View Full Version : General Chat Track Test: EVO X vs. EVO IX vs. STi vs. Nissan Skyline

12-04-2007, 08:17 PM
The latest Best Motoring has a track test featuring these cars:

EVO X SST (auto)
STi (previous gen)



Time attack results: (may or may not reflect results of race)

EVO IX 1'06.044
STi (old) 1'06.375
EVOX 5MT 1'06.734
EVOX SST 1'07.120
Nissan Skyline 1'09.544

mocha latte cupcake
12-04-2007, 08:39 PM
poor base model skyline lol NA, no power, rear wheel drive, no TRUE differential... in all the super computer AWD turbo madness lol.... great race though... sad though about the ending... all that new stuff and nothing works... EVO X is a disgrace.... i'm sure their time attacks were better... cause they don't run with other cars.... its a "no" race pressure situation.. but still wek sos

12-04-2007, 09:00 PM
I was actually trying to figure out why they ran the 350GT Skyline against an STI and three Evo's. Wouldn't it make more sense to run an R34 GT-R against it with the tab still in place? Alternatively on Tsukuba, the bigger R34 GT-R's might have actually done a little worse. Just seems out of place there, doesn't make sense.

I'm not surprised, when I saw the Evo X's spec sheet I was puzzled and thought someone had made a mistake somewhere. I assumed that Mitsu knew what they were doing with the new Evo, and had worked out the issues. Now I have some fear about the new GT-R with the same kind of twin-clutch automatic. This semi-manual stuff is for the birds, especially on the Evo. I can see it on things like a Gallardo or 599GTB, but they are both pushing significantly more horsepower and are much harder to fix if an idiot driver breaks it. I guess Mitsu thought they should make the Evo X less of a performance driver and more accessible. I'm certainly not impressed...