View Full Version : Things People Do In Traffic That Piss You off

12-05-2007, 06:43 PM
I have been thinking about this cause i dont want to work on **** for my finals so here goes:

People Doing 5MPH under the speed limit
People in the left lane not passing
People who slow down to 2MPH to turn off when there is a 50 yard running lane
People that don't pay attention to what their doing
People on the phone that can't handle multitasking
People that go slower than the Speed limit when a cop is around

12-05-2007, 06:50 PM
people who stop at a yellow light
people who ride their brakes
people who drive hondas

12-05-2007, 06:52 PM
people who repost

12-05-2007, 06:59 PM
when youre getting on 85 north from pleasant hill, the assholes who floor it to the very front of the line of cars to get over.

or the people who stop at the intersections pulling into the MOG parking lot. THERE ISNT A STOP SIGN THERE.

12-05-2007, 07:00 PM
ppl who drive with there blinker on

12-05-2007, 07:00 PM
I just hate Collins... that is all

12-05-2007, 07:01 PM
when youre getting on 85 north from pleasant hill, the assholes who floor it to the very front of the line of cars to get over.

or the people who stop at the intersections pulling into the MOG parking lot. THERE ISNT A STOP SIGN THERE.

i did that earlier today.. what you hate me now

12-05-2007, 07:04 PM
People that stop on a yellow light
Slow ass people in the left lanes
Break happy people
People that get over at the LAST minute
Dumbass GA drivers lol

12-05-2007, 07:05 PM
people who repost
didnt know it was oh well this will be interesting though if people keep posting

12-05-2007, 07:06 PM
theres 2 things that you couldve done. which one was it? lol

12-05-2007, 07:09 PM
people who repost Really....who cares if it's a repost....lol

12-05-2007, 07:14 PM
lol i really dont... i jsut dont get to call repost very often lol.

and dracc, dont hate. its cause i'm bla... i mean white isnt it?!

12-05-2007, 07:18 PM
guess im hated cause i stop for yellow lights.........if u have time to stop,u should

12-05-2007, 07:20 PM
but if you dont need to then why should you. my biggest gripe about the whole yellow light thing is when people stop when the light has just gone yellow that pisses me off

12-05-2007, 07:20 PM
people who go 55 on I-75/85(**** will get you killed)
people who ride your ass, then after they pass you, they don't go any faster than you are...
people who go slow, but when you try to pass them, speed up...

12-05-2007, 07:23 PM
people who go 55 on I-75/85(**** will get you killed)
people who ride your ass, then after they pass you, they don't go any faster than you are...
people who go slow, but when you try to pass them, speed up...

yea i definitely gotta agree with that **** my average speed on 75/85 is around like 80 but i learned to drive on the interstate in New Jersey so.

people that go 10mph on the on ramp to the freeway.
people who are in the left lane not passing but riding side by side with the guy in the other lane preventing you from passing.
people that get all scared and honk at you as you come around the corner and proceed down the 150 yard merging lane because they usually stop at the apex of the corner and wait for an openingd

12-05-2007, 07:24 PM
but if you dont need to then why should you. my biggest gripe about the whole yellow light thing is when people stop when the light has just gone yellow that pisses me off

i mean yea,if ur right up on it...but not when u have to speed up 15mph to make it..

12-05-2007, 07:24 PM
but if you dont need to then why should you. my biggest gripe about the whole yellow light thing is when people stop when the light has just gone yellow that pisses me off

It is because when the light is yellow, you should technically be slowing down to stop - not speeding up to get through the light.

12-05-2007, 07:29 PM
exactly what im saying

12-05-2007, 07:30 PM
the problem is people just dont know how to ****ing judge distance anymore

12-05-2007, 07:35 PM
People that don't get in the turning lane when they need to and feel the need to honk their horn telling you to scoot up over the white line to account for their lack of preparation.

