View Full Version : Who hates Best Buys?

03-20-2008, 07:27 PM
Uh Uh! I do, I do!!

I'll be quick!

Manager decides to call the cops on me for getting loud and DEMANDING a return on a purchase I had made at another store. He even claimed I had opened the item when in fact the CS rep opened the box for the first time just moments before.

He claimed I was trying to pull a scam and REFUSED to return the item. After 15 minutes of arguing I got loud. I demanded he return it and my voice was heard across the store. Everyone began watching. He began to studder and screamed at his door man to call the cops.

After 5 minutes of waiting around for someone to take action the door man walks up to me and asks what’s going on. Everyone else is whispering to each other. I calmly explain the situation and he points out on their return policy board that "Best Buy's reserves the right to deny any return".

I was defeated. He simply said take the item to another location and they will do it for you. I left. Damn it I should have gotten the managers name and his denial in writing so I could inform corporate. I suck.

/End Rant.

03-20-2008, 07:35 PM
lol @ cops lol

03-20-2008, 07:43 PM
Ugh, it's customers like you that make me hate working in retail. There's no reason to get loud. I've been screwed around with trying to make returns before at stores where i couldn't just take it to another location and get my money back, and you know what? I still had some consideration for the cashiers and cs people that aren't getting paid enough to deal with a belligerent customer.

03-20-2008, 08:15 PM
its BEST BUY damnit

03-20-2008, 08:16 PM
I'm the manager, I'm calling the cops.

03-20-2008, 08:17 PM
Ugh, it's customers like you that make me hate working in retail. There's no reason to get loud. I've been screwed around with trying to make returns before at stores where i couldn't just take it to another location and get my money back, and you know what? I still had some consideration for the cashiers and cs people that aren't getting paid enough to deal with a belligerent customer.

+ for you! EXACTLY, it's not the cashiers fault that you are having problems, its the manufacturer of the products fault. I work at blockbuster and when people get a movie that skips they think it is ALL my fault, i tell them
"here is another copy, have a good day."

03-20-2008, 08:28 PM
yeah in all honesty. people like you is why retail people hate the business. best buy is in fact the company that i work for, and they are right. we have strict guidelines that cover many things from sales, to returns, to inventory, to orderin, etc. Managers have every right to tell you that you cannot return a product if the certain it pertains to the certain policies. They also have every right to tell you to leave the premises if your becomming irrational and so forth. so in all honesty, that whole situation is your fault. policies have to be followed by the managers that are sent down by the corporate office. if you were to right a letter to the office explaining the situation, more then likely they would tell you the same thing that the manager would tell you, but in a letter and give you a gift card or store credit to try and make everything right.

03-20-2008, 08:49 PM
hey hey, before yall flame the guy, re-evaluate the situation.

By the way I was employed with best buy YEARS ago, so I know.

I had a similar experience, which is why I can relate (well not about the cops thing)... Well it is store policy that you can return ANYTHING that you buy at any store at any other store (check postings as well as ask a sales rep... they will push this policy to ease the sale WHENEVER THEY GET THE CHANCE). Whether its an online sale or a sale from another state, if its a qualified return, THE COMPANY IS OBLIGATED TO TAKE IT BACK.... this is where it gets sticky.

Say you're sold something, and you happen to be passing a different best buy and want to return it... You talk to the manager, it would be a completely valid return at the other store but the manager is hesitant. Why? Because HIS STORE is taking a hit on a item that they didn't sell. This makes his store look bad and damages his number, and in essence his bonus. He denies the return and tells you to go back to the store you got it from.

What about the NUMEROUS TIMES the sales rep told you you can return anything at any location (as instructed)?????

Just BS...

it really pisses me off, This retarded thing wasted a good hour of my time. Another thing they do (I don't know if its intentional, but it happens) is have tons of misinformed employees. Tons of them still say that a PSP (service plan) return will repair your broken item, if its not repairable, they'll replace it , if its no longer available, they'll give you another one of the same value.... THIS IS NOT TRUE. BEST BUY NO LONGER DOES PRICE TO PRICE SWAP OUTS... THEY DO TECHNOLOGY TO TECHNOLOGY SWAP OUTS... and they do that sh!t mad sparingly too.... They make an extra buck off of you during that process, downgrading you... and selling you service on the new one.

