View Full Version : The idiots are out today....

01-07-2008, 02:46 PM
I don't know what it is about today, but i ran into three of the biggest dumbasses i've ever met while at work today (and one of them was my coworker.)

Idiot #1:
I'm ringing up this guy for some toilet paper holder replacement, and the total comes out to $12.71. The genius plonks down 3 rolls of DIMES onto my counter. Well, being that they're home-packed rolls, and my boss is standing over my shoulder, i tell him that i have to count them. All of them. He tells me "Oh no, they're fine." Well, i have to count them anyway, so i dump them out onto the counter and count away..and guess what!! ALL THREE ROLLS WERE WRONG. Bet you didn't see that coming. So i count out $12.80 in dimes and slide the rest back to him, drop them in the register and give him his $.09 in change. He proceeds to ask to speak to my manager because i "refused" to take his payment as he gave it to me. My manager asks me if i counted the dimes and were the rolls right...i say yes and that they were wrong, and manager says "well then i need to count them too" :lmfao:He stormed out :D

Idiot #2:
A woman came in looking for lisence plate holders, so i direct her to automotive. She shows back up a few minutes later with a pack, i ring her out, all is normal. Ten minutes later she's back at my counter telling me "My husband said not to get plastic"....so she heads off to the nuts and bolts isle and returns a few minutes later with different sized screws than the ones she just returned. :screwy: I ring her out. Two hours later, she's back again! And this time she wants my manager! Apparently, she "attached" her lisence plate with screws that were WAY too small and now the plate has fallen off. She wants her money back and the store to pay whatever fees she incurs from getting a new tag. *sigh* And of course my manager caved.

Idiot #3:
We have a store policy that when you pay on a card, even if it's a debit card, and you return the merchandice, your money will only be returned to a card (doesn't have to be the same card) or store credit. A guy came in wanting a good $50 or so in cash from a sale he paid for on a debit card. I tell him I can't do it. He tells me "But i paid in cash!" "No," i say, "it says on your receipt you paid on a card." "oh," he says, "It was a debit, it's the same thing"....I tell him i can't give him cash back. he leaves. An hour later i answer the phone and ITS THE SAME GUY asking if i can give him cash for a debit card return. I give the same answer. One hour later he does it AGAIN. I continue to give him the same answer then and for the next TWO HOURS after that when he calls back. At what point do you get the damn message??

Idiot #4, my coworker:
My coworker shows up a few minutes early this morning and sticks his head into the store to ask if i want anything from the bagel place down the street. I tell him sure, toss him my keys, and tell him there's a $5 in my cup holder. He returns with my bagel, keys, and change. All is good. Then about an hour and a half later he walks outside, comes back in and says "Hey, i think i didn't close your door all the way, your dome light is on." I can't leave the register, so i toss him my keys and ask him to go close the door right, and to start the car just to make sure the battery is ok (i figure after only an hour i should be fine.) Well, he reappears and tells me the car won't start. He's totally panicked. I'm a bit freaked too, because there's no way that battery should be dead. I tell my manager it's an emergency and i need to go to my car, i run outside...and the car starts fine. Nothing wrong at all. My coworker is stunned. Has no idea why it wouldn't start for him but he swears up and down it wouldn't turn over.
Reps (for what mine are worth) if you can guess why it would start for me, but not him :D

So am i the only one being flocked with morons today??:ninja:

Spectic Tank
01-07-2008, 02:53 PM
if you can guess why it would start for me, but not him :D

Your car is a manual and he didnt have the clutch engaged.

01-07-2008, 02:53 PM
because your car is manual and he didnt press in the clutch

01-07-2008, 02:56 PM
Bing bing bing!! Reps to you both.

I knew it wasn't a hard question (but hey, like i said, my reps aren't worth much :D) but i was shocked that he didn't know any better.

When it started for me, i looked at him and asked "Hey, did you press the clutch?" And he just stared at me and after a minute said "the what?"

01-07-2008, 03:04 PM
Out of curiosity, where do you work? (if you dont mind saying)

01-07-2008, 03:13 PM
I work at a hardware store.

Why, wondering where you can find license plate fasteners, toilet paper holders, and idiots all at the same place? :D

01-07-2008, 03:15 PM
Out of curiosity, where do you work? (if you dont mind saying)deductive reasoning would tell you home depot, lowes, or wal mart

01-07-2008, 03:18 PM
Nice one, randomguy :D Reps to you too.

It's neither of those hardware stores, but you were damn close.

01-07-2008, 03:24 PM
I work at a hardware store.

Why, wondering where you can find license plate fasteners, toilet paper holders, and idiots all at the same place? :D
I was curious, because I too have worked at a hardware store, and your story highly resembles my experiences.

01-07-2008, 03:28 PM
does it ever scare you that these people are repairing their own homes, doing their own plumbing, electrical, and construction work?? I constantly wonder how we don't hear more news stories headlined "Man killed in DIY accident"....

01-07-2008, 03:44 PM
lol, yeh, pretty scary. It's just beyond me how some of these people think they know exactly what they are doing, and when I tell them they're doing it wrong they just wont listen. At that point I'll let them go on their merry way and find out for themselves. There's only so much you can tell these hard headed people.

01-07-2008, 03:47 PM
We had another guy in the store a few weeks ago and i swear he was drunk. Completely blasted at about 10am. Came in asking where electrical was...I didn't even question it, i figure if he kills him self that's just Darwinism at its finest.

01-07-2008, 03:52 PM
The idiots are out today....Did somebody call?

*Bored out of my mind*

01-07-2008, 04:14 PM
its ace hardware either the one of 2 on 92 or the one on main street in woodstock. judging from his location.

01-07-2008, 04:17 PM
It's ace, but neither of the ones you mentioned. i drive past two or three aces to get to the one i work at lol

01-07-2008, 04:20 PM
lol, pretty good stories...

and yeah, i knew the answer to your question right away..

sadly enough, i've been that guy that didn't push the clutch in... BUT that was before i had ever driven a manual...

01-07-2008, 04:27 PM
the one on hwy 5 by the dmv?

01-07-2008, 04:29 PM
lol there's only so many ace's in georgia, you're gonna get to it eventually ;) But i would rather not say which one.

01-07-2008, 04:30 PM
well i am done guessing

01-07-2008, 04:32 PM
wait its the one on shallowford haha the bagel shop duh i go in that one sometimes.

01-07-2008, 04:37 PM
wait its the one on shallowford haha the bagel shop duh i go in that one sometimes.it is... LETS GO IN AND PWN HIM

01-07-2008, 04:43 PM
"pwn" me? what are you going to do, demand a refund without a receipt?

01-07-2008, 04:47 PM
Why, wondering where you can find license plate fasteners, toilet paper holders, and idiots all at the same place? :D
lol i was wondering that the entire time.

01-07-2008, 05:09 PM
lol i used to work at an ace hardware... the one in tucker... i hope yours pays better than mine did

01-07-2008, 06:33 PM
HAHAHA +8 i love stupid people.