View Full Version : Chuck Norris Saved My Day

12-19-2007, 09:28 PM
My day was saved by: MFing Chuck Norris.
I'm currently working at Wolf Camera, as my constructoni job just does not pay the bills in the winter time. X-mas time at photo places is....OMFG hell ftl. People go N*U*T*S when it comes to their christmas cards.
Anyway...we were swamped...completely. It was myself and one other employee, and he was taking orders, and I was printing. The whole back of teh store was COVERE in finished orders with peoples receits on top of them, not packaged in boxes. It takes us longer to find orders then to print them, but we just don't have the time to package.
THen, in comes this guy, with some huge ass 10x12s of him and Chuck. Both the other employee and myself go wild. The order gets printed and set down in a very visible, central spot. From then , on, when looking for orders that were printed, we'd reference the location to Chucks pictures. The rest of the evening went smooth as silk, comparatively. So, thank you, Chuck Norris, for making my hell at work go by that much easier.
I was there from 8am till 12:40am, with 4 smoke breaks and no lunch. It blew. Hard. If you have any non-christmas related sh*t to do at stores, please, hold it off untill after Dec 31st.

Anyway, just thought I'd share. It was hilarious.
1/2 a handle of captain in me ftw. :gulp:

12-20-2007, 01:10 AM
...is this what you called me about, tonight?

I was picking up a chick at the airport...

12-20-2007, 07:26 AM
no, it wasnt about that. I was gona ask you about something else unrelated.

Man, that post looks...i duno...just not right. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but...:thinking:

Moral: don't drink and IA.

12-20-2007, 10:05 AM
LoLoL. Nice...

What's on your mind, man?

12-20-2007, 10:15 AM
Chuck Norris once found a dead goat on the side of the road. Chuck Norris picked up the goat and massaged the goat's beard. amazingly the goat arouse from the dead! as the goat landed on all fours, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked the goat in the face! the goat died instantly! after the goat's pulse was checked by an eye witness, Chuck Norris replied, "Chuck Norris gives life, and Chuck Norris takes life away!"

12-20-2007, 11:09 AM

12-20-2007, 12:20 PM

12-20-2007, 09:35 PM
Ha! nice.

I don't recall exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Just got off work and prety brain fried. It'll come back to me.
If i schedule it right, I might be able to come by your shop tomorrow, provided I get all my x-mas shopping done in the morning.