View Full Version : How about a good morning rant?

08-13-2005, 10:20 AM
There was an article in yesterday's(I believe it was yesterday) AJC about a woman who lost her son in Iraq this past week. Now, all of a sudden, she is an anti-war advocate.

What the fuck is wrong with these idiots who say nothing about the war being bad until they lose a loved one? All of a sudden the war is an awful thing and we shouldn't be there after your son, daughter, Mom or Dad or whoever is lost in combat. Why aren't you publicly outspoken before this person gets killed? So I guess that, to you, it means that war isn't that bad until you lose your family/friend. Then, all of a sudden, we have no business there. All of a sudden, Bush is now the enemy. I have heard/read about this on many occasions where the family is "proud of my son" and "he is doing a great thing for the US" during these times. Then, when they get the visit, the next day in the paper and on the news, it's that same family blasting Bush for being over there. Again....WTF?!?!? Shut up. Fuk off. End rant. Later, QD.

08-13-2005, 10:26 AM
This is the thing that gets me about people and their bitching about losing sons,daughters, moms, and dads in combat.... noboday forced them to sign up for the military and somewhere in the back of their head they had to know some time or another that they would have to go into combat... did they think that is was going to be all rainbows and lollipops???? did they think that somehow they would be picked over? this type of career choice has that type of outcome., Granted I do appreciate them fighting/dying for our country.. so why are they bitching if they new somehow it might be inevitable???? pisses me off.. :mad:

08-13-2005, 10:34 AM
Also, ALOT of these soldiers over there are people who signed up to fight for this country right after 9/11. Thats when tons of people signed up to fight this war on terror, they knew the risks, they know the danger... They are fighting for us by choice, They werent drafted