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08-06-2005, 12:55 PM
So whaddya think?

08-06-2005, 01:15 PM
ive got a friend thats over there 3 times alredy and he hates it and he thinks its bullshit for them to be there in the first place.

08-06-2005, 01:21 PM
thats what i think

08-06-2005, 04:02 PM
It's too late to pull out gotta finish it now, we're still tryin to do the RIGHT THING and play nice and do it the right way as to keep everybody KINDA happy if it was left up to me when it first went down there would have been a warning to try to get all civilians out and just bomb the heck out of the place of course keeping "some"of the oil in place. Or just to really piss em off just start bombing the oil rigs every time our armed forces men and women get bombed...that way they can't say we stealing their oil that we are paying so hansomley for.

08-06-2005, 04:15 PM
ive got a friend thats over there 3 times alredy and he hates it and he thinks its bullshit for them to be there in the first place.
So do you and him think 9/11 was bullshit? Do you even remember? half the people that went in the armed forces is because of it not so Gung Ho about the whole idea now too late.

I would like to THANK every Army,Navy,Airforce and Marine thats over there and other places that are fighting for OUR freedom THEN and NOW!!

08-06-2005, 04:22 PM
So do you and him think 9/11 was bullshit? Do you even remember? half the people that went in the armed forces is because of it not so Gung Ho about the whole idea now too late.

I would like to THANK every Army,Navy,Airforce and Marine thats over there and other places that are fighting for OUR freedom THEN and NOW!!
you can't throw 911 into an iraq debate.
there was no proof that iraq had anything to do with al quaeda (sp?). yes saddam was a bad person but there is no proof that he had anything to do with 911 so stop using that fucking excuse.

08-06-2005, 04:40 PM
you can't throw 911 into an iraq debate.
there was no proof that iraq had anything to do with al quaeda (sp?). yes saddam was a bad person but there is no proof that he had anything to do with 911 so stop using that fucking excuse.

Yeah he is right we should have just Sadam alone, since leaving OBL alone worked out so well. Bottom line is that his is a threat to the his own people as much he is the US. A crazy mofo + Billions = a lot of people dead, that formula has been proven thoughout history. Just my 2 cents

08-06-2005, 04:43 PM
you can't throw 911 into an iraq debate.
there was no proof that iraq had anything to do with al quaeda (sp?). yes saddam was a bad person but there is no proof that he had anything to do with 911 so stop using that fucking excuse.
Oh my fault! I thought we were at war because of that. I guess i missed the memo...I got friends and family overthere so what u sayin they riskin their life for nuthin? if u are Fuck U! and if you don't like your freedom go somewhere else outside the U.S.A. BITCH!

08-06-2005, 04:57 PM
we went to iraq becuase they had "wepons of mass distrucion". and guess what they havent found a dam thing.

08-06-2005, 05:00 PM
any ways it are fault in the frist place we traind and gave those basterds(osama,sadam) wepons.

08-06-2005, 05:01 PM
we went to iraq becuase they had "wepons of mass distrucion". and guess what they havent found a dam thing.
Let's say you are a drug dealer and you knew the FBI was comming to you house what do you do? Hide it somewhere!!!

08-06-2005, 05:02 PM
"...I got friends and family overthere so what u sayin they riskin their life for nuthin? if u are Fuck U!" i think its bs but i still support them any way i can.

08-06-2005, 05:03 PM
any ways it are fault in the frist place we traind and gave those basterds(osama,sadam) wepons.
True. shoulda known that was gonna come back and bite us should have kept them on a short leash.

08-06-2005, 05:11 PM
So do you and him think 9/11 was bullshit?

No i dont, i think they need to get the ones that where behind it. Not some other country

I would like to THANK every Army,Navy,Airforce and Marine thats over there and other places that are fighting for OUR freedom THEN and NOW!!

I would to my grand father and my great grandfather where in the armed forces and iam greatful to have the freedoms that we do.

08-06-2005, 05:54 PM
Yeah he is right we should have just Sadam alone, since leaving OBL alone worked out so well. Bottom line is that his is a threat to the his own people as much he is the US. A crazy mofo + Billions = a lot of people dead, that formula has been proven thoughout history. Just my 2 cents

when did i say leave him alone? never.
all i said is that im sick of people giving 911 as justification to going to Iraq.

Oh my fault! I thought we were at war because of that. I guess i missed the memo...I got friends and family overthere so what u sayin they riskin their life for nuthin? if u are Fuck U! and if you don't like your freedom go somewhere else outside the U.S.A. BITCH!

ok great so do i dont think your special now. and when did i say we were over in iraq for nothing? please show me cause i missed that part of what I said. When did i say that i dont like my freedoms? did i ever attack the us with what i said? here i will quote for you what i said again.

you can't throw 911 into an iraq debate.
there was no proof that iraq had anything to do with al quaeda (sp?). yes saddam was a bad person but there is no proof that he had anything to do with 911 so stop using that fucking excuse.

now where in there do you see me attacking the US or saying we had no right to be in Iraq?

08-06-2005, 05:55 PM
fuck iraq and everyone fuck who lives there... let em kill each other maybe gas prices will go down

08-06-2005, 08:19 PM
See? This is why a debate on the War in Iraq never works. Nobody can keep it civil enough to accept that people have different viewpoints. In the end, some Bush nut-licker always ends up screaming "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT - LEAVE THE US!!!!"

Y'know what? We don't have to. The entire basis of our country is Freedom of Speech. It's encouraged to speak your mind in a constructive way if you don't agree with something. One of the many reasons I love this country - the war just happens to NOT be one.

08-06-2005, 10:09 PM
thank you.

