View Full Version : General Chat I am certain a Valet attendant curbed my wheel

03-07-2008, 08:34 PM
So unlike the 400, I've taken true care with these BBS wheels. I've been extra careful parallel parking and watching for curbs and hazards in the road.

Well being I go out a lot and Atlanta calls itself trying to be yuppie, even the local McDonalds I swear has valet. I can't go to the dry cleaners without a valet attendant asking for my keys.

I even had a thread here on CL a couple years about about this trend.

Well when I washed/waxed my car over the weekend, I noticed a 1/8th size curb rash on my rear passenger wheel. I was furious!! I'm thinking I did it but I thought back all week when did I nick something and I don't recall hitting any curb.

So I kind of blamed myself. I am sure like many here, if you think you curbed your wheel, you go out and inspect. It was odd that I would not have done that.

I'm out last night and of course "VALET" the car. Its ridiculous. Well I see people rush outside after an hour and the damn valet backed up a red E39 5 series sport into a Taurus. The owner was heated!!!

I just occurred to me I am certain some Valet attendant curbed my wheel and didn't tell me when I was out a few weeks ago!!!

So my question for those that Valet with upgraded wheels, do you let them valet or explain to them you would rather park yourself?

03-07-2008, 08:38 PM
i dont trust other people with my car...sorry to hear that happened.

03-07-2008, 10:20 PM
i dont trust other people with my car...sorry to hear that happened.

agree completly

03-07-2008, 10:21 PM
sorry bout you rash , fuk valet

03-08-2008, 07:05 PM
I never Valet, even though I own a 11 year old Volvo.

03-09-2008, 01:16 AM
I would never valet b/c i heard u gotta tip them some money. I rather just save some cash and walk

03-09-2008, 01:18 AM
I would never valet b/c i heard u gotta tip them some money. I rather just save some cash and walk

Good way to put it, along with the fact they can damage your car.

03-09-2008, 04:02 AM
I valet my cars all the time and I've never had an issue...

The whole trend is pretty ridiculous though....

03-09-2008, 09:05 AM
if that situation comes i either....

1. tell the valet im gonna park it myself if the spot is visible.

2. Have him get in passenger side so he can direct me to the lot they use.

The Ren
03-09-2008, 11:45 AM
Everytime I go somewhere with the supra and I have to valet.. I tell then either I do it myself or they dont get my business... even the cheesecake factory lets me do it myself..

03-09-2008, 02:56 PM
Damn that has to suck...but there are some pretty good tutorials that make your rims look almost brand new.

03-10-2008, 11:09 PM
I dont let anybody valet my car. I'll normally haggle with them to park in the valet lot, sometimes I'll even throw a couple bucks to the attendant to do so. Hell a $2-3 tip is cheaper than getting towed and is much cheaper than most parking attendants around town.

03-10-2008, 11:22 PM
OK so here is my .02 on the subject.

I WORK as a valet every weekend. However; I never have my vette valeted. I have in the Mazda but big whoop. The vette...........HELL NO!!!!

Me being a valet my suggestion is that you are cool with them and they will understand. I have plenty of folks ask to self park. If the person is dead set with self parking and are in a nice car I truly understand and will allow them to do so AS LONG as they spot me a few bucks.

Dont come off as an a$$ and expect to self park without some sort of ding, scratch, BB in the valve cap or something. I have never done this but have had customers tell me of their valet horror stories.

My best story as a valet and a prick who wanted to self park was about 2yrs ago. Guy was in old busted a$$ infiniti and insisted to self park. Told him no and pointed to open spots he could self park. He then told me he would have my job and he could park where the hell he wanted to. So I let him by.

As I am running to get another persons car I see him backing into parking spot. What happens next............BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jacka$$ backed into big light pole and tore up the a$$ end of his car.:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

I pointed, laughed, and kept running to the other car. Damn that made me feel good.:bump: :yes:

03-10-2008, 11:40 PM
I never ever ever ever ever let anyone valet my car. Only the selected few get to drive my G around.

03-15-2008, 01:54 PM
me being a valet...i understand where ur coming from and sorry to hear about that...

usually asking to self park is really no problem at all...valets make most of their money off of tips...so if you throw a couple bucks their way, self parking shouldnt be a problem...

good luck with getting everything sorted out...if you happen to remember what company valeted your car, then you should give the company owner a call up and explain the situation...if you happen to have a description or name of the person that valeted your car, that will help out big time...

dont wait too long though cuz different companies have different accident policies...

03-15-2008, 02:30 PM
Those Damn Valets, I HATE them :2up:

Hold on...wait...I guess thats me.

What restaurant did this happen? Especially the M5 crasshing into the taurus? I might be able to pick up another account.

Most of the time, I pay $5 on the way in and tell him to park it up front and watch them park it and then $5 on the way out and it is usually waiting for me as sppm as soon as I walk out of the door.

I do not think it is a bad investment for $10 to have your car protected NO MATTER WHAT YOU DRIVE.

03-15-2008, 02:40 PM
Those Damn Valets, I HATE them :2up:

Hold on...wait...I guess thats me.

What restaurant did this happen? Especially the M5 crasshing into the taurus? I might be able to pick up another account.

Most of the time, I pay $5 on the way in and tell him to park it up front and watch them park it and then $5 on the way out and it is usually waiting for me as sppm as soon as I walk out of the door.

I do not think it is a bad investment for $10 to have your car protected NO MATTER WHAT YOU DRIVE.

Hmm u no i wonder sometimes when these cocky ppl act like a fool to the valet parker when in some cases the valet parkers car is worth more than the car they dont want him to park:no: like most these guy's on here talking about there is no way i would let them park my car.but then u got some ppl like u and marshal that do it and u guy's cars look and have more value than most of these katz that posted they would want u to park there car:lmfao:

Sry but i find it funny!!and this was not toward (1SICKLEX)

03-15-2008, 03:18 PM
i'd park my own car man......saves you the headache if you really value your car

03-15-2008, 04:06 PM
Yeah, but when you come out, it is scratched or dinged.

Whenever I valet, I DO check my car before I leave. Never had a problem.

03-16-2008, 10:00 PM
There's actually a really simple solution to this. Always be aware of the condition of your car when you have it Valeted. Give the Valet 25-50% of what you plan to give him total when you hand him your keys. Be polite, honest and kind with the guy. Tell him "I like my car a great deal." Don't tell him "I think you're gonna **** up my car." Go inside, enjoy your meal. When you come back out, quickly go around the car looking for anything obvious, if there's an issue, stop right there and point it out. If there's not, take your keys and give him the rest of his tip. This is how, when I had my Grandmother's Lexus valeted, that I always made sure everything was perfect. Valets are just as important as waiters, if you piss them off enough, they WILL **** up your stuff on purpose, and if you insist on self-parking, then have the guy ride with you so you park where he wants you to, and tip him anyways so when he parks the car next to you he doesn't door the crap out of you.

03-17-2008, 08:32 AM
Parking yourself is great and all but still doesn't prevent your car from being nailed by the cars on either side of you. Unless you're willing to lay down the $$$ for a premium spot (which isn't always an option) then you gotta deal with it or take your beater.

03-17-2008, 11:38 PM
sorry to hear that. but I agree with the rest to park it myself.

03-17-2008, 11:57 PM
sorry to hear, but you should watch out for Ronsam2006 he works at a valet parking place...so beware when you see him ;)

03-18-2008, 12:55 PM
if that situation comes i either....

1. tell the valet im gonna park it myself if the spot is visible.

2. Have him get in passenger side so he can direct me to the lot they use.

yup. I like knowing/at least being under the impression that someone is keeping an eye on my car, but don't like letting other people drive, so I will usually park the car myself in the valet spot.

03-18-2008, 01:30 PM
I used to valet with Leavinu and ARFNSX, but have since hung up my valeting shoes.

To, the OP: from everything I know about the valet agreement that you accepted when you took the ticket from the valet, you're basically screwed. Sorry. Most valet agreements say damage has to be reported before the vehicle is driven off the lot. If not, people could curb thier own sh*t and try to get the valet for a new set of wheels. You could try contacting the owner of the company, but it sounds like its been a good amount of time since it happened, so I'm guessing your screwed. Again, sorry.

As far as self parking, the valet usually won't care, as long as you give him some $. I mean, its a win win. The valet gets $, but doesn't have to do work for it. Just be very careful, cuz if you hit another customers car, you just entered the cluster f**k zone. And don't be an @$$ and park across 2 spaces or something like that.

03-19-2008, 01:38 AM
I'm a valet for ARFNSX's company, and I would laugh at most of the people from this post who would'nt let me park their cars. I park 100k cars all day with no complaints. I think most people here are just too young to understand how it works. I could care less to park your civic, or integra, or even supra after getting my hands on a Ferrari F430, or the many Bentleys and maserati's I see weekly. If you can't afford to tip the valet you probably shouldn't be at those places. For example, the average meal for two at my current location is between $150 and $200. Don't piss off the person who's gonna be watching over your car for the time your gone. And if you do wanna park yourself, the least you could do is stay out of the spaces intended for valet parking. How could 1SICKLEX blame the valet and start all this drama over something that MAY have happened a few weeks ago. This is stupid, he's odviously looking for a scape goat.

03-19-2008, 02:12 AM
I had an emergency at the hospital and the complimentary valet insisted to park my STi and my family is more important then my car so ofcourse I just say cool, " I WILL COME RIGHT BACK OUT".. . I come back after I know my sister is ok and they park it all by its self and tried to do it backwords! THEY COULDNT FIGURE OUT HOW TO REVERSE IT! AND REVERSED PUSHED IT IN .. HAHAHAH... then asked me if I had any NIRTO in my car?!?!

