View Full Version : the cops came into my house, disrespected my family, cause somebody....knocked me out

GT-S Boy
01-18-2008, 10:11 PM
well tonight i was heading to the movie theater with my buddy, we were each in our own cars, him in his bmw and me and in integra(dd), well we pulled up next to each other, i knew he would beat me in a race, but we both hit the gas and he just pulled away, he accelerated to about 70 and i accelerated to about 65, well i see a cop with his lights off pull behind me after we we had already slowed down, we came up to the next light which was red. chris (in the bmw) stayed straight in the lane, i went in the turning lane, the light turned green and i made my left, john went straight and was pulled over by the cop. the cop was behind a truck at the stop light we raced from, he gave chris a 15mph speeding ticket over and said he used his radar, is this possible? if he was following us, are radars still effective if he is moving? the road we raced on had turns that would not allow you to radar somebody.

well anyway, after chris got the 20mph over ticket, the cop wrote 60+, i met up with him, i get a call from my mom telling me the cop is at my house, so i go home, the cop got a call and left my house, well i sit down and talk with my parents, my dad is pissed, my mom is laughing, my mom talked to the cop and the cop said he was going to come back tomorrow to write me a ticket...is this possible? i mean, using a radar on curvy road while going 77mph(which he said he had to go that fast to catch up to me)....i think he just eye balled it and made an educated guess on how fast we were going, well anyway, he told my mom he was coming back tomorrow to give me a ticket, i don't even this is possible, i mean the radar will be cleared of the speed we were traveling, any suggestions if he does come back? and is it possible for him to give me a ticket? what would happen if i said it wasn't me? could i get in trouble for not telling who it was if i claimed it wasn't me?

01-18-2008, 10:14 PM
well tonight i was heading to the movie theater with my buddy, we were each in our own cars, him in his bmw and me and in integra(dd), well we pulled up next to each other, i knew he would beat me in a race, but we both hit the gas and he just pulled away, he accelerated to about 70 and i accelerated to about 65, well i see a cop with his lights off pull behind me after we we had already slowed down, we came up to the next light which was red. john(in the bmw) stayed straight in the lane, i went in the turning lane, the light turned green and i made my left, john went straight and was pulled over by the cop. the cop was behind a truck at the stop light we raced from, he gave john a 15mph speeding ticket over and said he used his radar, is this possible? if he was following us, are radars still effective if he is moving? the road we raced on had turns that would not allow you to radar somebody.

well anyway, after john got the 15mph over ticket, the cop wrote 60+, i met up with him, i get a call from my mom telling me the cop is at my house, so i go home, the cop got a call and left my house, well i sit down and talk with my parents, my dad is pissed, my mom is laughing, my mom talked to the cop and the cop said he was going to come back tomorrow to write me a ticket...is this possible? i mean, using a radar on curvy road while going 77mph(which he said he had to go that fast to catch up to me)....i think he just eye balled it and made an educated guess on how fast we were going, well anyway, he told my mom he was coming back tomorrow to give me a ticket, i don't even this is possible, i mean the radar will be cleared of the speed we were traveling, any suggestions if he does come back? and is it possible for him to give me a ticket? what would happen if i said it wasn't me? could i get in trouble for not telling who it was if i claimed it wasn't me?

He has no proof it was you, unless your parents said you were out in your car.

01-18-2008, 10:20 PM
Wow, that sucks dude.

01-18-2008, 10:20 PM
i dont think they can give you the ticket because i heard they can only give it to you at the scene. not later

01-18-2008, 10:21 PM
you are about to get:


01-18-2008, 10:35 PM
No, he cannot give you a ticket from the past day of the happening.

Mr. Clean
01-18-2008, 10:44 PM
he's a cop... he can come to your house and flash his badge and crap on the lid of your toilet while writing you a ticket and then fold it into a paper airplane and fly it to you from down the hall and if touch it but dont catch he can give you a littering ticket and then if you backtalk he can give you a dis-orderly conduct ticket.

who cares if your on private property :ninja:

01-18-2008, 10:58 PM
well tonight i was heading to the movie theater with my buddy, we were each in our own cars, him in his bmw and me and in integra(dd), well we pulled up next to each other, i knew he would beat me in a race, but we both hit the gas and he just pulled away, he accelerated to about 70 and i accelerated to about 65, well i see a cop with his lights off pull behind me after we we had already slowed down, we came up to the next light which was red. john(in the bmw) stayed straight in the lane, i went in the turning lane, the light turned green and i made my left, john went straight and was pulled over by the cop. the cop was behind a truck at the stop light we raced from, he gave john a 15mph speeding ticket over and said he used his radar, is this possible? if he was following us, are radars still effective if he is moving? the road we raced on had turns that would not allow you to radar somebody.

