View Full Version : Fuckin' punks..

08-06-2005, 06:19 AM
Go out to my car this morning during halftime of the Falcons game to get my cigs outta the car, go to the passanger door and at first I think it's just dew on the window... but then I realized my fucking passanger window is shattered... I look on the ground and what do I see, a piece of porcellin from an autolite spark plug... Thats twice in 1 year that, that window has been busted out.. Oh god I wish they had tried to open the door so the alarm would go off and I could grab my ruger... It just makes you feel so fucking stupid that stuff like that can go on 15 ft in front of your bedroom window while your awake and your unaware... I dont know why people even bother trying to have nice stuff and take care of it when punk ass bitches enjoy vandalizing them.. Oh well... guess that means I'm gonna be up for another 24 hours gettin' a new window put in... Anyways, sorry just venting...

08-06-2005, 06:35 AM
I hear ya. Same thing happened to me in May. Right outside my window. I now have an infrared surveillance cam on 24/7. I bought a cheap TV to connect the cam so I can view it anytime. Also, I have hidden a rechargeable cordless baby monitor in my car so I can hear everything that goes on when I'm parked at home. All for under $100. It may just give you the jump on the assholes.

08-06-2005, 07:08 AM
sorry that happened, better off just leaveing the door unlocked there going to take your shit anyways. better then haveing a brokenwindow.

08-06-2005, 07:10 AM
sorry that happened, better off just leaveing the door unlocked there going to take your shit anyways. better then haveing a brokenwindow.

They didn't plan on stealing anything this time... just some punk throwin' porcellin around breaking windows... Thats why I was saying, I wish they HAD tried to open the door, cause I would of definatly heard the alarm...

mocha latte cupcake
08-06-2005, 07:27 AM
that really sucks man. mine was actually broken into a few months back. they only took my laptop and a cd, but it still just pisses you off more than anything to walk out and see your window shattered. so i konw how ya feel man.

08-06-2005, 07:28 AM
that really sucks man. mine was actually broken into a few months back. they only took my laptop and a cd, but it still just pisses you off more than anything to walk out and see your window shattered. so i konw how ya feel man.
that was actually me. sorry, jm forgot to log off of my comp! lol tard.

08-06-2005, 09:16 AM
Ahhh more good news, took my car to Ford (going to get an OE glass this time, since the aftermarket glass I got last time wasn't shaped right so it messed up my tint) and it'll be 7-10 days til they can get the glass in... So not only am I out about $350 but also out of a car for a week or so. Oh well... atleast they broke the shitty aftermarket passanger window instead of the OE driver window..

08-06-2005, 09:18 AM
Sorry to hear that man.... In a lighter note, how good was the game? I didnt get up :(

I will watch it tonight when they re-air it at 6:00 but I know the birds won, I forget was the Colts a good team last year?

08-06-2005, 09:41 AM
Sorry to hear that man.... In a lighter note, how good was the game? I didnt get up :(

I will watch it tonight when they re-air it at 6:00 but I know the birds won, I forget was the Colts a good team last year?

Well... The colts were a good offense lol, but they were basically dead last in defense, but they still made it the 2nd round of the playoffs. Game was pretty good, typical preseason games, Vick and Manning got about 10 plays each then they put in the back ups which is still pretty interesting... Cause I really wanted to see what the new guys could do, and I'm really impressed.. I really believe Schaub could be the starting QB on alot of teams, Jenkins, Roddy White, hell even Peerless Price was doin' good today. And on defense, Beck and Babeneaux were just killer. Can't wait for the regular season to start.

08-06-2005, 09:46 AM
Yeah I am going to watch it tonight, I cant wait to see it, I think you can get a feel for the season by games like this when they play well WITHOUT the big name players the most of the game

08-06-2005, 09:51 AM
Yeah I am going to watch it tonight, I cant wait to see it, I think you can get a feel for the season by games like this when they play well WITHOUT the big name players the most of the game

Yup... lets just say I feel alot more relieved this year knowing that we have a compitent backup in Matt Schaub (unlike in 2003 with ....shall remain nameless...) just incase *knock on wood* anything happened to Vick. I think we definatly have a real chance to make it to the super bowl this year... God I can't wait for the first regular season game, Falcons vs. Eagles, repeat of the NFC championship game, payback on Monday Night football haha.

I'm also 100% positive that we are going to break that stupid record of never having back to back winning season... with this team I think it's pretty much impossible for us to go sub .500 even with our hard ass schedule.