View Full Version : speeding ticket

09-22-2007, 10:48 AM
got pulled over doing 82 in a 55 on i-85 going north in dekalb, i was cruising in the hov lane, im 18 and 27 over is enough to get my license suspended for 6 months, has anyone under 21 got pulled over doing over 24mph and went to court and kept there license? Did you get a lawyer and what did you plea? thanks
o this is my first ticket

09-22-2007, 10:59 AM
Good luck!

09-22-2007, 11:02 AM
I went and kept it - but its a gamble, I had a judge that had her son do the same stunt I had done 2 weeks prior. Defensive driving is your only saving chance. I ended up doing a plea as a first offender, no lawyer. I had talked ot the solicitor and she explained thigns to me and told me that if I took defensive driving I would be okay, and I was. So first thigns first, talk to the solicitor in about 1 weeks time and see whats up, and what you can do to keep your license if at all possible.

09-22-2007, 11:09 AM
my first ticket i was 18, did 25 over, i hired a lawyer and it got dismissed

09-22-2007, 11:10 AM
I went and kept it - but its a gamble, I had a judge that had her son do the same stunt I had done 2 weeks prior. Defensive driving is your only saving chance. I ended up doing a plea as a first offender, no lawyer. I had talked ot the solicitor and she explained thigns to me and told me that if I took defensive driving I would be okay, and I was. So first thigns first, talk to the solicitor in about 1 weeks time and see whats up, and what you can do to keep your license if at all possible. :stupid:

09-22-2007, 11:12 AM
o and if you know of a lawyer pm me the info, i dont care that the ticket will be high as shit or if i have to take classes but if i loose my license for 6 moths it will suck big time

09-22-2007, 11:14 AM
Talk to the solicitor BEFORE your court date. Tell them you really need a car to go to and from school / work. It also helps to take a defensive driving course.

Also a rule of thumb for most cases, If you go to court and talk to the solicitor, he / she will give you an offer to plea guilty too. You then see the judge, pay your fine, and be done.

All it is is one big money game in the end.

09-22-2007, 11:17 AM
how would i talk to the solicitor and by solicitor do you mean cop?

09-22-2007, 11:23 AM
damn dude that sucks. dustin (black evo) just got the same shit.
good luck man.

btw this is will i didnt know if you knew that lol.

09-22-2007, 11:42 AM
I just got one on 75 but I have an Ohio license. I don't think they can really do shit to the points on my license in Ohio if I get tickets down here. I'm gona keep my Ohio license for at least 5 more years.

09-22-2007, 12:21 PM
how would i talk to the solicitor and by solicitor do you mean cop?

wait a week, at the bottom of your ticket is the phone number for the courthouse that you report to - call them, and the person who answers is the solicitor ( or just ask for one to be 100% sure )

09-22-2007, 12:27 PM
Talk to the solicitor BEFORE your court date. Tell them you really need a car to go to and from school / work. It also helps to take a defensive driving course.

Also a rule of thumb for most cases, If you go to court and talk to the solicitor, he / she will give you an offer to plea guilty too. You then see the judge, pay your fine, and be done.

All it is is one big money game in the end.
Talk to the solicitor, tell him you'll take a defensive driving course before the court date and see what he will work with you.

If your 18 that means you've most likely had your liscense for about two years without a ticket. Thats something you have going for you. Just make sure to call the solicitor beforehand, and it would be in good interest to sign up for a defensive driving course.


09-22-2007, 12:32 PM
got pulled over doing 82 in a 55 on i-85 going north in dekalb, i was cruising in the hov lane, im 18 and 27 over is enough to get my license suspended for 6 months, has anyone under 21 got pulled over doing over 24mph and went to court and kept there license? Did you get a lawyer and what did you plea? thanks
o this is my first ticket
I gotta go to court next month twice. Both times are for 100+ and reckless driving.
Moral of the story: shit happens.