12-05-2007, 07:37 PM
but if you dont need to then why should you. my biggest gripe about the whole yellow light thing is when people stop when the light has just gone yellow that pisses me off Yeah it pisses me off especially when I'm RIGHT behind the person and the stop as soon as it turns yellow!!

12-05-2007, 07:38 PM
the person @ the traffic light in front of you, who isn't paying attention, and doesn't go when its there turn, then @ the last second they hit the gas and you get stuck....

12-05-2007, 07:46 PM
I just hate other drivers period

They all have the potential to do something stupid and wreck into me...

12-05-2007, 07:47 PM
I just hate other drivers period

They all have the potential to do something stupid and wreck into me...


12-05-2007, 07:56 PM
I think that people just need to learn how to use ****ing mirrors if im riding your ass its for a reason get the **** out of my way you stupid tool. im going this summer to do some of the BMW Driving Experience stuff when I get back lol I'm gonna have so much more to gripe about

The Ninja
12-05-2007, 07:56 PM
I just hate other drivers period

They all have the potential to do something stupid and wreck into me...


But yea...I should be writing my final paper thats due in 11hrs. Writing about those chicks who were fighting to bare their breasts. :)

The Ninja
12-05-2007, 07:56 PM
I think that people just need to learn how to use ****ing mirrors if im riding your ass its for a reason get the **** out of my way you stupid tool. im going this summer to do some of the BMW Driving Experience stuff when I get back lol I'm gonna have so much more to gripe about

You should have just saved that money and actually bought a bimmer.

mocha latte cupcake
12-05-2007, 07:57 PM
those dudes who drive 4.0 GT's... red ones.... supercharged ones... IA ones....

12-05-2007, 07:59 PM
You should have just saved that money and actually bought a bimmer.
I'm an 18 year old college kid the class is a 1k and its a vacation that my dad and i are planning

Crazy Asian
12-05-2007, 07:59 PM
Black cars, boosted, failed JDM projects. Damn theres on guy that's on IA i forgot hisn ame.

The Ninja
12-05-2007, 07:59 PM
^^ HELL YEA!!! Makes me want to BITCH out and fuck up their cars.

The Ninja
12-05-2007, 08:00 PM
Black cars, boosted, failed JDM projects. Damn theres on guy that's on IA i forgot hisn ame.
Crazy Asian? I think he drives a ****lude?

12-05-2007, 08:03 PM
those dudes who drive 4.0 GT's... red ones.... supercharged ones... IA ones....

thats no GT........but its never on the street so no worries

12-05-2007, 08:06 PM

But yea...I should be writing my final paper thats due in 11hrs. Writing about those chicks who were fighting to bare their breasts. :)


Edit: I always think QFT is Quit Focking Talking lol

12-05-2007, 08:08 PM

The Ninja
12-05-2007, 08:09 PM

Crazy Asian
12-05-2007, 08:09 PM
Crazy Asian? I think he drives a ****lude?

Sexy Lude with VTEC. cant get any better. NO PROBLEMS!!!
Just needs a paint job.

12-05-2007, 08:10 PM
Sexy Lude with VTEC. cant get any better. NO PROBLEMS!!!
Just needs a paint job.

u just weight till i bust out the vtek on my whip

The Ninja
12-05-2007, 08:11 PM
Sexy Lude with VTEC. cant get any better. NO PROBLEMS!!!
Just needs a paint job.

Theres your problem. :yes:

The Ninja
12-05-2007, 08:12 PM
u just weight till i bust out the vtek on my whip

Can you actually "weight" something? I don't think that can be used as a verb.

Crazy Asian
12-05-2007, 08:15 PM
What do you drive? NOTHING LOL!!!!

The Ninja
12-05-2007, 08:16 PM

I don't need to drive, I ninja my way through traffic, BICH!

12-05-2007, 08:17 PM
guess im hated cause i stop for yellow lights.........if u have time to stop,u should

I agree, will keep u away from red light tickets. damn those traffic light cameras. but i also find it the hardest 2 follow.

