View Full Version : 25 Years For Some Dogs

12-22-2007, 09:29 PM
As almost everyone knows Vick got 23 months for what he did from the feds. Now the state is trying to go after him and He is looking at 25 years. Don't Get me wrong I think he deserved what he got but 25 years for some dogs when murderers spend less time than that in prison?


12-22-2007, 09:54 PM
You know that even if he gets handed 25 years he'll be out on parole in under 5. I think they're trying to make an example out of him, which he deserves.

12-22-2007, 09:58 PM
ok that makes 7 years still too much

12-22-2007, 10:49 PM
ok that makes 7 years still too much

I don't agree with that, I think he got what he deserved in the federal case, but the state just needs to fvck off.

12-22-2007, 11:05 PM
I think 25 years is wayyy excessive, dont get me wrong, I love animals, but I thought his current sentence was fitting for the crime.

Especially when OJ commits murder (well, I think he did) and doesnt get **** for time, and Vick fights/kills dogs and get a harsher punishment. Its like some PETA conspiracy or some **** lol

12-22-2007, 11:23 PM
i'm not going to go as far as to say its a conspiracy but its definitely dumb as ****

12-22-2007, 11:26 PM
Yea thats too much time. Rapists dont even serve that much when they should

12-23-2007, 05:54 AM
I don't agree with that, I think he got what he deserved in the federal case, but the state just needs to fvck off.


12-23-2007, 06:17 AM
damn......overkill perhaps ?? and yea, i'm late on the post!!!

in some countries, dead dogs are served with fries.

12-23-2007, 07:41 AM
Vick deserves every second he gets.

12-23-2007, 08:13 AM
hell i thought 23 months was too long

12-23-2007, 08:13 AM
Vick deserves every second he gets.
lol :rolleyes:

12-23-2007, 09:30 AM
I think he deserves more than what he got, but anything more than a couple more years is just too much IMO. Like stated above, more serious criminals get off with less.

12-23-2007, 10:19 AM
Remember, it's not just that he committed a crime, he had a lot of fans, kids looking up to him, etc.

12-23-2007, 10:35 AM
Remember, it's not just that he committed a crime, he had a lot of fans, kids looking up to him, etc.
Ok this is the most ridiculous post in this thread so far. I'm packing for a flight that I have to catch so I will make it quick.

SO ****ING WHAT THAT HE WAS A STAR!!!!!!!!! That doesn't mean that he should get longer because he "dissappointed his fans". What you are suggesting is a double standard. Star's shouldn't recieve less than the average person for a committed crime but they should recieve more? :thinking: The law was not designed to play favorites all though some judges have done so when it has come time for sentencing. So your saying that we have to hold people in a better standing than ourselves to more extreme standards. 25 years is excessive no matter which way you look at it. yes he had fans manny of which were young but do you know what the parents if they are good parents will say to said children. they will sit them down and say what he did was wrong and it was a crime under the law and he will have to go away for a while to pay for his mistakes and with this standing sentence make an example out of him to your children. to give him 25 years would be ridiculous, overkill, and down right stupid.

12-23-2007, 10:47 AM
25 years might be pushing it, i mean 2 years was fair (if he serves it all the way through), with 25 years, the punishment has gone to far now!

12-23-2007, 10:47 AM
I still don't understand how they can have ufc and **** like that on t.v. but you can't fight dogs.

12-23-2007, 11:18 AM
Ok this is the most ridiculous post in this thread so far. I'm packing for a flight that I have to catch so I will make it quick.