09-22-2007, 12:46 PM
Doubt you'll be able to talk to a Dekalb County solicitor but doesn't hurt to try, in most cities/counties in Georgia now it's up to the officer to change the mph anyways. Try to contact the officer, tell him he caught you speeding and since it's your first one ask if he'll put it down to over 24mph or less. He has nothing to gain by getting your license suspended...just be straight up with him and offer to take a defensive driving course, knock off 3 or 4 mph and they still get their money and you get to keep your license.

If that doesn't work then you can plea nolo contendere once every 5 years, still have to pay the fine but you don't get any points added thus keeping the license...it's up to the judges discretion to accept the plea though and normally on a relatively non-excessive offense they will.

09-22-2007, 01:01 PM
I bet no one here has ever gotten a ticket in Dekalb before. Dekalb county doesn't have a solicitor. You have to speak directly to the police officer. Their system makes it incredibly hard to amend your charges. You need to stop taking advice from all the "legal professionals" here on IA and talk to your lawyer.

09-22-2007, 01:03 PM
u need to just plead no-lo

09-22-2007, 01:05 PM
Here is the best advice any one on here will give you. If you do decide to do this alone, DON'T BRUSH YOUR TEETH the day you go to court. That way, when you do talk to the cop, he'll tend to agree on your ticket amendments just so he doesn't have to smell your breath anymore. No one wants to argue with a guy with smelly breath. I know it sounds stupid as fuck, but it works.

09-22-2007, 01:06 PM
u need to just plead no-lo
Plead the 5th:lmfao:

09-22-2007, 01:10 PM
I bet no one here has ever gotten a ticket in Dekalb before. Dekalb county doesn't have a solicitor. You have to speak directly to the police officer. Their system makes it incredibly hard to amend your charges. You need to stop taking advice from all the "legal professionals" here on IA and talk to your lawyer.Me, I almost mentioned it before...that's why I said doubt he'll be able to talk to one because i wasn't able to a few years back.

Got a ticket for improper lane change when someone came over into my lane and sideswiped me -- since I was passing on the right I was found at fault...the lil fucker was going 50mph in the far left lane on 85!! When will they legalize 50 caliber machine guns to be hood mounted AND used on US streets?!! :tongue:

My court day couldn't have gone over better -- there was so many people there that day they simply said, "Attention everyone, all charges have been dropped to a non-moving violation...pay your fine and have a great day". :D

09-22-2007, 01:15 PM
tell them you have mutated crabs and it was itching bad and caused your foot to press the gas pedal too much

09-22-2007, 01:36 PM
tell them you have mutated crabs and it was itching bad and caused your foot to press the gas pedal too much
serious answer only please

09-22-2007, 02:31 PM
i have a friend of the family got me out of driving on a suspended license and a 22 over ticket.... names... bob rendoni, best lawyer ive ever seen! lmk if u want his #

09-22-2007, 03:34 PM

i was going south on i85 and dekalb nailed me going 97 in a 55 on thursday after the gwinnett meet. they got me some bullshit ass reckless driving ticket too. fuck that prick, he said when i was pulling over i pulled over recklessly, which is why i used my turn signals....... what an asshole.

09-22-2007, 03:35 PM
i have a friend of the family got me out of driving on a suspended license and a 22 over ticket.... names... bob rendoni, best lawyer ive ever seen! lmk if u want his #
PM this cats number

09-22-2007, 03:36 PM
lol whens your court date, your probably fucked i may have a chance though since its my first one i just got 27 over for speeding not wreckless driving

09-22-2007, 03:40 PM
mine is Nov 1st.

they guy who nailed me was Officer Dickface Dunn. i mean motherfucker didn't even let me see the reading, handed me the ticket and told me to pullout safely and went and sat in his car. and how the fuck is it reckless driving if i use my turn signals to pull over so you can give me a damn speeding ticket.

