View Full Version : Squirrel Season

08-15-2007, 06:24 PM
It started today, so gather all your up all your guns, pellet guns, slingshots, rocks, shoes and get as many of them retarded animals as you can. Im most likly gonna go hunting them sons a bitches for the next three days on WMA, so get a 22 or pellet gun, a licence and you come with. Be a part of the IA squirrel hunting club. There's only me as of now in the club but I think RG is down so thats like two people.

08-15-2007, 06:41 PM
Do I have to eat them, or can I just mash them under my shoe like a turd at Mardi Gras.

08-15-2007, 06:52 PM
snail season is next week. I got platinum salt shakers jsut for the occassion

08-15-2007, 06:55 PM
Do I have to eat them, or can I just mash them under my shoe like a turd at Mardi Gras.

I dont eat them, I just shoot them to see them do tricks in the air on their way down.

08-15-2007, 06:56 PM
snail season is next week. I got platinum salt shakers jsut for the occassion

I fed my dog a worm that was squirming in the dirt last weekend so HA! I already got a head start.

08-15-2007, 07:04 PM

08-15-2007, 09:15 PM
yea, a guy I work with goes squirrel hunting seems like every day, sometimes before work and he gets there at 6:30am. he tries to kill at least 2 or 3 each time. 2 for him and one for his dog (yes he eats them) To me they are nothing but an oversized rat

08-15-2007, 09:42 PM
I like to shoot them and feed them to my cats. Here's my little manx cat:

(this little fucker eats the whole insides, just leaves the head, tail, and paws!)

08-15-2007, 09:44 PM
yay, I said I am down

08-15-2007, 09:47 PM
I have well over 100+ confirmed kills in my lifetime. I am the squirrel Ruiner. :)

B16a2 Civic
08-15-2007, 09:53 PM
You already know I'm in, so now that's like 3

08-15-2007, 09:55 PM
ftw. I'll be blasting them out of trees, too.

08-15-2007, 09:59 PM
I have well over 100+ confirmed kills in my lifetime. I am the squirrel Ruiner. :)
Damn! You draw your weapons on squirrels AS WELL??? NOONE IS SAFE!:goodjob:

08-15-2007, 10:41 PM
Just came back from walmart. Was planing on getting a 3 day license but there is no such thing for residents. I could get the one day, then there was a license for the whole year for $10 so I was like "thats it?" and got it aswell as a WMA license for $19 that you need for hunting on WMA's. So then I looked at the rules and it said I need to take a hunting safty course unless I get a 1 or three day hunting license. Mother Fucker, it seems as now I have to take my happy ass back to walmart at 7am to get the 1 day bull shit for $5.50. Now them squirrels have pissed me off with this whole license thing. I'll get them tomorrow, shoot them in the leg and stab them to death with my rambo knife, then use my magnesium flit to set them ablaze at 3000deg Celsius .

08-16-2007, 12:53 AM
oh shit!!! thats kinda hardcore...how much is the class I owe the lil bastards a good smiting!

08-16-2007, 02:25 AM
I have well over 100+ confirmed kills in my lifetime. I am the squirrel Ruiner. :)
That's it? I killed that many with just one bullet back in Nam.
3 tours in danang... I'm done killin'

08-16-2007, 02:27 AM
Just came back from walmart. Was planing on getting a 3 day license but there is no such thing for residents. I could get the one day, then there was a license for the whole year for $10 so I was like "thats it?" and got it aswell as a WMA license for $19 that you need for hunting on WMA's. So then I looked at the rules and it said I need to take a hunting safty course unless I get a 1 or three day hunting license. Mother Fucker, it seems as now I have to take my happy ass back to walmart at 7am to get the 1 day bull shit for $5.50. Now them squirrels have pissed me off with this whole license thing. I'll get them tomorrow, shoot them in the leg and stab them to death with my rambo knife, then use my magnesium flit to set them ablaze at 3000deg Celsius .
I wanna go squirrel hunting. Can I use any gun or does it have to be something small?

08-16-2007, 07:14 AM
You guys are going to shoot your eye out.

08-16-2007, 07:29 AM
^ haha that reminded me of a movie that comes on around x-mas time.. A Christmas Story haha or if thats the point im slow.. ill shut up

08-16-2007, 07:34 AM
CO2 air pistols FTW

08-16-2007, 07:35 AM
^ haha that reminded me of a movie that comes on around x-mas time.. A Christmas Story haha or if thats the point im slow.. ill shut up

No way...:doh:

08-16-2007, 07:41 AM
^ haha that reminded me of a movie that comes on around x-mas time.. A Christmas Story haha or if thats the point im slow.. ill shut up

That WAS the point. Normally I wouldn't do this, but please refer to the first post in this thread.

08-16-2007, 07:46 AM
i have i read all of them..god i didnt mean to call you out in the last thread B im sorry please forgive me

08-16-2007, 07:48 AM
i have i read all of them..god i didnt mean to call you out in the last thread B im sorry please forgive me

Link to said thread?

08-16-2007, 07:56 AM
the thread refering to uncle pete :)

08-16-2007, 08:19 AM
Crossbow FTMFW!! Nothing is funnier then nailing a squirrel with a crossbow bolt and watching it fly back 20 feet in a barrel roll. :lmao:

Man, I'm glad I got my crossbow before they got legalized for hunting. They used to be like $400 for a good one. Now they're over $1K. :no:

Spectic Tank
08-16-2007, 08:42 AM
im slow.. ill shut up


08-16-2007, 08:52 AM
^^screw you!!

Spectic Tank
08-16-2007, 08:55 AM
^^screw you!!

you said it, not me...so go screw yourself:yes:

08-16-2007, 08:57 AM
thats alittle hard to do please explain how to do that

08-16-2007, 10:24 AM
Damn! You draw your weapons on squirrels AS WELL??? NOONE IS SAFE!:goodjob:

I did most of my killing back when I was 12-14yrs old. My old house in Columbus, GA backed up to a park (lakes, running trails, etc). Squirrels were rampant there. I could pick them off all day long with my BB gun. :)

I have, however, taken out a few with the AK-47. Now THAT is a site. I've also shot a few with the .40 cal Glock, hollow points of course. That's a bit more difficult, but damn good training in terms of accuracy.

08-17-2007, 07:01 PM
Went hunting yesterday, took 2hrs to find the damn place. Saw no one was there so I called the head quarters and they said they would be back tomorrow. Went today and no one was there again, so I said fuck them, grabbed my gun and wandered into the woods. I only had 1hr to play before work and spotted a fat squirrel and shot it off the tree. It was super easy with the 22. I can hit dimes 100yards away no problem with that gun so hitting something the size of a purse 50ft away is effortless. But still entertaining. I carried 4 types of rounds SSS rounds, Thunder bolt, cci hyper velocity, and what I normally shoot, Remington Sub Sonics. The gun loves the sub sonic remingtons, and I sighted the gun in with them. The other ones manly the hyper velocity ones I brought incase I saw a coyote. The subsonics are by far the weakest out the four but they are super accurate and still went through the squirrel and since they are hollow points, it blew the squirrels guts out on the other side lol. Anyway, Im gonna go tomorrow for a long time and see how many I can get. Let all set something up for this weekend!





08-17-2007, 07:04 PM
owch, lol

08-18-2007, 03:06 AM
Drag that shit around PetsMart on a leash, and act like it's still alive.

Spectic Tank
08-18-2007, 10:07 AM
Drag that shit around PetsMart on a leash, and act like it's still alive.


He's just "sleeping"

08-18-2007, 11:10 AM
^^ i fucking dare you........lmfao

08-18-2007, 11:11 AM
lololol, i will pay to see it.

08-18-2007, 11:16 AM
ha you'd scare the hell outta little kids in the pet store

08-18-2007, 11:17 AM
at this point were not concerned with the kids in the pet store............lol

08-18-2007, 11:23 AM
shhh i know that .. it would be funny but eww gross

08-18-2007, 05:03 PM
"Squirrel season is ending early due to a massive squirrel population decrease in Georgia. It seems like a local forum, importatlanta.com went on a squirrel massacre and wiped out 80% of the squirrel population, thanks importatlanta."

08-19-2007, 07:55 AM

08-19-2007, 09:32 PM
Ok, just came back from a new wma. It was Pine log wma and I like it so far. So I spent all yesterday at the allatoona one and did not see shit. I went from 11am to about 3:30pm and never even chambered a round. I went home and asked hunters on a hunting forum why there were no squirrels and they said it was because squirrels dont come out during those hours on hot days. So I went again at 6pm pulled in and this big beaver looking thing starts running across the grass. I was like what the fuck is that. Got out the car, pulled out the gun, and it took of running again. I was debating weather to shoot it since I dont know if it was in season. I know groundhogs and beavers can be shot year round, but I did not know if it was a muskrat or something. It was a brown 2ft long beaver looking thing with a black furry tail. Anyways I got it in my sights and a truck pulls up, so I try to play it off as I was not about to shoot something, since I did not know if it was the guy that runs the place. Turns out to be some guy getting a map for the place. Then does this round about uturn thing and scares the brown creacher away. So I go into the woods, dont see anything then went home before it got dark. So that was about 5miles of walking for that day and did not shoot anything. I came home, looked up that beaver looking thing and it turned out to be a groundhog. I never seen a groundhog in real life so I didnt know.

Today I planned to go the Pine log WMA which is 2X the size as the other place and is one of the only places up north GA with a shit ton of Wild boars. I got there at 2pm walked about a mile down some stream that has trout, and did not see shit other then a turtle. I headed back and came across a funny looking kid fishing. He was wondering if he fucked up my hunt, I told him he didnt, I have not see shit. I was chit chatting with him for 10min, he asked if I seen any hogs. I said no. He said that is the reason he does not venture off in the woods by himself. He said they will charge and attack you unless you shoot them first. He said the last thing he'd want is to be tree'd by a hog, which means climbing a tree then having to stay on the tree since the hogs will circle around so you are stuck there for how ever long. Anyways I get back to the road and try a different trail thats the main trail. I come across some guy and his kid. They live there and he was giving me a bunch of pointers about the area. He said they came across a black bear a minute ago, I was like WTF. I talked to him for a about 15min. He told me there are some big boars out there, he said he found one foot print the size of his Skoal lid. That kind of made me realize how far in the sticks I was as I have never heard of a Skoal lid used as a unit of measurement. Anyways he went off for another 15min letting me know how important it is for me not to get lost got on another story then told me to know where the sun was. I told him I have a compass and he said compass’s confuse him lol. Anyway, nice guy. Most of the people out there were nice, but they all talk too much. Ok, so I go down this trail, after about a mile I hear a squirrel. I step to the side of the trail and it takes off. It was 200ft away, so I was like why did it run off? Turns out these wilderness squirrels are alot harder to hunt then your normal city squirrels. City squirrels are used to seeing people so they just sit there until you get 50ft away then they run up a tree. These wilderness squirrels are alot more afraid of people making them alot more tricky to hunt then I expected. I go down the road and come across a dear. The dear is about 100-150ft away and does not see me. I put it in the sights and just watch it for 5min. I keep going down the trail until Im exhausted from 3miles of walking in the hot sun with nothing to drink, and camo pants and long sleeve shirt. I come across another fisherman. He caught 8 trout. I ask him how much longer does this trail go and he said as long as you wanna go. I start talking to him about animals around. He said its too hot for the squirrels, and they will come out later in the day. We talk more about the hogs and coyotes then he was on his way, I went down the trail a bit longer then went over to the creek and sat down and watched the trout for 10 min. I started to head back, it was about 5:30 now, I was dizzy from the heat and thirst but still had another 2miles to go before I got to the truck. About half way back, I hear a couple of squirrels screaming, I sneak up on them but cant figure out where they are. I go to the other one screaming until I got so close it stopped screaming, the other one starts screaming again so I go back over there and it stops screaming, and now the other one starts screaming again so I once more go back over there and it stops screaming again. I sit there for 5min trying to spot it, then I notice something sticking up from the trunk of the tree, I put it in the scope, zoom in, and sure enough its the squirrels head peeping. I pull the trigger and the squirrel came tumbleing down. I walk into the woods and spend 10min looking for it. To the point I was questioning if I actually shot it or if I was hallucinating from heat, thirst and exhaustion. I eventully found it, it was still breathing so I shot it two more times. Good, I finally got one. I started back on the trail again and about a 1/4mile from the truck I heard some rustling in the woods. I was at a part that had a small field of high grass and a wall of high grass between trail and the woods. I sneak halfway through the wall of grass and try to peep into the woods to see what it is. I "think" I saw a dog sized thing, so I was like "Oh shit, no way are those hogs." I back up, get back on the trail and go about 20ft back to give me some distance. I go in all the way in the woods and sure enough its 4 wild pigs rumbling about, to little baby ones. I start sneaking up to them and the little ones take off running. The big ones (100-150lbs) stay there. I sneak up a bit closer and one of the big ones starts walking at me. I pulled up the gun and it stopped and looked right at me. It was only 40-50ft away so I was like fuck this, I put the crosshairs right inbetween its eyes and pulled the trigger. It did a loud gurgling scream, and I did a 180 and ran the fuck out the woods. Rechamberd the rifle and expected one to come charging at me from out the woods. Nothing happend for the next minute, and I heard rustling again. so I figured it was squirming on the ground. I go back into the woods and there is one big one slowly walking around in a circle. It kneeled down, got back up and started slowly moving around again. Then it went over to the tall grass and sat there staring into the tall grass. It was motionless, just staring. I snapped 4 pictures during the time. I was still about 40-50 from it, but was wondering if that one was the one I shot in the head, or if it was looking into the grass where the one I shot layed dead. So I did not want to shoot it since I did not want to kill two, so I just sat there for 5min watching it stand there motionless. Then it went into the tall grass and started walking my way through it. So I did not want it to ambush me so I got out of there back on the trail and threw some rocks into the tall grass. I didnt hear anything. So I went back into the woods and got about 15ft from where it was standing. I did not see anything, but did not want to go up to the tall grass and have one come charging out. So I backed up, got on the trail and went home. I wish I had a better idea of what happend to the hog I shot or if the one I shot was the one that stayed there. I shouldnt of ran when I shot it, but it was the first time I came across one, and when it did its loud ass gurgling scream I was like fuck this and booked it out of there lol. Oh well I'll get a confirmed hog kill sooner or later. Here are some pics.






Coyote Area



Shitty pic but best out of the four pics of the hog looking into into the tall grass. (it's strait in the middle, facing to the left with its head behind the tree)

08-19-2007, 09:56 PM
damn.... dunno if i would've actually posted a pic of the dead squirrel. IA's self proclaimed PETA members will get up in here and start bitching :no:

08-19-2007, 11:09 PM
First, I never knew there was actually a squirrel season. Second, do I really need a liscense? Third, can I use my Beretta 9mm?

08-19-2007, 11:22 PM
damn.... dunno if i would've actually posted a pic of the dead squirrel. IA's self proclaimed PETA members will get up in here and start bitching :no:
o you must not seen his other pictures

08-20-2007, 08:40 AM
o you must not seen his other pictures

nope lol.

nice shot though, snail. :goodjob:


nevermind, now i know all i need to know about Snail. :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:



