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03-16-2005, 11:18 AM
Multiple Agency Narcotics Squad. These Are the biggest bastards in HELL COUNTY. These fuckers are screwed up in the head big time. they pulled me and friend over and there reason for doin so was "we were goin 65 in a 45. and swerving in and out of lanes" my friend was driving and she didnt have her liscense or proof of insurance. No citation was issued for any of this. The guy searches our car without asking searches her purse without asking and then lets us go.. How messed up is that shit

03-16-2005, 11:20 AM
oh shit...

03-16-2005, 11:42 AM
i thought this was going to be a joke about a MANS Unit...

03-16-2005, 12:07 PM
i wish it was a joke
and while he was searching the car he found a meth smokin device a slide for a bong and a bowl. cause we had just left mystics. As it turns out another couple of ppl had gotten pulled over leavin mystics before. so sounds like mystics is a setup and my advice is dont go anywhere near it!!!!

03-16-2005, 12:09 PM
damn that sucks...... other than cops do watch places like that... since I noticed that the starship near my apartment just randomly closed....

03-16-2005, 12:11 PM
what was so wierd was while we were in there the guy got a call and was acting real wierd and talkin bout some girl gettin pulled over and just crazy wiggy wooo shit

03-16-2005, 12:12 PM
weird shtuff

03-16-2005, 12:19 PM
Multiple Agency Narcotics Squad. These Are the biggest bastards in HELL COUNTY. These fuckers are screwed up in the head big time. they pulled me and friend over and there reason for doin so was "we were goin 65 in a 45. and swerving in and out of lanes" my friend was driving and she didnt have her liscense or proof of insurance. No citation was issued for any of this. The guy searches our car without asking searches her purse without asking and then lets us go.. How messed up is that shit

Sounds like you got out easy. Swerving gives them enough probable cause to pull you over, and search. They don't need your permission or a search warrant.

Here is what she could of been charged with:

Wreckless Driving/Illegal lane change
Driving without a liscense
No proof of insurance
Drug paraphernalia

I really don't understand what your complaining about? You got off without even a ticket, when she could of gone to jail for 2 of those charges.

03-16-2005, 12:21 PM
they were probably just looking for someone, maybe a shooting or robery near by that she fit the description of, that's probable cause and that's all it takes to search a car...

it would have been cool if they were nicer though, if they were nice they could have given her one of those pretty orange jump suits, a place to stay for the night and a couple yellow slips to keep her company....lol

she got off easy, for the most part if you aren't doing anything wrong then cops won't mess with you.

03-16-2005, 12:23 PM
we didnt have any drugs except for what was in the "insencse burner" as they call it. it was -packed full of dope. i know we got off lucky as anyone could have im just expressing my hatred for the m.a.n.s. theyre all crooked cops

03-16-2005, 12:27 PM
Look how many ppl in here have ever been pulled over or been in house that the m.a.n.s. has busted in on?? im just curious. u dont here of them pulling cars over too often unless its a good bust. with at least a 1/4 oz. of dope or more.

03-16-2005, 12:27 PM
^^^they are just doing their job...just as you have one to do as well...if someone does something wrong they deserve to get caught...but yall did get lucky...

03-16-2005, 12:39 PM
and besides that anyone who would want a job messin with ppl and ruinin lives must have had the worst child hood imaginable

03-16-2005, 12:48 PM
Cops don't "mess with people and ruin lives". You need to get your facts right.

03-16-2005, 12:49 PM
and besides that anyone who would want a job messin with ppl and ruinin lives must have had the worst child hood imaginable

They think of it as "Improving the lives of everyone else" (meaning people who don't use drugs).

Drugs are very addicting, and some people will kill somebody for $40 so they can go get high for a couple hours. That's fucking rediculous. I'm not saying your one of those people, but you know as well as I do it has happened. A lot of bad things happen because of drugs (theft, assault, killing, etc). In my opinion they are not ruining people lives, they already ruined their own.

03-16-2005, 12:52 PM
^^he is right they don't ppl's lives ppl ruin them theirselves by doing drugs and getting involved in things they shouldn't...cops are just trying to keep drugies and criminals off the street...i know of some bad cops but the majority of them are their to try and help keep us safe...ppl only get mad cause they get caught for doing something wrong in the first place and want to blame cops and not take responsibility for their own actions...this is why our society is the way it is today...no one wants take responsibility for their own actions.

03-16-2005, 12:55 PM
this is why our society is the way it is today...no one wants take responsibility for their own actions.

You got that right! Every one is quick to blame someone else for everything. Oh I got fat.. must be mcdonalds fault. Oh I got a DUI... I'm suing the bar that kept serving me alcohol. Oh i had a heart attack.... must of been from second hand smoke weighing 400 lbs had nothing to do with it.

03-16-2005, 01:00 PM
I came in kinda late to the party because I too thought this thread was initially about someone's member.

Personally I think you have nothing to complain about. You got away with murder if you ask me. What's there to be mad about? That you got caught? or they took up 15 mins of your life?

If I would've been the officer pulling you over, yall both would've gone to jail and the car been impounded.

People need to realize that just because all the people in their little circle do drugs, not everyone else in the world does drugs. Drugs are illegal. Do them at your own risk. Don't whine when you get caught. Somebody has a job to do, and you're stupid enough to keep them in business.

03-16-2005, 01:06 PM
whatever i have my opinions and u have ur opinions. and i do think it s messed up someone would kill someone for as little as a 40$. turns out a guy i know killed an old guy on atlanta highway for a gram of dope. a freakin gram thats freakin retarded.

03-16-2005, 01:10 PM
i have no problem whatsoever takin responsibility for my actions. i work hard and get my check on friday and do whatever with the money. so as long as i dont steal, kill, or hurt anyone whats the problem with me doin a lil somin somin here and there so long as theres noone getting hurt but me.

03-16-2005, 01:10 PM
whatever i have my opinions and u have ur opinions. and i do think it s messed up someone would kill someone for as little as a 40$. turns out a guy i know killed an old guy on atlanta highway for a gram of dope. a freakin gram thats freakin retarded.

you are a douche... you are gonna bitch about being pulled over and searched?

-drug paraphanalia in the car
-no tickets or jailtime

yet you bitch about this?
you're beyond a fucking moron, please end yourself now.

03-16-2005, 01:13 PM
Were they driving the camaro?

03-16-2005, 01:13 PM
and besides that uim sorry if it sounded like i was complaining at first i know we were lucky. i dont doubt that for one second. i was simply sharing an exciting experiance that happened to me. im not trying to blame anyone for what happened god knows it wouldnt have if i hadnt been at the place i was. and do the things i was doin.

03-16-2005, 01:14 PM
no it was a black 2-door honda accord.

03-16-2005, 01:16 PM
Oh ok, I saw that happen with the cops that drive the camaro the other day.

03-16-2005, 01:16 PM
you may think its just you getting hurt but in the long run its more than just you

03-16-2005, 01:17 PM
and another thing we werent swerving or speeding. it was raining and we were goin under the speed limit cause of rush hour traffic. next u wanna blow up on someone it better not be me dont just came out of nowhere and put ur 2 cents in. cause i could care less what a som bitch like u has to say

03-16-2005, 01:18 PM
how so

03-16-2005, 01:21 PM
the red one

03-16-2005, 01:28 PM
and another thing we werent swerving or speeding. it was raining and we were goin under the speed limit cause of rush hour traffic. next u wanna blow up on someone it better not be me dont just came out of nowhere and put ur 2 cents in. cause i could care less what a som bitch like u has to say

no matter what, you're still a moron. you posted your dumbass story here for all to wee and i will put my 2 cents in if i damn well feel like it. don't like it? delete it.

03-16-2005, 01:34 PM
whatever i have my opinions and u have ur opinions.

Since you brought it up, I'll bite: What exactly is your opinion? That meth is good for you? That police should concentrate on doing what?

It's a task force, ie. that's ALL they do. They have a J-O-B to do. One of the things they do IS stop people like you two and CHECK to see if they are carrying DRUGS. In your case, it seems like you're complaining because they are GOOD at what they do because they were right. What's there to complain about? Did you want a ticket? Did you get one? Then, what's the deal?

