View Full Version : Engineering Position

02-26-2008, 01:28 PM
Well got to work yesterday and got told by the way we have enought money to pay you for two more paychecks.

So I'm now on the hunt for an Engineering position in the Atlanta area.

I have a Mechanical Engineering degree and have been designing for 15 years now.

Please let me know of any one that is hiring. I'm going down my contact list rapidly.


03-07-2008, 07:17 AM
http://humboldt-wedag.com/index_files/Directory.htm I currently work for this company and we have so much work right now, we are trying to hire mech. and electrical desingers left and right. I would use the company directory to contact Vince Cotlar or someone in the Mech. Eng. side to see if positions are available and then go from there. The pay is great, the hrs are great, and its a good company. I am a Mech. Eng. as well.

03-07-2008, 07:53 AM
I called and left a message for him and also sent him an email with my resume and cover letter.