Crazy Asian
12-05-2007, 08:17 PM

12-05-2007, 08:22 PM
-people who SLAM on the brakes in traffic
-people who tail gate in stop and go traffic. (honestly, where the fůck do these people think they are going to go??)
-people in the fůcking fast lane DOING the speedlimit or going slower. (this is Atl, we dont do the speed limits on the hwy~ GTF out tha way!!!!)
-people who SLAM on the brakes when they see a cop even tho we are doing the damn speed limit
-people who dont pull into the intersection to make a left and they sit there and wait for the red light
-people who cross over the gore (sp) (that shět slows down traffic and they typically dont get any further ahead!)

I drive in traffic 100miles a day. about 2hours, I hate that shiot. I cant take most the nit wits and retards that ride along side me.

12-05-2007, 08:32 PM
What do you drive? NOTHING LOL!!!!


and ninja leave me alone,:(

12-05-2007, 09:01 PM
people on cell phones that cant multitask.....

12-05-2007, 09:07 PM
other people on the road piss me off. and by that i mean everyone.

12-05-2007, 09:12 PM
people that dont use turn signals

12-05-2007, 09:50 PM
I hate idiots that have to get on my bumper, especially when I'm in the slow lane or there is plenty of room for them to pass. I also hate it when people don't use their mirrors, because I've had to dodge cars because of morons who can't look back or check their mirrors to see if someone is in a lane before they change. I also hate it when you are really trying to change lanes and people in that lane speed up or slow down just so you can't get over.

I generally hate drivers around Atlanta. The only one time I've even been close to being in an accident was because a stupid lady was in a turn lane and turned then suddenly changed her mind and went straight - I was turning left on the opposing side and she nearly ran into me. I hate bad drivers. I really wish the government would make it much harder to get a drivers license; it would be better for the environment, traffic, and make the roads much safer.

12-05-2007, 10:00 PM

Cato ED-6
12-05-2007, 10:02 PM
People that don't go when the light turns green.
People that don't use turn signals.
People that don't turn off their turn signals.
People that tailgate.
People that drive SUVs.
People that don't check their mirrors.
People who do stuff at the last second.
People that don't stay in their lanes.

And biggest of all: People that drive when they are drunk.

12-05-2007, 10:40 PM
And biggest of all: People that drive when they are drunk.

QFT. Sincerely. October 12th was hit in a rental car I got because some lady rear-ended my Audi at the end of September. We were driving around on the 12th at 9:51pm, a friday, turning left from Barret Parkway onto 41 South. Kennesaw City PD car in the turn lanes opposite me hits his lights as the Turn signals go green, wait for him to clear intersection and go, looking out after him as we turn left. Left turn signal has been green for over 15 seconds, red lights on 41's traffic for significantly longer, traffic stopped in all lanes but one. I go to turn left and I still to this day remember the sound of crunching steel and shattering glass as the conversion van driven by a drunk driver blew through the redlight at 45mph and nailed the Pontiac Grand Prix that I had in the driver side door. Pushed the door in 6-7 inches, crushing the seat I was in. I was extremely lucky not to end up paralyzed from the chest down or worse, and he to this day blames me for pulling out in front of him and not looking and seeing him. He actually walked up to the car while the lady in the volvo behind us who saw the whole thing was trying to calm us down and make sure I was ok, and ASKED US WHAT HAPPENED. AS IF HE DIDN'T F'ING KNOW.

I hate drunk drivers. I go out and drink, I like drinking enough to feel inebriated in fact, I'll be honest. But I take a DD and if I have to I have waited well over two hours to wait off one beer just so I'm certain I won't endanger myself or anyone else on the road.

The other thing that goes along with this that pisses me off is people who drive while texting or reading a book or something else. That and adults who drive like ****, and then insult "kids" who drive too fast. I hate to tell these people but I'm not a kid and they drive faster than I do.

12-05-2007, 10:45 PM
I just hate other drivers period

They all have the potential to do something stupid and wreck into me...
Quoted for motherf*cking truth!!!!