Its a dirty game... seriously.

When it happened to me, As soon as the manager saw that I wasn't going to take no for an answer coincidentially decided to take his lunch break, mid conversation, bc he knew that i would have made him honor the return. I wasted an hour of driving to get back to the store I purchased it from....

03-20-2008, 09:36 PM
Don't be in retail if you can't deal with customers.

I get paid $5.85 an hour at wendys and I have to put up with peoples sht, I just take it as part of the job. This "I don't get paid enough to deal with these people" bull sht is just that, bull sht. Don't get a job selling something if you can't handle customers.
Grow up.

OP, right on, stand up for yourself.

03-20-2008, 09:43 PM
I was calm, very calm. I was calm for the first 15 or so minutes until he blatantly says no and walks out on me. He claimed he was the highest person I could speak to and I was out of luck. He claimed I was pulling a scam. He claimed I opened the item. He was WRONG.

If you know me you know I dont get loud without reason, especially in a public setting. I'm not one to pick fights. I simply couldn't understand this man and all his false assumptions.

I pulled out my receipt and asked him where in the policy it said he could deny my return. He pointed at it abruptly and said without specification that it was there. No reason, no justification.

03-20-2008, 09:45 PM
you should've showed him a picture of your convertible BMW and let him you know you win at life anyways.

03-20-2008, 09:50 PM
I still had some consideration for the cashiers and cs people that aren't getting paid enough to deal with a belligerent customer.

I had more then enough consideration for the CS and the cashiers. When did I say I didn't? The manager does get paid enough to handle my situation, espiecially if hes the "highest person" I could have spoken to.

its WORST BUYs damnit
Corrected :goodjob:

+ for you! EXACTLY, it's not the cashiers fault that you are having problems, its the manufacturer of the products fault. I work at blockbuster and when people get a movie that skips they think it is ALL my fault, i tell them
"here is another copy, have a good day."

When did I blame the chashier? I'm having problems with the manager.

Manufacturer?! I never opened the item good sr.

03-20-2008, 10:09 PM
BTW: Their whole intRAnet scam is f*cked up too. Different prices when you search their website using their network verses what you see at home via the intERnet

03-20-2008, 10:13 PM
yeah i can understand the fact that you may have gotten annoyed when he told you to take it back to the orginal store. a lot of retail stores although you are able to return it to any store, do not like that you do that. so they tell you that you need to return it to the original store. This is all in order to keep return/exchange, product loss, and loss in revenue down.

03-20-2008, 10:17 PM
so they tell you that you need to return it to the original store. This is all in order to keep return/exchange, product loss, and loss in revenue down.
You'd figure they COULDN'T do that with the way they flaunt the fact that you CAN return it at any best buy. The whole care plus bullsh!t... The same sh!t they tell you to do on the e-compass online learnings. To push a sale. The whole versed line that all of the employees hold so dear ... that you can return it hassle free within 30 days at any location. How can you justify it, I don't give a fuk if the store doesn't hit revenue that day, thats not my problem as a consumer. If they aren't able to fulfill, then why offer?! You see what I mean?

Got Milk?
03-20-2008, 10:20 PM
Something like this happened to me today.

Lady comes to me and tells me she want to do a return. At my store, a manager has to do any return that customer brings back.I tell her"Here is this form, please fill it out and i will call my manager to do the return for you" she replies"Ok, thx". So i call the manager, and than she starts complaining that i was ignoring her.But what she doesnt know that im cool as **** with my manager(so i dont do anything but think inside my self, WTF just happened". After she leaves, my manager goes"WOW stupid people like her ruin my day"

03-20-2008, 10:24 PM
yeah definetly. dont get me wrong, i dont really like a lot of the things that best buy has when it comes to policies/guidelines/SOP standards, etc. a lot of the things are irrelovent to what they actually do and how they hold business. the thing i dotn really understand, and i have been there for two and a half years, is how they segment customers. A lot of these 'segments' that they create and put towards stores, are essentially wrong towards the demographics. many of the things that they ask us to do to help the customers, majority of the customers do not want. having to continously asking them the same thing over and over again, customers who have already answered questions and or signed up for things can get annoyed with these.

