jehovah's Witness. First off, no they're not a cult. I've been to their meetings and they're just another Christian denomination who take the Bible in a very literal sense. A lot of their beliefs are standard Christian bits. The problem I forsee, however, comes in a some things that I foresee happening in the near and distant futher. She's starting to get pretty into it so I'm getting worried. Here are some things we disagree on.

1) No sex before marriage.
I'll admit that I'm a sexaholic. Nothing wrong with that. However, as with most religions, hers doesn't agree with sex before marriage so she said she wants to stop. Kinda urking for me, but I think I can make it if I start to stockpile the porn. I can't help but feel, however, that in the future the love-making is really going to take a backseat as she gets more and more involved with the religion. That's not exactly something that I'm looking forward to.

2) No Christmas / Thanksgiving / Birthdays
This is more in future tense than anything. Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in celebrating the Americanized Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even regular birthdays. They find them all to be some form of idol worship. I'm not sure the specifics, but that's their thing. While it doesn't bother me concerning my won birthday, if we have kids, I'll be d@mned if I don't celebrate my kid's birthday and let them have birthday parties. Same thing for Christmas morning.

3) Children's Upbringing
This kind of ties in with the whole holiday/birthday thing. I WILL have kids of my own one day. I'm scared, however, of how our kids will be taught and raised if me and her do get married and settle down. I'm all for the kids finding their own beliefs, but I can't be feel that she'll subconciously push them towards the Christian system. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

There are more topics, but these are the primary ones that urk me. I love her to death, but I question whether or not we're going to be alright spending the rest of our lives together if we get that involved. We've been together almost 2 years now and to just cut bait now seems a bit...impractical and even less diserable.

I mean your number 1....if it's her religion....and she wants to stop....did she just become a Jehovah's witnesss after the fact? How is she....any religon that doesn't agree with sex before marriage if she's been having sex???

04-22-2008, 01:22 PM
I mean your number 1....if it's her religion....and she wants to stop....did she just become a Jehovah's witnesss after the fact? How is she....any religon that doesn't agree with sex before marriage if she's been having sex???She was a Witness growing up, but then fell out of the faith. She's recently decided to clean herself up and get back into it so the rules are coming back into effect.

04-22-2008, 01:24 PM
ur post makes my brain hurt hard

04-22-2008, 01:25 PM
She was a Witness growing up, but then fell out of the faith. She's recently decided to clean herself up and get back into it so the rules are coming back into effect.

Oh geez. She should have thought that one through before she decided to sex with ya. That's kind crappy "sorry hun no more sex" i'm cleaning myself up, lol, oh yeah guys really wanna hear that one!

04-22-2008, 01:30 PM
ur post makes my brain hurt hardScrew you Sammich! This is a serious discussion! :tongue1:

Oh geez. She should have thought that one through before she decided to sex with ya. That's kind crappy "sorry hun no more sex" i'm cleaning myself up, lol, oh yeah guys really wanna hear that one!Yeah, it sucks but...you know, there's a lot more to her then just sex.

04-22-2008, 01:31 PM
Screw you Sammich! This is a serious discussion! :tongue1:

Yeah, it sucks but...you know, there's a lot more to her then just sex.

Oh I wasn't implying that by my comment. Just...the whole i'm cleaning myself up crap, when it comes to people saying they want to stop having sex based on something b/c of religion and so on, oh well if ya didn't stick to your reglion the first time, that's your own fault.

04-22-2008, 01:39 PM
Screw you Sammich! This is a serious discussion! :tongue1:

Yeah, it sucks but...you know, there's a lot more to her then just sex.

lol naw i didnt understand what he was trying to say

04-22-2008, 03:52 PM
Oh I wasn't implying that by my comment. Just...the whole i'm cleaning myself up crap, when it comes to people saying they want to stop having sex based on something b/c of religion and so on, oh well if ya didn't stick to your reglion the first time, that's your own fault.

my wife went through a time like that, we were having sex, then she felt bad and we stopped. Happened once 3 years in, and lasted about 6 months. I wasn't in the relationship for sex, so it wasn't that big a deal. Hell if nothing else it'll stop the possiblity of the baby issue coming up...muhahaha.

04-22-2008, 04:30 PM
Hell if nothing else it'll stop the possiblity of the baby issue coming up...muhahaha.Finding that silver lining, huh? lol

04-22-2008, 06:52 PM
Finding that silver lining, huh? lol

there is always one.

04-25-2008, 11:07 AM
My BF is catholic and i was raised muslim. But i am secular... i don't really hold religious values AT ALL but my family does. He's the love of my life and so far religion isn't an issue. But one day it might be if we r still together... we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

love is love. i think it is possible to maintain a relationship with god, if you believe in one, without the interference of church rules. If there is a god, i would like to believe that he would be gracious enough to condone two people loving each other rather than holding it as a test of faith and where your loyalties lie.

04-25-2008, 11:10 AM
My BF is catholic and i was raised muslim. But i am secular... i don't really hold religious values AT ALL but my family does. He's the love of my life and so far religion isn't an issue. But one day it might be if we r still together... we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
gl whenever that day comes.

love is love. i think it is possible to maintain a relationship with god, if you believe in one, without the interference of church rules. If there is a god, i would like to believe that he would be gracious enough to condone two people loving each other rather than holding it as a test of faith and where your loyalties lie.
me too, but that's also partly why i don't believe in a god currently.

04-25-2008, 12:48 PM
Religion doesn't seem to be a huge deal if you catholic, methodist, baptist...ect.
But muslim, with any of the above...seems to be a conflict