03-16-2005, 01:34 PM
I for one think you're a fucking moron. When I first came on this board I was a regular pot smoker and didn't mind trying anything else that came around. I have been clean since the middle of November, but the point I want to make is, come on here to bullshit, talk about cars, whatever, but to think you are going to be commended for doing drugs and glorifying it is stupid. If you want to do it that's fine, keep it to yourself, do it in the privacy of your own home, and don't announce it to 3200 people on a fucking public message board. May police forever be knocking on your door and pulling you over for searches for being such a damn moron.

03-16-2005, 01:37 PM
i know meths not good for you but i unfortunatly fell into it. its not the easiest thing to quit. I know there good at there job there damn good. they know where to go who to c and everytrhing else to be as effective as they are

03-16-2005, 01:39 PM
And may God bless you in all your glorious ways

03-16-2005, 01:39 PM
Look how many ppl in here have ever been pulled over or been in house that the m.a.n.s. has busted in on?? im just curious. u dont here of them pulling cars over too often unless its a good bust. with at least a 1/4 oz. of dope or more.
i was caught in action in downtown atlanta by a patrol officer, i lost all of my shit, got thrown in jail, missed hot import nights, had my truck impounded and ended up paying about $2000 in legal fees...and never felt any resentment towards the officers just doing their job.
they are called consiquences, quit your bitching, give the police some respect, and go to the bank of FUCK YOU for your reality check... :goodjob:

03-16-2005, 01:40 PM
You just fell into a big ol vat of meth. Couldn't get out. I love it when people say that. I personally couldn't find any weed to buy and had access to meth is why I first tried it. It took about a month to realize that I had become something I couldn't stand and was totally against. I dropped several long time friends, came clean to my parents and girlfriend and made a decision to stop. Haven't looked back since. Since you just fell in then just jump out.

03-16-2005, 01:43 PM
and thats awesome im not trying to glorify meth or anyone who uses it.some ppls will power is stronger than others. and personally mines no that strong.

03-16-2005, 01:47 PM
damn that sucks...... other than cops do watch places like that... since I noticed that the starship near my apartment just randomly closed....

no shit? the one right next to sidelines closed? i used to live right down the road from there... now I live next to the south cobb drive starship lol

03-16-2005, 01:48 PM
i know meths not good for you but i unfortunatly fell into it.

You "fell" into it? How does one do that? It's an inanimate object, so "it" didn't just jump up an snort/smoke itself into your lungs, did it? Or do you mean to say that you were around the wrong crowd and peer pressure got you to try it? Either way, the first step to any recovery is admitting you have a self created problem. Being in denial will never allow you to do the right thing.

its not the easiest thing to quit.

Nothing ever worth doing is.

03-16-2005, 02:00 PM
You don't fall into a drug unless you fell into a pile of it and sniffed around tryign to see what it was....

03-16-2005, 11:01 PM
i have no problem whatsoever takin responsibility for my actions. i work hard and get my check on friday and do whatever with the money. so as long as i dont steal, kill, or hurt anyone whats the problem with me doin a lil somin somin here and there so long as theres noone getting hurt but me.

You have no problem with your money bein spent on drugs as long as YOU don't steal, kill or hurt anyone...but what about your dealers, and theire dealers. Do you really believ that by buying ice or pot that you have no effect on them? Do you really believe that the people you come in contact with have never stolen, killed, or hurt anyone? It's people like you that give them a job. So each time you buy from them, you are stealing, killing, and hurting others. But I guess as long as your high, who give a fuck right?

and go to the bank of FUCK YOU for your reality check...
haha..thats great!

By the way..what color is your S-10, and what are the plate numbers..I just want the cops to "harass" you anytime they see you.

03-16-2005, 11:07 PM
and go to the bank of FUCK YOU for your reality check

haha..thats great!

geeee thanks! haha, i swear i don't know where these things come from, but they always seem to pop in my head when i am typing, if any of you know me in person then you know that i'm really a nice guy, but to me my signature says it all...this guy just seemed like an idiot from the start, i think we are all glad to see that it appears he is gone.