View Full Version : greenek, look inside.

08-31-2007, 04:20 PM
Look here faggot, you come up on IA talking like you're the badasses motherfucker around, wrong. you ain't. you clam to be an official shit talker, coming from INC that doesn't impress anyone nor does it impress us. Nothing but ricer ass bitches post over there, all of yall cars are slow ass pieces of shit.

Your screen name? think about it, shit speaks for itself. green, ek? LOL. Must look like the a green blob rolling on four wheels. Im 100% positive that your shit is slow as balls! Now, check this out, you are enjoying IA, cause of a few reasons. One, greenek, is nothing more then an act, you're trying to pretend like you're some sort of smartass, but in real life, you're nothing more then a bitch! Stop pretending like you're big shit, and calm the fuck down, and enjoy the forum.

Now do us all a favor and sign the fuck out, and go wack off to some Honda Magazine. here i took the time to find one that im sure you'll enjoy.

Now, when I come back and look back in this thread, i better see a worth replying post from you. If i don't reply, or just "LOL" its not worth my time. Make it count, newbie.

08-31-2007, 04:20 PM

i got owned. Welcome to yesterday

08-31-2007, 04:23 PM
oh lord who let greenek out of the hospital ward?

08-31-2007, 04:26 PM
fuck greenek and fuck where he came from.

bitches aint shit

08-31-2007, 04:30 PM
See, if you're gonna shit talk.....THIS is the way to kick it off.

Now don't let this one get stupid too......:ninja:

08-31-2007, 04:32 PM
See, if you're gonna shit talk.....THIS is the way to kick it off.

Now don't let this one get stupid too......:ninja:

what makes the way this one was "kicked off" any different from the thread yesterday?

oh wait I know, you guys have first word

08-31-2007, 04:33 PM
If you can't come back after that, you're not worth my time, nor the time of all the real shit talkers of IA. LOL you're a joke

08-31-2007, 04:35 PM
Green Blob lol...

08-31-2007, 04:36 PM
omg I have bad reps :(

is this the point where I get threatened with a ban?

08-31-2007, 04:37 PM
what makes the way this one was "kicked off" any different from the thread yesterday?

Because in this one he came straight at you=call out.
He called you a faggot directly and meant it=call out.
He called you slow and can back it up if you call his bluff=good call out.
He pretty much didn't candy coat it=I like that.

So there you go, any questions? :goodjob:

oh wait I know, you guys have first word

Pssst......the important one is the LAST word.....guess WHO will have that one???? ;)

Now run along and have fun with your new friends.....:goodjob:

08-31-2007, 04:38 PM
I -rep'd you just for that, I knew you would bring it up.

Why are you bitching? Are you going to use them out in the real world? No, exactly.

08-31-2007, 04:42 PM
Because in this one he came straight at you=call out.
He called you a faggot directly and meant it=call out.
He called you slow and can back it up if you call his bluff=good call out.
He pretty much didn't candy coat it=I like that.

So there you go, any questions? :goodjob:

so this is what constitutes a good insult here? oh wait I forgot... you all banned the originial shit talkers a while back, so it's only expected

Pssst......the important one is the LAST word.....guess WHO will have that one???? ;)

you're the interweb poast king, of course that will be you :goodjob:

08-31-2007, 04:44 PM
Are you going to use them out in the real world? No, exactly.

so then what was the point of you doing it in the first place?

Next thing you know, i'm gonna hear about your post count, and how your sig is bigger than mine right?

can you make me a new one?

08-31-2007, 04:48 PM
so then what was the point of you doing it in the first place?

To prove that you're nothing more then a straight bitch, online and in real life. you're not as smart as you think, Keep it moving Junior.

Next thing you know, i'm gonna hear about your post count, and how your sig is bigger than mine right?

No, im not the type of member who cares about things like that. And my sig as been the same since day one.

can you make me a new one?

This picture represents you 100% Have a Mod change it.


08-31-2007, 04:48 PM
this was fun... for the first 5 minutes.

There was more action in the old thread

08-31-2007, 04:49 PM
so this is what constitutes a good insult here? oh wait I forgot...