08-06-2005, 10:18 PM
when did i say leave him alone? never.
all i said is that im sick of people giving 911 as justification to going to Iraq.

ok great so do i dont think your special now. and when did i say we were over in iraq for nothing? please show me cause i missed that part of what I said. When did i say that i dont like my freedoms? did i ever attack the us with what i said? here i will quote for you what i said again.

now where in there do you see me attacking the US or saying we had no right to be in Iraq?
Point taken, got my shorts in bunch over the whole "using justification" thing

08-06-2005, 10:22 PM
See? This is why a debate on the War in Iraq never works. Nobody can keep it civil enough to accept that people have different viewpoints. In the end, some Bush nut-licker always ends up screaming "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT - LEAVE THE US!!!!"

Y'know what? We don't have to. The entire basis of our country is Freedom of Speech. It's encouraged to speak your mind in a constructive way if you don't agree with something. One of the many reasons I love this country - the war just happens to NOT be one.
Agreed, but I didn't vote for bush... I just took what was said the wrong way.

08-07-2005, 01:56 PM
Point taken, got my shorts in bunch over the whole "using justification" thing
thank you, im just trying to keep this discussion civil

08-07-2005, 10:27 PM
91 views and only 9 votes?

08-08-2005, 07:36 AM
had clinton done his job 10 years ago instead of getting his dick sucked we wouldnt be in the mess we're in...had he invaded iraq when they actually had wmd instead of giving him 10 years to move them and actaully taken saddam out of power then, iraq would be a better country today...but he didnt...i will give bush credit for going in and doing something about the problems there...however i dont think we should still be there...we are causing more harm than good and we are losing too many soldiers each day to an unjust cause...this is slowly turning into the next vietnam...i support our troops and keep them in my thoughts constantly...but we need to pull out and nuke the damn country...

as far as 9/11 goes...had we done somehting 10 years ago when our carrier was attacked i dont think 9/11 ever would have happened...had we shown the world then that we dont take shit from anyone all those innocent lives would have been saved...but we didnt and it gave the world the impression that they could push us around and thats exactly what theyre doing...so technically saddam does have a lot to do with 9/11

jsut my $.02

08-08-2005, 01:47 PM
I think that we should have finished the conflict in Afghanistan, and captured Bin Laden before going to Iraq. Yes I feel Sadam needed to be dealt with but while splitting our troops in half and used our heightened fears to go into a preemptive war, we have placed ourselves in a precarious position. Korea has achieved nuclear capabilities and we could do nothing about it, because we are simply spread too thin. New enlistments are down almost 50 percent and with no end of the insurgency in sight I feel that a draft is becoming inevitable. I think that alot of this could have been avoided had Bush used a little restraint and kept his focus where it belonged. On Afghanistan, capture Bin Laden and move to the next largest threat.

08-08-2005, 07:08 PM
I was in the military for 13 years and have a few good friends that are over there and 1 that is leaving for 18 months to go over there. Let's just complete the mission and get the hell out... I have mixed feelings about the whole issue of us being over there. It's like a mini-Vietnam over there. Just my 2 cents...


08-08-2005, 08:02 PM
Some of you guys are looking at the situation with the same short sighted glasses Mr. Blow Job Clinton did a decade ago.

Bush Sr. made the same mistake too. Leaving something unfinished is one of the quickest ways to have to face it again.

We cannot pull out too soon or we'll be facing a Saddam wannabe in 10 yrs too.

I agree that we should get the hell out of dodge ASAP, but you can't do so while leaving the shit you started unfinished. Right now the measly gov't that is in place and the security forces/army can probably be overrun easily by some nut job and a few of his drinking buddies with a pistol and few bullets.

What do propose we do? Pull out and leave a huge country to anarchy? Everyone that says "pull out" doesn't come up with a viable option to do so. Come up with one and I'll jump aboard. Until then it's irresponsible and short sighted to just leave IMO.

08-08-2005, 10:21 PM
having spent the last 3 yrs in the military im going to say no. if the president had said gas prices are on the rise and we need cheap oil so we're gonna go take this fucker out, then i would have been on board. had he said this fucker tried to kill my daddy so we're gonna go get'em then id have been on board with that too. had he even said this dude looked at me wrong so we gonna get'em, i wouldnt have been happy about it but i could get on board with that. but to say there were fundamentalists operating in iraq, no. sadam hated fundamentalists almost as much as they hated him. since we are there we shouldnt leave until the country is stable, which is going to be a very, very long time. the US didnt stop policing germany until sometime in the mid 50s, and there was anti american terrorist groups operating(as in going out and blowing shit up.) until the late 80s.

08-09-2005, 03:37 PM
What do propose we do? Pull out and leave a huge country to anarchy? Everyone that says "pull out" doesn't come up with a viable option to do so. Come up with one and I'll jump aboard. Until then it's irresponsible and short sighted to just leave IMO.

We will never be able to leave. I feel that this was mishandled and will unfortunately lead to us building a base and becoming a permanent presence in Iraq. Do not misunderstand, I beilieve that we needed to deal with Sadam but I think that there could have been a better way to go about it.

08-09-2005, 03:52 PM
I agree that well will never be able to leave entirely. What I find odd is that people think ridding the world of Saddam will make the terrorism just vanish. Can you imagine the number of pseudo Saddams that are waiting to take control? Hey, why not attack Iran, Syria, and North Korea since the US considers them a threat. Taking down one man alone won't solve anything. Our country becomes a more viable target everyday. We can't police the entire world, even though our egos say something different. The "fight" against terrorism made Bush. I hope we are ready for what lies ahead.

08-09-2005, 03:52 PM
We will never be able to leave. I feel that this was mishandled and will unfortunately lead to us building a base and becoming a permanent presence in Iraq. Do not misunderstand, I beilieve that we needed to deal with Sadam but I think that there could have been a better way to go about it.