03-19-2008, 02:25 AM
i valeted your car puahahahahaha jk.. that sucks dude.. honestly i wouldnt let anyone touch my car if it was CLEANNNNNN.. anyways.. goodluck hope u get it fixed or a new set

03-19-2008, 03:32 PM
I'm a valet for ARFNSX's company, and I would laugh at most of the people from this post who would'nt let me park their cars. I park 100k cars all day with no complaints. I think most people here are just too young to understand how it works. I could care less to park your civic, or integra, or even supra after getting my hands on a Ferrari F430, or the many Bentleys and maserati's I see weekly. If you can't afford to tip the valet you probably shouldn't be at those places. For example, the average meal for two at my current location is between $150 and $200. Don't piss off the person who's gonna be watching over your car for the time your gone. And if you do wanna park yourself, the least you could do is stay out of the spaces intended for valet parking. How could 1SICKLEX blame the valet and start all this drama over something that MAY have happened a few weeks ago. This is stupid, he's odviously looking for a scape goat.

I am not looking for a scapegoat. No one drives my car but me. I know since having these wheels, I have never curbed them. I go out A LOT and in ATLANTA, you have to valet park at every damn resturant, shop or crack head corner if you want to park. It is now annoying.

I remember when Lenox Mall parking was $3 valet, now its $5 and they built a PAY lot to park closer to the mall. WTF???

Half the time the car moves 20 feet. WTF? I can park it myself.

I am CERTAIN some valet curbed it. They are the only people inside my car besides me.

Remember, i didn't go ballistic and blame any particular valet. It is my fault I didn't check my damn car after they parked it. You would THINK if they are PROFESSIONALS they would not hit my wheels. Let alone do the ETHICAL thing and say "sir, sorry I ****ed your wheel up".

Here is a pic of my wheels and having some fun b4 I put them on my car :)


03-19-2008, 03:40 PM
I alwasy Valet park my car, even at the movies! I dont drive some 100k car, but i like the service, i never knew you had to tip them getting there and leaving.I always tip when i leave.

03-19-2008, 03:49 PM
I'm a valet for ARFNSX's company, and I would laugh at most of the people from this post who would'nt let me park their cars. I park 100k cars all day with no complaints. I think most people here are just too young to understand how it works. I could care less to park your civic, or integra, or even supra after getting my hands on a Ferrari F430, or the many Bentleys and maserati's I see weekly. If you can't afford to tip the valet you probably shouldn't be at those places. For example, the average meal for two at my current location is between $150 and $200. Don't piss off the person who's gonna be watching over your car for the time your gone. And if you do wanna park yourself, the least you could do is stay out of the spaces intended for valet parking. How could 1SICKLEX blame the valet and start all this drama over something that MAY have happened a few weeks ago. This is stupid, he's odviously looking for a scape goat.

the point i was trying to make.But u did it a 100times better:goodjob:

03-19-2008, 03:53 PM
I am not looking for a scapegoat. No one drives my car but me. I know since having these wheels, I have never curbed them. I go out A LOT and in ATLANTA, you have to valet park at every damn resturant, shop or crack head corner if you want to park. It is now annoying.

I remember when Lenox Mall parking was $3 valet, now its $5 and they built a PAY lot to park closer to the mall. WTF???

Half the time the car moves 20 feet. WTF? I can park it myself.

I am CERTAIN some valet curbed it. They are the only people inside my car besides me.

Remember, i didn't go ballistic and blame any particular valet. It is my fault I didn't check my damn car after they parked it. You would THINK if they are PROFESSIONALS they would not hit my wheels. Let alone do the ETHICAL thing and say "sir, sorry I ****ed your wheel up".

Here is a pic of my wheels and having some fun b4 I put them on my car :)


Honestly I am not going to get into a pissing match whether the valet did it or not but I am asking for the evidence to tell the truth....

Do you remember the restaurant where the valet parked your car? If so go back there and first see if there are curbs that can be hit and on what side. You will be surprised to know alot of parking lots dont have curbs, just open parking areas.

Also what wheel was curbed? Passenger side? Driver Side? Front? Rear? This will also help show which way the car was going....remember valets spend alot of time in reverse. so if the scratch marks are going forward or backwards will help...

I bring all of this up because I usually get 1-2 calls per week regarding claims like this. Dont get me wrong, we do have insurance and we pay most of these claims once the edivence proves it but if the evidence doesnt show we did it, then I have to shoot it down. (meaning there isnt anything possible for the wheel to hit)

I can tell you countless stories about people blaming valets when they might have inadvertently hit their own wheel.

I am not trying to defend the valets at all because I actually get alot of business from other valet companies that treat their restaurant and guest like this. I just want to help you get to the bottom of this.

