View Full Version : anyone ever use chantix?? (smokers/quitters)

11-29-2007, 06:10 PM
anyone here ever hear of it? guess its some pill you take to quit smoking and has a decent rate of people actually quitting on it. just checking to see if anyones ever tried it, if it worked for them, side effects all that. i heard it gives you a bunch of trippy ass dreams from quite a few people. which dont bother me, ive already had some pretty weird dreams so thats fine. unless they are even worse then damn...just let me know

The Ninja
11-29-2007, 06:10 PM
Quit being a pansy *****, and just stop. Grow some balls, and build some will power.

11-29-2007, 06:12 PM
Quit being a pansy *****, and just stop. Grow some balls, and build some will power.

Lolol. Truthfulness emits from this post. Never being a smoker, I can't fathom how it can be so hard to just say, this stuff will kill me, I should stop...but I can't. Later, QD.

The Ninja
11-29-2007, 06:15 PM
It irks the **** outta me when Smokers/crackheads/etc say "I'm trying to quit/I want to quit", **** that. People will do what they want to do ultimately. If you really WANTED to stop smoking you would have already.

11-29-2007, 06:15 PM
you have to do it yourself! you have to have the mind set to do it! my grandfather quit after 40 years cold turkey!

11-29-2007, 06:31 PM
oh the irony


11-29-2007, 07:18 PM
i just threw a pack i just opened to my friend and said i quit 11 months ago

11-29-2007, 07:20 PM
i just threw a pack i just opened to my friend and said i quit 11 months agoYou retard, I need some. Only have three left, and im to lazy to drive to the gas station buy some.

11-29-2007, 07:26 PM
**** smoking all tho sometimes i do miss it lol

11-29-2007, 09:58 PM
Quit being a pansy *****, and just stop. Grow some balls, and build some will power.

why dont you shut the fuk up, your just mad cause i said your lame ass matching sig/avatar was nothing but a seizure when you said it was cool. stupid kunt. im sorry it irks you, thats not my problem, and unless you smoke then get the fuk outta my sh1t. i promise i dont need to grow some balls, i done plenty of sh1t that leaves you amounting to nothing. if for once i want the easy way out of something when the fukn military is A.) pushing me to do it, and B.) paying for me to do it. im going to take the easy way out. no their not MAKING me, but the BS about it gets old, so im doing it.

11-29-2007, 10:00 PM
My wife is on it and has crazy dreams too. She gets nauseous every now and then too.

11-29-2007, 10:07 PM
got a buddy starting on that stuff after finals i will be quiting for umpteenbillionth time after finals but not before then cause it will just **** me up for finals

11-29-2007, 10:07 PM
oh the irony



hopefully ill gain some weight like a bunch of them said they did, i could use it.

11-29-2007, 10:13 PM
My wife is on it and has crazy dreams too. She gets nauseous every now and then too.

haha, well if it dont work, ill take it just to get the crazy dreams.

11-29-2007, 10:25 PM
Fo sho, I'm going to get a scrip just to sell them ;)

11-29-2007, 10:30 PM
im with the others just stop getting cig's hell if my mom can quit cold after smoking 20+ years anyone can

11-29-2007, 10:43 PM
Fo sho, I'm going to get a scrip just to sell them ;)

add some alcohol and its probably even better. i bet thats why he said some people get it and by the 4th or 5th week there done and stop taking them, but you get the prescriptions for 4 months and thats alot of extra pills.

11-30-2007, 11:13 AM
im with the others just stop getting cig's hell if my mom can quit cold after smoking 20+ years anyone can

Are you a smoker?

11-30-2007, 11:23 AM
Are you a smoker?

probably not, most people dont understand how somethings effect other people differently. who gives a damn if you know someone who quit COLD turkey, blah blah blah. if they did good for them. its no different then how someone can drink two beers and be drunk, and other people can drink a 12 pack and be fine. some people can smoke and it doesnt effect them as much as it does others

Crazy Asian
11-30-2007, 12:17 PM
5 years Ive smoked and Ive gone cold turkey now. Meh.

11-30-2007, 12:28 PM
Non smokers are always quick to throw out their opinions like they
know what it's like to be a smoker. That irks me.

Anyway, I've never made a conscious effort to quit smoking but I know that I need to. I've been a smoker for almost ten years now and I have to say that it sucks.
I think that if I did attempt to quit that I'd be an awful person. I'd probably kill someone.
I just don't see myself quitting cold turkey.

Nissan Sean
11-30-2007, 01:37 PM
i want to quit, but i like smokin too much, great for stress. im thinkin i might quit as a new year resolution or somethin.

11-30-2007, 04:59 PM
Non smokers are always quick to throw out their opinions like they
know what it's like to be a smoker. That irks me.