Not an insult, but a call out. The insults may or may not come, but that's up to the shit talkers.

you all banned the originial shit talkers a while back, so it's only expected

Like who? :thinking:

you're the interweb poast king, of course that will be you :goodjob:

P-O-S-T. :goodjob:

You're only 50% right on this, but that's about the top echelon of what I expect from the INC folks. It's all good though.

08-31-2007, 04:52 PM
To prove that you're nothing more then a straight bitch, online and in real life. you're not as smart as you think, Keep it moving Junior.

damn... he added profanity. I think it's time for a "lol"

This picture represents you 100% Have a Mod change it.


welcome to 1997... I think I have that pic stored somewhere on a 3.5" floppy. Brb i'm gonna go check the Tandy

08-31-2007, 04:52 PM
Ban Fridays are gonna get alot more interesting these days...

08-31-2007, 04:54 PM
IA has changed....


this used to be a lot harder

08-31-2007, 04:55 PM
Ban Fridays are gonna get alot more interesting these days...

Actually, he's holding his own alright so far. He can stay around a little longer. When it gets tired......;)

08-31-2007, 04:56 PM
IA has changed....


this used to be a lot harder

It's Friday just before a holiday......what'd you expect.....:lmfao:

08-31-2007, 04:56 PM
omg JAMIE....you are a geek

08-31-2007, 04:57 PM
Just like I thought, greenek is nothing more then a front. Im done, I didn't make this thread to e-fight, more to prove a point. My mission is complete, ill make sure to tell Maniac, not to waste his time on you when he comes back.

And if you think the other thread was alot more entertaining, only reason why, was due to the new shit talkers falling to your trap. Sadly, the real shit talkers of IA aren't that dumb. Bulid those E-skills if you want to step up to people that will take this further then me or other wannabe e-thugs.

08-31-2007, 04:57 PM
Actually, he's holding his own alright so far. He can stay around a little longer. When it gets tired......;)

i've got 30 more mins till the cosby's need to be dropped off

hopefully this thread will pick up by then

08-31-2007, 04:58 PM
Just like I thought, greenek is nothing more then a front. Im done, I didn't make this thread to e-fight, more to porve a point. My mission is complete, ill make sure to tell Maniac, not to waste his time on you when he comes back.

And if you think the other thread was alot more entertaining, only reason why, was due to the new shit talkers falling to your trap. Sadly, the real shit talkers of IA aren't that dumb. Bulid those E-skills if you want to step up to people that will take this further then me or other wannabe e-thugs.

instead of typing all of that, you could have just said "ok i'm done here"

08-31-2007, 04:59 PM
omg JAMIE....you are a geek

Stop hitting on me woman.....you got a man already, damn......:D :D :lmfao:

08-31-2007, 05:02 PM
babygurl here = same one over there? (INC)

I know a few are registered out this way

08-31-2007, 05:10 PM
ok it's been 10 minutes since anything new has popped up.

i'll check back later to see if anything interesting is goin on

08-31-2007, 05:25 PM
greenek = joke. i wasted my time with him for about 20 minutes yesterday just to find out he's the worst shittalker i've ever come across.

08-31-2007, 05:35 PM
babygurl here = same one over there? (INC)

I know a few are registered out this way

yes it is... :)

08-31-2007, 05:37 PM
Stop hitting on me woman.....you got a man already, damn......:D :D :lmfao:

lol you know me so well :)

08-31-2007, 05:38 PM
greenek = joke. i wasted my time with him for about 20 minutes yesterday just to find out he's the worst shittalker i've ever come across.

Ive seen some threads where you suck too.

08-31-2007, 05:40 PM
Ive seen some threads where you suck too.


08-31-2007, 05:41 PM
Ive seen some threads where you suck too.

I second that motion...

08-31-2007, 05:42 PM
gayfunk is back in action... or rather, trying to be for the first time

yes it is... :)
well hello there.:goodjob: I see you have quite a presence here.