Got Milk?
03-20-2008, 10:27 PM
by the way, i love best buy.

03-20-2008, 11:17 PM
It's funny when people want to "get your name and contact corporate" :lmfao: Seriously, it's a waste of time. Nothing is going to happen and your just wasting your time. Your better off just going to another store and talking to someone else :goodjob:

03-21-2008, 12:18 AM
fk best buy! i bought my lcd from circuit shiitty :taun:

03-21-2008, 02:06 AM
i stole $500 worth of gaming stuff from BEST BUY once when i was a kid and i got ban for 2 years, now they want me to buy puahahahaha.. tell your manager stop sending me stuff in the mail.. lol.. anyways funny thread.. ill hit up brandsmart or fry's

03-21-2008, 08:13 AM
I've always been a fan of Best Buy. Mainly because they have the best anime selection near my house. I recently found a Fry's near work and they have a better selection and prices so I'll probably go there from now on.

03-21-2008, 10:22 AM
i stole $500 worth of gaming stuff from BEST BUY once when i was a kid and i got ban for 2 years, now they want me to buy puahahahaha.. tell your manager stop sending me stuff in the mail.. lol.. anyways funny thread.. ill hit up brandsmart or fry's you got lucky, $500 in theft in georgia is an instant felony, according to a LEO friend of mine.

Slow Motion
03-21-2008, 02:44 PM
being owned by best buy just fuels your hate.

03-21-2008, 02:51 PM
You were inconsiderate of the poor cashier or customer service person by being loud and pissing off the manager - the cashier got yelled at for that later, guaranteed. I understand that working with customers comes as part of the job, but you have to understand that working at wendy's isn't the same as working at a retail store. No one comes back to the counter and says "excuse me, six months ago i bought the wrong hamburger, could i get my money back now?"

OP, i dont think you were pulling a scam, honestly, but you have to think about all the people that DO. For example, i work at a mid-sized chain, and all the stores are independently owned, so we set our own return policy and each store can say "sorry" to returning an item purchased at a different location. Generally, though, we do take returns from others stores. But a few days ago, i had a guy come in with an item and receipt from another store, wanting to return. I looked at the receipt to see how he paid and cross off the item as returned, and the item is on there, but was voided out and never sold to him. I told him i wouldn't be able to take the return because it was not sold in this receipt, and he FLIPS. absolutely FREAKS on me and starts screaming for my manager (he had been totally cool until then) and my manager came over, got yelled at, told the guy to take it back to where he bought it because we weren't taking it back. He stormed out, and then my manager turned around and yelled at me!

I wouldn't ever get loud in a store. It's one thing to be quietly pissed and call the manager, or write to corporate, or ask for their regional/district manager's phone number and then call them. But when you get loud, 90% of the time you're gonna piss the manager you're talking with off and make him even less likely to do what you want, and you're gonna piss off the cashier because they know they're in trouble for nothing, and you don't get your way. No one wins! Just STAY CALM!

03-21-2008, 03:15 PM
I worked at Target for two years and only once did I have a belligerent customer. They had two no reciept returns within the past 2 months already and wanted another one. Company policy is 2 per year. After explaining to her this policy she seemed to calm down and said she'd try and find the reciept and come back. If you can't keep customers calm, then you suck at retail, get another damn job.

PS. to TS, get loud if you have too, no reason to be wrongfully accused and attack by some ****** ass manager.

03-21-2008, 04:31 PM
he points out on their return policy board that "Best Buy's reserves the right to deny any return".

Damn it I should have gotten the managers name and his denial in writing so I could inform corporate.

The above quote makes me wonder why you would do what is in the below quote. If they reserve the right to accept returns, then informing corporate of his refusal will only let them know that store policies are being utilized. Later, QD.

