View Full Version : fighting style

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:19 PM
if you enjoy fighting or don't, i'm sure you have gotten in a fight before

what kind of fighter are you.... dirty, clean, scrappy, :ninja: ......

i prefer to start a fight off by drop kicking them before it starts
(true story)

09-18-2007, 04:22 PM
i usally try to take them down and start punching them while they're down. but if i have to fight standing up, im a clean fighter, im the type of person that if im winning, ill let them go and say its over or something.

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:24 PM
hells yea i hear that, i don't care how it goes down, standing or to the ground, i wrestled in high school so i knows me some shit, my senior year i weighed 165 and wrestled in the 189 weight class, and i almost went to state...

but i don't kick in the balls or anything like that, and i don't use any kind of weapon either

09-18-2007, 04:26 PM
depends on the situation, but i usually avoid fighting with my display of weaponry

09-18-2007, 04:26 PM
I prefer clean fighting but that being said...I am a girl and that never happens. I boxed for about 5yrs so I am pretty quick with jabs and such but sometimes bitches jsut dont understand and you gotta take something to their head :yes:

09-18-2007, 04:26 PM
shoot first, ask questions 2nd. i gave up fighting years ago... if i feel my life is being threatened... im not going to risk someone pulling out a knife or being dirty... im too old for that shit.

09-18-2007, 04:27 PM
shoot first, ask questions 2nd. i gave up fighting years ago... if i feel my life is being threatened... im not going to risk someone pulling out a knife or being dirty... im too old for that shit.


09-18-2007, 04:28 PM
shoot first, ask questions 2nd. i gave up fighting years ago... if i feel my life is being threatened... im not going to risk someone pulling out a knife or being dirty... im too old for that shit.
Well....For example...

When sitting down at a restaurant and a bitch runs up behind you and punches you in the back....You either (a) pass out...or (b) get up and beat the shit outta the bitch to the point that the entire restaurant is now quiet b/c they think you are going to kill them....

Besides I dont own a gun..I fear them. Probably b/c I have a bad temper.

Evil Goat
09-18-2007, 04:28 PM
shoot first, ask questions 2nd. i gave up fighting years ago... if i feel my life is being threatened... im not going to risk someone pulling out a knife or being dirty... im too old for that shit.

agreed. i carry most everywhere.

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:29 PM
valid point, but i don't really have a choice, in the weaponry department, i usually carry a knife in my car, but other than that i rely on my good ole hands

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:30 PM
and i'm not 21 so i don't have the option to carry, honestly i would if i had the choice, considering i'm downtown and all

09-18-2007, 04:30 PM
valid point, but i don't really have a choice, in the weaponry department, i usually carry a knife in my car, but other than that i rely on my good ole hands

used to carry my knife all the time and my pistol in the car...

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:32 PM
i deff. carry my knife on me if i go out when it's not daytime out... that's for sure, but if i'm out w/ my buddy's or g/f and i know i'll be fine w/ out it i just keep it in my car

09-18-2007, 04:34 PM
valid point, but i don't really have a choice, in the weaponry department, i usually carry a knife in my car, but other than that i rely on my good ole hands
I thought about buying a knife but then I found out that a good percentage of people are hurt with their own weapons..I dont wanna use a weapon and then have IT used on me.

2.3 Evo 8
09-18-2007, 04:35 PM
NO HOLDS BARRED! There are no rules or styles in fighting. It is beat their mother fuckin ass by any means necessary. Immobilize them quickly.

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:35 PM
yea, but i'm pretty good w/ a knife, and i don't ever pull it out unless more than one dude comes at me, but i've been lucky that i haven't come to that situation yet

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:36 PM
yea no shit, but usually people come at it a different way, and have a certain style about them

i'm a southpaw so i've got a bit of an advantage

09-18-2007, 04:37 PM
when it comes to one on one, i fight clean. ive never gotten jumped or been in a situation where i have to fight dirty to get away. maybe when that time comes ill change my way in how i view a fight. but as a child i was always taught to fight clean.

but weapons isn't something im a fan off.

09-18-2007, 04:38 PM
^^ statistically speaking, more than 50% of people that are shot are shot with their own gun. thats why its smarter to carry a gun with a small clip... if you get off a few shots, then there will only be a few shots left... but if you have a 17 shot clip like me, you better put down the bastard before its too late.. lol

09-18-2007, 04:39 PM
i usally try to take them down and start punching them while they're down.
x2. Havent had a fight in a long time though.

09-18-2007, 04:39 PM
x2. Havent had a fight in a long time though.its not just about taking them down, you also have to know how to and in which manner.

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:40 PM
yea haven't faught in a little bit, it always seems that people back down before it gets physical, but i leave the weapons out as well, im clean but scrappy as hell

09-18-2007, 04:40 PM
^^ statistically speaking, more than 50% of people that are shot with their own gun. thats why its smarter to carry a gun with a small clip... if you get off a few shots, then there will only be a few shots left... but if you have a 17 shot clip like me, you better put down the bastard before its too late.. lol

shot shot clip... got the 9 shot clip in the car.. what the hell are you carring to shoot off 17 shots

09-18-2007, 04:42 PM
I traditionally don't like throwing out punches or whatnot. I usually just dodge them, trip them up, or find some otherway to let them wear themselves out without getting myself pummelled. It's worked out so far.

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:42 PM
yea but it's illegal to drive around with a loaded weapon, i think its a felony if you get pulled over and they find a loaded gun in your car

09-18-2007, 04:43 PM
its not just about taking them down, you also have to know how to and in which manner.
I know. I have to go for that approach, because standing up 70% of people have a reach advantage on me.

09-18-2007, 04:43 PM
I know. I have to go for that approach, because standing up 70% of people have a reach advantage on me.
lolol. true.

2.3 Evo 8
09-18-2007, 04:44 PM
yea but it's illegal to drive around with a loaded weapon, i think its a felony if you get pulled over and they find a loaded gun in your car


Also, there is no style to kneeing someone in the head. :goodjob:

09-18-2007, 04:47 PM
WTF ever happened to Mr.MuayThai and Kitchens?

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 04:48 PM
yea flying knee's are like impossible to stop

then why on cops do they get arrested for having a loaded gun?? in the car

09-18-2007, 04:49 PM
shot shot clip... got the 9 shot clip in the car.. what the hell are you carring to shoot off 17 shots

just a glock 17... 2 17-shot clips and 1 in the chamber. ;)

09-18-2007, 04:49 PM
kicks and submission, i dont like punching.. if i get close i use my knee's and elbows.. im trained 7 years in Muay Thai and 1 in BJJ.. i dont li ke to street fight, but i will if i have to, i dont fight clean and i go for the quickest way to end the fight.

09-18-2007, 04:55 PM
kayfunk, your sig is to fucking big man, here use this one.

09-18-2007, 05:03 PM
when it comes to one on one, i fight clean. ive never gotten jumped or been in a situation where i have to fight dirty to get away. maybe when that time comes ill change my way in how i view a fight. but as a child i was always taught to fight clean.

but weapons isn't something im a fan off.

Props on this post...

Too many cowboys running around...

I will do anything to avoid using my gun. I would fight someone hand to hand

Using a gun should be the very last resort
Too many pussies just go around shooting ppl.
Prove your manhood by going toe to toe, not flexing your trigger finger. Any punkass can do that.

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 05:03 PM
how old are you kayfunk, if you don't mind

09-18-2007, 05:09 PM
Props on this post...

Too many cowboys running around...

