View Full Version : Just wanted to get some opinions

11-14-2007, 08:46 AM
I got the opinions I needed. So thanks for all your opinions and feel kinda wierd for even bringing it up here but i needed to get some relief and make sure that I was not in the wrong. Thanks and have a nice day

11-14-2007, 08:54 AM
that **** happens to me all the time man.... and people try so hard to make me feel bad and im like man, i told you i was gonna sell it....

11-14-2007, 08:57 AM
i think that you should tell him straight up how you feel. he needs to stop being a little b!tch, because if he wanted it back so bad, he would have came to you as soon as you told him you were selling the car and would have made a deal with you. he didnt, he waited till the car was about to be sold. point blank, the exhaust was yours. you paid him back when he first bought it for you. so it was yours. its his loss and he needs to move on. he made no effort to get it back from you, so he really must have not cared.

11-14-2007, 08:58 AM
tell him to ead a di.ck homey, hes just assed out, too bad so sad, snooze you loose, next time buster

whiny broke ass friends = you dont need em

11-14-2007, 09:00 AM
i think that you should tell him straight up how you feel. he needs to stop being a little b!tch, because if he wanted it back so bad, he would have came to you as soon as you told him you were selling the car and would have made a deal with you. he didnt, he waited till the car was about to be sold. point blank, the exhaust was yours. you paid him back when he first bought it for you. so it was yours. its his loss and he needs to move on. he made no effort to get it back from you, so he really must have not cared.you need to pratice what you preach. Later.

11-14-2007, 09:06 AM
what??? ^^ that makes no sense and has no relation to me..

11-14-2007, 09:10 AM
Thanks folks I needed that, takes a load off my shoulders. He will tell you a different story that involves us swearing to the death and promises that were broken. I think he said it was my responsibility to take care of getting it back to him. Im am not a fool and you cannot take advantage of me. Thats what he was trying to do. Take advantage of me?????? I then end the friendship cause you find out by hanging out with him that he is an arrogant prick that has no right to be so.

11-14-2007, 09:13 AM
what??? ^^ that makes no sense and has no relation to me..dumbass. The part about stop being a little *****. Thats fits you perfectly.

11-14-2007, 09:14 AM
dont even sweat him, im sure you have plenty of other friends. its not your responsibility, its his because he wanted it. you made money by selling the car. thats what your intentions were. its just a frigen exhaust, that if he wanted, he knew how to reach you.

11-14-2007, 09:14 AM
Thanks folks I needed that, takes a load off my shoulders. He will tell you a different story that involves us swearing to the death and promises that were broken. I think he said it was my responsibility to take care of getting it back to him. Im am not a fool and you cannot take advantage of me. Thats what he was trying to do. Take advantage of me?????? I then end the friendship cause you find out by hanging out with him that he is an arrogant prick that has no right to be so.he should have made a move and got it back, his loss.

11-14-2007, 09:15 AM
dumbass. The part about stop being a little *****. Thats fits you perfectly.

oh my bad. im a ***** and i wear the name proudly..thank you!

11-14-2007, 09:36 AM
I"m pretty sure dudes like that are the reason that prices for old beat up jdm **** are so ridiculous.

When people who have no idea of something's true value just start making crap up, it throws the whole thing off.

You paid him, the thing was on your car. He needed to get his ass over there if he needed it. If he could have sold it for all that money, it would have never been on your car in the first place.

11-14-2007, 09:39 AM
I"m pretty sure dudes like that are the reason that prices for old beat up jdm **** are so ridiculous.

When people who have no idea of something's true value just start making crap up, it throws the whole thing off.

You paid him, the thing was on your car. He needed to get his ass over there if he needed it. If he could have sold it for all that money, it would have never been on your car in the first place.

11-14-2007, 10:01 AM
see i KNEW i was n the right.

11-14-2007, 10:02 AM
yup...agreed with the fact that you paid him for it = it being yours. you don't owe him ****.

if he wanted it he would've came for it.

11-14-2007, 10:02 AM
Reps to all that posted their opinions good or bad.

11-14-2007, 10:03 AM
It is pretty gay/b!tch-like of him to make a big deal about it so late.............BUT, you could of brought it up too, since you guys were "such good friends." I mean, it wouldn't of hurt for you to say, "hey man so are you gonna take that exhaust or what?" Communication :goodjob:

11-14-2007, 10:06 AM
It is pretty gay/b!tch-like of him to make a big deal about it so late.............BUT, you could of brought it up too, since you guys were "such good friends." I mean, it wouldn't of hurt for you to say, "hey man so are you gonna take that exhaust or what?" Communication :goodjob:Good point but only knew the guy for less than 5 months or so. I told him he could buy it back if he wanted it. No money, no show, no questions, no exhaust

11-14-2007, 10:12 AM
He was a friend of a friend and the friend who introduced us and he :eek: doesnt even like him.:eek:

11-14-2007, 10:16 AM
That makes more sense. Since he's only an acquaintance, fukk him :lmfao:

If he was a good friend, it'd be different. But if you guys aren't even "friends"....his lost :goodjob:

11-14-2007, 10:49 AM
Thanks for all the opinions and reps to everyone.

11-14-2007, 12:40 PM
And in response, here is my version:
While I’m sure that Miles will “remember things differently”, here is the story as unbiased as I can make it. Basically that means that when I was being a ****, I’m not going to hide it in order to convince people that I am in the right. I know I am in the right, but that doesn’t mean I wasn’t an @sshole at times. Here goes:

My buddy Matt tells me of his cool@ss nieghbor who just got an Integra sometime in March or April, and one day he stops by with Miles b/c I was trying to get Matt’s NES to function and Miles had one with no power cord. We chat for a bit and they leave. About a month or so later, Matt calls while at Miles’ house (or something like that) and I find out that Miles is having trouble with the idle on his 00 GSR, and the guys from Japanese Motorworks didn’t fix it, eventhough Miles paid them ~$400. I say I’d be happy to take a look at it (thinking it was the throttle cable being out of adjustment), and I eventually fix by giving Miles a spare IAC valve I had lying around.

It took a few days of trial and error, but that eventually did the job. Over those few days, Miles expresses to me how much he likes my Mugen twinloop exhaust, and wants to know how much they are. I tell him ($1200 new, between $500-800 used, depending on abuse). Then I find out that my friends down at JHot had one with some “damage” for $207. I check it out one time while I was down there, and it wasn’t all that bad, so I decide that I can’t leave it there. In the meantime, I also help Miles swap out the slave cylinder on his clutch, b/c as we tried to bleed it, the bleeder nipple broke off.