03-21-2008, 04:53 PM
You were inconsiderate of the poor cashier or customer service person by being loud and pissing off the manager - the cashier got yelled at for that later, guaranteed. I understand that working with customers comes as part of the job, but you have to understand that working at wendy's isn't the same as working at a retail store. No one comes back to the counter and says "excuse me, six months ago i bought the wrong hamburger, could i get my money back now?"

OP, i dont think you were pulling a scam, honestly, but you have to think about all the people that DO. For example, i work at a mid-sized chain, and all the stores are independently owned, so we set our own return policy and each store can say "sorry" to returning an item purchased at a different location. Generally, though, we do take returns from others stores. But a few days ago, i had a guy come in with an item and receipt from another store, wanting to return. I looked at the receipt to see how he paid and cross off the item as returned, and the item is on there, but was voided out and never sold to him. I told him i wouldn't be able to take the return because it was not sold in this receipt, and he FLIPS. absolutely FREAKS on me and starts screaming for my manager (he had been totally cool until then) and my manager came over, got yelled at, told the guy to take it back to where he bought it because we weren't taking it back. He stormed out, and then my manager turned around and yelled at me!

I wouldn't ever get loud in a store. It's one thing to be quietly pissed and call the manager, or write to corporate, or ask for their regional/district manager's phone number and then call them. But when you get loud, 90% of the time you're gonna piss the manager you're talking with off and make him even less likely to do what you want, and you're gonna piss off the cashier because they know they're in trouble for nothing, and you don't get your way. No one wins! Just STAY CALM!

LOL @ you for getting yelled at. Your manager is an idiot.

More than likely that customer service rep that he dealed with did not get yelled at. The manager and the rep probably discussed how much of a dumbass that customer was for yelling at him, we do it all the time :yes:

03-21-2008, 07:17 PM
Your lucky, check out this BS:

i got into something like that at burger king.. I parked kinda quick by a escalade which was the manager's car.. b!tch manager came out cursing and bitching at me for my driving and how i almost hit her car (LOL). i told her to stfu and give me a burger.. after couple useless arguments with a person of an IQ equivalent to a 3 year old, she tells me she has a gun in the car and threatens me.. I then try to get the number for corporate but she calls the cops, so I wait since i did nothing wrong.. Well the corrupt DeKalb county Sergeant cop gets there, ignores me and gives me a ticket for creating a hazardous condition.. He did not see anything and is only going by what the fat b!tch is saying, btw they are friends.. I tell him that and he tells me to fight it in court.. i say
"fine, but can you get the number for corporate so i can complain"
he answers:
"Get out of my sight, im sick of your sh!t"

Right away i follow his orders and walk away while nodding my head..

While walking away, he goes:
"you want to be a smarta$s, ill tell you what" And arrested me for disorderly conduct.. as soon as i realized i was being arrested i put my hands behind my back, that sick sadistic fu.ck shoved me against the car, left bruises on my wrist etc..

I was taken in by his colleague, who pulled over after to loosen the cuffs and even told me that i should fight this injustice!!

How is it possible that to become a cop you only need a high school diploma and 6 months at the academy? the losers and dumbas$es of society become cops, and they have way too much power..


not all cops are that way, but alot...

03-21-2008, 08:33 PM
This thread got interesting

03-22-2008, 12:44 AM
that sucks. I hate crappy people. I just tell them they are crap and start insulting their intelligence when I know I can't do anything because of their god damn policies. This just seems rediculous though. What a loser...I would def. go back and get his name and do something about it.

On a side note. I just returned a cell phone charger I bought yesterday and bought the "right one" because some jackass assured me that the one he gave me would work. I returned it and got the right one within 10 miuntes.

03-22-2008, 10:44 PM
The above quote makes me wonder why you would do what is in the below quote. If they reserve the right to accept returns, then informing corporate of his refusal will only let them know that store policies are being utilized. Later, QD.