SO ****ING WHAT THAT HE WAS A STAR!!!!!!!!! That doesn't mean that he should get longer because he "dissappointed his fans". What you are suggesting is a double standard. Star's shouldn't recieve less than the average person for a committed crime but they should recieve more? :thinking: The law was not designed to play favorites all though some judges have done so when it has come time for sentencing. So your saying that we have to hold people in a better standing than ourselves to more extreme standards. 25 years is excessive no matter which way you look at it. yes he had fans manny of which were young but do you know what the parents if they are good parents will say to said children. they will sit them down and say what he did was wrong and it was a crime under the law and he will have to go away for a while to pay for his mistakes and with this standing sentence make an example out of him to your children. to give him 25 years would be ridiculous, overkill, and down right stupid.X2 completely true. What gets me so mad is that people make some of the dumbest comments, when it comes to this issue. Whoever said he deserves more than what he got is a idiot. What he recieved is okay in my eyes. Vick probably should have gotten probation, and paid a hefty fine. The man had no criminal record, which in most cases would give you probation.

12-23-2007, 01:28 PM
I still don't understand how they can have ufc and **** like that on t.v. but you can't fight dogs.

The dogs don't volunteer to fight for their lives. Not to mention the illegal gambling.

12-23-2007, 06:36 PM
The dogs don't volunteer to fight for their lives. Not to mention the illegal gambling.

There is gambling on everything.

mocha latte cupcake
12-23-2007, 06:38 PM
animal cruelty is in the top 3 on my list... beating/torture/mistreatment/etc etc of animals is just F'ed up... everyone has different views but i'm glad that b itch got that long! wish it had been longer. who the hell picks on animals to purposely raise them to fight and f uck each other up?! WTF sad excuse for a human being.... deserved every bit of it...

12-23-2007, 07:11 PM
they just need to leave him alone and let him serve his time anf get the f*** out.

12-23-2007, 08:31 PM
Remember, it's not just that he committed a crime, he had a lot of fans, kids looking up to him, etc.

It's not just that he commited a crime. It's that he repeatedly lied about it. Lied about it. Lied some more. Then finally said "Ok well I wuz lyin' but I didn't kill no dogs." and then went "Ok well maybe like two."

If he got banned from playing in the NFL or appearing in Radio/TV ads I would be happy if he got 0 days in jail. Seriously. Having that braindead moron on TV was damaging to atlanta as a whole, and hearing him tell me that he wished a "funky smelling lockerroom" smelled as fresh as a new Airtran jet literally made me cry.

I don't care that he got busted for dogfighting or animal cruelty. They weren't looking for evidence of that at all. It's a last-ditch effort to try and get him for something at all, they were looking for drugs. Mike Vick pissed someone in the feds off, because any idiot can tell you that most pro NFL players do some form of recreational narcotic. Only the ones who piss off cops or cause a scene ever get investigated for it though.

12-24-2007, 12:11 AM
so what are yalls opinions on cock fighting, scorpion fighting, and other various ones that i am sure exist?

Lucky DAWG
12-24-2007, 02:20 AM
so what are yalls opinions on cock fighting, scorpion fighting, and other various ones that i am sure exist?

**** fighting is different.
Gamecocks are the **** :goodjob: ... ;)

but you can't say 25 isn't appropriate on the basis of how much other crimes get you put away for like murder and rape. If the norm in one country for raping someone is a week in jail that doesn't make it morally right because its the law.

i wouldn't lose sleep over him going in for more time, 25 is ridiculous, but 5 years and then parole i can see happening and actually quite fitting.

celebrities need to be shown they aren't an exception

12-24-2007, 08:18 AM
**** fighting is different.
Gamecocks are the **** :goodjob: ... ;)

but you can't say 25 isn't appropriate on the basis of how much other crimes get you put away for like murder and rape. If the norm in one country for raping someone is a week in jail that doesn't make it morally right because its the law.

i wouldn't lose sleep over him going in for more time, 25 is ridiculous, but 5 years and then parole i can see happening and actually quite fitting.

celebrities need to be shown they aren't an exceptionSTFU, you said cockfighting is different. You need to be punched in the mouth.

12-24-2007, 09:23 AM
I think they should give him the chair.

12-24-2007, 08:44 PM
^your an idiot