So Miles and I go down there (I was going to get some other things anyway), and while I’m there I show Miles the exhaust. At some point Miles and I started talking about whether or not it was going home with us that day. It went like this:

Miles: So are you getting the exhaust too?

Me: Unless you want to get it.

Miles: I still have the exhaust that’s on the car, and I don’t want to spend anything on the car because I don’t know if I’m going to keep it.

Me: Well I’m going to get it if you don’t. I can’t let that doucheb@g from NY get it. It needs a good home.

Miles: (laughs)

I eneded up buying it for $197 that day, with the intent of eventually fitting it onto the Civic, as I’m not 100% happy with my KTeller midpipe. And then a bit later (I don’t remember if it was at JHot or on the way back or what), we start talking about the exhaust again. It went like this:

Miles: How much do you think a Tanabe Hyper Medallion catback is worth?

Me: Dunno. $500 new, maybe $350ish used.

And a bit later:

Me: I’ll tell you what, since Kate (Miles’ wife) is going to get pissed if you spend any money on your car, I’ll make you a deal. If you give me what I just paid for the Mugen exhaust, I’ll let you have it, just so long as you promise to let me have it back for the same amount if you want to sell the car or get something else. Since I would only put it on the Civic when I swap the engine out again (engine with f’d up tranny sitting in my garage), and that’s not going to happen any time soon, its no big deal. And you need to polish it up a bit too, b/c I don’t want to bake on all surface corrosion is has from sitting in a container for 6 months.

Miles: Will it fit on my car?

Me: It was designed for your car. It should bolt right up. (It didn’t quite work out like that however)

Miles: Ok, if I can sell my exhaust and make some money, I’ll agree to that.

Me: Cool.

So then the exhaust didn’t quite bolt up, as the JDM catalytic converter length is different. As a result, Miles’ car was in my driveway for a week or so while we tried to sort this out. I had measured the length difference between the USDM and JDM midpipes and marked it on the Mugen one. All the while, Miles was looking for someone with a JDM catalytic converter. I remembered at some point that I had a test pipe made from mild steel that could be cut to the proper length, but it had no O2 sensor bung hole, nor did I have a CEL fix, as it was for the OBDI Civic. Miles eventually finds a JDM catalytic converter, and while I was in the garage with him he called the guy who was selling it. I asked him to get the guy to measure the length, which he did, and it looked like it would fit. Then the guy said something about the collector diameter, which Miles relayed to me under the car:

Miles: He says that it needs a 2.5” collector.

Me: Collector on the header?

Miles: Yeah.

Me: (looking at the collector on his header) I don’t know if this is 2.5”. It would be gay if it wasn’t.

It wasn’t, and therefore gay. Miles spent $80 or $90 on the JDM cat, and not only did it no fit the collector, but the O2 bung was a different size than the USDM one. We tried to tap it, which failed, then took it to an exhaust shop and get at bung welded on for ~$15 or $20. But it still didn’t fit the collector on Miles’ header. I remembered seeing a guy who had JDM Type R “style” headers for sale at $150 each, so I suggested that we see if the guy would give us a break on shipping if we got 2 (one for each of us).

That never happened, as we went ahead and cut my test pipe to fit and had an O2 bung welded onto it, again for $10 or $20. It threw the CEL like I knew it would, but that was meant to be only a temporary fix until Type R “style” headers were acquired. But at least it was rolling. Miles eventually got one of the other IA members to order him an O2 defouler when that guy was getting one for himself (although it did take forever, and on a side note, when Miles went to pay the guy back, he said that he thought that the price was $15 when it was really $27. Miles paid him $20)

Several months go by, during which I help Miles out with his car(s) a few times. When he was trying to trade or sell his GSR blades, I told him he could borrow my old school mid-90’s 14” spare wheels until he got new wheels. I also fixed the starter on his 4Runner in an hour, after the guys at the off-road shop where it is being worked on spent 8 hours trying to get it to work, concluding (falsely) that the $80 relay needed to be replaced. I fixed it in an hour. How did Miles repay me? When the clutch in the S2K needed to be replaced, he got Bugman’s number from Rusty for me. He didn’t, however, come out there with me to actually help that time. In his defense, on that day he said he had some prior engagement with family. We worked on that clutch over at Bugman’s from 3pm until midnight. When I had to re-do that job in my garage, on my back, alone (some of the bellhousing bolts weren’t 100% torqued properly), Miles came by in the middle of it and did, in fact, help out at a crucial point. In the middle of this, he tells me that he got some interest in the GSR’s for sale ad. It went like this:

Miles: I think this guy wants to buy the ‘Teg.

Me: Really? I thought you weren’t going to sell it.

Miles: Well, I really want a car that’s paid for. I’ve never had a car that’s totally paid off, and I think that would be cool to have one. I think I want a hatch like yours or a CRX.

Me: So is the guy serious?

Miles: He paid for a $100 inspection at the Acura dealer, so I assume he’s serious.

Me: What’s he offering?

Miles: $8K

Me: Well, I need to get the exhaust off then (after I’d been underneath the S2K for about 10 hours).

Miles: Well then I’d have to go and get a stock exhaust for it, which is another $80. And I’m not sure he’ll buy it without the exhaust.

Me: Then tell him its a $1200 exhaust and the car will cost $1200 more.

Miles: I don’t think that will work. I don’t think he’ll pay that much for it.

Me: That’s how much more the exhaust would cost new.

Miles: But its not new.

Me: True.

Miles: How much do they go for used?

Me: I saw one on eBay for $650+shipping. Well how much do you need to pay it off?

Miles: $7k

Me: And you don’t think he’ll buy it without the exhaust.

Miles: Right.

Me: (getting annoyed) If I want to get another one, I need $600. See if he’ll pay the $600 extra. Tell him that the exhaust isn’t yours to sell.

Miles: But I paid you for it.

Me: You paid me the $200 that I paid for it, which I will give back to you.

Miles: I thought I gave you $300.

Me: You gave me $200. I took $200 from the $300 that David left here for you when he came and got the Hyper Medallion.

Miles: Are you sure?

Me: I have the receipt from JHot. It was $197. I gave you $100 from the $300 David left here.

Miles: Well, how about we split the profit. I’ll give you $300 and eat the difference.

Me: So I’d be selling it outright for $500 then? I’m pretty sure I can get $600 for it all day long. See what the guy says about that.

Miles: Ok.

So I think a bit more about it while we mess with the tranny under the car, and I don’t want to be a **** and prevent Miles from selling the car when he obviously wants to. But I still would rather have the exhaust. So I say this:

Me: Ok, tell that guy that the exhaust wasn’t included in the price, as it wasn’t yours to sell. If he absolutely won’t take the car without it, then tell him that it would be another $600 on top of the $8000. Then after he pays you, you give me $300, which means that I sold it for $500 total, which I guess I can live with.