09-22-2007, 03:40 PM
ill hit you up later Mehul im about to go to cumming for a car show

the guy didnt say shit to me he took my license and came back with the ticket i couldnt even explain, why the hell is the speed limit 55 anyways

09-22-2007, 03:45 PM
got pulled over doing 82 in a 55 on i-85 going north in dekalb, i was cruising in the hov lane, im 18 and 27 over is enough to get my license suspended for 6 months, has anyone under 21 got pulled over doing over 24mph and went to court and kept there license? Did you get a lawyer and what did you plea? thanks
o this is my first ticket
You might as well bring your own tube of K-Y because he's really gonna hike that pretty lil skirt of yours up and :idb:

09-22-2007, 03:51 PM
i got 30 over when i was 19.. i spoke with the solicitor, and because it was my first ticket ever.. for anything, they gave me 12 months probabtion, (60$ per month) and if i didnt get any points on my license for that year, the ticket would get dropped.. no lawyer..

09-22-2007, 04:12 PM
ill hit you up later Mehul im about to go to cumming for a car show

the guy didnt say shit to me he took my license and came back with the ticket i couldnt even explain, why the hell is the speed limit 55 anywaysBecause people here have no clue how to drive. Why the fuck are we spending $50,000-100,000+ on stop lights on on-ramps? Because we're too fucking dumb to understand the concept of merging!! Merge, holy shit -- we understood the idea of sharing and standing in line in elementary school yet we can't figure out how to merge in a car?!!

09-22-2007, 04:15 PM
I got pulled over last week on 85. 80 in a 55 in the construction zone. Cop lowered it to 14 over so I get to keep my license and get no points added.

09-22-2007, 04:49 PM
First of all you should be okay. If it was 27 over they will probably lower it so u wont lose your license. Also its your first offense. This happen to me. But then I got arrested for doing 94 in a 45. All they hit me with is speeding. Luckly not wreckless driving, Spent the night in Jail and got to court Oct 25. Im going with no lawyer. Im pleadin NO-LO, and probably losin my License for 6 Months. But its better going in there not makin excuses and just tell them that you fucked up. They hear excuses everyday. So I hope for the best. Lawyers are overrated for speeding tickets.

09-22-2007, 05:13 PM
yea i got 1 on 85 also. 89 in a 55 (gay) i went to court and then they tood me to come back so now im on the waiting bench till then

09-22-2007, 09:19 PM
I bet no one here has ever gotten a ticket in Dekalb before. Dekalb county doesn't have a solicitor. You have to speak directly to the police officer. Their system makes it incredibly hard to amend your charges. You need to stop taking advice from all the "legal professionals" here on IA and talk to your lawyer.

Actually I have been to Dekalb Court and it's not that bad. Most of the people are there for probation violations. Sometimes the judge has a good day, some not. My uncle also works for dekalb police, and they do have a solisitor, but SHE is so busy she doesn't have time to deal with traffic violators.

Basically have all your shit ready for court, and make sure you dress appropriate. Oh yea, and sometimes you MIGHT get lucky and you can plead not guilty and have a real court date. If the officer doesn't show up they have no choice but to drop your charges.

Good luck :goodjob:

09-22-2007, 09:53 PM
I just got one on 75 but I have an Ohio license. I don't think they can really do shit to the points on my license in Ohio if I get tickets down here. I'm gona keep my Ohio license for at least 5 more years.

from what i heard california is the only state that doesnt recognize other states points systems

and on your case i really cant help you because im not familier with the traffic laws in ga yet

09-23-2007, 12:19 AM
yea i got 1 on 85 also. 89 in a 55 (gay) i went to court and then they tood me to come back so now im on the waiting bench till then
damn that blows at least your 21 or almost 21, it seems like everyones been getting tickets lately:screwy:

09-23-2007, 01:03 AM
As the resident speeding ticket queen, the advice I have is to bargain with the judge. Go to your hearing thingie on the court date and plead not guilty. You'll then be given another court date and given the option of a bench trial or a jury trial. Personally I like bench trials... they're where you appear in front of the judge, give your side of the story, the officer gives his side of the story, and the judge and DA talk it over, with you and the officer present, and decide what to do. Jury trials can take a few days, and no offense, but a jury is not likely to be sympathetic to a "young punk in a bright yellow mustang, driving above the speed limit and endangering your own young life as well as unsuspecting potential victims who are unfortunate enough to be sharing the road", which is what the prosecution will more than likely make you out to be. So ask for a bench trial. They will give you a new court date.. BE THERE EARLY... like 45mins - 1hr early. Make eye contact with the judge and he/she will acknowledge that you were there early and respect the court enough to ensure your promptness (judges are big on the whole respect thing...). When you get called up, don't get defensive, don't try to pity/sob story your way out. Apologize for what you did and make sure the judge knows it's your first ticket. Admit that you were wrong in your actions and are willing to accept the consequences of your actions, but would like to request the judge's benevolence and lenience on the matter, and would like the speed on the ticket lowered to 14 over, 69 in a 55, so that you may keep your license. It is CRUCIAL that you ask for 14 over. 14 over is when a ticket basically becomes null and void. You pay the fine and walk out, and your insurance and driving record don't reflect the ticket. The judge will probably ponder it for a moment. Be silent. The judge will either agree and allow you to pay the fine or disagree and possibly counter you with something. Even if you get countered with 20 over, it's still better than getting your license suspended.

If you really REALLY want to get out of it, offer to do community service. Ask the judge if he/she will lower it to 14 over and allow you to pay the fine for 14 over with the condition that you perform community service. I'd offer up 20 hours in 6 months. Seems like a lot, but how badly do you want to keep your license? If the judge asks why you want community service, say something like "I want the community to know that I realize the error of my ways" or something like that.

Basically, be apologetic and respectful. Dress nicely (a suit is a good idea for your bench trial, and nice khakis and a shirt/tie for your court date on the ticket). Keep in mind that any editing of the charge that the judge is doing is a FAVOR to you, so be sure to thank the judge before you leave.

Good luck, sir. I'm 22 and I have 42 tickets hanging on my wall. Still have my license. My favorite one is from July 18 2002... 17 years old, pulled over going 90 in a 55. Scrawled over the ticket is WARNING. Walked away scott free.

Also, read the judge... if you go to your court date that's printed on the ticket and the judge doesn't seem to be amicable/liking you at all, at the court date, ask about enlisting the aid of a public defender. A public defender is an income based attorney who will argue on your behalf. If you make too much money you won't be eligible and might want to see about hiring an attorney. But see how the judge asks when you walk up to plead not guilty. Watch how the judge interacts with other people who are on trial and how forgiving he/she is.

Good luck!

09-23-2007, 12:24 PM
..OH yea.. It's also a good idea NOT TO PLEA NO-LO to a speeding ticket, unless your doing like, 150+ in a 55. It's a waste of a "Get out of jail" free pass. Save it for if you ever get a more serious offense.

09-23-2007, 12:51 PM
i was doing 28mph over when i was 18 and i kept my license. tell the judge that you will do community service and that it was just a stupid mistake. i did the defensive driving course and 30 hours at the library. Oh and i paid a $120 fine

09-23-2007, 01:36 PM
also josh i hate to say this but cutting your hair might help some.. i did it before court (not when i shaved it but i cut it shorter).. however i didn't even end up going to court i just paid the ticket.. i'll shoot u the number to the defensive driving place that i went to, that will help also.

09-23-2007, 01:51 PM
also josh i hate to say this but cutting your hair might help some.. i did it before court (not when i shaved it but i cut it shorter).. however i didn't even end up going to court i just paid the ticket.. i'll shoot u the number to the defensive driving place that i went to, that will help also.
lol i got a haircut yesterday but ill probably get another before then

09-23-2007, 02:25 PM
i went to court for 19 over ( in dekalb) and they dropped everyones speeding tickets by 10mph. i dont know if they were having a good day.... got laid that morning or whatever but they felt like being nice. maybe the same will happen for you.....

09-23-2007, 02:33 PM
i went to court for 19 over ( in dekalb) and they dropped everyones speeding tickets by 10mph. i dont know if they were having a good day.... got laid that morning or whatever but they felt like being nice. maybe the same will happen for you.....
ya that would be good:yes:

09-24-2007, 03:50 PM
billy PM me the number to the defensive driving class, maybe me and josh can go together, lol

09-24-2007, 05:35 PM
the most important question was any body with you?

