View Full Version : General Chat Downpipe questions.

Slow Motion
03-02-2008, 11:11 PM
Has anyone heard of around 30whp gains from switching from a 3" downpipe to a 3.5" downpipe?

I am thinking of trying this on a boosted VH45DE and I just heard that mainly supra and some others have done this.

03-03-2008, 05:44 AM
30whp gains from a 1/2" increase in downpipe diameter? Doesnt ring true to me...but ive never boosted a Nissan V8... If gains are to be had, I dont think they will be that high at all unless power output is that of built 2JZ porportions.

Slow Motion
03-03-2008, 05:59 AM
I really didn't think so, but I was conversing with a couple of ppl in FL who gave me the info...I said it might have been of lesser numbers but they insisted.