View Full Version : thanks a lot to all the dumb idiots

11-27-2007, 07:28 PM
thanks to all the dumb idiots in atlanta, ie: SQUIDS. i hit up one of my favorite spots tonight after work to practice some circle wheelies. everything went fine, i was by myself. drove my truck and droped the bike of at the spot. an hour into practicing all these guys on their brand new liter bikes show up. didn't think much of it as most of them were being civil and ended up just chilling and watching. then some guy who looked like fabio on a busa tried to show off and wheelie his **** bike. busa=not a good wheelie bike. after several attempts and doing 90+ in a industrial area he finally lost it and went skidding. he ended up getting pretty beat up. lots of roadrash and so on. plus the idiot was not wearing a lid. even though i wanted him to suffer for being such an idiot i could not just leave. stayed around and called 911. cops showed up and iam the guy who gets in trouple, yea real great. tresspasing charges. its just great since my friends and i have always hit up that spot, never had any problems. people never complaint or anything. but yes thanks to fabio my job is in jeopardy. thanks a lot. good ****ing job fabio, i hate squids.