09-24-2007, 05:58 PM
also josh i hate to say this but cutting your hair might help some.. i did it before court (not when i shaved it but i cut it shorter).. however i didn't even end up going to court i just paid the ticket.. i'll shoot u the number to the defensive driving place that i went to, that will help also.

when I got a ticket for stealing when I was real young I had to cut my hair. Then another ticket for underage drinking, but I got out of that.

It is crucial that you cut your hair(guessing by this guys quote you have long hair). I don't know if you guys realize this or not, but Judges JUDGE you on appearance. Whether you want to believe that or not. Your hair matters, the way you are dressed matters, appearance matters a lot. Its stupid how it works and maybe courts should be held in confession boxes, but hey whateva my *****. Good luck

09-24-2007, 06:46 PM
got pulled over doing 82 in a 55 on i-85 going north in dekalb, i was cruising in the hov lane, im 18 and 27 over is enough to get my license suspended for 6 months, has anyone under 21 got pulled over doing over 24mph and went to court and kept there license? Did you get a lawyer and what did you plea? thanks
o this is my first ticket

LOLOL!!! Later, QD.

09-24-2007, 11:38 PM
i did about 2 months ago! your fucked....even with a lawyer. when your under 21 your screwed they dont help you. Thats words from the soclicator(sp). But for me i am a few months from turning 21, and hadnt had a ticket in over 3 years so they lowered my speed, but i had to take DD, some other 2 hour class, and do 40 hours community service! :goodjob:

09-24-2007, 11:44 PM
got pulled over doing 82 in a 55 on i-85 going north in dekalb, i was cruising in the hov lane, im 18 and 27 over is enough to get my license suspended for 6 months, has anyone under 21 got pulled over doing over 24mph and went to court and kept there license? Did you get a lawyer and what did you plea? thanks
o this is my first ticket
i remember that night dude, sucks. good luck.

09-24-2007, 11:53 PM
Man yall get lucky. I go to Jail for a 94 in a 45. I hope I get a cool judge. But how my luck goes probably not. Ill probably lose it for a year or somethin.

09-25-2007, 07:45 AM
the most important question was any body with you?
ya 1 passneger

09-25-2007, 08:22 AM
I bet no one here has ever gotten a ticket in Dekalb before. Dekalb county doesn't have a solicitor. You have to speak directly to the police officer. Their system makes it incredibly hard to amend your charges. You need to stop taking advice from all the "legal professionals" here on IA and talk to your lawyer.

I got a ticket in Dekalb 3 years ago or so and can tell you that you aren't exactly correct in your statement. :)

09-25-2007, 08:30 AM
I got a ticket for 27 over up by KSU last year. Took defensive driving, pleaded not guilty, it was my first offense, and I had a good lawyer. Got out of it with no points on my license and only having to pay the fine.

11-13-2007, 02:52 PM
update- went to court, sat down, my lawyer walked strait to the front of the line (about 30 people)came back and said lets go. Paid 200 bucks for ticket and got reduced to 17 over which is only 2 points.

11-13-2007, 03:12 PM
oh shiet, who was your lawyer? what law firm? name? I have to say you were extremely lucky

Repost Squintz
11-13-2007, 03:15 PM
YOUll be fine! the solicitor will mark the 27 over to 17over.. u wont loose your license just pay the fine for 17 over. Bring Cash! I live in Dekalb.

edit: should've read the rest of the pages; congrats... oh yeah btw u ddint need a lawyer........

Repost Squintz
11-13-2007, 03:18 PM
I got a ticket in Dekalb 3 years ago or so and can tell you that you aren't exactly correct in your statement. :)
hahah im with ruiner on this one..
but i live in dekalb and have been to the recorder's court a few times...

11-13-2007, 08:18 PM
oh shiet, who was your lawyer? what law firm? name? I have to say you were extremely lucky
all i know is his last name was peavy not sure about spelling, he's my parents lawyer who takes care of their wills and stuff, he use to be a police officer then worked for the court system before he became a lawyer, it was cool going in their and seeing everyone with their lawyers sitting and waiting and having mine get things done within 2 minutes of entering the room the only thing that sucked about the experience was paying the ticket, i was first in line and it took 30 mins:screwy: