View Full Version : Hondata vs Founder of PGMFI.ORG WebSite

10-29-2007, 07:05 PM
Not sure why this has not been posted yet, but i thought all you honda heads better be on the lookout for this.

A big player in the Honda Tuner(Hondata) world has decided to sue the founder of the PGMFI.ORG (Honda DIY) website. This website is the birth place of many programs such as Crome Pro, Bre, FreeLog, ECUControl and many more. The founder of the website needs assistance with legal fees and an attorney. Please follow the link for more information.

Hopefully you are reading this because you are a user of Uberdata, Crome, Neptune or eCtune.

Without pgmfi.org's existence, none of these packages would have been around to benefit the Honda community. Without the competition, Hondata and AEM probably would not have come down to their current prices. The explosion of forced induction gear (as is evidenced by the explosive growth of this forum) was made possible by quality, cheap engine management solutions. Look at the VW community for an example of a group crippled by the lack of tools available to tune their cars. Point being: many people have benefited, from the 1000s of people slinging Crome tunes to the people selling "cheap" turbo parts that people can afford because they don't have to buy a $1500 standalone and a $1000 tune to do it right.

I am now in quite a bad spot as a result of being the owner and moderator of PGMFI.

You may or may not have heard about a matter dating to May of 2006.
Someone posted a "k-pro downloader" on the pgmfi forum. The software supposedly allowed someone to download the internal ROM from a K series ECU that had a Hondata K Pro installed.
I didn't remove the software as quickly as Hondata desired due to exams and being busy as hell with things other than my web forum.
Cease and desists, letters back and forth, demands and counterdemands, etc. (If you're curious about the demands made and whatnot, email me. It was shocking.)
And then (10/23/07) I get a proper lawsuit on my back step. Not quite proper service, but I get the point.
You can read it here: http://forum.pgmfi.org/download.php?id=6231 or here: http://forum.pgmfi.org/viewtopic.php?t=11755

I'm kind of wondering what the hell Hondata are trying to accomplish.
They seem to forget that I have been one of their strongest advocates, encouraging people NOT to go reverse engineering their software. I would think that losing my good will would be much more harmful than anything else they would be able to get through the legal process.
I no longer own PGMFI.org (Vladimir Ivanov purchased it last year) so my ability to affect policy and decisions is limited.
I hope they don't think I have any money for them to have... lol.

Oh well.

If anyone thinks they can help or knows of a good IP / internet attorney in LA, let me know. If you have a friend who thinks they can help, show this to them - there is nothing here that isn't public record.

I'm more or less broke from trying to get my business off the ground and caring for my family, so it looks like I'll be using the credit cards to pay for my defense. If you feel like contributing to the legal defense, you can send paypal to [email protected] - Vladimir has already said that he would use some of PGMFI's paypal funds to help out, if needed. Please don't send a lot of money - if everyone that has received some benefit from the site would send just a dollar, I would be set for lawyers. I know that isn't going to the happen, so please send what you can and spread the word.

-Dave Blundell
blundar at gmail dot com

This is America and competition is good for the market place.

I agree that without PGMFI.org we would all be running FMUs on our Turbo Cars or shelling out big bucks for the Hondatas and the AEM systems.

I dont know if anyone else has brought this up, but we are talking about theft of intellectual property in the form of a ECU Code. A code that was originally written by HONDA engineers and programmers, NOT HONDATA. Hondata modified the code and repackaged it an sold it (in the form of "chipped ECUs" or boards in the instance of KPRO).

SO someone ELSE posts a link to KPRO on a website, and they sue the owner? i mean its definetly plausible, they have the right to do it. Its like posting the link to a copyrighted song on a web board. Will the artist sue you? not likely, can they, sure absolutely.

In this case they should go after the guy that posted the link, not the owner of a site that cant be expected to babysit every post and every thread IMO.

Furthermore, all this is doing is making Hondata look bad. They have a great system, great interface, great tech support (sometimes) and i think they can exist with the freeware people just fine.

What do i know..........

Donate if you can. even $1 helps.

Crazy Asian
10-29-2007, 07:20 PM
Ya I heard about this on PO. Freaking sucks.

10-29-2007, 08:04 PM
wow this needs BTLFED notes! to much to read!

10-29-2007, 11:44 PM
wow this needs BTLFED notes! to much to read!

Hondata sues PGMFI Mod/Former owner because someone posted a Kpro downloader on the site.

Give money.

10-30-2007, 12:34 AM
this is a BIG DEAL if your in the honda community.

This will kill open source if Hondata succeeds.

If Hondata wins this lawsuit, it will set precedent that he owns the rights to the code used to manipulate honda ecus.

Which means IF he wins, he can go after CROME PRO, NEPTUNE, UBERDATA and anyone else with open source developed software.

Which means Hondata will have a monopoly on current and future ECU tuning for Hondas which means prices will go up, and thats bad for us.

10-30-2007, 12:38 AM
this is a BIG DEAL if your in the honda community.

This will kill open source if Hondata succeeds.

If Hondata wins this lawsuit, it will set precedent that he owns the rights to the code used to manipulate honda ecus.

Which means IF he wins, he can go after CROME PRO, NEPTUNE, UBERDATA and anyone else with open source developed software.