But if their policy is being used unjustly and in turn hurting their bottom line by turning away clientele then I do think they would care. Corporate is usually alot easier to deal with because they care about the company's image and to them it's most important.

Your lucky, check out this BS:

i got into something like that at burger king.. I parked kinda quick by a escalade which was the manager's car.. b!tch manager came out cursing and bitching at me for my driving and how i almost hit her car (LOL). i told her to stfu and give me a burger.. after couple useless arguments with a person of an IQ equivalent to a 3 year old, she tells me she has a gun in the car and threatens me.. I then try to get the number for corporate but she calls the cops, so I wait since i did nothing wrong.. Well the corrupt DeKalb county Sergeant cop gets there, ignores me and gives me a ticket for creating a hazardous condition.. He did not see anything and is only going by what the fat b!tch is saying, btw they are friends.. I tell him that and he tells me to fight it in court.. i say
"fine, but can you get the number for corporate so i can complain"
he answers:
"Get out of my sight, im sick of your sh!t"

Right away i follow his orders and walk away while nodding my head..

While walking away, he goes:
"you want to be a smarta$s, ill tell you what" And arrested me for disorderly conduct.. as soon as i realized i was being arrested i put my hands behind my back, that sick sadistic fu.ck shoved me against the car, left bruises on my wrist etc..

I was taken in by his colleague, who pulled over after to loosen the cuffs and even told me that i should fight this injustice!!

How is it possible that to become a cop you only need a high school diploma and 6 months at the academy? the losers and dumbas$es of society become cops, and they have way too much power..


not all cops are that way, but alot...

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Nissan Sean
03-22-2008, 11:24 PM
^your just the kind of customer that pisses us(retail)people off, i understand you were angry and probably justified, but once u start yelling i no longer try to fx your problem, instead i try to get u to stfu or gtfo. i almost always demand the customer to leave my store. and people that do returns are asswholes anyway, if you want something buy it, dont buy it then return it, just my 2 cents....

03-23-2008, 08:12 AM
Whine, whine, whine. You people that think you have it rough in retail need to try selling cars. You get treated like crap by everyone, always. The customers think you're trying to fvck them over, the managers WANT you to fvck them over. Lose-lose. I was once physically assaulted by a customer when selling cars, so don't ***** about how rough your job is. Selling cars is CAKE, and it's harder than working retail. Getting reprimanded for not handling something correctly is part of your job, it's your manager's job to do it. Don't complain about something that is inherent in your, and any other profession dealing with the public. Deal with it or get a better job.

03-23-2008, 10:00 AM
idk why everybody is pointing fingers at the customer in this situation. it was the retailer that called this guy a liar. big mistake..

vandalize that best buy for sure. ski masks and bloack clothing. broken glass and spray paint.:ninja:

03-23-2008, 04:15 PM
Whine, whine, whine. You people that think you have it rough in retail need to try selling cars. You get treated like crap by everyone, always. The customers think you're trying to fvck them over, the managers WANT you to fvck them over. Lose-lose. I was once physically assaulted by a customer when selling cars, so don't ***** about how rough your job is. Selling cars is CAKE, and it's harder than working retail. Getting reprimanded for not handling something correctly is part of your job, it's your manager's job to do it. Don't complain about something that is inherent in your, and any other profession dealing with the public. Deal with it or get a better job.

+1 QFT!

I am in car retail as well, I deal with customers EVERY SINGLE DAY! I dont treat them like sh*t. EVER.

03-23-2008, 04:43 PM
But if their policy is being used unjustly

How is it being used unjustly when it is their right to refuse return? It doesn't have specific details in that "rule" that they have to go by does it?

By the way, I'm not coming down on you. I'd be mad as hail to, lolol. Later, QD.

03-23-2008, 07:31 PM
you got lucky, $500 in theft in georgia is an instant felony, according to a LEO friend of mine.

i didnt know that. plus i was only 11 lol :lmfao:

03-23-2008, 07:56 PM
Well I HATE BestBuy credit cards!!! FUK SHT DAM FUK!

03-23-2008, 07:57 PM
Well I HATE BestBuy credit cards!!! FUK SHT DAM FUK!

wanna explain your debts?? lol jk :D

03-23-2008, 08:17 PM
Your lucky, check out this BS:

i got into something like that at burger king.. I parked kinda quick by a escalade which was the manager's car.. b!tch manager came out cursing and bitching at me for my driving and how i almost hit her car (LOL). i told her to stfu and give me a burger.. after couple useless arguments with a person of an IQ equivalent to a 3 year old, she tells me she has a gun in the car and threatens me.. I then try to get the number for corporate but she calls the cops, so I wait since i did nothing wrong.. Well the corrupt DeKalb county Sergeant cop gets there, ignores me and gives me a ticket for creating a hazardous condition.. He did not see anything and is only going by what the fat b!tch is saying, btw they are friends.. I tell him that and he tells me to fight it in court.. i say
"fine, but can you get the number for corporate so i can complain"
he answers:
"Get out of my sight, im sick of your sh!t"

Right away i follow his orders and walk away while nodding my head..

While walking away, he goes:
"you want to be a smarta$s, ill tell you what" And arrested me for disorderly conduct.. as soon as i realized i was being arrested i put my hands behind my back, that sick sadistic fu.ck shoved me against the car, left bruises on my wrist etc..

I was taken in by his colleague, who pulled over after to loosen the cuffs and even told me that i should fight this injustice!!

How is it possible that to become a cop you only need a high school diploma and 6 months at the academy? the losers and dumbas$es of society become cops, and they have way too much power..


not all cops are that way, but alot...
I witnessed this. I just stood there in disbelief.

umairejaz, which best buy was it? I had the manager of a best buy refuse to give me the "free installation" that they promised when pushing the sale. I said "I have my receipt right here with the date. You can check to verify that you promised free installation on all your head units during that time." It was like 4-5 weeks later. He said "Nope, I'm not going to do that". After arguing for 10 minutes or so I said, in a normal tone, "well, that's bull****" There were no customers around. He then kicks me out of the store. I go around back to get my car and grab my stock head unit, which they managed to break in the mean time. He comes running out the back saying GTFO the property or I'm calling the cops. At that point I went off on him and told him **** you, call the cops:blah:. I just left because it wasn't worth the trouble, but I just couldn't believe how crummy the service was and how irrational the manager was. Best Buy ftl. I will buy from best buy in the same way i will buy from a random person on the street.

03-23-2008, 08:21 PM
wanna explain your debts?? lol jk :DNaw, I had no debt, they just put my posted "pay date" on a friday and in fine print, they point out that payments cannot be made on Fridays and will be posted the following Monday. So lo and behold, I got docked for $75 on a balance of $30 because THEY wouldnt allow me to pay early.

03-23-2008, 08:29 PM
I witnessed this. I just stood there in disbelief.

umairejaz, which best buy was it? I had the manager of a best buy refuse to give me the "free installation" that they promised when pushing the sale. I said "I have my receipt right here with the date. You can check to verify that you promised free installation on all your head units during that time." It was like 4-5 weeks later. He said "Nope, I'm not going to do that". After arguing for 10 minutes or so I said, in a normal tone, "well, that's bull****" There were no customers around. He then kicks me out of the store. I go around back to get my car and grab my stock head unit, which they managed to break in the mean time. He comes running out the back saying GTFO the property or I'm calling the cops. At that point I went off on him and told him **** you, call the cops:blah:. I just left because it wasn't worth the trouble, but I just couldn't believe how crummy the service was and how irrational the manager was. Best Buy ftl. I will buy from best buy in the same way i will buy from a random person on the street.

not to disagree with you or anything man, and i appologize for the managers actions, even if it wasnt at my store. but when was this that you were promise the free install? depending on when it was, he could have said no cuz we stopped offering free install a while back. its a dumb move on the companies part, but thats probably why he said no. I do hate when i hear how these managers act towards people, i really havent seen any managers act irrational or anything of that nature at my store unless forced to do so by the customer. most of the managers usually stay calm and only MAYBE get irrational if the customer goes to that first.

03-23-2008, 11:25 PM
How is it being used unjustly when it is their right to refuse return? It doesn't have specific details in that "rule" that they have to go by does it?

By the way, I'm not coming down on you. I'd be mad as hail to, lolol. Later, QD.

I think it was unjust for the fact he gave me no reason as to why he wouldn't take my return.

03-23-2008, 11:28 PM
and I think Worst Buy's pressure on its managers to meet their bottom line has them acting like this.

03-24-2008, 03:02 AM
Your lucky, check out this BS:

i got into something like that at burger king.. I parked kinda quick by a escalade which was the manager's car.. b!tch manager came out cursing and bitching at me for my driving and how i almost hit her car (LOL). i told her to stfu and give me a burger.. after couple useless arguments with a person of an IQ equivalent to a 3 year old, she tells me she has a gun in the car and threatens me.. I then try to get the number for corporate but she calls the cops, so I wait since i did nothing wrong.. Well the corrupt DeKalb county Sergeant cop gets there, ignores me and gives me a ticket for creating a hazardous condition.. He did not see anything and is only going by what the fat b!tch is saying, btw they are friends.. I tell him that and he tells me to fight it in court.. i say
"fine, but can you get the number for corporate so i can complain"
he answers:
"Get out of my sight, im sick of your sh!t"

Right away i follow his orders and walk away while nodding my head..

While walking away, he goes:
"you want to be a smarta$s, ill tell you what" And arrested me for disorderly conduct.. as soon as i realized i was being arrested i put my hands behind my back, that sick sadistic fu.ck shoved me against the car, left bruises on my wrist etc..

I was taken in by his colleague, who pulled over after to loosen the cuffs and even told me that i should fight this injustice!!

How is it possible that to become a cop you only need a high school diploma and 6 months at the academy? the losers and dumbas$es of society become cops, and they have way too much power..


not all cops are that way, but alot...

you could be driving a carrera gt if you fight this in court to the fullest. that is a damn good case right there.

03-24-2008, 05:32 AM
not to disagree with you or anything man, and i appologize for the managers actions, even if it wasnt at my store. but when was this that you were promise the free install? depending on when it was, he could have said no cuz we stopped offering free install a while back. its a dumb move on the companies part, but thats probably why he said no. I do hate when i hear how these managers act towards people, i really havent seen any managers act irrational or anything of that nature at my store unless forced to do so by the customer. most of the managers usually stay calm and only MAYBE get irrational if the customer goes to that first. It was about 3 years ago. They were still offering free installs at the time. I just didn't get it installed right away because they couldn't install it that week and I had to go out of town after that. I have worked several jobs in retail, so I'm always very polite. This guy was just a total d*ck to me from the second I walked up. Probably because I was young. He just started to get angry when I agrued my point. I'm not tripping over it, just thought I'd share.

03-24-2008, 07:11 AM
sorry to hear. Give people little power and they think they are god.

03-24-2008, 10:28 PM
sorry to hear. Give people little power and they think they are god.

especially if you give dumb ppl power.. and cops ARE gods and dumb ones, lets face it, 99% of cops are dropouts/failures in life.. anyone that is smart, successful and does good in school/college would never be a cop.. And besides, I love you TRYMY4.0...i want to marry you.

you could be driving a carrera gt if you fight this in court to the fullest. that is a damn good case right there.

so many beatings and abuse go unrecorded.. the only ones that get caught are the ones that are taped, its your word against his and the judge will not believe you.. I wanted to go after him but the vehicle was not equipped with a camera and the other officer would obviously not testify against his sergeant, so it would be my word vs. his.. all he has to say is i resisted arrest or refused to cooperate, where is the proof that i didn't? my lawyer said it would be better for me not to fight it.. in the end, everything got dropped and my record got expunged.. w/e, one less crooked cop wouldn't change anything anyway..

