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08-19-2007, 03:46 PM
How do I get over a girl hat I still love? To sum it all up we dated for nearly 3 years and I loved her and out of no where she jus breaks it off with me. So my question is? How do I get over her. She is about to date one of my (ex) friends and how do I deal with the fact that my friend that has been around me and her for the longest time, and is about to be getting a peice of the action? It hurts because I still love her and have feeling for her but she want to be with some one else. How do I deal with the fact that I will be seeing her with another guy?

08-19-2007, 03:49 PM
I honestly don't know, I'm pretty sure I would be crushed though. Just don't do anything that you'll regret later, I bet it will just take time to get over it.

08-19-2007, 03:51 PM
I honestly don't know, I'm pretty sure I would be crushed though. Just don't do anything that you'll regret later, I bet it will just take time to get over it.

Ya I have been broken up with before and shit but I mean to go for my friend...thats low and now I get to see them two together and know that he is moving in on my territory.

08-19-2007, 03:51 PM
Time. Let it heal you as you continue the path we all pave called "Life." It's all good though, still many fishies in the sea left!

08-19-2007, 03:51 PM
Man oh man... if I knew more about everything I might be able to help out or at least try to.

08-19-2007, 04:15 PM
I honestly don't know, I'm pretty sure I would be crushed though. Just don't do anything that you'll regret later, I bet it will just take time to get over it.

08-19-2007, 04:23 PM
Time. Let it heal you as you continue the path we all pave called "Life." It's all good though, still many fishies in the sea left!
Yeah what he said (or have a dual to the death your old friend :D :duel: )

08-19-2007, 04:44 PM
I'm in a pretty similar situation as you are, bud. I dated my girlfriend for nearly three years, she was my first everything, kiss, date, you name it. Now that college is here, we're going to be over a thousand miles apart, and we ended it. She said that college was a time to try new things and branch out, and I figured that the distance would breed jealousy and heartache, so we did what we thought was the wise thing.

Of course, she's been at UGA for ten days now and I've been sitting here waiting to go to Boston. She's been rushing, meeting new people, surrounded by a new environment with nothing that holds memories of me but the pictures she brought along. I, meanwhile, have said goodbye to all of my friends as every other school has started, and everywhere I look I see only her. I honestly have had absolutely nothing to do the past days except pack my stuff and think about her.

It sucks, plain and simple. Right now I'm not sure how I'll get over her, or if I ever will. The chance of getting back with her seems a little smaller each day as I realize that we're both meeting hundreds of new people and that college will last four years. The most painful thing about the whole ordeal is knowing that I love her just as much as I did three years ago, and that it's only ending due to circumstance. I'm afraid that I'm losing the best thing I ever had.

College is keeping me optimistic these days, and I know that I'll feel better as more and more time passes. I'm sorry that your ex is going after your friend, I'm not sure that I could handle that. Good luck, man...

08-19-2007, 05:34 PM
Meet another girl fixes it all

08-19-2007, 05:44 PM
Do you workout already? if not then you know my next response, get out and be social.. participate in stuff that will allow you to get things off your mind.

08-19-2007, 06:03 PM
As I told myself when I found out my ex-fiance was cheating on me, being single means cars got modified faster. I've been to NY, CT, NC, SC, TN, AL, KY, all in this summer. I've put some huge money into my Mazda and worked on getting competitive for the next season of Solo II racing.

Yeah it sucks that you got the raw deal, but get out there, be active, and don't do anything stupid that you'll regret later.

08-19-2007, 06:09 PM

and fuck her bestfriend.. pics/vids FTW..

but for real.. time... thats all..

08-19-2007, 06:42 PM
yes, time is all it is. i just kinda went threw the same shit. its all good tho, MORE FISH IN THE FUCKIN SEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-19-2007, 07:11 PM
Ya I know time will heal it its just the jealousy and rage hat will go through my mind when I see them kissing or some shit. I get VERY jealous and especially with her and after the first few months I will know that they are fucking. And just the thought that the person that made my whole world what it is, is fucking some other guy pisses me off. She wqas my first EVERYTHING and I was hers and now some other guy is gonna get his jolly's off my girl...or ex girl. I feel like she is mine still ya know so I feel like some oher fucker is taking my whole world away.

I hate this :(

08-19-2007, 07:20 PM
im in a similar situation also except im the other guy. i kinda feel bad but he treated her like shit so its not my fault.

08-19-2007, 07:38 PM
ive been there before bro just gotta keep your mind off of it for a while. If she has the balls to hookup with your best bro then sorry to say she wasnt who you thought she was. Go out and meet someone new or hook up the Z some more

08-19-2007, 07:47 PM
find a new hobby, go work out and eventually you'll forget her. i did, i found someone new and the new body just makes everything better :D. gl man, live and learn dude. you'll never know greatness unless you fall to the lowest.

08-19-2007, 10:02 PM
dude, its gonna be like that.. you can't complete wipe someone out of your life or forget them/have feelings etc and try to forget/get over it..

the first few months or so will be hard.. you just gotta be a stronger person..

personally, me, the only way I get over EXs is drowning myself in the company of other women.. or dating other chicks..

your young.. be fruitful and be a GIGGOLO..

JDM onlyy
08-19-2007, 10:30 PM
Meet another girl fixes it all

This is true to an extent. I'm pretty much in the same boat but my ex isn't with a friend of mine just an associate. I can't really do anything about it but move on. I'm moving on to different things and trying to make the best out of my life. I've sorta started to talk to another girl and it is nice because she does take my mind of my ex, but don't get with someone just for the rebound, be genuinely into them or it won't really work. Right now, I'm just trying to see how me and this new person will work out. She seems cool and I like her quite a bit but we'll see how it works out though. Just keep your head up high and do what you can man, meet new people and just keep yourself busy...it always helps. :goodjob: Good luck!

JDM onlyy
08-19-2007, 10:43 PM
On the plus side, you'll have more money to throw into your car now...thats one good thing about not having a girlfriend. I kind of wished I didn't have a girlfriend when I was working, but now that I have no job and no girlfriend..it kinda sucks but like I said, getting my life together and doing what I can...

08-19-2007, 10:53 PM
Time heals all pain. Obviously she isn't worth too much of your time if she was inconsiderate enough to date your friend. Things happen for a reason. It just means you weren't meant to be with her. There are better things in store in the future. Enjoy the single life. Hell get a fuck buddy. That will help when you start to feel lonely and just want to cuddle with someone

08-20-2007, 12:01 AM
One solution: Kill her.

08-20-2007, 12:05 AM
^^^ lol

08-20-2007, 12:10 AM
Well tonight I felt pretty much like shit and decided to go for a drive. I drove to newnana nd back and it was a pretty peaceful drive. The night was nice and so was th weather so I had the top down, got on the highway, and set the cruise on 60. After that I thought about how I treat this girl like the best thing in the world and gave her everything. Then realized that she isnt worth it. If it was meant to work then it would and it didnt. I did everything in this relationship right and never lied, cheated or anything to her and was always the "perfect BF" as I have been told by EVERY girl I talked to that knew how I was with her. Most girls I know are always saying "why cant I find that one guy that isnt an asshole, and wont treat me like shit and that dosent just want sex." Well I was that guy and she gave me up. I had girls tell me all the time during our relationship how I was the perfect guy and how they wished they had someone like me. She treated me like shit and took advantage of me.

So I came to the conclusion that I really can do better than her. She is the one that made the mistakes with me and im the one who would always take her back. She told me todaythat she loved me and wanted to be with me but didnt think it would work out. I came to the conclusion that if she really did want to be with me than she would be here. She would want to make it work and want to fight for something that she loves. Instead she would rather be off with my friend. She told me she cared about him more than she did me but she still loves me. I dont see how you can date someone for almost 3 years and after a few weeks already like someone else more than that person.

Like I said I treated her like a man should treat a women. Like something you see in movies. Like a man treats his wife. Like somebody that actually is in love with some one else. But she made the mistake and left me. Something that I have literally heard 100's of girls say they wish they had someone like me, she gave up. In my mind she is the one that made the mistake. So after thinking about it and realizing that I did everything I could and that she is the one that made the mistake I feel a little better. She may or may not realize what she lost but if she does then maybe then for once she will feel some of the pain that she has given me for so long.

JDM onlyy
08-20-2007, 12:31 AM
Well tonight I felt pretty much like shit and decided to go for a drive. I drove to newnana nd back and it was a pretty peaceful drive. The night was nice and so was th weather so I had the top down, got on the highway, and set the cruise on 60. After that I thought about how I treat this girl like the best thing in the world and gave her everything. Then realized that she isnt worth it. If it was meant to work then it would and it didnt. I did everything in this relationship right and never lied, cheated or anything to her and was always the "perfect BF" as I have been told by EVERY girl I talked to that knew how I was with her. Most girls I know are always saying "why cant I find that one guy that isnt an asshole, and wont treat me like shit and that dosent just want sex." Well I was that guy and she gave me up. I had girls tell me all the time during our relationship how I was the perfect guy and how they wished they had someone like me. She treated me like shit and took advantage of me.

So I came to the conclusion that I really can do better than her. She is the one that made the mistakes with me and im the one who would always take her back. She told me todaythat she loved me and wanted to be with me but didnt think it would work out. I came to the conclusion that if she really did want to be with me than she would be here. She would want to make it work and want to fight for something that she loves. Instead she would rather be off with my friend. She told me she cared about him more than she did me but she still loves me. I dont see how you can date someone for almost 3 years and after a few weeks already like someone else more than that person.

Like I said I treated her like a man should treat a women. Like something you see in movies. Like a man treats his wife. Like somebody that actually is in love with some one else. But she made the mistake and left me. Something that I have literally heard 100's of girls say they wish they had someone like me, she gave up. In my mind she is the one that made the mistake. So after thinking about it and realizing that I did everything I could and that she is the one that made the mistake I feel a little better. She may or may not realize what she lost but if she does then maybe then for once she will feel some of the pain that she has given me for so long.

Wow, you sound like me. I even had my ex GF before this one go to her and tell her that she's a lucky girl. I did so much that everyone said I did too much and I was too nice. Girls said they wished they could find a guy like me, I don't know though, just keep your head up bro and just keep on driving...always helps... :yes:

08-20-2007, 12:41 AM
You are going through the phases right now. For about a month or so you will go back and forth questioning your decision and the situation. This is not the last of it. This is not your final decision

JDM onlyy
08-20-2007, 12:47 AM
Yeah, I just confirmed that my ex GF is now talking to one of my "associates" or whatever. It hurts and all but I'm not really that surprised nor do I seem to care so much. I don't know, I'm kind of relieved that me and her aren't together anymore. Hopefully, I'll be with this new person and she'll make me happy. :D

08-20-2007, 01:57 AM
Well tonight I felt pretty much like shit and decided to go for a drive. I drove to newnana nd back and it was a pretty peaceful drive. The night was nice and so was th weather so I had the top down, got on the highway, and set the cruise on 60. After that I thought about how I treat this girl like the best thing in the world and gave her everything. Then realized that she isnt worth it. If it was meant to work then it would and it didnt. I did everything in this relationship right and never lied, cheated or anything to her and was always the "perfect BF" as I have been told by EVERY girl I talked to that knew how I was with her. Most girls I know are always saying "why cant I find that one guy that isnt an asshole, and wont treat me like shit and that dosent just want sex." Well I was that guy and she gave me up. I had girls tell me all the time during our relationship how I was the perfect guy and how they wished they had someone like me. She treated me like shit and took advantage of me.

So I came to the conclusion that I really can do better than her. She is the one that made the mistakes with me and im the one who would always take her back. She told me todaythat she loved me and wanted to be with me but didnt think it would work out. I came to the conclusion that if she really did want to be with me than she would be here. She would want to make it work and want to fight for something that she loves. Instead she would rather be off with my friend. She told me she cared about him more than she did me but she still loves me. I dont see how you can date someone for almost 3 years and after a few weeks already like someone else more than that person.

Like I said I treated her like a man should treat a women. Like something you see in movies. Like a man treats his wife. Like somebody that actually is in love with some one else. But she made the mistake and left me. Something that I have literally heard 100's of girls say they wish they had someone like me, she gave up. In my mind she is the one that made the mistake. So after thinking about it and realizing that I did everything I could and that she is the one that made the mistake I feel a little better. She may or may not realize what she lost but if she does then maybe then for once she will feel some of the pain that she has given me for so long.

clean your hands of that relationship. sounds like she's feeding you bullshit to keep you around as rebound.

08-20-2007, 02:40 AM
Ya I know time will heal it its just the jealousy and rage hat will go through my mind when I see them kissing or some shit. I get VERY jealous and especially with her and after the first few months I will know that they are fucking. And just the thought that the person that made my whole world what it is, is fucking some other guy pisses me off. She wqas my first EVERYTHING and I was hers and now some other guy is gonna get his jolly's off my girl...or ex girl. I feel like she is mine still ya know so I feel like some oher fucker is taking my whole world away.

I hate this :(
man, girl im still pretty much inlove with after almost 9 months of being broken up was my first everything too. i was hers as well, seeing her around another guy even a friend will tick me off really bad, and my stomach will start flippin and shit. itll gradually get better, but dont think that fuckin/datin other girls will cute your pain cause it will just make that shit 10x worse. love is the most special thing any of us can feel, look at it like this... you were lucky enough to have felt it at all... some never get to feel love. head up man, stay strong.. itll make things easier on her if you are too. you still got your truck for sale man? i aint got much to offer, but i need another 4x4 truck now bein i just sold my ram 1500. forreal man, just take that shit easy... let it slideeee. itll get better, and if not.. atleast now you know what love feels like and you have it to keep looking forward to again.

08-20-2007, 03:58 AM
^^havent read any of the other comments..

getting over a girl isnt easy, time is healing.. but after all, you look back and smile about the whole thing.. i could give you plenty of advice because i just went through that.. But your situation is really fucked up.. its low for your buddy to do that.. id hire a hit man..

08-20-2007, 04:30 AM
i wouldnt doubt something else going on before the break up. seems like your making the right 1st step in getting over her. it's her loss more than yours. you can do better. she'll realize her mistake after its too late to come back. you dont need her, you shouldnt want her, she completely fucked you over. you should hate her, but dont start a war with her. get one with your life. dont let her keep u on the sidelines or make you hold back in your endeavors with new women. you said there were plenty of girls who said they'd like a guy like u. CALL THEM.
p.s. you could always kick the dudes ass and then fuck all your ex's friends if u want to piss them off.

08-20-2007, 09:54 AM
The best revenge is to do well for yourself.. lame as that sounds it will always be true, she'll realize what she let go and by then you wont care

08-20-2007, 10:11 AM
How do I get over a girl hat I still love? To sum it all up we dated for nearly 3 years and I loved her and out of no where she jus breaks it off with me. So my question is? How do I get over her. She is about to date one of my (ex) friends and how do I deal with the fact that my friend that has been around me and her for the longest time, and is about to be getting a peice of the action? It hurts because I still love her and have feeling for her but she want to be with some one else. How do I deal with the fact that I will be seeing her with another guy?

you run them over....

08-20-2007, 11:04 AM
Some peoples responses are good and other are full of shit. But look you have to take a look at yourself and decide where you want to be in a couple of years because you are on you way to college. You cant let a now past relationship mess up what you are fixing to run up on, and that is college. You are going to meet girls that you thought you would have never had the chance to meet. But the key is to get your work done but also explore, when I say explore I mean girls. you might meet a girl there that is 10x more beautiful and smarter than you girl.

Also man you are young take this time to have fun, because with a girl on your arms you might not have that chance, I hope you arent trying to get married not a good idea yet at your age. This is your time enjoy your self, go out just like she is and met people. Go to the gym, movies and so forth, if you are confident try to meet on girl a day.

08-20-2007, 12:48 PM
How do I get over a girl hat I still love? To sum it all up we dated for nearly 3 years and I loved her and out of no where she jus breaks it off with me. So my question is? How do I get over her. She is about to date one of my (ex) friends and how do I deal with the fact that my friend that has been around me and her for the longest time, and is about to be getting a peice of the action? It hurts because I still love her and have feeling for her but she want to be with some one else. How do I deal with the fact that I will be seeing her with another guy?

Find new people... :dunno:

08-20-2007, 02:20 PM
Some peoples responses are good and other are full of shit. But look you have to take a look at yourself and decide where you want to be in a couple of years because you are on you way to college. You cant let a now past relationship mess up what you are fixing to run up on, and that is college. You are going to meet girls that you thought you would have never had the chance to meet. But the key is to get your work done but also explore, when I say explore I mean girls. you might meet a girl there that is 10x more beautiful and smarter than you girl.

Also man you are young take this time to have fun, because with a girl on your arms you might not have that chance, I hope you arent trying to get married not a good idea yet at your age. This is your time enjoy your self, go out just like she is and met people. Go to the gym, movies and so forth, if you are confident try to meet on girl a day.

By no means am I thinking I was wanting to get married. But I really loved her and its just fucked up. I mean where would I like to be in a few years? Im not sure really if it is with a girl then fine if it isnt then that is ok too. Im not really one to party and drink it up and go clubing. Im more old school and would rather just go out to eat and see a movie or stay at home and rent something. I guess what it gets down to is if I am happy in a few years with a girl and dont feel restricted or like I am missing anything then I will want to be with that person to stay happy. But if I am alone then I will just be with friends.

But in the end I am just going to do what will make me happy and what will keep me happy.

08-20-2007, 02:29 PM
Time is everything!

08-20-2007, 03:45 PM
Time is everything!That is exactly my point if he read and looked into what I am saying. He is going to college alle he should do is have fun, its good to be a single man you first years of college trust me. Once you have settled in knock them down. But have fun know, it doesnt mean you have to go clubing and drinking.

08-20-2007, 03:55 PM
How do I get over a girl hat I still love? To sum it all up we dated for nearly 3 years and I loved her and out of no where she jus breaks it off with me. So my question is? How do I get over her. She is about to date one of my (ex) friends and how do I deal with the fact that my friend that has been around me and her for the longest time, and is about to be getting a peice of the action? It hurts because I still love her and have feeling for her but she want to be with some one else. How do I deal with the fact that I will be seeing her with another guy?
:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: a piece of tha action bwaahaaha!! im sure he had that piece all loooong time before you knew.

hes not your friend if he dates her.........

i hate it for you guy. im sorry you have to deal with such a thing. all i can say is do things to occupy yourself and chill with some pple that respect the principle of things.

08-20-2007, 03:57 PM
Time heals all pain. Obviously she isn't worth too much of your time if she was inconsiderate enough to date your friend. Things happen for a reason. It just means you weren't meant to be with her. There are better things in store in the future. Enjoy the single life. Hell get a fuck buddy. That will help when you start to feel lonely and just want to cuddle with someone

:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: aint that the truth!!!

08-20-2007, 04:54 PM
And on top of all this, she was my best friend before all this went down. And the guy she is trying to date is MY exboyfriend. And she lied to me about liking him, being around him, and talking to him when she promised me she would never lied to me. Anyways, the guy and i have been fighting for the past few weeks. so she decided to talk to him on the phone when i didn't want to. so i told her, i don't want to hang around her until she dumps him, because i will slap the shit out of him.