View Full Version : Misc anyone know anything about COD 5?

01-16-2008, 08:07 PM
ive heard alot of stuff about they are already working on a cod5.....the only bad thing is, the makers of cod3 are making (treyarch or something, i think cod4 was infiniti awards or whatever ), and one rumor is that its going back to ww2 type setting. if thats the case chances are i will not buy it. just seeing if anyone else has heard about it, tried to find info on it but couldnt get much

01-16-2008, 08:42 PM
dont believe speculation so early, 4 just came out, they wouldnt announce their gameplan so soon.

01-16-2008, 08:56 PM
i know thats what i was thinking, going to turn out like thps series did. haha. but being that if its true call of duty 5 is being made by the makers of call of duty 3, maybe it was worked on while call of duty 4 was being developed by the other guys. i bought call of duty 3, and it wasnt a bad game, but was pretty boring all the way through, same scenario the whole game it seemed (from what i remember). then online sucked, or i sucked. i was playing resistance online at the time and when i tried cod3 online i didnt like it. after playing cod4 the game and online i could never go back to the game if its anything like cod3.

01-16-2008, 09:00 PM
i know thats what i was thinking, going to turn out like thps series did. haha. but being that if its true call of duty 5 is being made by the makers of call of duty 3, maybe it was worked on while call of duty 4 was being developed by the other guys. i bought call of duty 3, and it wasnt a bad game, but was pretty boring all the way through, same scenario the whole game it seemed (from what i remember). then online sucked, or i sucked. i was playing resistance online at the time and when i tried cod3 online i didnt like it. after playing cod4 the game and online i could never go back to the game if its anything like cod3.

call of duty 3 was awesome online, team deathmatch was where its at..

if the next game happens to be a ww2 style game i will buy it, because that is call of duty roots

01-16-2008, 09:25 PM
i didnt start call of duty series until 3 was probably considered old by everyone else. and being i liked resistance ALOT i couldnt really compare them and still like cod3. i was so used to rfom i didnt even want to try to learn cod3 online. i think my rank is like 3 or 4 on there. i dont know maybe ill get on this weekend and see if i like it anymore since im 99% done with resistance and will probably be able to adapt to the controls better. the cod4 and cod3 controls are pretty similar aren't they?

01-16-2008, 09:28 PM
call of duty 3 was awesome online, team deathmatch was where its at..

if the next game happens to be a ww2 style game i will buy it, because that is call of duty roots

oh and yeah the WWII theme may be its roots, but you cant just keep making multiple games about the same thing, it will just get boring. when i was young i was pure die hard thps 1-4, wouldnt play or even look at other games. thought i would play thps games forever, as soon as thug came out it just got to were it felt like the same game over and over. i just dont want that to happen with call of duty

01-16-2008, 09:42 PM
ive heard alot of stuff about they are already working on a cod5.....the only bad thing is, the makers of cod3 are making (treyarch or something, i think cod4 was infiniti awards or whatever ), and one rumor is that its going back to ww2 type setting. if thats the case chances are i will not buy it. just seeing if anyone else has heard about it, tried to find info on it but couldnt get much

I read the same thing on some COD forum. Treyarch did make COD3, and they are making COD5, just like infinity ward made COD2 and COD4. Apparently both developers have contracts with activision.

If it does turn out to be WW2 again, I would be a little disappointed, but I would buy it anyway and pawn some noobs lolololol. I'm sure it would be completely different than COD4 (as far as the perks and weapon upgrades).

01-17-2008, 09:26 PM
I read the same thing on some COD forum. Treyarch did make COD3, and they are making COD5, just like infinity ward made COD2 and COD4. Apparently both developers have contracts with activision.

If it does turn out to be WW2 again, I would be a little disappointed, but I would buy it anyway and pawn some noobs lolololol. I'm sure it would be completely different than COD4 (as far as the perks and weapon upgrades).

ill probably end up getting it due to the fact that once i play a game i stay pretty "loyal" or whatever to it, and dont even think about checking into most other games. since psone i really didnt play a large variety of games. only series ive been around was THPS (which ive been done with for along time), metal gear solid series, GTA series, and I started resistance when i got my ps3 (probably stick with the series, if the best buy guy didnt recommend this game i would have never got into it, i judge things by the cover and i thought it looked dumb! haha), and i just started the COD series with cod3 after i beat resistance and wore rfom online out. hopefully i wont have to wait for a few years for another good cod to come out, if cod5 is wwII based, ill get it but i probably wont like it

01-17-2008, 10:05 PM
what are you talking about?

how would treyarch (sp?) making another ww2 title make you not want to buy it? they perfected the ww2 games.

i wouldnt buy it if it were a modern setting more than likely. because it wont be as good as 4 due to the fact that treyarch (sp?) has never made a modern game before. no one has made a modern shooter that can even compare to cod4 so i think people would be extremely disapointed with that.

but i think this could be great. cod4=modern (IW), cod5=ww2 (treyarch), cod6=modern (IW), etc...

cause the only other ww2 game that is close to cod is brothers in arms, but it has a completely different style anyways. i mean medal of honor is so overrated.