well anyway, after john got the 15mph over ticket, the cop wrote 60+, i met up with him, i get a call from my mom telling me the cop is at my house, so i go home, the cop got a call and left my house, well i sit down and talk with my parents, my dad is pissed, my mom is laughing, my mom talked to the cop and the cop said he was going to come back tomorrow to write me a ticket...is this possible? i mean, using a radar on curvy road while going 77mph(which he said he had to go that fast to catch up to me)....i think he just eye balled it and made an educated guess on how fast we were going, well anyway, he told my mom he was coming back tomorrow to give me a ticket, i don't even this is possible, i mean the radar will be cleared of the speed we were traveling, any suggestions if he does come back? and is it possible for him to give me a ticket? what would happen if i said it wasn't me? could i get in trouble for not telling who it was if i claimed it wasn't me?

Wow this is the dumbest thing I have ever read. as far as your cituation is concerned it all depends. In fayetteville the statute of limitations as I understand it is 7 days. But you could say it wasn't you and not say who it was and plea the 5th. Pretty much your in the clear and your buddy is ****ed and the two of you are just idiots.Also the real thing you should be happy about is not getting racing tickets.

01-18-2008, 11:58 PM
.Also the real thing you should be happy about is not getting racing tickets.

and that you dont live in f@ggot county

01-19-2008, 12:26 AM
Wow this is the dumbest thing I have ever read. Ok someone please explain to me how a cop can write a guy a ticket if he is stuck behind a truck. Also as far as your cituation is concerned it all depends. In fayetteville the statute of limitations as I understand it is 7 days. But you could say it wasn't you and not say who it was and plea the 5th. Pretty much your in the clear and your buddy needs to lawyer up or something cause thats ridiculous.Also the real thing you should be happy about is not getting racing tickets.

How so? He got caught driving like a douche nozzle, and deserved the ticket he got. Period.

To answer a few of the OP's questions:
Yes, radar will work while in motion. Most police traffic vehicles these days have dash mounted units built into the car. Beside that, even if he didn't actually clock you on radar, as long as he is a radar certified officer, he can use other, manual methods of calculating your speed. End of story. Being that the officer quite clearly got your tag number, and witnessed you in the act, he CAN come back and write you a ticket, like redGT said, as long as it's within the statue of limitations for whatever jurisdiction he's under.

01-19-2008, 12:36 AM
yes cops can radar while driving, they do it all the time... If he wrote 60+ on the ticket you will get off though because he didn't indicate a specific speed. Also how did he get your tag? You are lucky you and your friend didn't get arrested for racing

You also said that the cop gave him a 15 over and then you said 20 over.. I am confused :thinking:

01-19-2008, 12:39 AM
and that you dont live in f@ggot county

wtf are you talking about...?

anyways, theres no way he can give you a ticket the day after. youre good.

but next time dont street race like a lil 2fast 2furious jackass.

01-19-2008, 12:52 AM
check this one out, a couple of friends a total of 5 cars heading back from Gwinette BP when we all decide to get some runs on 85 north around sugar loaf when we spott a cop that has a car pulled over, we all drive by normal then my boy tomas pulls up next to me way after the cop is not in sight any more and take off for about 1/2 mi then slow down b/4 exit 111 when i spot some blue lights pulling up behind me, i was like dayyummmm..lol i start to slow then i go to the far right lane and my boy to the far left lane my boy slows even more than me and the cop gets infront on my boy i guess trying to pull both of us together, well then my boy really slows down to about 20 on the far left lane and im in the far left when i start to accelerate and pretty much start going thru traffice grab 985 N in to Hall Co as quickly as possble,

my boy calls me and tell me the cop said " doing a little racing huh" my boy said no then gives him a racing with a group of cars ticket doesnt arrest him , and his license was expired so he gets one of those but luckily he had a passager with him,

he just went to court on the tickets and got a 400 dollar fine and community service... I of course told him i would help on the ticket since I bailed .......

funny though cop gives him a racing ticket but dosent try to arrest him ......

01-19-2008, 01:05 AM
The most amazing part of this is that he posts the story up on a PUBLIC forum stating the speed he was actually going, then wants to know if he could just say it wasnt him driving when it's known that cops visit this forum LOL. Icing on the cake is that theres a pic of the car in his sig. :lmfao:

Better hope that cop, or any of his buddies dont check in here for a while.

