View Full Version : car trouble

02-15-2008, 07:11 PM
coming home from the mall and my car start acting up...the battery light came on for a few seconds and off again then my power steering starts to get hard and the battery goes on and off every time i turn...i get home off engine open the hood and tells my bro to start the car on and i realize that none of my belts was running???? but my car is running??? somebody tell me what this is??? stock jdm d15b

02-15-2008, 07:19 PM
have you checked your battery terminals? start simple and check the terminals. it might be looooooooooooooooooooooose

02-15-2008, 07:22 PM
checked its all tight...what i dont understand is that my car starts but none of the belts are running???

Mr. Clean
02-15-2008, 07:30 PM
checked its all tight...what i dont understand is that my car starts but none of the belts are running???

?? umm the belt may either be really loose or done... the pulley on the crank should def be moving if the car is moving... unless theres some wacky problem with your crank pulley. check and see if your main pulley is moving and then see if the belt/s just arent tight enough to spin with it

02-15-2008, 07:42 PM
yup check that too...earlier today the crank was running and now its not...belts are a bit loose...do i just need to tight them up??? is my motor okay???

Mr. Clean
02-15-2008, 07:53 PM
well if the car is running and just the belts arent moving then obviously it is something with the pulley... but i dont really know how your car is running with the alternator belt not pulling.

umm... def. tighten your belts... they shouldnt have much play in them at all... maybe 1/4in. at most i would say... i dont really know what else to tell you after that... there is a nut in the middle of the main pulley that may be loose??? idk, check it out maybe

02-15-2008, 09:42 PM
The reason the battery light is comin on and off is because the alternator is not running and ur battery is losing power very quickly. A good test to do to the belt is to use 2 fingers and if you can easily spin the belt over 90 degrees, than it too loose. Tighten up the tensioner but i highly doubt the belt is that loose that it wont even spin at all. It probably has something to do wit the pulley. GL luck wit the fix

02-15-2008, 10:00 PM
thanks for help fellas...i think i have an idea whats wrong with it now...in the crank there a pin that holds it together or something like that, i think that messed up...lets hope that the crankshaft isnt messed...thanks again...

Mr. Clean
02-15-2008, 11:27 PM
thanks for help fellas...i think i have an idea whats wrong with it now...in the crank there a pin that holds it together or something like that, i think that messed up...lets hope that the crankshaft isnt messed...thanks again...

well like i said before... if it is running fairly normally just bogs down because the alternator isnt running then i dont think the crank should be messed up too bad, i mean maybe a new pulley but im sure you can do something to make it work

GL anyway though

02-16-2008, 02:56 PM
That happened to my girls car, her woodruff key on the crank pulley broke and the pully lost alot of tension. I fixed it once but the little square on the woodruff key was broke on the shaft on the engine part, it messed up again and again so we just swapped the motor.

Take all your belts off, take the drivers side wheel off, and see if you can move the crank pulley by hand while the car is in gear. If you can, it may be the same kind of problem.

02-16-2008, 02:58 PM
most likely the pin in the crank pully broke off