Ive seen some threads where you suck too.

i'm pretty sure this is one of em


08-31-2007, 05:45 PM
gayfunk is back in action... or rather, trying to be for the first time

well hello there.:goodjob: I see you have quite a presence here.

i'm pretty sure this is one of em



Yeah I have been a while...

08-31-2007, 05:45 PM
gayfunk is back in action... or rather, trying to be for the first time

well hello there.:goodjob: I see you have quite a presence here.

i'm pretty sure this is one of em


you might want to re-read, you got owned ;\

08-31-2007, 05:46 PM
I second that motion...

i hope your computers int he kitchen, or you're in for a rude awakening. :D

08-31-2007, 05:46 PM
you might want to re-read, you got owned ;\
this must be why 3 of your fellow IA members called you out saying you're full of yourself...

Your reading comprehension is a little off, but I forgive you... since you're borderline retarded

08-31-2007, 05:57 PM
this must be why 3 of your fellow IA members called you out saying you're full of yourself...

Your reading comprehension is a little off, but I forgive you... since you're borderline retarded

seeing as you're an idiot and still haven't read the thread where i pointed out they were all joking when they were "against" me #1 and #2 no one thinks im full of myself, it's the internet, i just enjoy making fun of idiots like you, it's so easy, but today im just not in the mood, so ill leave you to your brigade of idiocy.

btw, you should tell your mom to organize the gang bang a little better, when i got there the fire marshall was turning people away, if she's trying to make good $ she needs to be more organized.

08-31-2007, 06:00 PM
I think Ive figured it out. Either Kayfunk can't read, or he's in denial.

08-31-2007, 06:10 PM
IA has changed....


this used to be a lot harder
You've been saying the same shit over and over, but I have yet to hear a good comeback from your Pokemon havin' ass. And what the fuck is up with that shit anyways? Are you and your faggy friend on INC in some Pokemon racing team or something? What are you like 5 years old? I bet the two of you watch the cartoon show while you're having anal sex.

Then you go back to your lame ass forum acting like king ding-aling, and tell every one how bad you owned people here on IA, and that the other INC members cant talk shit like you can. :lmfao: You're a fucking joke just like the website you came from. Go back to your little farmer ass forum country boy.

Get out and go do something like understeer your rice mobile into a phone pole instead of traveling through forums looking for the epic e-battle of all time. Get a fucking life you lonely ass shit pusher. If you want attention go hang yourself from a bridge.

Until then, say something worth while other than your horrible one liners, or leave. Your comebacks are so bad I wanna stab a fork through my eyes after I read them.

08-31-2007, 06:16 PM
You've been saying the same shit over and over, but I have yet to hear a good comeback from your Pokemon havin' ass. And what the fuck is up with that shit anyways? Are you and your faggy friend on INC in some Pokemon racing team or something? What are you like 5 years old? I bet the two of you watch the cartoon show while you're having anal sex.

Then you go back to your lame ass forum acting like king ding-aling, and tell every one how bad you owned people here on IA, and that the other INC members cant talk shit like you can. :lmfao: You're a fucking joke just like the website you came from. Go back to your little farmer ass forum country boy.

Get out and go do something like understeer your rice mobile into a phone pole instead of traveling through forums looking for the epic e-battle of all time. Get a fucking life you lonely ass shit pusher. If you want attention go hang yourself from a bridge.

Until then, say something worth while other than your horrible one liners, or leave. Your comebacks are so bad I wanna stab a fork through my eyes after I read them.

i know what you mean, i almost shoved a fork in my ass after reading the majority of his posts, because if im gonna hurt that bad, i might as well do it to myself.

08-31-2007, 06:21 PM
Get jiggy with it? You have to be gayer than richard simmons' ass hole after he's been drinking heavily with friends. You got that shit on your car too, dont you? :lmao: I can't blame you for who you are though, you're a product of your enviroment. I mean, you hang out on a forum where the founder crys himself to sleep at night if anyone argues with each other, and every one uses pink lettering. I understand that you might get bored with your "super happy gay time" forum, but instead of coming here and wasting every one's time with crappy insults go mapquest a gay bar like your dad does every weekend.

