View Full Version : Overheating, temp. issues

12-14-2007, 12:52 AM
Before I left Ga. I had a hole in my radiator. Replaced the radiator, cooling issues were solved. But I did notice from time to time my temp gauge would run a tad hot.

Drove the car after a tune up from Ga to Tx, no issues.

About a month ago, driving from San Antonio to Austin, I cranked my AC for about 10 mins. and the car began to overheat and finally busting a water hose, or some hose under the dizzy.

Got it fixed. Car ran fine.

Fast forward to the past few weeks, whenever I turn on the heat/ac after the car has been running for 10 mins or so, it'll overheat and the temp gauge will move. But when I start driving, it'll drop down.

When I'm stuck in traffic it'll run hot, then when I drive it'll drop down.

I'm sure this is an easy fix, but I don't know what it could possibly be.

Any suggestions? I'm thinking it might be my temp. gauge since the car is a 93.

BTW I have an 93 EG.

Any suggestions or trouble shooting is greatly appreciated!

I don't want to get rid of my daily now! 30 mpg still!

12-14-2007, 01:33 AM
Definently sounds like something is wrong with that temp. gauge.

I was thinking if it's around the high area, or sitting above mids your thermostat isn't opening.

12-14-2007, 02:47 AM

12-14-2007, 04:39 AM
Bleed the coolant system of air. you getting air pockets and the water is steaming.

12-14-2007, 06:44 AM
Is the fan working? It doesn't sound like you have a gauge problem. If the fan is operating like it is supposed to, you have a water flow problem. I wouldn't lean on a t-stat for the fact that it isn't overheating all the time. It really has symptoms of the fan not working, or not pulling air. Also, check and make sure there isn't any debris in front of the radiator, or in/on the grill somewhere. If there were an air pocket, which is unlikely on that vehicle, it would intermittently overheat.

12-14-2007, 07:05 AM
thanks guys.. really appreciate it..

It could be a fan issue, but I would have assumed the shop would have looked it over when I busted my water hose. But they were too busy trying to sell me on replacing all my hoses even though they were brand new after I got my radiator fixed.

the only reason why I said the thermostat is b/c after my radiator crapped out on me a few months ago, I never replaced it/or the trip to Austin. So I figured that it might have been damaged and since the car is an older model that it may quite possibly be that. But I will def. check the fan sometime today.

reps :cheers:

12-14-2007, 07:21 AM
Also, keep in mind that when you check the fan, it isn't going to come on until the engine comes up to temperature. I can't remember the exact temp, somewhere around 190*-200*. Another thing, the fan should come on with the A/C turned on regardless of what temperature the engine is at, so make sure the to check for the fan with the A/C on, and then turn the A/C off and see if it comes on with the engine temp, if that makes any sense to you.

12-14-2007, 07:47 AM
thermostats are cheap, I would replace it anyway just for peace of mind. did they properly bleed the cooling system after the radiator install and I'm not sure if it matters with this model, but does it have the proper amount of fluid in the overflow tank? I know this is only your daily, but I always preferred a manually switched fan on my turbo equipped toy.

just tossing some ideas about.....

12-14-2007, 12:19 PM
Sounds like a thermostat problem to me. If ur fans operate just fine, but the car overheats anyway. Check that. Dont assume the shop did. I did once... and they just "overlooked" it and then charged me to change the switch, which wasnt the problem. But check ur thermostat. Get a generic Stant one.

12-14-2007, 12:31 PM
I agree with Init2winit. Normally, a thermostat problem is not intermittent. The thermostat only does 2 things EVER; open and close. When they go bad, most of them stay closed and thereby causing overheating problems. Some of the newer "safety" thermostats are designed to stay open when they fail, but I highly doubt that if you've never had it changed before that this is the kind that's in there.

I would look at the fan(s) closely. It's an easy check. They either work or they don't. Like Init2winit said, if they do work, then you have a coolant flow issue somewhere. Have you checked to be sure you haven't blown a head gasket? Although most of the time that too will overheat all the time and not intermittent.

Do you have any leaks? I know my car had a tiny tiny leak thru a hose that was resting up against my my downpipe. I kept losing coolant and couldn't find why since I park it over carpet every night. When it would get low, the temp would creep higher than normal. Once the leak was fixed, it's never gotten past where it'd always stayed. Remember that the coolant goes into a closed system. In other words, if you're having to continously add more and more, it's likely to be leaking out somewhere. Put a big piece of cardboard under the car and see if you have any leaking fluids.