GT-S Boy
01-19-2008, 08:42 AM
The most amazing part of this is that he posts the story up on a PUBLIC forum stating the speed he was actually going, then wants to know if he could just say it wasnt him driving when it's known that cops visit this forum LOL. Icing on the cake is that theres a pic of the car in his sig. :lmfao:

Better hope that cop, or any of his buddies dont check in here for a while.

lol thats not my car, i use to have a corolla back in august but it was a coupe and red and yes i changed the speeds, and i don't have an integra as a dd, it is a different car, sorry, but i'm way ahead of you

01-19-2008, 08:52 AM
You guys are idiots for "racing" on unsafe roads and in unsafe weather conditions.

your lucky he wasnt calling the paramedics to scrape ur bodies off the roads

and ur mom was laughing?? Nice parenting.

01-19-2008, 09:00 AM

01-19-2008, 09:03 AM
You guys are idiots for "racing" on unsafe roads and in unsafe weather conditions.

your lucky he wasnt calling the paramedics to scrape ur bodies off the roads

and ur mom was laughing?? Nice parenting.Mom was happy because she knows it's not too much longer before the drain on her pocketbook will be dead or in jail.

01-19-2008, 09:07 AM
Mom was happy because she knows it's not too much longer before the drain on her pocketbook will be dead or in jail.hahahahahahahahahaha :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

01-19-2008, 09:07 AM
You guys are idiots for "racing" on unsafe roads and in unsafe weather conditions.

your lucky he wasnt calling the paramedics to scrape ur bodies off the roads

and ur mom was laughing?? Nice parenting.

Agreed. I hope the cop shows up to your house and writes you the most expensive ticket he can. ******.

01-19-2008, 09:11 AM
Just remember, when you do get locked up for racing one day. Even if you're just doing an overnighter, watch out for teh

01-19-2008, 12:51 PM
lulz... One thread wasn't enough attention.

01-19-2008, 12:54 PM
what a dipsh*t.

01-19-2008, 01:05 PM
go to court and fight it

01-19-2008, 01:18 PM
go to court and fight it
i read that thread half asleep lastnight so i'm going to edit my original post but

worst advice ever

01-19-2008, 01:38 PM
if u do soemthing wrong, and u get away with the worst part.. but get hit with something else small. Just sack up and take it. you know you 2 were wrong..pay the fine..

01-19-2008, 03:05 PM
well tonight i was heading to the movie theater with my buddy, we were each in our own cars, him in his bmw and me and in integra(dd), well we pulled up next to each other, i knew he would beat me in a race, but we both hit the gas and he just pulled away, he accelerated to about 70 and i accelerated to about 65,

Regarless of what happened after this point, if you were dumb enough to race on the street in the first place, then you get what happens to you.

the cop was behind a truck at the stop light we raced from,

Even worse you were on a street with atleast 2 other people besides you 2 that were racing. You're lucky you only got a ticket and didn't become "jail bait" for your cell mate.

01-19-2008, 04:08 PM
The most amazing part of this is that he posts the story up on a PUBLIC forum stating the speed he was actually going, then wants to know if he could just say it wasnt him driving when it's known that cops visit this forum LOL. Icing on the cake is that theres a pic of the car in his sig. :lmfao:

Better hope that cop, or any of his buddies dont check in here for a while.
lol thats not my car, i use to have a corolla back in august but it was a coupe and red and yes i changed the speeds, and i don't have an integra as a dd, it is a different car, sorry, but i'm way ahead of you

lulz... One thread wasn't enough attention.
So I'm guessing that powder blue 240 in your avatar over there is your current car? Not as far ahead as you thought huh? :lmfao:

01-19-2008, 04:11 PM
Not as far ahead as you thought huh? :lmfao:People on IA, thinking? Blasphemy!!!

01-19-2008, 04:13 PM
People on IA, thinking? Blasphemy!!!
LOL, basically.

GT-S Boy
01-19-2008, 05:03 PM
lol yes thats not my car, but i wasn't in that car last night, i haven't drove it for a while

01-19-2008, 07:46 PM
Whats really funny is , a lot of people in here are flaming this guy for street racing . Have any of you seen the kills forum ? Thats illegal racing at its best and the " icing on the cake " (hint hint) is some that some of you have posted in there about your races .

GT-S Boy
01-20-2008, 08:29 AM
Whats really funny is , a lot of people in here are flaming this guy for street racing . Have any of you seen the kills forum ? Thats illegal racing at its best and the " icing on the cake " (hint hint) is some that some of you have posted in there about your races .

haha yeah, thats very true, i didn't think people would get so upset about it

01-20-2008, 11:59 AM
don't answer the door... he can't come in without a warrant and the ticket can't be issued without you signing it... plus it makes him look like an idiot

01-20-2008, 12:02 PM
People on IA, thinking? Blasphemy!!!

Hmmmm. Later, QD.