12-05-2007, 10:46 PM


12-06-2007, 07:35 AM
People who wait until the last minute to pull out in front of you , going the same direction, on a two lane road, and want to go slow as a mutherscooter, when there is no one behind you for a mile. They could wait until I pass to pull out, especially when there is no one coming.

12-06-2007, 07:40 AM
* Their taxes.

* Reading all volumes of Harry Potter from start to finish.

12-06-2007, 07:49 AM

12-06-2007, 08:16 AM
at MOG, when im in the lane that has no stop sign, the people AT the stop sign dont read the sign that says inbound traffic has right of way, and they get mad because i dont stop.

i didnt stop bc there is no stop sign. so this old skank in a minivan decided she didnt care that i was in bound traffic, and in fact, had the right of way, and proceded to drive as i was in bound. well i stopped halfway in her lane so i didnt crash, and she stopped right before she would have hit me.

she signaled for me to back up so she could proceed, and i gave her the finger:lmfao: . then she drove forward, scraped the front of my car, and kept going...

i got around back in front of her(no way i was letting this ***** drive away, but i should have just gotten her tag), and stopped. not a hard brake, but a brake. she rear ends me on purpose. she could have stopped. so i go to talk to her and she whips out her cell phone and ignores me, and starts bitching on the phone.
the cops get there, and said i cut in front of her. and of course, as soon as they arrive, she gets out, and starts bawling, right on cue. now my dad being a cop and all, and since i see cops and talk to them every day, theyre i know theyre respectable guys, and i like them, im no thug. but this guy was a real ******* to me. he called me a liar.

he said to prevent the situation all i had to do was use common courtesy, and i said i didnt know hit and run was common courtesy. he got pretty mad. then i said i dont have common courtesy.

all in all, **** common courtesy. its overrated.

12-06-2007, 08:19 AM
one more thing-i dont let people merge if they cant figure out how to use a blinker.

12-06-2007, 08:32 AM
old people who ***** about you "learning to drive"
when they're driving on 2 lanes trying to pass in a 1 lane road even when 10 over the mph isn't enough for them.
stupid hicks.

12-06-2007, 08:46 AM

12-06-2007, 10:58 AM
old people who ***** about you "learning to drive"
when they're driving on 2 lanes trying to pass in a 1 lane road even when 10 over the mph isn't enough for them.
stupid hicks.
ok, so you are bitching because someone wants to pass you? :gay:

12-06-2007, 04:57 PM
old people who ***** about you "learning to drive"
when they're driving on 2 lanes trying to pass in a 1 lane road even when 10 over the mph isn't enough for them.
stupid hicks.
you sound like you would go right up there on my list of annoyances

12-06-2007, 05:52 PM
The people who make road construction traffic worse by passing everybody in the lane that ends in x amount of feet, and then expect people to let them over

12-06-2007, 06:02 PM
People who you let in and they don't give you courtesy the wave.

12-06-2007, 09:43 PM
you sound like you would go right up there on my list of annoyances

let me act like i care.

10 over is more than enough for me in a school zone at 3pm.
maybe next time you're trying to pass on a 1lane street you'll hit oncoming traffic and the 'annoyance' in front of you will chuckle as that cute red car of yours gets mangled

12-06-2007, 09:45 PM
I have been thinking about this cause i dont want to work on **** for my finals so here goes:

People Doing 5MPH under the speed limit
People in the left lane not passing
People who slow down to 2MPH to turn off when there is a 50 yard running lane
People that don't pay attention to what their doing
People on the phone that can't handle multitasking
People that go slower than the Speed limit when a cop is around

I came across this tard yesterday on the way to work, going 50mph in the fast lane. Then teh got damn car is so damaged, it needs to be parked. I had to snap a pic.....sadly its typical


12-06-2007, 09:46 PM
^^ maybe the max it could go WAS 50:lmfao:

12-06-2007, 10:00 PM
^^Well his stupid behind needs to stay in the vtach slo lane.