I will do anything to avoid using my gun. I would fight someone hand to hand

Using a gun should be the very last resort
Too many pussies just go around shooting ppl.
Prove your manhood by going toe to toe, not flexing your trigger finger. Any punkass can do that.

force of habbit.. where i'm from thats all they do.. nobody fights.. they shoot niggas... so i'm a product of my enviorment.. will i tag a ***** of the hands.. hell yeah.. am I an untrained fighter...:ninja: hmmmm

09-18-2007, 05:14 PM
People kill me bragging about their guns, like its some badge of honor or some shit. Having a gun doesn't make you a man.

If you live your life in a way that requires you to carry a gun @ all times then maybe you need to look @ how you're living.....Damn.
and secondly, even if you're packing chances are you're not the only one.

I know of someone in this thread who shouldn't even be carrying anyway, as it isn't in his best interest legally to but I'm not going to name names...Use your head bro...One of these days you're not going to be so lucky...

You know the saying: " Live by the gun, die by the gun".

09-18-2007, 05:16 PM
force of habbit.. where i'm from thats all they do.. nobody fights.. they shoot niggas... so i'm a product of my enviorment.. will i tag a ***** of the hands.. hell yeah.. am I an untrained fighter...:ninja: hmmmm

Dracc, you know I know where you're from better then anyone here and it's not even like that. Be smart bro..Don't be another mucfuckin negative statistic...

There are already enough of us in jail and or dead......Use your head.

09-18-2007, 05:17 PM
i dont get in to fights.

09-18-2007, 05:26 PM
how old are you kayfunk, if you don't mind

im 20.

09-18-2007, 05:27 PM
kayfunk, your sig is to fucking big man, here use this one.

got the 50 character limit garbage.

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 05:28 PM
ok j/w
what weight class were you in?

09-18-2007, 05:31 PM
got the 50 character limit garbage.


here you go noob, upload, copy and paste and you're done.

09-18-2007, 05:34 PM
Dracc, you know I know where you're from better then anyone here and it's not even like that. Be smart bro..Don't be another mucfuckin negative statistic...

There are already enough of us in jail and or dead......Use your head.

it is like that bruh.. check da news... homie fo real.. yeah i know man.. not like i'm out there with da pistol pointing it a niggas heads.. i'm just straped like the next man... if I'm in a group of 10 chances are 4 of that 10 own a gun...

09-18-2007, 05:37 PM
If I get in a fight, I'm going to do whatever it takes to put you out. Not trying to be a e hardass but seriously. If I got a glass in my hand its going in your face. I fight dirty, until I can carry.

09-18-2007, 05:38 PM
ok j/w
what weight class were you in?

i haven't fought competition in sometime.. when i did i was in light heavyweight between 160-up to 190 or so range.. i was 15-16 so this was about 4 years ago.. i train still to keep in shape and for fun.

09-18-2007, 05:39 PM
I forgot to mention, I know a little Muay thai and some BJJ.

09-18-2007, 05:40 PM

here you go noob, upload, copy and paste and you're done.

that requires me saving the pic to my work computer running a virus scan on it and then uploading it and then linking it, im way too lazy for that, if you want it smaller you do the work, im not catering to your needs you smelly fuck :]

09-18-2007, 05:41 PM
that requires me saving the pic to my work computer running a virus scan on it and then uploading it and then linking it, im way too lazy for that.
you lazy fuck, here i am trying to help you and you act like this?

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 05:41 PM
sweet, i was thinking about getting into, but i don't really have the time/money, to start it, i might pick it up in the summer

09-18-2007, 05:41 PM
you lazy fuck, here i am trying to help you and you act like this?

dammit, i called you smelly but you quoted me too fast :[

09-18-2007, 05:42 PM
here you go faggot, copy and paste it to your sig.



[IMG]http://i4.tinypic.com/67fmpw4.jpg[/IMG just add the "]" at the end

you fucking lazy ass bitch!

09-18-2007, 05:43 PM
here you go faggot, copy and paste it to your sig.


thanks sweetheart:idb:

09-18-2007, 05:45 PM
no fag!



just add the last part to it.. the ]

09-18-2007, 05:45 PM
aight, done. now it looks better, fucking posting shit and fucking seeing that lame ass Z just got to me....