01-20-2008, 12:03 PM
I didn't read your story, and I don't car too.
Just leave ******, nobody wants you here.

01-20-2008, 12:05 PM
Have any of you seen the kills forum ?

I hope the OP kills himself the next time he gets behind the wheel of his car. Seriously.

The thing with the Kills Forum(which I've never posted an "event" in) is that Julio and I struck a deal about 4-5 years ago where I would stay out of there(cauing drama in there daily because of my loathing that activity) and the posts on "street racing" would stay in there and not venture to the regular board. Later, QD.

01-20-2008, 12:06 PM
haha yeah, thats very true, i didn't think people would get so upset about it

The bold part is the exact answer to your idiocy. Like I said, hopefully the outcome of your next venture will be better news to those of us who have a reason to live. Later, QD.

01-20-2008, 12:26 PM
just stay at at friends for the next week or so. i once ran a stop sign in a friends neighborhood that EVERYONE ran while a cop was talking to someone (i didn't see him until after i ran it) i hurried up and parked my car at his house and went inside. i never got a ticket or anything b/c he never turned his lights on so it wasn't eluding. he did however take a good look at my car and harass me several times by following me everywhere. but that happened when i was 16. i dont think that it'll hold up in court b/c u can claim that someone else was driving. hope you'll learn to leave it at the track though.

01-20-2008, 01:53 PM
So did the cop ever show up???

I hate these damn threads that have to do with something that will happen in the future and the OP's never come back in and update...

**** this **** ***** ass mo****er

GT-S Boy
01-20-2008, 07:35 PM
yeah the cop showed up, gave me a 15 mph over ticket, and quick dodge, your 37 years old, you post more than anybody i've ever seen on import atlanta, are you ever going to grow up?

01-20-2008, 07:56 PM
yeah the cop showed up, gave me a 15 mph over ticket, and quick dodge, your 37 years old, you post more than anybody i've ever seen on import atlanta, are you ever going to grow up?

LOL.. he gave you a 15 over ticket.. That is almost pointless.. (pun intended)

You will get out of it in court..

01-20-2008, 10:40 PM
yeah the cop showed up, gave me a 15 mph over ticket, and quick dodge, your 37 years old, you post more than anybody i've ever seen on import atlanta, are you ever going to grow up?

The fact that I'm not running from cops, racing on the highway and whining and complaining about a ticket that I deserved would make it clear that I am grown. Not to mention the fact that I don't have "BOY" as part of my screen name. It might as well be GT-S Bitch. Lolol @ you trying to get mad at me and defending your dumbass actions. Later, QD.

01-20-2008, 10:49 PM
too bad you got a ticket. some cops have nothing better to do than to screw around with teens, next time tho don't speed unless you know your in a cop free zone

01-20-2008, 10:55 PM
also quickdodge, why are you wishing death on someone like that? you shouldnt wish that on anyone because one day it might happen and you won't be laughing then grow up seriously that wasnt cool

.blank cd
01-20-2008, 11:33 PM
The cops dont have to have a warrant to come in your house. Especially if your parents let them in! Plus the police have training on how to judge speed without radar or laser, using their eyes. They're tested to w/in 5 mph, and its certified and the certification holds up in court.

01-21-2008, 12:20 AM
also quickdodge, why are you wishing death on someone like that? you shouldnt wish that on anyone because one day it might happen and you won't be laughing then grow up seriously that wasnt cool
You blame him for wanting him to wreck instead of taking out a family?
No you don't.

01-21-2008, 12:29 AM
Wow this is the dumbest thing I have ever read. as far as your cituation is concerned it all depends. In fayetteville the statute of limitations as I understand it is 7 days. But you could say it wasn't you and not say who it was and plea the 5th. Pretty much your in the clear and your buddy is ****ed and the two of you are just idiots.Also the real thing you should be happy about is not getting racing tickets.
LOL @ your education

how are you going to call his post dumb, when you post this bullsh*t? :lmfao:


(we will leave the comma splices and **** out because no one cares about that)

sounds like the pot calling the kettle black...

01-21-2008, 10:27 AM
also quickdodge, why are you wishing death on someone like that?

you shouldnt wish that on anyone

Why not? Would I rather see this idiot take out an entire family instead? Fucc no. May he die before someone innocent. And I do mean it.

because one day it might happen and you won't be laughing then

I won't be feeling sorry or sad..that's for sure. I'll sit right here and state that he got exactly what he fuccing deserved.

grow up seriously that wasnt cool

I'm grown. That's why I know right from wrong. Of course I knew that when I was still young. And I don't give a fucc what your definition of cool is. If "street racing" and putting real people's lives in danger is cool in your eyes, then may you have the same fate as Idiot McStupid. Later, QD.