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11-15-2007, 12:39 AM
Military Death Numbers

You'll find some interesting data below regarding deaths in the military.
You won't read this in your local newspaper nor will you see it on a daily
news broadcast, but you can verify the numbers by clicking on the link at
bottom. Frankly, I personally found this enlightening, which indicates to
what degree I've gotten incorrect impressions via the media and my
representatives. Incidentally, I've looked at the two largest fact-checking
websites and found nothing that contradicts these figures.

Deaths in the Military

1980 ......... 2,392

1981 ......... 2,380

1982 ......... 2,318

1983 ......... 2,465

1984 ......... 1,999

1985 ......... 2,252

1986 ......... 1,984

1987 ......... 1,983

1988 ......... 1,819

1989 ......... 1,636

1990 ......... 1,508

1991 ......... 1,787

1992 ......... 1,293

1993 ......... 1,213

1994 ......... 1,075

1995 ......... 1,040

1996 ......... 974

1997 ......... 817

1998 ......... 826

1999 ......... 795

2000 ......... 774

2001 ......... 890

2002 ......... 1,007

2003 ......... 1,410 [534*]

2004 ......... 1,887 [900*]

2005 ......... [919*]

2006 ......... [920*]

* denotes deaths resulting from Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation
Enduring Freedom.

It may surprise you to discover that in 1980, during the term of President
Jimmy Carter, there were 2,392 U.S. military fatalities. Fatalities
continued at roughly the "2000" annual level through the 1980s. What this
indicates is that our media and politicians tend to present biases rather
than facts, especially by failing to compare current fatalities to equally
high levels during non-war periods 25 years ago. Another fact that our
media and politicians frequently slant is how many among our military
deceased are minorities. The latest census shows the following ethnic
percentages among military deaths:

European descent (white).... 69.12%

Hispanic............................. 12.5%

African American................. 12.3%

Asian................................... 3.7%

Native American.................... 1.0%

Other.................................... 2.6%

The fatalities over the past three years in Iraqi Freedom are:

European descent (white)..... 74.31%

Hispanic............................. 10.74%

African American.................... 9.67%

Asian.................................... 1.81%

Native American..................... 1.09%

Other.................................... 2.33%

These statistics are published by the Department of Defense and may be
viewed at:


I know that war is bad and all and that the loss of any life is bad but compare it to the loss of life in world war II

USSR 13.6million
Germany 3.3 million
Poland 123,000
France 340,000
United States 500,000
Italy 330,000
UK 326,000
Netherlands 198,000
Belgium 76,000

Those were JUST military deaths in 5 years. this does not include the lives lost as a result of the holocaust. This country has gone soft and thanks to the media they play it up even more. People fought and died for what they believed in whether it be right or wrong but in this country the small amount of lives lost in the middle east is made out like it can be compared to great wars like that. The war that we are fighting now is being done in a completely different style than any other war we have faced. People need to get a perspective

11-15-2007, 12:41 AM
Awesome thread and awesome info.

Put those liberal hippies in their place damnit!

11-15-2007, 12:46 AM
Awesome thread and awesome info.

Put those liberal hippies in their place damnit!

yessir! reps if i can

11-30-2007, 11:45 AM
digged this thread out from the grave for a project lol bump

11-30-2007, 11:58 AM
great find +1

11-30-2007, 12:05 PM
Statistics never justify even 1 death, interpretation is key here. With those stats I could say had we not gone to war we would have had 0 fatalities in the past two years.

Which brings up another point, for the past two years there have been no military fatalities outside of the Iraq war but there were so many up until then.. doesn't sound right to me.

11-30-2007, 12:08 PM
that is where you would be wrong sir were ther not people killed in Afghanistan a couple of weeks ago

11-30-2007, 12:09 PM
the troops are safer at war than driving on 285.

11-30-2007, 12:10 PM
Awesome post OP.

11-30-2007, 12:10 PM
you are also forgetting the gulf war somalia bosnia and a few others fact is that as long as there are service members there will be military related deaths whether it be combat or training accidents. my dad had a friend die back in the 80's in a helicopter crash that was non combat related

11-30-2007, 12:12 PM
I'm reading the true statistics now, I'll get back with a real response after a while.

First thing I'm noticing just off the top:

1980 had 2,159,630 active duty

2000 (before 9/11) had 1,530,430 active duty

More than half a million less so of course the number of fatalities are going to drop. And I havent even read the whole thing yet.

11-30-2007, 12:15 PM
of course the numbers are going to drop with less active duty service members you can thank clinton for that. you can also thank him for us being streched so thin right now. it doesnt matter how many active duty members you have its how many you send into a combat zone and how prepared you are. but of course some things are out everyones hands

11-30-2007, 12:18 PM
Point being that I'll agree the media will put a certain spin on things and actually they are told NOT to make things sound peachy from military commanders because it creates a false sense of security over there.

Fatalities in Iraq has slowed dramatically since the surge in troops but as I said before the media is encouraged not to make everything seem so positive.

Statistics of the past doesn't justify any one death in Iraq, especially when there is no clear direction in which this mission is going. Personally I hope those men and women did not die in vain.

11-30-2007, 12:26 PM
Sweet Stats. awesome post.

11-30-2007, 12:32 PM
Point being that I'll agree the media will put a certain spin on things and actually they are told NOT to make things sound peachy from military commanders because it creates a false sense of security over there.

Fatalities in Iraq has slowed dramatically since the surge in troops but as I said before the media is encouraged not to make everything seem so positive.

Statistics of the past doesn't justify any one death in Iraq, especially when there is no clear direction in which this mission is going. Personally I hope those men and women did not die in vain.
well my big thing on this war is that people will also sit here and say that bush lied to us. sadly though this is not the case. intelligence agencies around the world were all getting there intel from the same place on this matter and unfortunately it turned out to be untrue. but did we need to go there :thinking: i think that eventually we would have to as Saddam was a threat but maybe not as soon as we did. as i stated in the first post this is going to take a while to complete because we are fighting a guerilla style war. something we havent done since the Revolution or the Civil War. but for anyone to say that we have to pull out now is an idiot. you can also thank Mr. Clinton for us being in this prediciment in the first place but we will talk about that some other time

Jimmy B
11-30-2007, 12:38 PM
GREAT post... its true, there are deaths, but i really dont think its as bad as the media(they suck) makes it out to me..

republican 4 leezy here ;)

11-30-2007, 12:40 PM
the thing to keep in mind is that parties in this case really dont matter people just need to open their eyes and see the bull **** being slung at them

11-30-2007, 12:42 PM
I don't think Clinton could fathom 9/11 so you expected him to prepare for something that nobody would ever imagine have happened?

We tore down a government and now we're trying to instill our values in a culture that does not embrace ours.. some things take a while and others are a waste of time. I wish I could explain further but I have to step out, great topic.

11-30-2007, 12:42 PM
And the Statistics verbatim:

Looks like numbers were continually falling until we went into Iraq, also look at the number of deaths to hostile action over the past 4 years vs the other 23

11-30-2007, 12:43 PM
just goes to show that my numbers were true

11-30-2007, 12:47 PM
death stats for vietnam?

which was a conflict as the iraq conflict is

we are not at war...its a conflict

11-30-2007, 12:50 PM
lol at actually trusting the department of defense stats.

oh yea and how the hell are you going to compare this **** to world war II. *HINT* it was a world war for a reason.

11-30-2007, 12:53 PM
just goes to show that my numbers were true
Yes, but if you want to get specific look at the percentages of deaths to active duty.

It is higher now then ever on that list.