View Full Version : most dangerous sport

12-26-2007, 10:00 PM

Of course, most of the deaths come from drowning, hitting submerged objects while driving too fast, or just driving while intoxicated.


lol im so bored...

12-27-2007, 12:29 AM
no, actually, i think its extreme razor scootering

12-27-2007, 12:30 AM
Jai Alai

12-27-2007, 12:32 AM
whats going on with you sig? i think thats the new most dangerous sport. not scooters, its changing tires and giant snakes

12-27-2007, 12:33 AM
Lacrosse is pretty sweet. 4 concussions from that one, personally.

Concussion 1: I got tripped by one guy and another one kicked me in the helmet. Not too bad, but had a ***** of a headache all week.

Concussion 2: Last few seconds of a game, the other team was down by 1 goal. I play defense, and this dude decides to shoot it as hard as he could in a desperate attempt. I was in the way, and the shot hit me in the side of the helmet. My helmet cracked and also cut my head, and I couldn't hear for about a minute. After that, I had no clue where I was and couldnt pay attention to anything. My worst concussion (to date).

Concussions 3 & 4: Both of these resulted from me hitting another guy on the other team helmet-to-helmet at a full sprint. Pretty mild concussions and totally worth it. The other guys didn't get up so fast.

I have seen many broken bones from lacrosse, too.

12-27-2007, 12:45 AM
skateboard whooped my ass for 6 years, didnt break any bone though, is definetly going to leave me with MAJOR knee problems when im older. ive been done skating for probably 2 or 3 years and my knee are shot. when i kneel down it hurts to stand back up, and sounds like stuff is ripping real loud inside my knee. then sometimes if i stand wrong i get a real quick sharp pain or it just gives out........

12-27-2007, 05:51 AM
fishing f'ing sucks. I cant even catch the damn ground.