08-31-2007, 06:30 PM
omg! he's joking on my sig. everyone knows, the key to e-insults is to bash the square box under the posts.

It's sad that you have two accounts on the same forum, and posting under both of them as different people to make it seem like a gangbang.

It's friday night, shouldn't you be playing world of warcraft?

i know what you mean, i almost shoved a fork in my ass

08-31-2007, 06:31 PM
Now that I know how much NC is like San Francisco, I'll be sure to bring a shot gun for all the ass-bandits next time I drive through your boring ass state. NC is incest-filled trailer park of America. Your cars suck dick, your forum sucks dick, and you suck dick. The only thing that doesn't know how to suck dick in NC is your mom, tell that bitch I want my $5.

08-31-2007, 06:38 PM
i know what you mean, i almost shoved a fork in my ass after reading the majority of his posts, because if im gonna hurt that bad, i might as well do it to myself.

what is stopping you?

And by the way telling a women to stay in the kitchen is older than brett...so get some new material...

08-31-2007, 06:39 PM
omg! he's joking on my sig. everyone knows, the key to e-insults is to bash the square box under the posts.

It's sad that you have two accounts on the same forum, and posting under both of them as different people to make it seem like a gangbang.

It's friday night, shouldn't you be playing world of warcraft?


y0 dude dont hate on WOW...its a fun game :P

08-31-2007, 06:43 PM
omg! he's joking on my sig. everyone knows, the key to e-insults is to bash the square box under the posts.
Wow, who would have thought you would try to negate what I said by mentioning something like that? You took the time to make that gay ass picture, so obviousely it means something to you. I just call it as I see it. You and your pokemon butt-buddy probably made that shit together after you worked out a relationship arguement with him. Let me guess, you two couldn't decide who should be the pitcher and who should be the catcher?

It's sad that you have two accounts on the same forum, and posting under both of them as different people to make it seem like a gangbang.
Hey look here every body he's got some other dumb-ass shit to say. I have two accounts to make it harder for your mom to stalk me. What can I say, my cock is like crack to the bitch.

It's friday night, shouldn't you be playing world of warcraft?

Actually I'm going to be breaking into your house to piss in your mouth while you sleep tonight. I videotape that shit and put it on my website www.voyergoldenshower.com (http://www.voyergoldenshower.com). It's still a small site, but it's pretty popular over in Europe.

08-31-2007, 06:49 PM
Aww that's so cute, they're matching signatures. Both at equal levels of homosexuality. I bet they wear the same thing when they go out together.

08-31-2007, 06:58 PM
y0 dude dont hate on WOW...its a fun game :P
That was stupid, shut up. Go make a sandwich for your man, and if you don't have one then spend some time on the net, flicking your bean. You're embarrassing to be around.

08-31-2007, 06:59 PM

08-31-2007, 07:01 PM
That was stupid, shut up. Go make a sandwich for your man, and if you don't have one then spend some time on the net, flicking your bean. You're embarrassing to be around.

stfu...come up with something better than make a fucking sandwich...this isnt 1953...

and its my opinon jackass...if you dont like it, read on...

08-31-2007, 07:04 PM
I guess greenek thought he was going to make a splash here. Turned out to be more like
Shame, I was starting to like him..... In a non-gay way.

08-31-2007, 07:05 PM
hmm I can't decide which is worse... having a pokemon sig or posting under two different names

i'm gonna head to the bar now, i'll get back with the survey results afterwards ;)

08-31-2007, 07:07 PM
stfu...come up with something better than make a fucking sandwich...this isnt 1953...

and its my opinon jackass...if you dont like it, read on...
You need to calm the fuck down. Take a bubble bath, watch an episode of Dr. Phil, or maybe yank that moldy ass tampon out of your dusty vagina and try using a new one. This is my opinion: you aren't adding anything to this thread but cum stenched breath.
Now take my advice and GTFO--->


08-31-2007, 07:09 PM
You need to calm the fuck down. Take a bubble bath, watch an episode of Dr. Phil, or maybe yank that moldy ass tampon out of your dusty vagina and try using a new one. This is my opinion: you aren't adding anything to this thread but cum stenched breath.
Now take my advice and GTFO--->


hahah cute...

you cool!