I think every police vehicle should be equipped with a camera in order to protect the rights of the general public..

funny part of this story:
Once i was arrested and sitting in the cruiser, he searched my car and me.. He found two tickets, one "19 mph over" and one "too fast for condition," he asked me if i thought i was a good driver, and i responded "yes" he then asked me why and if i had any professional training and I said: "ive gone to panoz racing school"

he froze, stuttered, and then said " well one day your gonna kill someone" right before slamming the door.. :lmfao: burned.......

his colleague that took me in gave me props and told me it was funny to see me burn the sergeant.. lol

03-25-2008, 12:27 AM
LOL @ you for getting yelled at. Your manager is an idiot.

More than likely that customer service rep that he dealed with did not get yelled at. The manager and the rep probably discussed how much of a dumbass that customer was for yelling at him, we do it all the time :yes:
Jullians right, most of the time when you thought u made a impact and the persons getting their ass chewed out by the manager, their really just standing there talking about why the hell it's snowing outside...

03-27-2008, 09:28 AM
especially if you give dumb ppl power.. and cops ARE gods and dumb ones, lets face it, 99% of cops are dropouts/failures in life.. anyone that is smart, successful and does good in school/college would never be a cop.. And besides, I love you TRYMY4.0...i want to marry you.

ummmmmmmmm ok? I...love...you...too?

03-28-2008, 01:58 PM
^^you didnt call me last night. What gives? I thought u were gonna cum over...:idb:

03-28-2008, 02:56 PM
Return it to Wal-Mart. They take back anything!

03-28-2008, 02:58 PM
bought a laptop from best buy.. they wouldn't take it back except with a 15% restocking fee.. skeemers.. office depot took my laptop back when it broke within the 14 days.. no questions asked.. and yeah, walmart takes everything back..

03-28-2008, 03:01 PM
Froggy-i wuv u an all but...stop posting that ish on IA.

when u goin PB? Im low on cash but maybe in a few weeks we'll all go.

03-28-2008, 03:03 PM
Return it to Wal-Mart. They take back anything!Nuh uh! Wal-Mart is evil!

See thread (http://www.importatlanta.com/forums/showthread.php?t=167284) for details.

03-28-2008, 03:45 PM
STOP EDITING MY POSTS TRYMY4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

03-28-2008, 03:47 PM
Froggy-i wuv u an all but...stop posting that ish on IA.

when u goin PB? Im low on cash but maybe in a few weeks we'll all go.

i dont know, i need to soon!! i need to try my new gun :yes: i need that hopper from ya, ill stop by today, and then all i need is a nitro tank.. :D

03-28-2008, 03:58 PM
KEEP EDITING MY POSTS TRYMY4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Okie dokie :goodjob:

03-28-2008, 04:01 PM

Froggy-lemme know if u wanna stop by the shop one day. I will bring it down for ya.

03-28-2008, 04:04 PM
btw-i didnt edit ANYTHING... :ninja:

03-28-2008, 04:04 PM
bought a toy from swinging richards.. they wouldn't take it back since it was used.. skeemers.. thick johnny's male outlet took my fister back when it broke within the 14 days.. no questions asked.. and yeah, walmart takes everything backHoly Hell TMI :police:

03-28-2008, 04:12 PM

03-28-2008, 04:13 PM
the thing is, Froggy does buy weird sh*t. he bought a f*ckable cow for our friend for his b-day

03-28-2008, 04:55 PM
the thing is, Froggy does buy weird sh*t. he bought a f*ckable cow for our friend for his b-day


and yes, not shown, but there is a hole at the anus.. and it came with free samples of lube.. how can anyone resist? i bought myself one aswell..

03-28-2008, 04:56 PM
and yes, not shown, but there is a hole at the anus.. and it came with free samples of lube.. how can anyone resist? i bought myself one aswell..WTF? :lmfao:

03-28-2008, 05:57 PM
^Ran...he's NOT lying.

03-28-2008, 06:38 PM
^Ran...he's NOT lying.

Yeah im not.. Im serious.. Ant, take a pic of it!! the glorious pleasure hole..

people, not only it comes with FREE lube, do you realize it MOOOOS!!! i mean, come on.. its a no brainer.. a good time anytime for 20 buxs, can't be a bad investment..