03-19-2008, 04:07 PM
Honestly I am not going to get into a pissing match whether the valet did it or not but I am asking for the evidence to tell the truth....

Do you remember the restaurant where the valet parked your car? If so go back there and first see if there are curbs that can be hit and on what side. You will be surprised to know alot of parking lots dont have curbs, just open parking areas.

Also what wheel was curbed? Passenger side? Driver Side? Front? Rear? This will also help show which way the car was going....remember valets spend alot of time in reverse. so if the scratch marks are going forward or backwards will help...

I bring all of this up because I usually get 1-2 calls per week regarding claims like this. Dont get me wrong, we do have insurance and we pay most of these claims once the edivence proves it but if the evidence doesnt show we did it, then I have to shoot it down. (meaning there isnt anything possible for the wheel to hit)

I can tell you countless stories about people blaming valets when they might have inadvertently hit their own wheel.

I am not trying to defend the valets at all because I actually get alot of business from other valet companies that treat their restaurant and guest like this. I just want to help you get to the bottom of this.

Thanks. I'm not upset, honestly. The car is old, the wheels are well, wheels. :)
I guess I'm more alarmed that if you go out often, you HAVE to valet often downtown, which increases the chance of something happening if you valet or makes things a PITA if you don't want to.

As I stated in the first post, it had me pretty stumped about the curb rash (which is on the rear passenger wheel) as I KNOW I didn't do it. I played it over and over in my head. It wasn't until I was out again (Kat's on Piedmont Rd) and the valet wrecked the E39 5 did I think "wait, maybe that explains it".

Not out to get valets, considering I must have valeted dozens and dozens of times over the years I have been fortunate that I have been injury free.

One time, about 6 years ago, I noticed some keys left in my old GS 400. They had a Valet tag on it. I called and was the valet at Lenox Mall and well the poor guy was going nuts that he lost the keys a couple days earlier.

I drove back and returned the keys and told the manager don't fire the guy, I am sure it was a mistake.

03-19-2008, 04:28 PM
I need to take pics, My rears are 18x10 2 piece wheels and the tires are 275/35/18. Not sure of the offset but it is not aggressive. I have ample tire protection around my wheels.

My previous set was 18x9.5 Weds wheels with the same size tire. These wheels had a lip in the rear and were much more susceptible to curb rash, I know I curbed them a few times. Here is a pic of me on the dyno at Batlground years ago...you can see by the rim design, it would be easy to curb

To curb what i have now, staggered but no lips, you have to really smack it good!
( I need to take some updated pics) You can see the design of the current wheel in comparison.

03-20-2008, 12:27 AM
The part of this that got me upset is one guy speaks his mind about what may have happened to his car, and all of a sudden most of IA swears they don't valet. It's not the only option when you go downtown, i'm there at least four times a week so I see these things. The point I would like to make is the majority of the people that visit these establishments appreciate the fact that this service is available. Being angry at the business for having valet service is just wrong. Think about elderly people or physically handicaped people that could use this service more often than not. Most of the cars I park belong to older people with slow reflexes and even worst vision that could put other peoples vehicles at risk in those cramped streets downtown.

03-20-2008, 12:49 AM
I almost forgot.... My condolences go out to 1SICKLEX and his rear passenger wheel. I in no way intended to bash him in this time of grief. My intentions are to educate those who are confused on the advantages of valet service in a city where most parking areas incovenience the consumer.

03-22-2008, 10:20 PM
Alex would you park my car?

03-23-2008, 11:25 AM
Alex would you park my car?

Everyone knows I do not parking cars. I only tell you where to park them. I am too good to do that petty parking sh*t anymore!

Just kidding!! I only park Bentley's and Lambo's. :lmfao:

03-23-2008, 11:29 AM
park the **** yourself. My friend had his Audi S4's front bumper and headlight fawked up by a valet in New Orleans. Only to come back, get it in the repair shop...and the day it got fixed, a delivery guy at the repair shop backed in to the same spot and fcked up his fender on the same side. All of this BS just because of some valet that didn't get the gears right while trying to reverse.

03-23-2008, 02:42 PM
I almost forgot.... My condolences go out to 1SICKLEX and his rear passenger wheel. I in no way intended to bash him in this time of grief. My intentions are to educate those who are confused on the advantages of valet service in a city where most parking areas incovenience the consumer.
THanks and again, out of the dozens, I am sure hundreds of times I've valeted, there has been no issue, nothing damaged, nothing stolen. That is why all these times, I've valeted with no issues on my brain.

To ME, the abundance of valet in Atlanta is out of control but its not going to keep me from going to places. I went to a bowling alley the other day and they had VALET parking!! Amazing.

Its an opportunity for someone, and it does create JOBS so thats a good thing.

Maybe time for new wheels, lol.