Hope it helps. :goodjob:

12-14-2007, 11:32 PM

I'll have to wait until it stops raining to check it out.. I have to find a reputable Honda shop out here in S.A. or maybe just the 'stealer'ship

12-14-2007, 11:58 PM
You can check the fans yourself.

Start the car. Turn on the A/C. The fan(s) should come on. If they don't, that's strike one. Let the car warm up. When the temp gauge starts getting up towards the middle, the thermostat should open at which time the fans should come on full blast. If they don't, there's strike two and a damn sure sign that's probably your problem.

You can also check to see if the thermostat is opening in a similar way, but I'm still willing to bet it's more likely your fans than your thermostat based on your symptoms.

Good luck. Hope that helps.

12-15-2007, 12:50 AM
my car is having the same problem in a way
im almost positive its my water pump though
yours sounds like it maybe thermostat but it always could be the water pump.

12-15-2007, 03:11 AM
thanks Jaime!

NAG2I-- I have a brand new water pump installed, so I don't forsee that as my problem..


12-15-2007, 09:00 AM
thats what i would is wrong as well. check your fan.
Is the fan working? It doesn't sound like you have a gauge problem. If the fan is operating like it is supposed to, you have a water flow problem. I wouldn't lean on a t-stat for the fact that it isn't overheating all the time. It really has symptoms of the fan not working, or not pulling air. Also, check and make sure there isn't any debris in front of the radiator, or in/on the grill somewhere. If there were an air pocket, which is unlikely on that vehicle, it would intermittently overheat.

12-15-2007, 01:29 PM
change your thermostat if u havent already. they tend to stick. also let ur car run in your drive way and make sure the fan comes on.

12-23-2007, 10:16 AM
alright, so I looked..

When it comes to cars, I'm no mechanic.. but I checked the FANS.. I didn't even know I two fans.. one I'm assuming for the AC fan when its in use..

but the fan on the radiator does not come on at all. so I'm assuming that is the fan that needs to replace.. I bet its an easy fix too...

I'm assuming all I need is a motor? so the fan can run? or should I replace the whole part, plug and play? would anything else hinder the fan from working? say if the thermostat was sticking? and should I just replace it also?

12-23-2007, 12:07 PM
alright, so I looked..

When it comes to cars, I'm no mechanic.. but I checked the FANS.. I didn't even know I two fans.. one I'm assuming for the AC fan when its in use..

but the fan on the radiator does not come on at all. so I'm assuming that is the fan that needs to replace.. I bet its an easy fix too...

I'm assuming all I need is a motor? so the fan can run? or should I replace the whole part, plug and play? would anything else hinder the fan from working? say if the thermostat was sticking? and should I just replace it also?

You have a fan for your condensor and radiator. If you have a/c, start your car and turn the a/c button on. Both fans SHOULD come on. If the only the a/c one turns on your radiator fan might be bad. You can pull the fan out 4 10mm bolts and a connector. VERY EASY. Put 12v to the fan, if it doesnt spin then u def need a motor. If the fan does come on, back track through the wiring. maybe you have a short in the wiring or maybe blown fuse.

12-23-2007, 04:10 PM
It's a very easy swap. Take out the whole fan shroud, take off the bolts holding the fan onto the shroud, unplug the harness, and voila!...there you are. Repeat backwards for the install. I'm sure just about any auto parts store has it. I'd shop it around first over the phone though. You'd be surprised at the price differences for the exact same part from store to store.

If it were me, I'd change out the thermostat too. If it's been there as long as you say it has, it may nearing it's life expectancy. It's also an easy and cheap part, but one that can cost you 50x's more if it goes bad out on the road. It too is a 15 min job. It's easy.

Good luck. Hope you get it fixed for good.

12-31-2007, 03:37 AM

I changed the thermostat and the fan sensor (the two that are on the neck). Started the car, let it run to temp. and the fan didn't kick on.

Turned off the car, grounded some wires and tested the fan connection; still good.

So I'm assuming it must be either electrical or another sensor?

Any suggestions?

12-31-2007, 05:34 PM
Did you change the actual fan MOTOR? If not, that's your problem more than likely.

01-01-2008, 09:46 AM
You need to check your fuses, and check the fan relay.

01-01-2008, 12:03 PM
^^^ it was the fan relay..

I had to take it to an acura/honda place.. and they swapped it.. damn $100 bucks..

but it works...

thanks guys..