09-18-2007, 05:46 PM
no fag!



just add the last part to it.. the ]

i fucked up for like 2 seconds stfu you pussy.

09-18-2007, 05:48 PM
"look at me, im kayfunk im a badass i know jj and some other bullshit and think im the king". lolol.

"everyone is a pussy blah blah blah"

09-18-2007, 05:49 PM
I carry trash bags with me.

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 05:56 PM
oh ya i forgot, i always have acouple of venemous snakes and some scorpions, to throw on people if they try and pull shit on me, it's worked well soo far

09-18-2007, 05:59 PM
oh ya i forgot, i always have acouple of venemous snakes and some scorpions, to throw on people if they try and pull shit on me, it's worked well soo far


Oh...and he's grown.

Quattro Kid
09-18-2007, 06:08 PM
sweet doode, does he attact if told to lol?

09-18-2007, 06:27 PM
sweet doode, does he attact if told to lol?

:lmfao: Fuck if I know...he doesn't respond to anything except food.

Actually...he gets a little aggressive if there are lots of people crowding around him. I mean, I remember when a few friends were over, and they were all "Whoa dude a snake" around me while I was holding him...and he arched back into that S shape that he does before he strikes. They backed off when he did that though.

b@d @pple
09-18-2007, 10:34 PM
im dirty as fuck..nuff said

Sack Attack
09-18-2007, 11:37 PM
I like to act all friendly and scared and be like "look I'm sorry man" and go to shake their hand and when they put their hand out there bust their fuckin nose. hahaha. But I talk enough shit that I really never have to fight. Most people back up cause I'm a crazy fucker.

09-18-2007, 11:39 PM
simple i fight to win. a fight is about trying to inflict as much pain as possible on the other person.

09-19-2007, 07:49 AM
shoot first, ask questions 2nd. i gave up fighting years ago... if i feel my life is being threatened... im not going to risk someone pulling out a knife or being dirty... im too old for that shit.

Straight up. I'm pulling the trigger. Later, QD.

09-19-2007, 02:03 PM
Wow this is actually a post on IA. Does it make you more of a man to talk about fighting on the internet? What's even more funny is the posts about shooting and what not.

Quattro Kid
09-19-2007, 04:26 PM
i don't think so, i haven't really noticed anymore hair on my chest lately, does that make you a badass/cool for saying it's stupid to talk about fighting

oh BTW i was asking a simple question

09-19-2007, 04:35 PM
there is no such thing as a "fair" street fight. a fight is a fight, you have a winner and a loser. you either want to walk away in good shape or have your ass kicked trying to make it clean and fair. i don't fight to obey any rules, whatever i can get my hands on is what im going to swing, whether it be my fist, a bottle, stick, rock, whatever. i feel if it comes to someone wanting to try and inflict pain on me it is my call of duty to not wait around for bullshit and put them out of it asap. if all else fails or it isn't fair, then i will even the odds. ;)

09-19-2007, 04:39 PM
2nd degree.

I prefer to start a fight by fuckin' their mom or sister, and possibly photochopping them doing some horrific shit to a donkey.

09-19-2007, 04:48 PM
2nd degree.

I prefer to start a fight by fuckin' their mom or sister, and possibly photochopping them doing some horrific shit to a donkey.

:lmfao: +

09-19-2007, 04:52 PM
ill usually try to hit them before they even get a chance to square up. that way they dont have time to think.

09-19-2007, 05:14 PM
i have three different fighting styles all taught to me by people in Jingitsu, karate and kung fu....not to mention i have like 3 years of backyard boxing under my belt....

i fight depending on the size and weight of the person i'm fighting....

if it's a dirty fight i will probably be the dirtiest motherfucker out there.... New york is a great state to be raised in if you wanna learn how to scrap a motherfucker down.