Miles: And if he won’t pay the extra I have to go and spend money on getting a stock exhaust?

Me: If I get the exhaust back, I’ll give you your $200 back. Just ask him and see what he says and let me know.

Miles: Ok, I’ll see.

So I then proceed to finish the S2K, staying up all night (Sat night) in order to have it finished for the track day the following day (Sun) in Talladega. Miles had left his jacket at my place and came over the next day while only my mother was at the house (Christine and I were at the track) and borrowed my jack stands and jack. He proceeds to tell my mom that he has to put the defouler on the exhaust that “I forced him to get”.


11-14-2007, 12:41 PM
The next week sometime (I can’t remember the exact day) I even go over to Miles’ place to give him a lift to AutoZone b/c the lug key on the lugs that he got with his new wheels broke halfway through taking them off and he needed another one. He also was going to take his front brake rotors off and either replace them or have them turned, as the buyer said that the Acura tech inspection said the rotors were warped. He also needed new brake pads, which were going to need to be replaced as well. Since he didn’t know what he was doing (he usually has another friend do his brakes for him), after I gave him a lift, I did one side and showed him how to do the other. I also looked over the rotors and didn’t see any real need to turn them just yet. So he called the buyer and told him that. As he was on the phone, I noticed what may have been a hairline crack in one, which I showed him.

After getting the brakes finished, I had to leave, but Miles was determined to put the defouler on. I asked him if the guy knew that this exhaust wouldn’t pass emissions (which I had asked before I think), and he said that the buyer was confident that it would be fine with the defouler. At any time during this day Miles could have told me that he never got the buyer to pay more, at which point I would have pulled the exhaust off myself on the spot. He, however, did not see fit to bring it up at that time.

The next Saturday, the buyer came and picked the car up, and the following Monday I called Miles and asked about the sale. It went like this:

Me: So did he take the car?

Miles: Yeah, he was happy with it.

Me: How much did you guys ultimately settle on?

Miles: $8000.

Me: Really? (I was a bit confused by this) Well you can bring the money for the exhaust by whenever you get around to it. I know you don’t have a car n’ all.

Miles: (kinda pissed) What do you want me to do, tear this check in half?

Me: Huh? No, you can cash it or whatever. No rush or anything.

Miles: Well I didn’t make as much on it as I had thought, what with all the money I just spent on it (referring to the wheels, tires, brake pads, etc).

Me: Well we can figure this out a bit later. (I wanted to do it face to face) I need to get my jack stands and floor jack.

Miles: I can bring them by.

Me: Ok.

So he brings them by, but not alone, and I didn’t really want to fight about this in front of our mutual friends, so I didn’t say anything then about it. Over the next several weeks, I talked to Miles here and there about various things, during which I find out the he has decided to get a $20 diesel truck. I know that he really wants one, so I don’t want to ruin his chances by insisting on the $300 from he exhaust until he gets his truck. He finally gets it, and I ask him to stop by with it, which he doesn’t do. I got various reasons for him not stopping by, and I’m sure all of them were real, but I was getting the feeling that Miles was avoiding me.

Finally as Miles is leaving the IA meet (11/12), I walk with him to his truck away from everyone else, and bring the money up (right after he yells something back to the group about going to get $400 from the guy he bought the truck from to cover the messed up glow plugs he just paid for). It goes something like this:

Me: So we need to figure this $300 out.

Miles: Yes we do.

Me: I didn’t want to bring it up until you got your truck so that it wouldn’t mess that up, but we need to settle up at some point.

Miles: Well I already told you that I didn’t make anything on the car, so I can’t give you any money.

Me: We had agreed that you would give me $300 if you sold the car with the exhaust on it. Remember, that is what we decided underneath the S2K right before you sold the car.

Miles: I remember that, but I already gave you $300 for it.

Me: You gave me $200.

Miles: I thought you paid something like $297 for it in Augusta.

Me: It was $197. I took $200 out of the $300 that you got for the other exhaust.

Miles: So you haven’t actually lost any money then?

Me: No, but that wasn’t the deal that we had made.

Miles: It sounds like you are trying to make me give you $300 for nothing. You haven’t lost any money on this. I just can’t give you $300 for nothing.

Me: The deal we had was for you to either give me back the exhaust before you sold the car or for you to give me $300 after you sold it. Since you didn’t give me back the exhaust before you sold it, that’s where the $300 comes from.

Miles: If I had taken it off, I would have had to spend $80 more for a stock exhaust, on top of all the other stuff.

Me: Regardless we had agreed that if you didn’t give it back you would pay me the rest of what the exhaust was worth.

Miles: It is only worth $200. That’s what you paid for it.

Me: But that’s not what I agreed to sell it for. If I would have sold it, I would have sold it for more than $200.

Miles: But since that’s all you paid for it you haven’t actually lost any money.

Me: No, but I lost the exhaust which will cost me more that $200 to get another one.

Miles: But you haven’t actually lost any money. I can’t give you $300 for nothing.

And then this just sorta repeated for a while. At one point miles said that the buyer had contacted him asking for the stock headers, as he has messed the header up on a pot hole. I then suggested that, since Miles wasn’t going to give me the $300 to make this right, he should get in touch with the guy and get the exhaust back in exchange for the $200 that I would have given back to Miles as well as a full stock exhaust. Then I left.

Later that evening Miles called me as said that he had spoken to several people, all of whom agreed that he could not give me $300 for nothing. Eventually I pointed out the following:

Me: Basically what you are saying is that you bought the exhaust from me for the $200 that I paid for it. That’s not entirely correct, as the deal was you could have it for the $200 if and only if you promised to let me have it back for the same $200 in the event you were no longer interested in owning it.

Miles: But since we never took it off, that didn’t happen. Coulda, shoulda, woulda, but didn’t.

Me: True, but we agreed that if we didn’t, you would pay me $300 for not making good on your promise. In the end you would have either gotten the exhaust for $200 and a promise, or $200 plus the $300 restitution for not keeping your word.

Miles: I just can’t give you $300. (note he never states he can’t afford it, but rather it is the principle of the thing)

Me: I’m not as interested in the money as I am in actually having the exhaust back. I would rather you come up with a way to make up for not keeping your end of the deal. The one that we had agreed upon is the $300, which you will not make good on either. So in the end you are really taking advantage of me if you do nothing.

Miles: I already told you that I didn’t make money on the sale. You forced me into buying that exhaust in the first place. You said that you going to buy it regardless.