01-18-2008, 12:14 AM
what are you talking about?

how would treyarch (sp?) making another ww2 title make you not want to buy it? they perfected the ww2 games.

Because the WWII setting has been beaten to all **** literally since the origination of the (FPS) genre.

i wouldnt buy it if it were a modern setting more than likely. because it wont be as good as 4 due to the fact that treyarch (sp?) has never made a modern game before.

This is an illogical assumption paired with a logical inconsistency- Infinity Ward had never developed any games outside of the WWII setting pre COD4, and you can't assume a developer won't make as good of a product simply because they haven't done something as narrow as make a game in a certain setting before. Treyarch actually has a lot more game developing experience in general than Infinity Ward.

no one has made a modern shooter that can even compare to cod4 so i think people would be extremely disapointed with that.

Orly? Its an awesome shooter and everything but srsly.

The post modern setting is relatively unexplored and would be the most logical place for the franchise to expand into. The Vietnam era also, despite possessing tremendous atmosphere inherently, is incredibly underrepresented in video gaming.

01-18-2008, 12:48 AM
as long as its "modern" , I will buy it

01-18-2008, 07:53 AM

All the info you need to know about COD5

01-18-2008, 10:01 AM
All the info you need to know about COD5

All it really says is that Activision Blizzard announced COD5 is under development.

01-18-2008, 05:10 PM
haha, yeah treyarch may have perfected it, now they need to move on, you can just keep perfecting the same setting for a game cause it will be pretty much like playing cod3 all over again. modern warfare can probably last alot longer than a wwII based game. due to the fact that its war setting is placed in just about every kinda of them how cod was pretty much back woods running through trenches all through the game, few houses here and there.

01-18-2008, 06:16 PM
All it really says is that Activision Blizzard announced COD5 is under development.

apparently thats all they WANT us to know :doh:

01-18-2008, 06:52 PM
call of duty games are made in shifts

COD2 & COD4 were made by same people....thats y COD3 was so different than COD2,i hated 3 compared to COD2

so wouldnt surpise me if 5 was being made as we speak......id say cod6 is too

as soon as COD2 came out,they were working on 4

01-19-2008, 01:12 PM
apparently thats all they WANT us to know :doh:

My post was a reply to someone saying the link containing everything you "need to know" about COD5, which implies it contains a plethora of information.

01-21-2008, 12:17 AM
The post modern setting is relatively unexplored and would be the most logical place for the franchise to expand into. The Vietnam era also, despite possessing tremendous atmosphere inherently, is incredibly underrepresented in video gaming.
i dunno, i would think that vietnam would be sweet (IF SOMEONE COULD MAKE A GREAT GAME)

cause the whole jungle **** would get boring imo. but i would buy it if it had great gameplay

01-21-2008, 12:19 AM
haha, yeah treyarch may have perfected it, now they need to move on, you can just keep perfecting the same setting for a game cause it will be pretty much like playing cod3 all over again. modern warfare can probably last alot longer than a wwII based game. due to the fact that its war setting is placed in just about every kinda of them how cod was pretty much back woods running through trenches all through the game, few houses here and there.
well if treyarch moves on and flops, then they are done. they wont be able to make anymore cod's. happens.

i think they should stay ww2 and let IW do the modern. cause personally i love ww2. but seems IW and Treyarch are the only ones who can make great games (except grearbox (i think) the ones who make brothers in arms)

01-21-2008, 12:32 AM
The post modern setting is relatively unexplored and would be the most logical place for the franchise to expand into. The Vietnam era also, despite possessing tremendous atmosphere inherently, is incredibly underrepresented in video gaming.

i hope its nam! kill me some charlie

only good nam game made = battlefield vietnam

01-21-2008, 12:40 AM
who knows we'll see, i just hope they find a way to make it as good as cod4. im thinking of playing through it again. which is something ive only done with one other game in my life. i probably do it on easy this time. i got it beat on veteran, but i wanted to break something on a few parts