Quattro Kid
09-19-2007, 05:38 PM
ok, but i've seen video's on people in New York fighting, alot of them that were skreet fights, all faught like girls, had no form or anything though, they all swung outwards like they were sidearming the punch or something,

my hand takes b-line straight to the face, that's how i roll

09-19-2007, 09:08 PM
Ben actually posting now! lol dropkick FTW

Quattro Kid
09-19-2007, 09:54 PM
hells yea son, your place friday? ill see you thursday

Slow Motion
09-20-2007, 05:04 AM
shoot first, ask questions 2nd. i gave up fighting years ago... if i feel my life is being threatened... im not going to risk someone pulling out a knife or being dirty... im too old for that shit.

Hell muhfuckin yeah.....reps to you.

09-20-2007, 07:10 AM
ok, but i've seen video's on people in New York fighting, alot of them that were skreet fights, all faught like girls, had no form or anything though, they all swung outwards like they were sidearming the punch or something,

my hand takes b-line straight to the face, that's how i roll


You do know that most of the best boxers/fighters come out of New york right? Talking legend status here....and they all grew up fighting on the dirty new york streets.

09-20-2007, 07:11 AM
ok, but i've seen video's on people in New York fighting, alot of them that were skreet fights, all faught like girls, had no form or anything though, they all swung outwards like they were sidearming the punch or something,

my hand takes b-line straight to the face, that's how i roll

Sorry that sounded gay, was that real talk? ;)

09-20-2007, 07:41 AM
i have three different fighting styles all taught to me by people in Jingitsu, karate and kung fu....not to mention i have like 3 years of backyard boxing under my belt....

i fight depending on the size and weight of the person i'm fighting....

if it's a dirty fight i will probably be the dirtiest motherfucker out there.... New york is a great state to be raised in if you wanna learn how to scrap a motherfucker down.

Mistake number 1.

Carry on.

09-20-2007, 07:51 AM

You do know that most of the best boxers/fighters come out of New york right? Talking legend status here....and they all grew up fighting on the dirty new york streets.

all the kids i've faught competition and on the street "mainly from school" from NYC were all talk, they have big mouths and try to scare you out of fighting them, but when it comes down to it, they can take a few hits but they can't fight for shit, they basically can just take an ass beating and they're respected for it.

no offense, just speaking from personal experience.

09-20-2007, 08:07 AM
all the kids i've faught competition and on the street "mainly from school" from NYC were all talk, they have big mouths and try to scare you out of fighting them, but when it comes down to it, they can take a few hits but they can't fight for shit, they basically can just take an ass beating and they're respected for it.

no offense, just speaking from personal experience.

*raises hand* i can dish it but i can't take it. if someone squares me right in the nose, i tear up and kinda sit down for a bit :ninja:

09-20-2007, 08:09 AM
*raises hand* i can dish it but i can't take it. if someone squares me right in the nose, i tear up and kinda sit down for a bit :ninja:


09-20-2007, 08:27 AM
^^ statistically speaking, more than 50% of people that are shot are shot with their own gun. thats why its smarter to carry a gun with a small clip... if you get off a few shots, then there will only be a few shots left... but if you have a 17 shot clip like me, you better put down the bastard before its too late.. lol

thats why you dont miss the first time.

personally ive never even been in a fight. ive come close, or ive wanted to beat someones ass but i never followed through.... its not worth my time. but believe me, when i turn 21 i WILL be packing..... and not only that but i ACTUALLY know how to shoot. and i shoot very well.....

but the situation is different when youre actually in the situation...

one time i was workin off MLK and this guy came up the driveway into the house(we were remodeling, i was alone) and pulled out a gun. long story but he ended up getting everything i had on me including my truck, and 800 bucks out of my bank. i got the truck back a few days later.... minus the radio.

anyways..... the point of the story is that when someone actually pulls a gun on you, unless youve been in that situation before, you freeze and your mind goes nuts. i always said id do this or this if someone pulled a gun on me..... nope. at least not that time.

it was an experience to say the least.

09-20-2007, 08:33 AM
thats why you dont miss the first time.

personally ive never even been in a fight. ive come close, or ive wanted to beat someones ass but i never followed through.... its not worth my time. but believe me, when i turn 21 i WILL be packing..... and not only that but i ACTUALLY know how to shoot. and i shoot very well.....

but the situation is different when youre actually in the situation...

one time i was workin off MLK and this guy came up the driveway into the house(we were remodeling, i was alone) and pulled out a gun. long story but he ended up getting everything i had on me including my truck, and 800 bucks out of my bank. i got the truck back a few days later.... minus the radio.

anyways..... the point of the story is that when someone actually pulls a gun on you, unless youve been in that situation before, you freeze and your mind goes nuts. i always said id do this or this if someone pulled a gun on me..... nope. at least not that time.

it was an experience to say the least.

i've had a gun pulled on me once.. thankfully he was dumb enough to put it up to my head and i knocked the gun out of his hand and kicked him in the nuts and ran for my life.

09-20-2007, 08:53 AM
i've had a gun pulled on me once.. thankfully he was dumb enough to put it up to my head and i knocked the gun out of his hand and kicked him in the nuts and ran for my life.

that works.....

actually.... this seems stupid...but

when he pulled the gun on me the clip wasnt even in it. a few seconds later he took it out of his pocket and loaded the clip but didnt cock the gun. i didnt know it was empty till he pulled the clip out of his pocket.... i guess ill be a little more prepared(mentally) if this ever happens again.

i had so many opportunities to kick his ass but i wasnt thinking clearly. well....i guess i was but i was more interested in getting away than kickin his ass at that point.

09-20-2007, 09:07 AM
that works.....

actually.... this seems stupid...but

when he pulled the gun on me the clip wasnt even in it. a few seconds later he took it out of his pocket and loaded the clip but didnt cock the gun. i didnt know it was empty till he pulled the clip out of his pocket.... i guess ill be a little more prepared(mentally) if this ever happens again.

i had so many opportunities to kick his ass but i wasnt thinking clearly. well....i guess i was but i was more interested in getting away than kickin his ass at that point.

yea you can't fuck around with guns, if he was long distance i would've done what he told me as well, fuck getting shot. thats why youcan' fuck around anymore, gotta carry something at all times... just imagine..

GIMME YOMONEY AND YO KEYS BOI! ok ok ok dont hurt me! *take out the gun* BREAK YOSELF FOO, YOU PICKED THE WRONG WHITE BOY THIS TIME!!! and then just start poppin caps in that fools knees!

09-20-2007, 09:17 AM
I'm a striker! Punches, kicks, elbow, & knees are my arsenal. I guess I "fight clean" but, more important than that, I FIGHT TO WIN!

When it comes to gun play, my theory is: If you pull it, use it. If you use, make damn sure you hit your target!

09-20-2007, 09:38 AM
all the kids i've faught competition and on the street "mainly from school" from NYC were all talk, they have big mouths and try to scare you out of fighting them, but when it comes down to it, they can take a few hits but they can't fight for shit, they basically can just take an ass beating and they're respected for it.

no offense, just speaking from personal experience.

In competition were these people from NYC and in atlanta or did you fight them in NYC?!?!?

I will take you to a gym in Ny and introuduce to this jamican cat named bengie....hes a full time body guard now but he trained with the likes of lennox lewis, mike tyson, and evander holyfield. I watched him instruct a class one day of kids ranging from 8-15 and i'll tell ya these kids were some of the most disipline and well fought kids i have ever seen

where do you train at?!?!? knuckle up in atlanta?!?!

im about to start training over here in miami where kimbo trains....i have 2 weeks to make it into my weight class so i have been working out hardcore....shit is no joke around here.

09-20-2007, 10:17 AM
In competition were these people from NYC and in atlanta or did you fight them in NYC?!?!?

I will take you to a gym in Ny and introuduce to this jamican cat named bengie....hes a full time body guard now but he trained with the likes of lennox lewis, mike tyson, and evander holyfield. I watched him instruct a class one day of kids ranging from 8-15 and i'll tell ya these kids were some of the most disipline and well fought kids i have ever seen

where do you train at?!?!? knuckle up in atlanta?!?!

im about to start training over here in miami where kimbo trains....i have 2 weeks to make it into my weight class so i have been working out hardcore....shit is no joke around here.

I fought in multiple places, mostly south eastern region.. they travel from everywhere because this is where most tournaments are held. valdosta especially.. for the league i fought in anyways.. IKF. No i dont train at Knuckle up.. i trained 7 years of muay thai privately with some guys up in Buford it's a small place you've more than likely never heard of it, i train BJJ at Alliance Gym, they also do muay thai but im out of that.. im working on my ground game. Im notsaying EVERYONE from NYC is a bad fighter, just the ones i've come across of, like i said, from experience.. of course there's gonna be one school or one guy who actually knows his shit, but fromt he majority i've come across they're just a bunch of bumbling idiots.

Kimbo is a damn good boxer, but he's a SHITTY MMA fighter.. he lost his first MMA match to a no name who happened to be pretty bad too.. you dodge his punch and put him in a choke and it's over. you just have to be his size.. which isn't easy to accomplish.. that's a big dude!

09-20-2007, 10:23 AM
I fought in multiple places, mostly south eastern region.. they travel from everywhere because this is where most tournaments are held. valdosta especially.. for the league i fought in anyways.. IKF. No i dont train at Knuckle up.. i trained 7 years of muay thai privately with some guys up in Buford it's a small place you've more than likely never heard of it, i train BJJ at Alliance Gym, they also do muay thai but im out of that.. im working on my ground game. Im notsaying EVERYONE from NYC is a bad fighter, just the ones i've come across of, like i said, from experience.. of course there's gonna be one school or one guy who actually knows his shit, but fromt he majority i've come across they're just a bunch of bumbling idiots.

Kimbo is a damn good boxer, but he's a SHITTY MMA fighter.. he lost his first MMA match to a no name who happened to be pretty bad too.. you dodge his punch and put him in a choke and it's over. you just have to be his size.. which isn't easy to accomplish.. that's a big dude!

Never heard of BJJ but i have heard of alliance..i heard the gym there is pretty nice....Right now i'm going to be going in training in 2 weeks for ji jitsu and whenever i get my black belt in that i would love to learn brazilian muy thai....Serial killer on here is a black belt in ji jitsu and we had a short spare session and he had me on the ground like all the 4 times i tried to come at him....

next time you come down to florida miami dade area and you need a ring or facility hit me up.... i haven't been here yet but i'm checking it out this weekend.....they have great instructors from what i hear and kimbo slice trains there...


i eventually want to be staioned in japan once i join the air force in a couple years and learn japanesse and see if it's possible to learn Ninjitsu....if i can get my black belt in ninjitsu i will def go to the UFC and fight....

i don't think there are any ninjas in the UFC but imagine if there were.....:goodjob:

09-20-2007, 10:27 AM
Never heard of BJJ but i have heard of alliance..i heard the gym there is pretty nice....Right now i'm going to be going in training in 2 weeks for ji jitsu and whenever i get my black belt in that i would love to learn brazilian muy thai....Serial killer on here is a black belt in ji jitsu and we had a short spare session and he had me on the ground like all the 4 times i tried to come at him....

next time you come down to florida miami dade area and you need a ring or facility hit me up.... i haven't been here yet but i'm checking it out this weekend.....they have great instructors from what i hear and kimbo slice trains there...


i eventually want to be staioned in japan once i join the air force in a couple years and learn japanesse and see if it's possible to learn Ninjitsu....if i can get my black belt in ninjitsu i will def go to the UFC and fight....