Me: Yeah, I did. You didn’t buy it from JHot, I did. I then agreed to, for lack of a better term, “sell” it to you for $200 and a promise. You still owe me the promise, which is what I’m pissed about. I helped you out quite a bit on that car, and saved you a bunch of money as a result.

Miles: After I got that exhaust the car had nothing but problems.

Me: It was a POS when you got it. Those problems were already there. If you thought it was the exhaust, then you should have taken it off and put a stock one back on.

Miles: But that didn’t happen. So you what do you want me to do? I can’t give you them money.

Me: It’s not about the money.

Miles: I can’t go back in time and do things differently. What do you want me to do?

Me: I don’t know. Think of something to make up for the fact that you knowingly went back on the deal we had.

Miles: You want me to whore myself out on the corner? Is that going to make this better?

Me: Get real. Calling that guy back would be a good start. Busting your ass and getting the exhaust back would be even better.

Miles: Even if I do, I don’t think I can be around you without feeling weird.

Me: I think we are way past that point.

Then Miles proceeds to make bitchy, passive-aggressive comments about this in the meet thread, and I’m sure to other members. But as far as I can recall, that’s how it went down. In the end, if you look at the overall fiscal balance sheet between us, it goes like this:

IAC valve: $50

El Cheapo test pipe: $25

Tanabe Hyper Medallion: $300

Mugen twinloop deal:-$200

JDM catalytic converter: $-90

2x O2 Bunging: -$35

Fixed idle: $0

Fixed 4Runner starter: $0

½ brake job: $0

Total as it stands (including what it cost to get exhaust onto car): $50

11-14-2007, 12:46 PM
Like I said before, in another thread, I have no problems with putting this out there. I think its kinda funny how Miles left out some of the other aspects of the deal, in addition to leaving out how much i helped him out over the last 5 months, and how little I actually asked in return. And for the record, the exhaust had 2 little dents in it, none of which would affect the flow. If you want to know how bad they were from a 3rd party, ask Gabe at JHot. He remembers it.

11-14-2007, 01:10 PM
And so the plot thickens.................

Always good to hear from both sides before making assumptions. That's pretty **** of HIM. You tried to act in good faith and this happens. That's pretty sh!tty man

11-14-2007, 01:31 PM
its tough to choose a side, now that both have told there side of the story. it sounds like you were helping out and being a good friend, why dont you call the kid who he sold the car to and tell him that it was originally yours and the car wasnt supposed to be sold with it and see if you can work out something with him?

11-14-2007, 01:53 PM
hey bro post soem fu.ckin cliffnotes, I didnt come in here to get quizzed ese

11-14-2007, 01:57 PM
hey bro post soem fu.ckin cliffnotes, I didnt come in here to get quizzed esex2

11-14-2007, 02:03 PM

basically they made a deal that if the car was sold, that he would get the exhaust back.
suposably kreep didnt stick by his word either way the deal went..

11-14-2007, 02:31 PM
i cant believe i read all that repetitive crap...

11-14-2007, 02:36 PM
^^ should of read my cliffnotes. hehe

11-14-2007, 02:37 PM

basically they made a deal that if the car was sold, that he would get the exhaust back.
suposably kreep didnt stick by his word either way the deal went..

not sure if there was any disclaimers in that fu.ckin 8 pg essay, but beached whales w/ posting habits are not allowed to get in here, sorry <34integras chick, get lost

11-14-2007, 02:43 PM
^^ why cant you just leave me alone? i havent said anything to you..

11-14-2007, 02:47 PM
why every time Tiffany posts somebody gotta make fun of her? damn she didnt even do anything. cut her a break

11-14-2007, 02:53 PM
why every time Tiffany posts somebody gotta make fun of her? damn she didnt even do anything. cut her a break

thanks. i guess people get a joy out of making fun of other people who they dont even know..so what he has seen me, big deal im not a toothpick, but im far from fat..very far from fat.

11-14-2007, 03:00 PM
why every time Tiffany posts somebody gotta make fun of her? damn she didnt even do anything. cut her a breakWtf, you going soft for dat hoe

11-14-2007, 03:05 PM
what_lag, you dont even know me and have never even seen me. you are being a follower because you cant speak for yourself and you want to look "cool"..your not cool, if you cant be your own person..

11-14-2007, 03:11 PM
no, it just makes no sense. I could see if she was an ******* or talked **** to everybody all the time like some of these whack ass e-thugs on here, but she usually stays out of the way. and when she does post she gets picked on.

i am all about bashing idiots on IA but she doesnt even post much anymore.

She's been really helpful to Sarah since she has been pregnant. So if you wanna say i am going soft for her being a good friend, then so be it. Brian you have been my best friend for i dont know how long now, and if anybody was talkin **** to you, you know I'd be right there backing you up 100%. Both of yall my ***9as

11-14-2007, 03:14 PM
what_lag, you dont even know me and have never even seen me. you are being a follower because you cant speak for yourself and you want to look "cool"..your not cool, if you cant be your own person..look *****, i gathered my opinion by my damn self. Mainly from reading all your stupid post. Second ***** you dont know what I have seen. So take your cumguzzlin ass and STFU.

11-14-2007, 03:14 PM
^^thanks..how is sarah doing?

11-14-2007, 03:16 PM
she's doing good. still nauseated all the time and having her cravings. overall she's hanging in there.

11-14-2007, 03:16 PM
no, it just makes no sense. I could see if she was an ******* or talked **** to everybody all the time like some of these whack ass e-thugs on here, but she usually stays out of the way. and when she does post she gets picked on.

i am all about bashing idiots on IA but she doesnt even post much anymore.

She's been really helpful to Sarah since she has been pregnant. So if you wanna say i am going soft for her being a good friend, then so be it. Brian you have been my best friend for i dont know how long now, and if anybody was talkin **** to you, you know I'd be right there backing you up 100%. Both of yall my ***9aslick nuts and grow a pair. We have been clowing this hoe since before you got sarah pregnant. Nobody e-thugs her we dont like her. Man you have changed for the worst, so do you and I will do me. holla.

11-14-2007, 03:18 PM
yea plus she over there in the lifestyles section makin choices for other kids lives, talkin bout "should I call DFACS cuz they shoes dont fit"

b.itch, kids feet grow. not everybody got stunted growth like u miss hunchback

so kill that noise

11-14-2007, 03:19 PM
yea I mean you over there makin choices for other kids lives, talkin bout "should I call DFACS cuz they shoes dont fit"

b.itch kids feet grow, not everybody got stunted growth like u miss hunchback

so kill that noisedamn where the hell have you been.