Anyway, I've never made a conscious effort to quit smoking but I know that I need to. I've been a smoker for almost ten years now and I have to say that it sucks.
I think that if I did attempt to quit that I'd be an awful person. I'd probably kill someone.
I just don't see myself quitting cold turkey.

yeah, maybe one day they will learn, i hope they all start smoking. as for quitting cold turkey, yeah im sure i could do it...in the right environment. but being i work and live with smokers, thats going to make it impossible when im always around it and it would be less of a hassle to just grab one. then on top of that if i was in the right environment, with no smokers, ide get alot further and alot more stressed which would cause other problems. and like i said before, what right minded reject is going to go cold turkey when you can get a prescription for free. this isn't no tribal indian warrior initiation sh1t, wtf does it matter how you quit, as long as you quit it, doesnt make you less of a man or women. kinda shows how retarded some ppl are when they say someones a pu55ie about quitting, the point is their quitting. if it was easy for me to start smoking, im going to take the easy to quit, mainly being its offered to me.

11-30-2007, 05:00 PM
i want to quit, but i like smokin too much, great for stress. im thinkin i might quit as a new year resolution or somethin.

yeah as far as stress goes its nice, and for your sig, no it wouldnt be homo, it would be honmo

11-30-2007, 10:13 PM
i quit cold turkey. i tried wellbutrin once, it just made me feel like ****. i eventually got sick of smelling like smoke, getting ash everywhere, burning ****, wasting money on smokes, fiending for smokes (which i still do some times), and most importantly, not coughing and ****. It's a lot easier to run now. pretty soon you'll get sick of it too and just want to quit.

if that doesn't happen, go visit the cancer ward at grady. it'll make you think twice.

11-30-2007, 11:18 PM
anyone here ever hear of it? guess its some pill you take to quit smoking and has a decent rate of people actually quitting on it. just checking to see if anyones ever tried it, if it worked for them, side effects all that. i heard it gives you a bunch of trippy ass dreams from quite a few people. which dont bother me, ive already had some pretty weird dreams so thats fine. unless they are even worse then damn...just let me know
i sell that **** like hotcakes at the pharmacy.

works great (as long as you really want to quit)

i have heard probably about 100 good stories about how they have quit

but only 1 negative, and thats cause the person didnt want to really quit (doing it for her husband)

12-01-2007, 11:11 AM
i quit cold turkey. i tried wellbutrin once, it just made me feel like ****. i eventually got sick of smelling like smoke, getting ash everywhere, burning ****, wasting money on smokes, fiending for smokes (which i still do some times), and most importantly, not coughing and ****. It's a lot easier to run now. pretty soon you'll get sick of it too and just want to quit.

if that doesn't happen, go visit the cancer ward at grady. it'll make you think twice.

yeah im tired of wasting the money to, pack a day is pretty expensive, and i seen the how much tar is in two cartons video. then i have to run 6+ miles at work, or 2 miles for 3 days. which sure isnt alot for some ppl, but dis muthafuka dont run!

12-01-2007, 11:14 AM
i sell that **** like hotcakes at the pharmacy.

works great (as long as you really want to quit)

i have heard probably about 100 good stories about how they have quit

but only 1 negative, and thats cause the person didnt want to really quit (doing it for her husband)

you sell? illegally or you a pharmacy guy?! haha, if i can quit and be good before my prescription is over im going to make sure i get all my refills. what do they sell for? i heard its pretty expensive for just one bottle

12-01-2007, 11:18 AM
Non smokers are always quick to throw out their opinions like theyknow what it's like to be a smoker. That irks me.

Well, I know I made a comment about not understanding, but hopefully you saw that it wasn't a bashing comment. Just a comment. Truthful, too. I'm not a smoker and that's why I said that I don't understand it. Later, QD.

12-01-2007, 11:28 AM
Well, I know I made a comment about not understanding, but hopefully you saw that it wasn't a bashing comment. Just a comment. Truthful, too. I'm not a smoker and that's why I said that I don't understand it. Later, QD.

i dont think he was talking about you, i think he was responding to d-barbie, d-doucheninja whatever his name was and his worthless statements

12-06-2007, 04:27 PM
i finally got them today, ill let whoever it concerns know if it works. if your just coming back to cry about will power and my so and so just up and quit, i dont care, good for you, give them a cookie for me (with chocolate chips).

12-06-2007, 05:22 PM
you know that guy went crazy on this **** right?

12-06-2007, 06:03 PM
nope havent heard about it. wouldnt surprise me though, only heard about weird dreams. my friend said he had a dream of some kind of african animal driving a school bus. if i go crazy oh well, thats a medical discharge and a free move back to georgia.

12-06-2007, 06:35 PM
my brother used it. He said it makes you sick for about the first hour after you take the pill but nothing too bad. He said you still kinda wanna smoke sometimes but when you do you can only smoke about 2 hits and then you don't want it anymore. Worked for him, I am about to get it too.

12-06-2007, 06:42 PM
my brother used it. He said it makes you sick for about the first hour after you take the pill but nothing too bad. He said you still kinda wanna smoke sometimes but when you do you can only smoke about 2 hits and then you don't want it anymore. Worked for him, I am about to get it too.

yeah i feel alittle sick right after i take it, and have a headache, but that really dont bother me its not bad and doesnt last forever. and even though they told me to keep smoking, i get to about half a cigarette then i dont want it anymore either. ill probably try to smoke the rest of this week quit for 3 or 4 weeks while taking it then start downsizes my doses. then save the rest of my refills for my wife. i read on some site that if you just up and quit taking it you will get cravings back again and withdrawls from the chantix. and they said just lowering your doses will fix that.

12-08-2007, 09:50 AM
i figured it would take a few days to start getting weird ass dreams, but ive been getting them from day one. first dream i was holding one of those little hand held motorized fans that looka like a T sorta, and i was holding it above me and flying around about some buildings, then all of a sudden i was on a steep snowy/slushy road and was trying to climb up it but kept sliding down.....i had a weird dream last night but i cant remember what it was now

12-15-2007, 01:18 PM
damn i love this stuff! ive been taking it for like a week an a half and finally got to my quit day which was last wednesday. its pretty much feels like ive never smoked and i havent needed a cigarette once since then, havent even got the stress you usually get when you havent had a cig. in a while. im sure to all you non smokers are thinking "ohhh wow 3 days", acting like thats nothing, but to everyone else who is a pack a day during the week and a pack and a half a day on the weekends thats next to impossible. but even though the addiction part isnt a prob anymore, the whole breaking the habit is weird.

i recommend getting it if you can get it cheap or free, if weird dreams dont bother you. i had a dream me and my grandma (who has passed away a while back) were being chased by some guy with a knife and we ended up on some platform raised up around water or something and he came down there and stabbed her, knocked her off the platform and she landed on a bar with her ribs and it even made bone snapping noises, then i went down there and picked her up and took her to the hospital and woke up. aside from that the only other thing is if you dont take it right it will make you feel sick for a little bit. but usually taking it halfway through eating helps

Nissan Sean
12-15-2007, 02:47 PM
yeah i feel alittle sick right after i take it, and have a headache, but that really dont bother me its not bad and doesnt last forever. and even though they told me to keep smoking, i get to about half a cigarette then i dont want it anymore either. ill probably try to smoke the rest of this week quit for 3 or 4 weeks while taking it then start downsizes my doses. then save the rest of my refills for my wife. i read on some site that if you just up and quit taking it you will get cravings back again and withdrawls from the chantix. and they said just lowering your doses will fix that.

haha so your saying, you stop being addicted to cigs, but then your addicted to chantix. lol one poison for another.... and to the other post about my sig........

it would definatly be refered to as "HOMO" it makes more representative sense. lOL

12-15-2007, 02:53 PM
supposivly, dont see how its addicting but i havent stopped taking it. easier to stop taking a pills that i can only get once without spending a fortune than it is to stop cigs that i can just stop at the gas station and get. so ill be happy either way.

makes no representative sense at all....haha

12-20-2007, 08:35 PM
well i havent smoked a cig or even wanted one since the 13th, only other new symptoms ive noticed which may not even be from this is that i was getting bad chest pain and it would move to my throat and then the right side of my jaw/teeth and sometimes my right ear for hours after that. it happen yesterday and the day before at within a 5 min period of 3:30 both times, i figured it was from the chantix so i didnt take it last night or this morning and it didnt happen today. ill start taking it again tonight and see if it starts happening again. but i read about some other symptoms from stuff like the patch and it said it caused aching jaw so im assuming its chantix can cause it too.
if it starts back up ill probably just finish another 7 day pack and deal with it, then just go solo after that. the expect me to take this stuff 3 months. which isnt bad, its just inconvenient to have to eat enough in the morning before i goto work so it dont make me sick, and if it starts the jaw pain again that will be very inconvenient if i have to start taking ibuprofen about 2 hours before it starts everyday.

12-22-2007, 11:41 AM
i started taking chantix again and it started with the pain again. so im going to see if im good without it at all, if not, then i will decide whether or not i want to deal with the pain to quit from the chantix, or whatever i get for quitting with out it.

12-28-2007, 12:38 PM
havent taken any chantix since the last post, no cravings came back for cigs, and im not seeing how chantix was addicting, yet. so im doing good. only thing that sucks is no more crazy dreams. anyone else taking it yet?