12-06-2007, 10:07 PM
^^Well his stupid behind needs to stay in the vtach slo lane.

egay altezza's, fart can, primer/flat black/mis-matched body panels/broken body panels....

were you around doraville or spaghetti junc? i see this all the time around here :police:

12-06-2007, 11:42 PM
lol all the paint ish you just described is my car, lol damn homes easy on us broke youngins

12-06-2007, 11:46 PM
1 people that dont use blinkers
2 people who insist on racing down 138 in stockbridge at late night hours
3 people who "race" hondas with automatics

12-07-2007, 12:01 AM
I hate when people are merging onto the freeway, and don't make any attempt to actually merge, they just expect you to move out of their way. They don't even turn to look, they just move on over.

Some lady did this to me a few weeks ago, there was alot of traffic so I had nowhere to go but slam on my brakes. To my amazement there was a cop about 2 cars behind me and was quick to pull her over. AMEN.

Oh, and tailgaters to. The ones where they could pass if they wanted, they just choose to ride your ass. Usually because they aren't paying attention too.

12-07-2007, 02:14 AM
People that piss me off:

-Girl drivers
-Asian drivers
-Old farts
-Women in vettes
-Bitches who yell "slow down" just because you are a teenager

Things that piss me off:

-Ricer fly-byes when I am breaking in a ****ing clutch
-stopping at a yield sign
-stopping at a stop sign
-stopping at a red light
-stopping a mile behind the line
-stopping period
-driving with high beams on
-driving with Xenons w/out projectors
-idiots who drive next to a truck
-Idiots who pull up to the toll and have no change

12-07-2007, 09:06 AM
People that piss me off:
-Bitches who yell "slow down" just because you are a teenager

ftw. i was going 20 through my gf's neighborhood once cuz i was trying to find her friends house. some old ***** walking her dog start yelling at me about going too fast.

12-09-2007, 03:33 AM
when the light changes green and people take their sweet ass time to go and it seems like your always the last car who cant make it...

12-09-2007, 11:43 AM
People who chuck sig butts out the window when ur behind them
smokey cars (if im riding behind them)
some one who rides to close...

12-09-2007, 03:25 PM
people who slow down to 20 under the speed limit when a cop already has somebody pulled over

12-09-2007, 03:33 PM
people that stop at green lights

12-09-2007, 06:55 PM
I have been thinking about this cause i dont want to work on **** for my finals so here goes:

People Doing 5MPH under the speed limit
People in the left lane not passing
People who slow down to 2MPH to turn off when there is a 50 yard running lane
People that don't pay attention to what their doing
People on the phone that can't handle multitasking
People that go slower than the Speed limit when a cop is around

people who don't make sense because if you are in traffic then you are going slower than the speed limit, not passing in left lane, and going so slow that they dont have to slow down to 2MPH to get off the exit

12-09-2007, 07:28 PM
Soccer moms who can't drive for sh*t
People who brake at the very last second
People who can't stay in the center of the road
People that are too cool to use signals

12-09-2007, 09:49 PM
it really f*cking pisses me off when your in traffic and people are going side to side...chilln and swerving in one lane.

oh sh!t wait! thats me lol :lmfao:

12-09-2007, 10:17 PM
i hate people who speed up to to get in front of you then slow back down again. i wanna cut thier arms off

12-09-2007, 10:28 PM
hmm lets see *thinks*

1. cant run red lights and speed in school zones
2. cant street race in parking lots
3. the guy at the dealer said my cars goes 155 but everytime i do it i get in trouble.
4. cant do all wheel donuts in the intersection when i test my turning circle.
5. cant run after the cop when hes going somewhere with his beams on.
6. cant ride a motorcycle through the mall


08-27-2008, 10:51 AM
golf carts parked in car parking spaces

08-27-2008, 10:52 AM
1. Dey drive thur whipz on mah muhfuggin screets.