11-14-2007, 03:21 PM
i havent been clowing here cuz i didnt know her.

brian you have too much Cahones. I have changed for the worst? i think for the better. Its different when you have a family. It's not like I can hang out everyday, get high all the time, and do the same **** i use to when i was single. Its time to grow up. Anybody that is helping me out, I have no reason to **** on them.

11-14-2007, 03:23 PM
damn where the hell have you been.

I aint gone nowhere believe me I aint hard to find homey


11-14-2007, 03:24 PM
i havent been clowing here cuz i didnt know her.

brian you have too much Cahones. I have changed for the worst? i think for the better. Its different when you have a family. It's not like I can hang out everyday, get high all the time, and do the same **** i use to when i was single. Its time to grow up. Anybody that is helping me out, I have no reason to **** on them.Then dont try to back her up when I have my own reasons. She can defend her damn self. Yes I have balls. I dont hold **** back that is what makes me, me

11-14-2007, 03:24 PM
I aint gone nowhere believe me I aint hard to find homey

THUG LIFEMy homie done gone soft, man what is this world coming to.

11-14-2007, 03:25 PM
she's doing good. still nauseated all the time and having her cravings. overall she's hanging in there.

she will be fine.. the first few months are usually rough and so are the last like 3 months..well for me they were..let me know if you guys need anything..Jayden is sick..he was throwing up. i was so scared, i started crying because hes never thrown up just spit up when he was a baby..the doctors said to just give him pedialite all day today and nothing else..they said a lot of parents called today saying the same thing about thier kids..i guess its a bug :cry:

11-14-2007, 03:30 PM
Then dont try to back her up when I have my own reasons. She can defend her damn self. Yes I have balls. I dont hold **** back that is what makes me, me
i asked a simple question. YOU decided to answer it. not my problem

11-14-2007, 03:30 PM
she will be fine.. the first few months are usually rough and so are the last like 3 months..well for me they were..let me know if you guys need anything..Jayden is sick..he was throwing up. i was so scared, i started crying because hes never thrown up just spit up when he was a baby..the doctors said to just give him pedialite all day today and nothing else..they said a lot of parents called today saying the same thing about thier kids..i guess its a bug :cry:

how about quit eating all his snacks pig, I mean kids gotta eat square meals every day they cant live off bread and doritos, thats lockdown food heiffer

might as well give em honeybuns too, you feedin him honey buns aint cha b.itch

11-14-2007, 03:31 PM
she will be fine.. the first few months are usually rough and so are the last like 3 months..well for me they were..let me know if you guys need anything..Jayden is sick..he was throwing up. i was so scared, i started crying because hes never thrown up just spit up when he was a baby..the doctors said to just give him pedialite all day today and nothing else..they said a lot of parents called today saying the same thing about thier kids..i guess its a bug :cry:
one of my co-workers was sick with a similar bug. he must have gotten it from his kids. probably another stomach virus going around again.

11-14-2007, 03:32 PM
not sure if there was any disclaimers in that fu.ckin 8 pg essay, but beached whales w/ posting habits are not allowed to get in here, sorry <34integras chick, get lost
Yeah, sorry about the length, I didn't realize it was that long when I typed it. I just wanted to include all the little details that actually put the situation into perspective. I guess, from my side, the cliff notes kinda go like this:
-I meet Miles

-I fix Miles' car for free (and even give him a part) when the shop down the road did nothing

-Miles' likes my exhaust and wants to know how to get one and I find one that I can't pass up, but let him have first crack at it (which he passes on)

-Miles still wants exhaust, and it would otherwise sit in my garage until I can get around to using it (EG Civic hatch, DC2 catback, works fine), so I let him have it for what I paid for it with the stipulation that whenever decides to sell the car or change exhausts, he will givie it back to me and I'll give him back the $200 that he gave me.

-Several things went wrong on the install, but were eventually worked out, with a little added cost out of Miles' pocket (~$125), most of which could still be recouped from selling off parts

-Between the exhaust install and the selling of the car I fix Miles' 4Runner for free, as well as loan hims some wheels for 3 or so weeks, and help him with the brakes for free

-While I was in the middle of the most convoluted clutch install known to Honda-kind on the S2K, Miles tells me he is, in fact, going to sell his car. He had been going back and forth about this for over a month, and appearently had it for sale the whole time.

-Upon this news I tell Miles that I want the exhaust back, and I'll give him the $200 from before (which he keeps confusing for $300), but he is afraid the buyer won't take the car without it.

-Since I don't want to screw up the sale, I ask Miles to adjust the price to include the exhaust (I said +$600), and I would take half of that, leaving me with getting $500 total, which might be enough to get another Mugen twinloop catback if the cirumstances are correct (and as of right now, Jarco has one for $495 on eBay, so I could have replaced it, but it end in 4 hours)

-Miles agrees to this course of action, while not all that thrilled about, but still has a week to get an answer from the buyer about whether or not he is willing to pay more for the exhaust, and if not arrange to take it off. During this time Miles also had the opportunity himself to purchase a stock exhaust, as I was never going to go out and buy one for him and give him $200, thereby losing the $80 for the stock exhaust.

-Miles never did any of this, so I assumed that he and the buyer had reached an agreement about the price of the car. Perhaps this was my mistake, but again, I had the impression that Miles was going to stick by his word. I even drove him around between when we discused the fate of the exhaust and the actual sale of the car, which was exactly a week, and he never gave me any indication that he wasn't going to hold up his end of the bargain.

-I call Miles after the sale of the car and bring up the money, at which point he gets a little pissy, so I drop it until we can talk about it face-to-face.

-Miles seemingly avoids being in a 1-on-1 converation face-to-face with me in the following weeks, but i corner him at the Athens IA meet 2 days ago. He basically says he &quot;can't&quot; give me $300 for nothing, but I remind of the deal we made. He repeatedly states that I didn't lose money on the exhaust and that he did lose money on the sale of the car (when in fact when it comes down to it he made ~$50 with the exhaust fiasco and I lost ~$75 not including labor)

-I suggest that Miles try to figure out a way to make things right, by first calling the buyer, and he essentially shrugs it off and begins to make comments on this board for all to see.

I know this leaves out many details, so if you want to read the essay above, the gaps will be filled in.

11-14-2007, 03:38 PM
i asked a simple question. YOU decided to answer it. not my problemWTF?

11-14-2007, 03:40 PM
how about quit eating all his snacks pig, I mean kids gotta eat square meals every day they cant live off bread and doritos, thats lockdown food heiffer

might as well give em honeybuns too, you feedin him honey buns aint cha b.itch

wtf???? my son is sick and the doctors told me that i can only give him pedialite until tomorrow then i have to give him light food until he is better..i dont give him junkfood..i give him real food..maybe you should keep your nose out of places it doesnt belong..i think you totally missed the whole point about the dfacs..i dont even care..your nothing to me and never will be..thank god..

11-14-2007, 03:41 PM
wtf???? my son is sick and the doctors told me that i can only give him pedialite until tomorrow then i have to give him light food until he is better..i dont give him junkfood..i give him real food..maybe you should keep your nose out of places it doesnt belong..i think you totally missed the whole point about the dfacs..i dont even care..your nothing to me and never will be..thank god..osnap, she tried to snap. :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

11-14-2007, 03:41 PM
:blah: :blah: :blah: Wow, I had no idea all this was going on. But, I'm not going to get in the middle of it either. Hope you guys can work something out, because I enjoy hanging out with both ya'll. Doesn't sound like that's an option though.

11-14-2007, 03:48 PM
Wow, I had no idea all this was going on. But, I'm not going to get in the middle of it either. Hope you guys can work something out, because I enjoy hanging out with both ya'll. Doesn't sound like that's an option though.
I'm nearly certain that if anything does happen, it will not be as a result of any action on Miles' part. I may, by complete accident, stumble accross a way to get the exhaust back, but I highly doubt it will be for only $200.

I'm not going to bring this up outside this thread any more, nor am I going to bring it up at any social gathering. If Miles does, that's his choice and I'll react accordingly. I just won't attempt to socialize with him, and I'm hoping he returns the favor.

11-14-2007, 03:50 PM
Late as all hell, but I'm posting my thoughts anyway.

In the mean time I pay him what he paid for the exhaust and we made an agreement.This was the only physical exchange that was made.

He is basically saying that he could have sold the exhaust for more and made money therefore I owe him half of what if would have sold for.Could'a, would'a, should'a don't mean sh*t. Had he given you money for the exhaust, then that would have been one thing. He didn't, so he has no right to it. Yeah, you guys made an agreement but he never came to get it so he'll pay for his neglect.

It's a pretty simple situation.

11-14-2007, 03:55 PM
Ok here's my question -

Todd - How much money have you invested into the sold exhaust?

Miles - Same question.

11-14-2007, 03:56 PM
wtf???? my son is sick and the doctors told me that i can only give him pedialite until tomorrow then i have to give him light food until he is better..i dont give him junkfood..i give him real food..maybe you should keep your nose out of places it doesnt belong..i think you totally missed the whole point about the dfacs..i dont even care..your nothing to me and never will be..thank god..



maybe you should calm down bessie, I dont know what that farmer is puttin in your trough but you need to get weaned off that s.hit its got side effects that include dementia and rediculous posting habits

11-14-2007, 04:02 PM
Late as all hell, but I'm posting my thoughts anyway.

This was the only physical exchange that was made.
But I never once said I ws selling it to him outright. If I had known him better/longer, I would have prolly just loaned it to him. Hell I flat out gave him $75 worth of parts anyway, not to mention all the work he didn't have to pay for on his car. While he downplays the friendship, he neglected to mention that he was over at my place almost everyday for at least a few minutes. I counted him as a good friend, and therefore an agreement as such didn't seem out of the ordinary. I wouldn't have done that with some random @*******.

Could'a, would'a, should'a don't mean sh*t. Had he given you money for the exhaust, then that would have been one thing. He didn't, so he has no right to it. Yeah, you guys made an agreement but he never came to get it so he'll pay for his neglect.

I was at his freakin' house only a few days before the sale,a nd after we had decided that he would get more money for the car since it had the exhaust on. Had he mentioned then that there was no intention on his part to actually do what we ahd agreed upon the 2nd time, I would have unbolted the **** on the spot. Hell, the car was even on my jackstands.

11-14-2007, 04:08 PM
Ok here's my question -

Todd - How much money have you invested into the sold exhaust?

Miles - Same question.
The whole point was not to "break even" in terms of money. I wanted to put the full catback onto the Civic. If he didn't give the exhaust back before he sold it, I would need enough in order to go buy another one. If that costs on the $200 he gave me, great, but as of the time of the sale, the best I could find one for was around $550.


But I settled on $300 in order to be fair. But to answer your question, are you wanting the bottom line or how much each person actually spent out of pocket.

11-14-2007, 04:10 PM
all I hear is crying moaning and bitching. You helped me out with my car no one said you didnt. You fail. I bought a product from you and it went with he car. No one lost out. except what you could have made off of the exhaust. If you sell something to someone and make an agreement to buy it back then you do just that buy it back...I never saw any money or you over here picking up the mugen. YOUR LOSS HOMIE GET OVER IT.
Had I known this is the kind of person you really are, I would never had agreed to help you in any way whatsoever. I hope anyone else who even thinks of doing you a favor thinks twice and charges you for it.

And you never actually bought anything. Do you have receipt for it? A transaction record? Any proof of ownership?

11-14-2007, 04:14 PM
Late as all hell, but I'm posting my thoughts anyway.

This was the only physical exchange that was made.

Could'a, would'a, should'a don't mean sh*t. Had he given you money for the exhaust, then that would have been one thing. He didn't, so he has no right to it. Yeah, you guys made an agreement but he never came to get it so he'll pay for his neglect.

It's a pretty simple situation.

You should definitely go to page 2 and read the other side of the story. There were friends/buddies/acquaitances/whatever you wanna call it, how many times have you made an agreement/promise with your friends without making contracts and all that? It's the principal :goodjob:

11-14-2007, 04:15 PM
its principalities involved in this

11-14-2007, 04:15 PM
^^^^you never got the exhaust.......................................... last 2 days or the whole month it was up for sale. YOU NEVER CAME TO GET IT OR PUT MONEY IN MY HAND...neglect on your part. By the way I calld the guy and he is not parting with it. I TOLD HIM EXACTLY WHAT YOU WROTE OUT IN THAT LAME ASS CRYBABY ATTEMPT TO MAKE THIS MY FAULT AND HE AGREES WITH ALL OTHERS

11-14-2007, 04:16 PM
its principalities involved in this :yes: :yes: agreed

11-14-2007, 04:19 PM

11-14-2007, 04:24 PM
Todd, how come you didn't ask Miles to buy the exhaust from him before he sold the car, if you knew it was going to happen?

11-14-2007, 04:25 PM
But I never once said I ws selling it to him outright. If I had known him better/longer, I would have prolly just loaned it to him. Hell I flat out gave him $75 worth of parts anyway, not to mention all the work he didn't have to pay for on his car. While he downplays the friendship, he neglected to mention that he was over at my place almost everyday for at least a few minutes. I counted him as a good friend, and therefore an agreement as such didn't seem out of the ordinary. I wouldn't have done that with some random @*******.While I can understand your frustration from a personal perspective, it doesn't seem to make up for a lot on a business perspective. Which is how this seems to be playing out. If you're getting jewed as hard as it seems, I feel for you but there's really not much you can do at this point aside from chalking up your losses and moving on.

I was at his freakin' house only a few days before the sale,a nd after we had decided that he would get more money for the car since it had the exhaust on. Had he mentioned then that there was no intention on his part to actually do what we ahd agreed upon the 2nd time, I would have unbolted the **** on the spot. Hell, the car was even on my jackstands.I had to go back and read your initial post to see what's up with this "2nd arrangement." Looks like he d*cked you pretty hard.

My initial post, while malinformed, is still pretty much true in it's stance. He gave you $200 and you gave him the exhaust. On a friendship level, this is a trust issue. On a business level, it's pretty much a done deal considering the exchange made. While you may have had two different perspectives on what was going on, it was what it was.

As for the later part, I'm sorry to hear that this guy has a hard time keeping his promises with you. It sucks @ss, I know. However, it's probably best to just move on. This guy seems to be headstrong with avoiding paying you and there's no real substance here to force him to. The only thing you'll get is more aggrivation and headache. Seems to me like you've gotten your fill. Just put it behind you.

Either way you go about, I hope you manage to get things resolved. Good luck.

You should definitely go to page 2 and read the other side of the story. There were friends/buddies/acquaitances/whatever you wanna call it, how many times have you made an agreement/promise with your friends without making contracts and all that? It's the principal :goodjob:Yeah, I completely skipped the rest of the thread since it just seemed like more pointless <34integras bashing. I went back and read though.

11-14-2007, 04:26 PM
coolcat: I did. A week before he sold the car. As he was holding the transmission from the S2K in my garage. He said that he didn't think the buyer would take the car without the exhaust. This is the reason why I wanted the money in order to go and get another one. I didn't want to be a d!ck and f*ck up the sale.

11-14-2007, 04:29 PM
While I can understand your frustration from a personal perspective, it doesn't seem to make up for a lot on a business perspective. Which is how this seems to be playing out. If you're getting jewed as hard as it seems, I feel for you but there's really not much you can do at this point aside from chalking up your losses and moving on.

I had to go back and read your initial post to see what's up with this "2nd arrangement." Looks like he d*cked you pretty hard.

My initial post, while malinformed, is still pretty much true in it's stance. He gave you $200 and you gave him the exhaust. On a friendship level, this is a trust issue. On a business level, it's pretty much a done deal considering the exchange made. While you may have had two different perspectives on what was going on, it was what it was.

As for the later part, I'm sorry to hear that this guy has a hard time keeping his promises with you. It sucks @ss, I know. However, it's probably best to just move on. This guy seems to be headstrong with avoiding paying you and there's no real substance here to force him to. The only thing you'll get is more aggrivation and headache. Seems to me like you've gotten your fill. Just put it behind you.

Either way you go about, I hope you manage to get things resolved. Good luck.
Thanks Ran. Now if Miles wants to continue to be a @assmonger, he would go and screw up the possibility for me to get the exhaust from the guy he sold it to.........Oh wait, he has! Why am I not surprised? I hope they guy gets new rotors before he wrecks the car........

11-14-2007, 04:30 PM
I never claimed lol that you didnt help me with the car.....you never came to get the exhaust or pay me the money I bought it from you. Again money in hand =exhaust no money = what has happened. You helped me out a ton and I appreaciate the hell out of it. I also helped you w/ your dogs, your cars, driving to jhot helping in the garage and so forth but I wasntt going to hold all of the things that I did for you against you like you are me.
You are pretty much saying that you did all this stuff for me and I owe you for that too? I don't mind returning favors but cmon

I did that and that and this and that
but when it came down to crunch time you never showed me any money or any interest to get the exhaust back. leaving u pissy and crying
Make all the excuses you want if there was money in my hand you would have had you an exhaust instead now some dude has it........................

11-14-2007, 04:33 PM
I never claimed lol that you didnt help me with the car.....you never came to get the exhaust or pay me the money I bought it from you. Again money in hand =exhaust no money = what has happened. You helped me out a ton and I appreaciate the hell out of it. I also helped you w/ your dogs, your cars, driving to jhot helping in the garage and so forth but I wasntt going to hold all of the things that I did for you against you like you are me.
You are pretty much saying that you did all this stuff for me and I owe you for that too? I don't mind returning favors but cmon

I did that and that and this and that
but when it came down to crunch time you never showed me any money or any interest to get the exhaust back. leaving u pissy and crying
Make all the excuses you want if there was money in my hand you would have had you an exhaust instead now some dude has it........................

I don't think he's saying that he helped you out, as if to say you owe him something. I'm pretty sure he's saying it as demonstrating that he considered you a friend and vice versa

11-14-2007, 04:34 PM
Hmm...seems like a lot of bad arrangements were made on both ends of this deal.

11-14-2007, 04:35 PM
I want money too can I have some for free?????????????????????
I am your exhaust whore lol...................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I called the guy to see if he would sell it back and he said nope
Todd it is a clear cut case...........we made an agreement for you to buy the exhuast back if I sold the car and you never did or made any moves to do so. I did tell you a few days before that that the guy wanted the exhaust but you had a whole month to get it. Didnt seem like you were to interested in getting it back.....you were more worried about fixing your GIRLFRIENDS honda s 2000

11-14-2007, 04:37 PM
I don't think he's saying that he helped you out, as if to say you owe him something. I'm pretty sure he's saying it as demonstrating that he considered you a friend and vice versa

oH I AGREE he was very helpful and very quick to help me with my car. We made the arangement for me to sell him the mugen back but he never bought it back. I live 5 miles down the road from him. He had a whole month to get it.

11-14-2007, 04:40 PM
I never claimed lol that you didnt help me with the car.....you never came to get the exhaust or pay me the money I bought it from you. Again money in hand =exhaust no money = what has happened. You helped me out a ton and I appreaciate the hell out of it. I also helped you w/ your dogs, your cars, driving to jhot helping in the garage and so forth but I wasntt going to hold all of the things that I did for you against you like you are me.
You are pretty much saying that you did all this stuff for me and I owe you for that too? I don't mind returning favors but cmon

I did that and that and this and that
but when it came down to crunch time you never showed me any money or any interest to get the exhaust back. leaving u pissy and crying
Make all the excuses you want if there was money in my hand you would have had you an exhaust instead now some dude has it........................
If you had told me that you weren't actually going to go through with the 2nd arrangement, the I would have had $200 cash in your hand and have the exhaust off the car in 10 minutes. But you said nothing. You should have actually told me that you weren't even going to try to get the guy to buy the car without it. Did you even ask him? If you did, and he really said that he would not take the car without the exhaust, that is when you would need to own up to what you agreed to do. Instead you just pretended that nothing was said and sold the car so that you could get something else. I could have taken it at any time, you're right. But I didn't because I didn't want to f*ck you over on the sale. Too bad you can't return that favor.

11-14-2007, 04:42 PM
I hope the guy doesnt get in a wreck cause of the rotors. You said they were fine thats why I left them alone

11-14-2007, 04:44 PM
I told you right then that there was a hairline mark on them. I even made you feel it.

11-14-2007, 04:46 PM
Oh sh*t, you guys have probably gone and killed the guy since the car has brakes that about to...well...break. lol

11-14-2007, 04:57 PM
last post on the situation and i am done


11-14-2007, 04:58 PM
Oh sh*t, you guys have probably gone and killed the guy since the car has brakes that about to...well...break. lol NAH HES GOOD I TALKED TRO HIM YESTERDAY. I told him if he wanted me to pay for new rotors I would buy them and take them to him.:goodjob:

11-14-2007, 05:08 PM
uh oh I hear FIGHT MUSIC

11-14-2007, 05:14 PM
One day it was for sale, the next it wasn't, then again it was for sale. Why did you advertise it with the exhaust if you knew that it wasn't going to go with it? Because you wanted to sell the car as soon as you could.

The last day you had the car was the day that the brakes were done, right? We didn't discuss the exhaust that day, except that you were going to put the defouler on to get rid of the CEL. I asked if the guy was OK with the possibility of not passing emission, and you said that he was. At no point did we discuss the payment arrangement, as we had already settled everything 1 week proir to that, and I had no reason (or so I thought) to worry about you not holding up your end of the deal. There was never any mention about whether or not you made money, and the amount we agreed upon was $300.

I had a month of hearing you go back and forth between selling it or not. When was I supposed to know that you were going to do it? Perhaps when someone was serious about it? Once I heard that, then I brought up the exhaust. If you had kept the car longer, I would have let you keep the exhaust longer, as I still don't have time to put it on the Civic. It seems to me that you had a month to work out how you could get a stock exhaust, but you were too busy agonizing over whether or not you were going to sell the car. You did the same thing with the 4Runner, and its still not sold.

11-14-2007, 05:27 PM

11-14-2007, 05:31 PM
all I hear are excuses the car was for sale then it wasnt ....it was always for sale...keep making excuses. Oh by the way this is getting you no where and is making you look a tad retarded. I made this post to see what others think and I have got lots of reps saying i was in the clear so I am happy and now can move on. There were a couple that agreed with you and they are allowed to have their own opinions. Really the last post on this

11-14-2007, 05:46 PM
all I hear are excuses the car was for sale then it wasnt ....it was always for sale...keep making excuses. Oh by the way this is getting you no where and is making you look a tad retarded. I made this post to see what others think and I have got lots of reps saying i was in the clear so I am happy and now can move on. There were a couple that agreed with you and they are allowed to have their own opinions. Really the last post on this
I already moved on, as I know that you have no intention on doing anything other than what you are doing. The only reason I posted anything is b/c you made it everyone's business. I don't care if you got reps from people. I didn't post my side to get reps, but rather to point out that you tried to make yourself look as if you had no fault. I know what I did wrong. I've accepted it. Everyone else who has read this whole thing knows it too. If I hadn't posted my side of the story, then everyone would have a very, very biased view of what was going on. Since I plan on still attending meets, etc, I figured that it was in my best interest to make sure that all those who read your side got the big picture. If after reading all this BS people still don't like me, I'm fine with that. From your orignal post it seems, however, that you wanted to convince others that you were in the right and to think that I'm the @ss. It is evident by what facts you included, which you distorted, and which you omitted alltogether. I have no problem continuing to post here, as I am only responding to your inital aggression.

11-14-2007, 05:49 PM
no aggression just love and happiness.

11-14-2007, 05:50 PM
no aggression just love and happiness.
last post? really?

11-14-2007, 06:01 PM
im with echo on this one just goin to stay out of it.

11-14-2007, 06:02 PM
lastpost again lol lub and happiness..
surprise buttsecks

11-14-2007, 06:05 PM

11-14-2007, 06:06 PM

11-14-2007, 06:07 PM
im with echo on this one just goin to stay out of it.
That's why I said I wasn't going to post anything in Athens Meet thread last night.

can o' worms=open

11-14-2007, 06:32 PM
fawk this ****. I am tired of reading all of this. I posted before I wasn't going to take sides, but I now will. Miles was in the right. Todd you should have gotten him the money. Sad day for Athens when we have two of our own in a heated battle. I have known Miles for awhile, and he is a pretty stand up guy. That is all I am going to say about it.

11-14-2007, 06:37 PM
fawk this ****. I am tired of reading all of this. I posted before I wasn't going to take sides, but I now will. Miles was in the right. Todd you should have gotten him the money. Sad day for Athens when we have two of our own in a heated battle. I have known Miles for awhile, and he is a pretty stand up guy. That is all I am going to say about it.
Thats a pretty slim way of looking at it. Remember that he flat out told me that didn't think the car would sell without the exhaust, hence the reason I even considered not taking it right then. I would have given him the cash in less than 10 minutes (how long it takes me to go to the ATM), b ut I didn't want to mess up his sale. He never said the guy would take the car w/o the exhaust, so I assumed that meant what we had decided was a go.

11-14-2007, 06:42 PM
Thats a pretty slim way of looking at it. Remember that he flat out told me that didn't think the car would sell without the exhaust, hence the reason I even considered not taking it right then. I would have given him the cash in less than 10 minutes (how long it takes me to go to the ATM), b ut I didn't want to mess up his sale. He never said the guy would take the car w/o the exhaust, so I assumed that meant what we had decided was a go.

either way, read my last post in the Athens thread.

11-14-2007, 06:43 PM

11-14-2007, 07:02 PM
and again

11-14-2007, 08:59 PM
I bought the exhaust back and i am going to cut it into small bits and use it as gay JDM yard art......lol

11-14-2007, 09:04 PM
and thus continues the normal Miles verbal diarrhea...............

11-14-2007, 09:07 PM
I bought the exhaust back and i am going to cut it into small bits and use it as gay JDM yard art......lol

^^haha. I agree with you, his fault for not doing his part.

11-14-2007, 09:13 PM
Jesus ****ing Christ yall are arguing like little school girls, now indeed its not the most desirable situation but get over it i mean whats done is done!

11-14-2007, 09:13 PM
^^haha. I agree with you, his fault for not doing his part.
I see you too only read the first page.