08-31-2007, 07:10 PM
hmm I can't decide which is worse... having a pokemon sig or posting under two different names

i'm gonna head to the bar now, i'll get back with the survey results afterwards ;)
Well I'm glad you decided to take my advice and mapquest that local gay bar. Remember to bring your Cher CD along with you for the ride over there. Try no to get too much bust on your cloths because that shit won't wash out easily.

08-31-2007, 07:12 PM
Well I'm glad you decided to take my advice and mapquest that local gay bar. Remember to bring your Cher CD along with you for the ride over there. Try no to get too much bust on your cloths because that shit won't wash out easily.http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x249/Echonova1/55f8357f9ae77693a742c565a8f8960d.gif

08-31-2007, 07:27 PM
i like hondas?

08-31-2007, 08:00 PM
hmm I can't decide which is worse... having a pokemon sig or posting under two different names

i'm gonna head to the bar now, i'll get back with the survey results afterwards ;)

You have got to be the most retarded piece of insest shit that I have ever seen. God damn you got owned more than once with in a two day span. GTFO stupid ass idiot.

I am gone for a week, and we have dumbfucks like this coming here trying to be the shit talkers? WTF? INC can suck my motherfucking dick.

BTW Pokemon is pretty gay. I have two screen names too. What's your point on that? GO D.I.A.F:goodjob:

08-31-2007, 08:14 PM
You have got to be the most retarded piece of insest shit that I have ever seen. God damn you got owned more than once with in a two day span. GTFO stupid ass idiot.

I am gone for a week, and we have dumbfucks like this coming here trying to be the shit talkers? WTF? INC can suck my motherfucking dick.

BTW Pokemon is pretty gay. I have two screen names too. What's your point on that? GO D.I.A.F:goodjob:

LOL if having more than one screen name is gay or whatever...then shit I am gay as fuck! I have like 5....

shit I think Brett has like 20 lmao

08-31-2007, 08:17 PM
LOL if having more than one screen name is gay or whatever...then shit I am gay as fuck! I have like 5....

shit I think Brett has like 20 lmao

LOL...only reason I have two is because I forgot my password to this one...lol

But every now and again Ill get on it and talk some smack...hehe

08-31-2007, 08:18 PM
LOL...only reason I have two is because I forgot my password to this one...lol

But every now and again Ill get on it and talk some smack...hehe

haha so does everyone else :)

i forget what other names I used...let alone the passwords....lamo

08-31-2007, 08:20 PM
haha so does everyone else :)

i forget what other names I used...let alone the passwords....lamo

word! I forget stuff really easy. I'm ------->:screwy: :crazy: :yes:

08-31-2007, 08:22 PM
See, if you're gonna shit talk.....THIS is the way to kick it off.

It's a start. I'll have to dig up some good old fashioned shit-starting talk. Later, QD.

08-31-2007, 08:38 PM
It's a start. I'll have to dig up some good old fashioned shit-starting talk. Later, QD.

What's going on Q?

08-31-2007, 09:59 PM
It's a start. I'll have to dig up some good old fashioned shit-starting talk. Later, QD.

He don't want none of you QD. This guy was doing good with the light weights, but seems to be getting hammered right now. He may be going for re-inforcements.....:gay:

08-31-2007, 10:12 PM
yeah man, he was doing pretty well until this thread started. He couldn't recover from that first hit. Man, that was epic.

08-31-2007, 10:13 PM
He don't want none of you QD. This guy was doing good with the light weights, but seems to be getting hammered right now. He may be going for re-inforcements.....:gay:
Eh? I thought it was sucking on both sides. It was like amateur hour at the comedy club. Both sides were clumsy and didn't really know how to deliver.

08-31-2007, 10:16 PM
i know what you mean, i almost shoved a fork in my ass after reading the majority of his posts, because if im gonna hurt that bad, i might as well do it to myself.

Lewis Black ftw.
Takin' his jokes ftl.

08-31-2007, 10:28 PM
Ya know, as one of the original shit talkers on here, I was going to jump in and hurt greenek's feelings like I have done so many times before to people who think they are hot shit. Then I read his pathetic material and saw that there was no point to. This fucking retard has already own3d himself.

Somewhere, there is a short bus with the door open. Do the gene pool a favor, get on it with your helmet, try not to lick the windows, and stay seated while it rolls off a fucking cliff. Make sure you do it before you make the mistake of reproducing.

The door is that way------------------------------>

08-31-2007, 10:32 PM
Ya know, as one of the original shit talkers on here, I was going to jump in and hurt greenek's feelings like I have done so many times before to people who think they are hot shit. Then I read his pathetic material and saw that there was no point to. This fucking retard has already own3d himself.

Somewhere, there is a short bus with the door open. Do the gene pool a favor, get on it with your helmet, try not to lick the windows, and stay seated while it rolls off a fucking cliff. Make sure you do it before you make the mistake of reproducing.

The door is that way------------------------------>

:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: funniest stuff i have read all day.

08-31-2007, 10:38 PM
I honestly don't see who this retard thinks he is impressing. Us OGs haven't even begun to unleash the fury on this cod piece. He would end up crying his eyes out and ultimately would slit his wrists to a Dashboard Confessional CD.

08-31-2007, 10:39 PM
Ya know, as one of the original shit talkers on here, I was going to jump in and hurt greenek's feelings like I have done so many times before to people who think they are hot shit. Then I read his pathetic material and saw that there was no point to. This fucking retard has already own3d himself.

Somewhere, there is a short bus with the door open. Do the gene pool a favor, get on it with your helmet, try not to lick the windows, and stay seated while it rolls off a fucking cliff. Make sure you do it before you make the mistake of reproducing.

The door is that way------------------------------>
I'll speak on greenek behalf since he busy in the men's bathroom stall. ~Ahem~ That was weak, until you can think of something better I'm not going to respond. Whatever happened to the good 'ole days? Did you take all day to come up with that lame response? You didn't own anything but yourself.

Edit: the short bus was funny LMAO

08-31-2007, 10:41 PM
omgyayz! Are we about to see two OG shit talkers go at it? lol

08-31-2007, 10:42 PM
omgyayz! Are we about to see two OG shit talkers go at it? lolGo at it? PERVERT!!!!!

08-31-2007, 10:43 PM
Rusty...... would you fuck a sheep?

08-31-2007, 10:44 PM
What I mean is... If you were a sheep, and you saw another good looking female sheep.. Would you fuck it?

08-31-2007, 10:46 PM
I'll speak on greenek behalf since he busy in the men's bathroom stall. ~Ahem~ That was weak, until you can think of something better I'm not going to respond. Whatever happened to the good 'ole days? Did you take all day to come up with that lame response? You didn't own anything but yourself.

Yep, sounds like a response that tard would come up with because he has nothing.

08-31-2007, 10:46 PM
Rusty...... would you fuck a sheep?

I did see you one day, you were on the side of the road trying to push a goat back in the other side of the fence, but it got caught in the barbed wire. Might I say you had a rather wierd and scary look on your face. Ill never wear a pink shirt around you again...lol

08-31-2007, 10:49 PM
omgyayz! Are we about to see two OG shit talkers go at it? lol

No, for two reasons:

1) I don't want Kevin to have to keep dumbing himself down to come up with these green ek style responses. I would never forgive myself if he didn't recover and just stayed this brain dead.

2) I'm about to go to bed because I have to work tomorrow which sucks.

08-31-2007, 10:52 PM
No, for two reasons:

1) I don't want Kevin to have to keep dumbing himself down to come up with these green ek style responses. I would never forgive myself if he didn't recover and just stayed this brain dead.

2) I'm about to go to bed because I have to work tomorrow which sucks.1)I wuv you to Chris... (damn EF squad)
2) But I'm not falling for the tucking you in trick again.....:cry:

08-31-2007, 10:53 PM
No, for two reasons:

1) I don't want Kevin to have to keep dumbing himself down to come up with these green ek style responses. I would never forgive myself if he didn't recover and just stayed this brain dead.

2) I'm about to go to bed because I have to work tomorrow which sucks.
I gotcha.

I am about to head off to my bed as well. I have to work from 9-2. Sucks but I love working a car dealership.

08-31-2007, 10:54 PM
1)I wuv you to Chris... (damn EF squad)
2) But I'm not falling for the tucking you in trick again.....:cry:

you rang? peep the sig.:goodjob:

08-31-2007, 10:55 PM

I did see you one day, you were on the side of the road trying to push a goat back in the other side of the fence, but it got caught in the barbed wire. Might I say you had a rather wierd and scary look on your face. Ill never wear a pink shirt around you again...lolThat goat never testified did it? Nothing was proven in court..... Judge had to let me go:ninja:

08-31-2007, 10:57 PM
That goat never testified did it? Nothing was proven in court..... Judge had to let me go:ninja:

hmmmmm I thought I heard a guilty plea??????

08-31-2007, 11:02 PM
you rang? peep the sig.:goodjob:Eh? I know... Sometimes I miss the old 'Rex. I'm having a moment right now.

08-31-2007, 11:03 PM
hmmmmm I thought I heard a guilty plea??????That was Yousef.

08-31-2007, 11:10 PM
Eh? I know... Sometimes I miss the old 'Rex. I'm having a moment right now.

lol.....don't get all emo....lol my buddy just bought a 88 rex si. its nice as hell.

That was Yousef.

oh damn. I knew I seen his ass there too. Hell he may have been the goat. Geez Kev, you are a freak.

09-01-2007, 07:56 AM
Yep, sounds like a response that tard would come up with because he has nothing.
This spleenEK character makes conversating with dog shit seem like a dialogue with Einstein himself. This motherfucker couldn't even get a rise out of helium. If he was a wet dream, the motherfucker would be diarrhea with all this shit he speaketh. He's gonna end up getting textually molested by a couple of motherfuckers in here and won't know which end is which between an asshole and his own fucking mouth. Either way, both ends might possibly have a dizznick shoved in it so hard, it's like he used loc-tite on the shit. Dude got all excited when his Aunt asked him to help his uncle jack off the horse. Until he found out that his new uncle's name was Jack. Later, QD.

09-01-2007, 09:36 AM

09-01-2007, 09:50 AM
Just like I thought, greenek is nothing more then a front. Im done, I didn't make this thread to e-fight, more to prove a point. My mission is complete, ill make sure to tell Maniac, not to waste his time on you when he comes back.

And if you think the other thread was alot more entertaining, only reason why, was due to the new shit talkers falling to your trap. Sadly, the real shit talkers of IA aren't that dumb. Bulid those E-skills if you want to step up to people that will take this further then me or other wannabe e-thugs.

this one had me rolling :lmfao:

09-01-2007, 11:26 AM
Told yall.....keep the weaksauce out and eventually the cream rises to the top.....:goodjob:

He don't want none.:D

09-01-2007, 11:27 AM
Told yall.....keep the weaksauce out and eventually the cream rises to the top.....:goodjob:

He don't want none.:D

and what if I do? (want some of you that is)

***btw peeps, I know he got a wife*** **I want her not him***


09-01-2007, 11:27 AM
Told yall.....keep the weaksauce out and eventually the cream rises to the top.....:goodjob:

He don't want none.:D

Not if he knows what's good for him.

09-01-2007, 11:29 AM
and what if I do? (want some of you that is)

***btw peeps, I know he got a wife*** **I want her not him***


Shhhhh, you wasn't sposed to tell nobody......:tongue1:

09-01-2007, 11:30 AM
Shhhhh, you wasn't sposed to tell nobody......:tongue1:

awww shit...


women....big mouths...wtf you gonna do??

**gee I wonder where my mind is???***

09-01-2007, 11:30 AM
Not if he knows what's good for him.

He's from NC, what do you think????;)

09-01-2007, 11:38 AM
He's from NC, what do you think????;)

People from that armpit of a state have no idea what reality is.