i don't think there are any ninjas in the UFC but imagine if there were.....:goodjob:

BJJ is brazilian jiu jitsu.. the only form that you need to learn if you're going to do jiu jitsu.. Alliance is the best int he US forthat..and it's been proven. at every tournament they dominate the competition.. a black belt in BJJ will take you upwards of 10 years btw. Muay Thai is not brazlilian.. and you definitely dont wanna go there to learn it.. stay here and take muay thai at Alliance as well or if you're that dedicated go to thai land! Ninjitsu is the art of being a ninja.. so not too much striking involved btw! it's mostly weapons and learning how to kill your opponant quickly and quietly.. I have a place in Miami but ill let you know if i come down there and need a place to train.. i haven't trained down there yet :P if you're good at jiu jitsu you can win almost any street fight.. you're taught to keep distance then close it at the right time and once you take someone to the ground who doesn't know how to ground fight, it's game over.

09-20-2007, 11:04 AM
i push them first and then throw a few punches in.
if i have a bottle handy, i will use that as well :)

09-20-2007, 11:08 AM
i push them first and then throw a few punches in.
if i have a bottle handy, i will use that as well :)

liar, you lay on your back and spread em, it's c alled the "skunk tactic"

09-20-2007, 11:14 AM
BJJ is brazilian jiu jitsu.. the only form that you need to learn if you're going to do jiu jitsu.. Alliance is the best int he US forthat..and it's been proven. at every tournament they dominate the competition.. a black belt in BJJ will take you upwards of 10 years btw. Muay Thai is not brazlilian.. and you definitely dont wanna go there to learn it.. stay here and take muay thai at Alliance as well or if you're that dedicated go to thai land! Ninjitsu is the art of being a ninja.. so not too much striking involved btw! it's mostly weapons and learning how to kill your opponant quickly and quietly.. I have a place in Miami but ill let you know if i come down there and need a place to train.. i haven't trained down there yet :P if you're good at jiu jitsu you can win almost any street fight.. you're taught to keep distance then close it at the right time and once you take someone to the ground who doesn't know how to ground fight, it's game over.

I hate the ground game...only because of my size... I am much better when it comes to punching and kicking so i'm going to focus on those area's more.... I understand in competion ground is everything but i probably want to take up boxing or kick boxing....

But as far as art form goes your right ji jitsu is the best but isn't it a japanesse art based off nin jitsu? It's weird how most art forms out of asia get over to the east and end up becoming better art forms..

I would love to go to thailand and learn muy thai though.....

did you catch the premiere of Ulitmate fighter last night? i missed it anything good go down?

09-20-2007, 11:15 AM
liar, you lay on your back and spread em, it's c alled the "skunk tactic"

no no kris. i only did that once.
dang you weren't supposed to tell neone!! :tongue1:

09-20-2007, 11:26 AM
I hate the ground game...only because of my size... I am much better when it comes to punching and kicking so i'm going to focus on those area's more.... I understand in competion ground is everything but i probably want to take up boxing or kick boxing....

But as far as art form goes your right ji jitsu is the best but isn't it a japanesse art based off nin jitsu? It's weird how most art forms out of asia get over to the east and end up becoming better art forms..

I would love to go to thailand and learn muy thai though.....

did you catch the premiere of Ulitmate fighter last night? i missed it anything good go down?

not sure of the history of how jiu jitsu came to be.. i just know it works :P and i know what ninjitsu is... and i dont watch TV :P

dont get me wrong, i love kickboxing it's my favorite.. and it's VERY effective.. but you have to know how to keep yourself OFF the ground and how to get back up if you get puton the ground.. thats the important part.

09-20-2007, 11:27 AM
no no kris. i only did that once.
dang you weren't supposed to tell neone!! :tongue1:

my bad, i just wanted to share my raunchy story with everyone.. :D