Which means Hondata will have a monopoly on current and future ECU tuning for Hondas which means prices will go up, and thats bad for us.
will I get sued as well?


10-30-2007, 12:42 AM
this is a BIG DEAL if your in the honda community.

This will kill open source if Hondata succeeds.

If Hondata wins this lawsuit, it will set precedent that he owns the rights to the code used to manipulate honda ecus.

Which means IF he wins, he can go after CROME PRO, NEPTUNE, UBERDATA and anyone else with open source developed software.

Which means Hondata will have a monopoly on current and future ECU tuning for Hondas which means prices will go up, and thats bad for us.lol you're acting like laws will stop anyone. How many people spray nitrous on the street every weekend? How can they stop an idea like open source? When wierdos can get access to child porn on the internet, do you really think that any force can stop the spread of open source? No way.

Sucks for the guy caught in the middle though (owner of the site)... just a regular person..

But yeah it might hinder the sales of the stuff EVER SO SLIGHTLY.... but trust me it won't stop or even affect the usage. Especially something like crome, which is almost pure DIY. Even posting up crome maps and setups, big brother cant stop any of that.

Yeah this kids in a pickle, sucks for him. I feel bad, i'm going to throw in some and post it around..



10-30-2007, 12:44 AM
damn....i cant donate fast enough..i have hondata now but i have used uber and crome in the past and would like to use again!!!

10-30-2007, 12:47 AM
I agree this is kinda like the RIAA

but you never know, if Hondata is BALLER enough they can monitor and start going after people who download or use "illegal" (their words) software.

People have said that Doug of Hondata has made claims that anyone using any honda tuning system "owes him money"

its crazy what people will do for money, and if Hondata has millions, then they can sue the smaller guys and put them in major financial strain.

What if Hondata sued you for that post? what would you do? you have to get a lawyer which means $$$ out of your pocket, if you dont , they win automatically and get $$$$$$ whatever the deem neccesary, could be millions, could be thousands.

Do you have the money to go to court against a major company?

10-30-2007, 01:07 AM
I agree this is kinda like the RIAA

but you never know, if Hondata is BALLER enough they can monitor and start going after people who download or use "illegal" (their words) software.

People have said that Doug of Hondata has made claims that anyone using any honda tuning system "owes him money" Lol i'm sure Hondata has nowhere near the financial firepower that any of the record companies do, ie Sony Music, they are losing a hopeless battle against piracy... Trust me it'd be literally impossible to regulate any sort of stop on that stuff. Sure right now its open to the public type downloads... say Hondata somehow wins, and starts pursuing people facilitating the downloads out in the open. They just created an even bigger problem, now the entire battle goes underground to p2p, usenet, torrent, etc... Where chinese made knockoff hondata boards/software will soon come aplenty ;)

What if Hondata sued you for that post? what would you do? you have to get a lawyer which means $$$ out of your pocket, if you dont , they win automatically and get $$$$$$ whatever the deem neccesary, could be millions, could be thousands.
Do you have the money to go to court against a major company? i'd edit it lol

10-30-2007, 01:08 AM
you know...its really sad that it comes to this. because to be honest with you i would have never ran hondata if it were not for uber and crome which both enabled me to have a car worth tuning. now that im building a turbo gsr i feel its time to go with hondata. i have a s200 and would like s300 but after this stunt im not sure i would like to support hondata. while they provide a great product and make it possible to run a k in a eg....they are ****s. damn. its just plain ****ty to go after the little man like that. what if tial went after xs power for making similar wastegates? i know thats not the same but you get the idea. i highly doubt uberdata is hurting the pockets of the hondata owner. infact the only reason ppl use that freeware is because they cant afford $600 for s300 or $295 for s200....then you still gotta pay for dyno time. im fortunate enough to be able to afford that stuff now but when i started i couldnt. and uberdata got me the 12 second car i wanted..and crome got me close to 11's

Crazy Asian
10-30-2007, 01:12 AM
neptune ftw. I support this ****. Who the **** does Hondata think we are millionaires? Seriously some of us barely scrape by yet alone our parts costs us and arm and a leg. So we have to wait three months just to save enough up for tuning..bah.

I know some people that ball in money but for some ya right.

10-30-2007, 01:13 AM
what if tial went after xs power for making similar wastegates?
well Tial didn't really invent wastegates, nor claimed to have.

But on a side note, i think there are a BUNCH of pending suits against XS power/ ssac.... Oh yeah and they got kicked off of ebay too (i don't know the full story on this , but it sucks bc their listings were stupid cheap and blatantly fake... ie their evo3 16G)... Now we have the others with the fake stuff, able to sell it at the price they want bc ssac is now gone, mixing it in with the real stuff, so its even harder to tell whats legit and what's not.(like a ssqv style bov with an HKS sticker)

10-30-2007, 01:28 AM
hondata did not invent code either but they are suing because of something was was "theirs" i see what you are saying though. either way its ****ty. anyone want a hondata s200 w/boost?

10-30-2007, 06:05 PM
This makes me want to sell the Hondata off of my CRX and find something else, even if I have to convert it to OBD 1. The **** that Hondata is doing right now is just that, ****.

A big F U to Hondata! :2up: