View Full Version : Duluth Poliec officer on another power trip

07-14-2007, 12:27 PM
well, i dont know if its a repost, but i found this on the ajc website today... the video explains it all... kinda messed up if you ask me


talk about excessive force

07-14-2007, 12:31 PM

07-14-2007, 12:35 PM
the bitch was drunk and could have killed someone. I hope next time she gets a DUI she gets her ass Beat by the cop

07-14-2007, 12:37 PM
The cop also saved her life, b/c she was about to roll into the street.

07-14-2007, 12:43 PM
she was drunk point blank.

07-14-2007, 12:44 PM
the bitch was drunk and could have killed someone. I hope next time she gets a DUI she gets her ass Beat by the cop

You do realize she was asleep on the side of the road? No telling what the story is of her getting to where she was but it did not require all of that. I'm sure she'll be well compensated and I wonder if dude felt like a real man after dragging a woman out of her car.. probably treats his wife the same way.

07-14-2007, 12:51 PM
That cop is a fucking animal.

HeLLo iM iZzY
07-14-2007, 01:23 PM
Dude she is a woman. You dont need all that force to ger her out. Did anyone catch him pulling her hair aswell? That's a fucking animal !

07-14-2007, 01:31 PM
^^^I Did
But She Was Hammered Dude...
But Its Was Kinda Fucked Up The Cop Was Like "Are You Fighting?"
She Was Just Standing There.

07-14-2007, 01:36 PM
You do realize she was asleep on the side of the road? No telling what the story is of her getting to where she was but it did not require all of that. I'm sure she'll be well compensated and I wonder if dude felt like a real man after dragging a woman out of her car.. probably treats his wife the same way.
You do realize the cop job is to take ppl like that off the road. Should could have gotten back up and tried to drive home, but who knows what could have happened if the cop wasnt there. The cop really didnt do anything wrong in my eyes. Once she came to, the vehicle started rolling and thats why the cop got aggressive b/c she was endangering his and other lives. He didnt punch her or throw up against the car hard, he simply was being firm with another damn drunk.

07-14-2007, 01:45 PM
excessive force..

07-14-2007, 03:00 PM
I would have beaten his ass plain and simple! Then taken the camera out of the squad car and destroyed the evidence and called it a day!
I respect police officers, but not the officers that pull women out of cars by there hair! This isn't the stone age, its 2007! Even Fred and Barney would have been disgusted!

07-14-2007, 03:02 PM
There seems to be 2 points in the video where he refers to her as a "bitch". Listen carefully though I could be wrong.

07-14-2007, 03:22 PM
would have been a different story had it been the captains daughter...more like "officer fired for unprofessional conduct"...period

07-14-2007, 05:15 PM
There seems to be 2 points in the video where he refers to her as a "bitch". Listen carefully though I could be wrong.

Yeah, he did. I thought I also heard her say some guy's name when she was yelling for the cop to stop, so maybe she's also been beaten up by her boyfriend. Who knows.

Bad situation all around.

07-14-2007, 05:17 PM
Bitch prolly said something stupid, like, I smell bacon.

07-14-2007, 05:25 PM
well,it was little ruff,but she wasnt doing what the officer was saying to do..he said step out of the car calmly,and she didnt...probbly to high or dunk to give damn.

also be little different if that car rolled in to the midle of road and someone hit it and killed both of them,because some dumbass shouldnt have been driving

07-14-2007, 05:37 PM
He kept screaming "Get out of the car now!" even tough she was on the ground. It's like he was hamming (no pun intended) for the camera.

If she was drunk she should have been arrested, without a doubt but, I must say the hair pulling (and calling her a bitch) was a bit much.

07-14-2007, 06:44 PM
i too think it could've been handeled a little differently... yeah she was trashed, but once the vehicle is stopped i dont see any reason for that unless it were to start rolling again... but thats just me.

07-14-2007, 07:04 PM
*Waits for QD*

07-14-2007, 07:12 PM
the bitch was drunk and could have killed someone. I hope next time she gets a DUI she gets her ass Beat by the cop

Agreed. But as far as I'm concerned, if someone is pulled out of the car and they are TRASHED, they should get the beating of their fucking life.

He kept screaming "Get out of the car now!" even tough she was on the ground.

Watch it again... She was still holding on to the inside of car at that point.

Although he did use excessive force, she was not cooperating at all... In the beginning of the video he asks her to open the door... she does not... In fact, she starts driving away.

He tells her to stop the vehicle... She does only after multiple requests...

He tells her to get out of the car... she says no... she still has the keys and could still potentially pull away and injure somebody... so he gets her out of that car as fast as possible to prevent any such situation.

Then he rips some hair out of her head and beats her ass... lol... but up to that point it wasn't THAT bad.

07-14-2007, 07:19 PM
Agreed. But as far as I'm concerned, if someone is pulled out of the car and they are TRASHED, they should get the beating of their fucking life.

Watch it again... She was still holding on to the inside of car at that point.

Although he did use excessive force, she was not cooperating at all... In the beginning of the video he asks her to open the door... she does not... In fact, she starts driving away.

He tells her to stop the vehicle... She does only after multiple requests...

He tells her to get out of the car... she says no... she still has the keys and could still potentially pull away and injure somebody... so he gets her out of that car as fast as possible to prevent any such situation.

Then he rips some hair out of her head and beats her ass... lol... but up to that point it wasn't THAT bad.

thats basicly what i was trying to say..good post:goodjob:

07-14-2007, 07:22 PM
It's just that the way he handled everything... It was so UN-AMERICAN!!!
Fucking terrorists in Guantanamo get treated like kings compared to the way this douche bag treated that woman.

Big J
07-14-2007, 10:05 PM
It was excessive, end of story. Once she was out of the car the threat to the safety of the pubilc was over. Nothing past that point was justified, and even the mannor in which he removed her from the car was excessive. If it wern't for the camera it'd just be another incident in which a citizen gets railroaded. If there was no video, she'd be facing multiple charges based on the judgmenat of an officer that based on the video wasn't good to start with. She would have been charged with resisting, assult on an officer, obstruction, the whole damn book would have been thrown at her and there would be nothing she could do to prove she was assulted. Drunk or not, she has rights.

07-14-2007, 10:07 PM
I'd be mad if my name was "Eugene"...

07-14-2007, 10:29 PM
to much force.. I'm glad the video got out.. .. Yeah, she did wrong.. But even after he pulled her out of the suv he was still beeing a jerk. Did you guys notice how he picked her back up? hahaha

that Cop is a looser....

07-15-2007, 12:42 AM
naw she wont get anything and he wont get punished, he asked 3 times to get out she did not, he went to get here out of the car and she resisted! IE Resisting Arrest! she was resisting when she was rolling away he had his full right to pull her drunk ass out of the car! She was driving home passed out and blind ass luck happen to come to a stop on teh side of the road! still drunk driving! Georgias No tolerance law! :goodjob:

07-15-2007, 07:16 AM
Both of them are in the wrong. She was out drunk and driving. She should get standard punishment for that. He stepped way over the line and should be punished for that. In this case, probably a written repremand, with short suspension. This is not one that I would necessarily fire the cop over, and I am the exact opposite of QD when it comes to cops.

Evil Goat
07-15-2007, 09:32 AM
the bitch was drunk and could have killed someone. I hope next time she gets a DUI she gets her ass Beat by the cop

x2...she got what she deserved

07-15-2007, 09:48 AM
Is ok, I think he got fire anyways...

" I think " unless he got promoted

" by then"-Duluth police Cpl. Eugene Flathmann." Not sure what that "BY THEN" really means in this case.. It can go both ways.

07-15-2007, 10:07 AM
not surprised at all

Big J
07-15-2007, 10:08 AM
I gave up on seeing the cops side after working in Southern Regional's ER for almost 3 years. THEY ALLWAYS FEEL JUSTIFIED, NO MATTER WHAT.

What did it for me was when they dragged in, after roughing up, a 19 or 20 Y/O kid fresh back from Afganistan. The kid had joined up at 17, went Ranger, saw some shit over there and couldn't adjust. They beat the hell out of this kid, he fought back, but hell I don't blame him, and from what I understand he did allright :). They were antagonizing this kid who was handcuffed to the strecher, after they brought him in, pricks, just let it go. I asked the officer if the kid was in cusdody or if he would be released to us. He said releasd to us, I asked for his hand cuff keys, he refused saying the kid was violent. I told him he was done here, to leave the room, and I'd bring him the cuffs, when I was ready. I talked to the kid, about the Army how I used to be a medic, took the cuffs off with one of the cuff keys we kept around, bandaged him up, got a mental health worker to come talk to him. He was traumatized.

What I can't stand is cops think they're bad asses but mostly when they're friends show up or they have the person in handcuffs.

I've met a few good cops, but most have the potential to go past what is reasonable. Mainly because we have a system that doesn't activly condone it however it's only made an issue when it's caught on video.

All the chic has to say is she was afraid, and moved the car so it was in view of the dash camera. Then the case almost proves its self. Why didn't the cop position his cruiser to get it on film to start with. Hopeful the jury isn't blue blind.

07-15-2007, 10:15 AM
she was drunk but she was also on the side of the road they both was wrong but he is a cop in the south they get away with everything out here

07-15-2007, 10:17 AM
Man fuck you idiots who backing up the damn redneck cop...how do you knoe she was drunk? anyways how would you feel if that was you being punked around like that for no specific reason you frikin idiots..

07-15-2007, 10:18 AM
Man fuck you idiots who backing up the damn redneck cop...how do you knoe she was drunk? anyways how would you feel if that was you being punked around like that for no specific reason you frikin idiots..

Shut the fuck up. I guess you were there, weren't you? You know the story so why don't you go to the courthouse and tell your side? Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 10:21 AM
Drunk or not, he used excessive force.

Big J
07-15-2007, 10:25 AM
Drunk or not, he used excessive force.

and if it wern't for the camera it'd be another incident that never happend.

07-15-2007, 10:27 AM
cops do it all the time just dont put your self in that situation

Big J
07-15-2007, 10:35 AM
so you're saying it's ok so long as it's not you it's happening to?

07-15-2007, 10:41 AM
so you're saying it's ok so long as it's not you it's happening to?

I didn't get him saying that at all. I see him saying don't get yourself in a predicament where the potential for this to happen will. If the lady had any sense, she wouldn't have been DUI in the first place. Same with anyone else that's out doing dumbass shit and get caught. If they were living a better life, they wouldn't be in the position to be approached by police. I'm not denouncing what the officer did, as he was excessive, but she would never had had this event had she not been DUI.

I don't know where you pulled your understanding from. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 10:48 AM
I see that side of it, but I still feel the use of excessive force as bad situation aside. He condones it based on the situation.

Big J
07-15-2007, 10:49 AM
He says it happens, just don't let it happen to you by avoiding situations that make it more likely to occure.

07-15-2007, 10:52 AM
He says it happens, just don't let it happen to you by avoiding situations that make it more likely to occure.

That's exactly right. That's not condoning the actions of the officer who does this. Just stating that knowing there are police that do this, don't do shit to get them on you. Good cop or bad cop period, no need to be fucking up in the first place, lolol. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 10:55 AM
He condones it based on situation. I don't dissagree with the not doing "wrong" stuff to start with, but condning it on a situation by situation basis is wrong and what both of you are trying to do.

07-15-2007, 11:01 AM
He condones it based on situation. I don't dissagree with the not doing "wrong" stuff to start with, but condning it on a situation by situation basis is wrong and what both of you are trying to do.

Sorry, man, I don't see it that way. Everyone knows that there are cops like this out there. When you fuck up and get caught, you never know if that officer is going to be "that" officer. So if you don't fuck up, you won't be at the mercy of "that" officer. You must not know my feelings about the police and think I am anti-law enforcement, but I'm probably the most pro-cop person on IA. And I don't think anyone on here will tell you that I'm an idiot and uneducated and have no common sense. And I'm sure that my abundance of these qualities are not on vacation in this topic. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:05 AM
You don't have to be doing anything wrong to potentially be in a situation which you could be confronted by the possibility of facing somthing like this. What about the 90 yo lady in the wheelchair that was shot a killed? If we are expected to abide by zero tollerance laws and regulations why shouldn't the same be expected by thoses who chose to enforce these laws to do the same

07-15-2007, 11:05 AM
fucking cop used to much force. I didnt pay much atten but i think the cop said she was fighting back to the other officers, damn cops think they can do what ever they wont

07-15-2007, 11:07 AM
i been pulled over 12 times in covington since i been out here and i dont try to do anything that would get my ass whip so when i get in my car im on my P's and Q's if u act rite they wont touch u but the littlest thing can set it off and u can end up like Rodney king

07-15-2007, 11:07 AM
You don't have to be doing anything wrong to potentially be in a situation which you could be confronted by the possibility of facing somthing like this.

You're right. But that's kind of another deal. And that doesn't happen every single day every what, 5-10 minutes? I think you're just reaching to justify something and I don't know what it is. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:08 AM
And that's my main point, if you can codone it in any situation, you condone it period, and by punking out and saying oh well, I'll just avoid it by staying inside the law isn't a guarntee it won't happen to you if it's allowed to happen at all.

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:09 AM
I'm undestanding of law enforcment and their jobs, but I'm more pro citizen

07-15-2007, 11:11 AM
Ima go half and half. Yes she did stop and the car was parked but she was drunk so she was drunk driving. She did resist but not to were he had to pull her hair and shove her face into the ground. True alot of ppl here say fuck the police, but when we are in need ppl are quick to say CALL 911!!!!

07-15-2007, 11:12 AM
And that's my main point, if you can codone it in any situation, you condone it period, and by punking out and saying oh well, I'll just avoid it by staying inside the law isn't a guarntee it won't happen to you if it's allowed to happen at all.

Ok, man. I'll back out now. I don't see any point in keeping this up. You clearly see things through a different pair of lenses than I do. Good luck with that. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:15 AM
Ok, man. I'll back out now. I don't see any point in keeping this up. You clearly see things through a different pair of lenses than I do. Good luck with that. Later, QD.

And I respect both sides and your ability to coherently argue for your's, but in doing so still recognize the other side.


07-15-2007, 12:04 PM
Hell yeah, that bitch got exactly what she deserved.

07-15-2007, 12:52 PM
You don't have to be doing anything wrong to potentially be in a situation which you could be confronted by the possibility of facing somthing like this. What about the 90 yo lady in the wheelchair that was shot a killed? If we are expected to abide by zero tollerance laws and regulations why shouldn't the same be expected by thoses who chose to enforce these laws to do the same

You mean the 90 year old woman who was shot by police because they were serving a no knock warrant on a known crack dealer and she shot at them? Yea, she did nothing wrong but you can't compare this to that since it's completely different. Serving a no knock warrant on a crack house is in no way, shape or form the same as snatching a drunk girl out of the car, sropping her on her ass on the pavement, roughing her up, pulling her hair and yelling and screaming at her.

What QD is saying is this. Don't fucking do stupid shit and the chances of stupid shit happeneing to you is lessened. Sure, it isn't gonna completely go away. Shit I could walk out my door and a cop just up and jump out the bushes and beat the shit out of me because I looked like the guy that ran over his lawn and he snapped. But comon man, the odds of that happening are next to shit. Now, if I go out there, fall asleep on the side of the road drunk, then almost drag him out into traffic and almost roll into traffic myself cause i'm shitfaced, he might just remember that lawn incident a little faster and beat the hell out of me.

Don't be dumb. All QD is saying.

07-15-2007, 01:41 PM
if a cop is yelling at me to stop the car and get out, thats what im going to do. she told him no and also resisted arrest while on the ground. i think she deserved it. if it was a male driver, the video wouldnt be about to go to a grand jury. male or female, you are equally dangerous to the public when driving drunk.

07-15-2007, 01:47 PM
That is fucking bullshit.
1. IF the car was PARKED on the side of the road (it seems like she basically pulled over and went to sleep), you cannot charge her with DUI. The damn car is parked.
2. He is screaming "GET OUT THE CAR" when the lady is in the middle of the damn street. She wasn't even resisting. Someone needs to pull this stunt on his wife or daughters.
3. What she has done, does not mean you can treat her like crap. She is innocent until proven GUILTY. Most of you have forgotten that.

07-15-2007, 01:56 PM
I think people are too hard on cops. They have to deal with the scum of the streets on a daily basis. They have to watch their backs at all times, because even though they represent a force of good, there are people who hate them no matter what.

The shit that cops see makes them ready for any situation, and quick to diffuse any situation that could get out of hands. Drunk idiots can make a simple situation go beserk in the snap of a finger.

Bottom line, cops are always on edge because of what they deal with. Their best bet is to make a move before someone else does, for their safety and the safety of those around them.

So maybe everyone thinks, oh man how could he do that? But she was drunk and probably very belligerent, so he did what he thought he had to do to diffuse the situation before anything happened.

If it was a man and not a woman no one would bitch. She is crying like a baby because she's sauced to the gills and just got what she had coming.

You can clearly see the car moving, and her not listening. He had the door open, she still didn't listen. She moved the car once, he couldn't take the chance of her taking off.

Big J
07-15-2007, 01:57 PM
The fact that it could and does happen to people not doing anyhting wrong, even if only a small percentage of the time, is too often.

To the best of my knowlege sleeping on the side of the road in your car is not a crime. Not opening the window or stepping out of the car on the request of an officer is not a crime, especially if reasonable suspension has not been established. His first command was step out of the car, not are you ok, now this may be related to context and not seeing the very first parts of the video.

Sleeping and not waking or getting out of a car upon requset is not a crime. Consider the possibility that the woman was def, again hypothetical, but valid for this argument. The establishment of intoxication AFTER THE FACT is not justification for the actions of the officer. He failed to establish that in fact the woman leaving the scene would reasonably indanger the public. It MIGHT support reasonable suspision her being hard to arouse, but having seen metabolic conditions like diabetes initally presenting with the same symptoms as alcohol intoxication, the assumption by any officer of intoxication w/o more certainty that a flashlight through a window is irresponsible. This has been backed up in court cases where medical conditions mistaken as alcohol intoxication where injury resulted to the person have been decided aganist the offecers and departments. He clearly calls her a bitch, and when she is 4 feet from the car and on the ground he is still ordering her to exit the vehicle, WTF.

07-15-2007, 01:59 PM
el oh el

07-15-2007, 02:01 PM
I think people are too hard on cops. They have to deal with the scum of the streets on a daily basis. They have to watch their backs at all times, because even though they represent a force of good, there are people who hate them no matter what.

The shit that cops see makes them ready for any situation, and quick to diffuse any situation that could get out of hands. Drunk idiots can make a simple situation go beserk in the snap of a finger.

Bottom line, cops are always on edge because of what they deal with. Their best bet is to make a move before someone else does, for their safety and the safety of those around them.

So maybe everyone thinks, oh man how could he do that? But she was drunk and probably very belligerent, so he did what he thought he had to do to diffuse the situation before anything happened.

If you are a TRAINED PROFESSIONAL, then you should know how to handle the pressure. We are all very aware of their pressures and commend them for serving the public.


07-15-2007, 02:02 PM
The fact that it could and does happen to people not doing anyhting wrong, even if only a small percentage of the time, is too often.

To the best of my knowlege sleeping on the side of the road in your car is not a crime. Not opening the window or stepping out of the car on the request of an officer is not a crime, especially if reasonable suspension has not been established. His first command was step out of the car, not are you ok, now this may be related to context and not seeing the very first parts of the video.

Sleeping and not waking or getting out of a car upon requset is not a crime. Consider the possibility that the woman was def, again hypothetical, but valid for this argument. The establishment of intoxication AFTER THE FACT is not justification for the actions of the officer. He failed to establish that in fact the woman leaving the scene would reasonably indanger the public. It MIGHT support reasonable suspision her being hard to arouse, but having seen metabolic conditions like diabetes initally presenting with the same symptoms as alcohol intoxication, the assumption by any officer of intoxication w/o more certainty that a flashlight through a window is irresponsible. This has been backed up in court cases where medical conditions mistaken as alcohol intoxication where injury resulted to the person have been decided aganist the offecers and departments. He clearly calls her a bitch, and when she is 4 feet from the car and on the ground he is still ordering her to exit the vehicle, WTF.


07-15-2007, 02:09 PM
That is fucking bullshit.
1. IF the car was PARKED on the side of the road (it seems like she basically pulled over and went to sleep), you cannot charge her with DUI. The damn car is parked.

i saw the car moving in the video

2. He is screaming "GET OUT THE CAR" when the lady is in the middle of the damn street. She wasn't even resisting. Someone needs to pull this stunt on his wife or daughters.

she did resist. did u not see what happened when he tried to cuff her. it was stupid how he yelled "get out of the car, now!" when she was in the middle of the road. lol

3. What she has done, does not mean you can treat her like crap. She is innocent until proven GUILTY. Most of you have forgotten that.

when someone is dangerous and not cooperating sometimes it is necessary. i dont think he needed to pull her hair or call her "bitch", but other than that he really wasnt out of line in my book. i just think she is a cry baby and females expect extra leeway under the law.

07-15-2007, 02:12 PM
i saw the car moving in the video

He TOLD her to move the car. The car was parked.

she did resist. did u not see what happened when he tried to cuff her. it was stupid how he yelled "get out of the car, now!" when she was in the middle of the road. lol

She did not resist. She was incoherent. She might have been deaf. The guy dragged her out the SUV. Where was she resisting?

when someone is dangerous and not cooperating sometimes it is necessary. i dont think he needed to pull her hair or call her "bitch", but other than that he really wasnt out of line in my book. i just think she is a cry baby and females expect extra leeway under the law.
If you think lady was dangerous, do not go outside. She was as good as an arrest as you can ask for. He clearly got a hard on being a total ass to her.


Big J
07-15-2007, 02:12 PM
i just think she is a cry baby and females expect extra leeway under the law.

come on.

window tint laws anyone? danger to the officer, BS. that's cry baby stuff.

07-15-2007, 02:24 PM
come on.

window tint laws anyone? danger to the officer, BS. that's cry baby stuff.

I agree. Females do think producing a few tears gets them off from any punishment.

If that bitch was crying like that, I'd be pissed too.

07-15-2007, 02:27 PM
He TOLD her to move the car. The car was parked.

he never told her to move the car:thinking:

She did not resist. She was incoherent. She might have been deaf. The guy dragged her out the SUV. Where was she resisting?

she refused to get out of the car. she wasnt deaf because he said get out and she responded "no". then she kept pulling her arm away to prevent the cop from cuffing her.

If you think lady was dangerous, do not go outside. She was as good as an arrest as you can ask for. He clearly got a hard on being a total ass to her.

i think she is VERY dangerous intoxicated behind the wheel of a 5000lb car


07-15-2007, 02:46 PM
well, i dont know if its a repost, but i found this on the ajc website today... the video explains it all... kinda messed up if you ask me


talk about excessive force
They should both be shot at point blank! Dumbass bitch for driving while drunk and a dumbass cop who was being that guy that used to get his ass kicked in school ! Fuck em both
He is a piece of trash and like a piece of trash should be taken care of in the proper manner!

07-15-2007, 03:12 PM
naw she wont get anything and he wont get punished, he asked 3 times to get out she did not, he went to get here out of the car and she resisted! IE Resisting Arrest! she was resisting when she was rolling away he had his full right to pull her drunk ass out of the car! She was driving home passed out and blind ass luck happen to come to a stop on teh side of the road! still drunk driving! Georgias No tolerance law! :goodjob:

Wow i wish i could quote evryone but that would take way to long.

If the keys are in the ignition and she is in the driver seat drunk = DUI... wether the car moves or not, whick it did.

She says no when he says get out of the car = resisting

He has to hit the horn for her to finally stop the car, then he says "your not driving"... She responds by saying "I'm not stopping"

Whe he rips her out of the car AFTER she says no, she is trying to slap his hands away... which is still resisting.

When he is pulling on her hair, she is still hanging onto the car. If she had just let go he never would have touched her head. Still resisting

While he is trying to cuff her she is still saying no and yes she does pull her hand away so he can't cuff her. He has to yell "give me your hand" = resisting arrest.

When he tells the other cop she was fighting, that can be interpreted as resisting.. He is in the right to use any force neccesary. If he wanted to he could have maced the shit out of her while she was resisting arrest.


Now this girl is trying get money out of her DUI = bullshit.

This case will get shot down

07-15-2007, 03:20 PM
Wow i wish i could quote evryone but that would take way to long.

If the keys are in the ignition and she is in the driver seat drunk = DUI... wether the car moves or not, whick it did.

She says no when he says get out of the car = resisting

He has to hit the horn for her to finally stop the car, then he says "your not driving"... She responds by saying "I'm not stopping"

Whe he rips her out of the car AFTER she says no, she is trying to slap his hands away... which is still resisting.

When he is pulling on her hair, she is still hanging onto the car. If she had just let go he never would have touched her head. Still resisting

While he is trying to cuff her she is still saying no and yes she does pull her hand away so he can't cuff her. He has to yell "give me your hand" = resisting arrest.

When he tells the other cop she was fighting, that can be interpreted as resisting.. He is in the right to use any force neccesary. If he wanted to he could have maced the shit out of her while she was resisting arrest.


Now this girl is trying get money out of her DUI = bullshit.

This case will get shot down

exactly if it was a guy he would have gotten tazered or maced,and nobody would be making a big deal out of this...

also if she was black,people would be calling him racist

07-15-2007, 03:33 PM
+2 for SicStang03 and HypnoToad.

Big J
07-15-2007, 03:34 PM
had it been a black woman and he had called her a ****** bitch would it have been diffrent. He acted in anger and unprofessionally and called her a bitch. That shows where his mind was at, not on point, not a "professional".

Big J
07-15-2007, 03:37 PM
Officers get too much slack because of "the nature of their job".

A doctor wouldn't be able to get away with calling a hooker a nasty whore while providing medical treatment.

Big J
07-15-2007, 03:40 PM
If he got that bent out of shape over a chic, he might have put one in the side of my head.

07-15-2007, 03:48 PM
Big J....

You are making no points in my eyes.
Yes he called her a bitch... big deal, this is a battery charge no a verbal assault!!
Also, yea he got bent out of shape, there is a drunk BITCH trying to drive and resist arrest. Not only is her life at risk, but also everyone else. There is a difference between being drunk and being WASTED. She probably doesn't even remember that night or how she got there. In my eyes she got of easy by just being dragged out and called a bitch. Like toad said, if it was a guy he would have been maced and probably had a gun pulled on him.

Big J
07-15-2007, 04:11 PM
at least mace is considered a more reasonable use of force than pulling hair. I'd be willing to bet a lot of departments have a section of accetapble and unacceptable techniques for restraint.

Big J
07-15-2007, 04:25 PM
Ga code 16-5-23


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O.C.G.A. § 16-5-23

Copyright 2006 by The State of Georgia
All rights reserved.

*** Current through the 2006 Regular Session ***


O.C.G.A. § 16-5-23 (2006)

§ 16-5-23. Simple battery

(a) A person commits the offense of simple battery when he or she either:

(1) Intentionally makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with the person of another; or

(2) Intentionally causes physical harm to another.

(b) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (c) through (i) of this Code section, a person convicted of the offense of simple battery shall be punished as for a misdemeanor.

(c) Any person who commits the offense of simple battery against a person who is 65 years of age or older or against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(d) Any person who commits the offense of simple battery in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" has the same meaning as in subsection (c) of Code Section 16-5-20.

(e) Any person who commits the offense of simple battery against a police officer, law enforcement dog, correction officer, or detention officer engaged in carrying out official duties shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(f) If the offense of simple battery is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons excluding siblings living or formerly living in the same household, the defendant shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to corporal punishment administered by a parent or guardian to a child or administered by a person acting in loco parentis.

(g) A person who is an employee, agent, or volunteer at any facility licensed or required to be licensed under Code Section 31-7-3, relating to long-term care facilities, or Code Section 31-7-12, relating to personal care homes, or who is required to be licensed pursuant to Code Section 31-7-151 or 31-7-173, relating to home health care and hospices, who commits the offense of simple battery against a person who is admitted to or receiving services from such facility, person, or entity shall be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(h) Any person who commits the offense of simple battery against a sports official while such sports official is officiating an amateur contest or while such sports official is on or exiting the property where he or she will officiate or has completed officiating an amateur contest shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For the purposes of this Code section, the term "sports official" means any person who officiates, umpires, or referees an amateur contest at the collegiate, elementary or secondary school, or recreational level.

(i) Any person who commits the offense of simple battery against an employee of a public school system of this state while such employee is engaged in official duties or on school property shall, upon conviction of such offense, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and stops for public school buses as designated by local school boards of education.

HISTORY: Laws 1833, Cobb's 1851 Digest, p. 788; Code 1863, § 4262; Code 1868, § 4297; Code 1873, § 4363; Code 1882, § 4363; Penal Code 1895, § 102; Penal Code 1910, § 102; Code 1933, § 26-1408; Code 1933, § 26-1304, enacted by Ga. L. 1968, p. 1249, § 1; Ga. L. 1987, p. 557, § 1; Ga. L. 1991, p. 971, §§ 5, 6; Ga. L. 1992, p. 2055, § 1; Ga. L. 1993, p. 91, § 16; Ga. L. 1997, p. 907, § 1; Ga. L. 1999, p. 381, § 4; Ga. L. 1999, p. 562, § 3; Ga. L. 2000, p. 16, § 1; Ga. L. 2004, p. 621, § 2; Ga. L. 2005, p. 60, § 16/HB 95.

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07-15-2007, 04:26 PM
^u've obviously never been maced

07-15-2007, 04:26 PM
at least mace is considered a more reasonable use of force than pulling hair. I'd be willing to bet a lot of departments have a section of accetapble and unacceptable techniques for restraint.

watch the video again. When he pulls her out of the car by her hair she is slapping his hand away and saying no. IT"S HER FAULT THIS HAPPENED TO HER. If she gets any money out of this and he looses his job, it will be bullshit

Big J
07-15-2007, 04:27 PM
and battery


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O.C.G.A. § 16-5-23.1

Copyright 2006 by The State of Georgia
All rights reserved.

*** Current through the 2006 Regular Session ***


O.C.G.A. § 16-5-23.1 (2006)

§ 16-5-23.1. Battery

(a) A person commits the offense of battery when he or she intentionally causes substantial physical harm or visible bodily harm to another.

(b) As used in this Code section, the term "visible bodily harm" means bodily harm capable of being perceived by a person other than the victim and may include, but is not limited to, substantially blackened eyes, substantially swollen lips or other facial or body parts, or substantial bruises to body parts.

(c) Except as provided in subsections (d) through (l) of this Code section, a person who commits the offense of battery is guilty of a misdemeanor.

(d) Upon the second conviction for battery against the same victim, the defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more than 12 months, by a fine not to exceed $1,000.00, or both. The minimum sentence of ten days for a second offense shall not be suspended, probated, deferred, stayed, or withheld; provided, however, that it is within the authority and discretion of the sentencing judge to:

(1) Allow the sentence to be served on weekends by weekend confinement or during the nonworking hours of the defendant. A weekend shall commence and shall end in the discretion of the sentencing judge, and the nonworking hours of the defendant shall be determined in the discretion of the sentencing judge; or

(2) Suspend, probate, defer, stay, or withhold the minimum sentence where there exists clear and convincing evidence that imposition of the minimum sentence would either create an undue hardship upon the defendant or result in a failure of justice.

(e) Upon a third or subsequent conviction for battery against the same victim, the defendant shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years. The minimum sentence provisions contained in subsection (d) of this Code section shall apply to sentences imposed pursuant to this subsection.

(f) If the offense of battery is committed between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons living or formerly living in the same household, then such offense shall constitute the offense of family violence battery and shall be punished as follows:

(1) Upon a first conviction of family violence battery, the defendant shall be guilty of and punished for a misdemeanor; and

(2) Upon a second or subsequent conviction of family violence battery against the same or another victim, the defendant shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years. In no event shall this subsection be applicable to reasonable corporal punishment administered by parent to child.

(g) Any person who commits the offense of battery in a public transit vehicle or station shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, "public transit vehicle" has the same meaning as in subsection (c) of Code Section 16-5-20.

(h) Any person who commits the offense of battery against a female who is pregnant at the time of the offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(i) Any person who commits the offense of battery against a teacher or other school personnel engaged in the performance of official duties or while on school property shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both. For purposes of this Code section, "school property" shall include public school buses and public school bus stops as designated by local school boards of education.

(j) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e) and paragraph (2) of subsection (f) of this Code section, any person who commits the offense of battery against a person who is 65 years of age or older shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

(k) A person who is an employee, agent, or volunteer at any facility licensed or required to be licensed under Code Section 31-7-3, relating to long-term care facilities, or Code Section 31-7-12, relating to personal care homes, or who is required to be licensed pursuant to Code Section 31-7-151 or 31-7-173, relating to home health care and hospices, who commits the offense of battery against a person who is admitted to or receiving services from such facility, person, or entity shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than five years, or a fine of not more than $2,000.00, or both.

(l) Any person who commits the offense of battery against a sports official while such sports official is officiating an amateur contest or while such sports official is on or exiting the property where he or she will officiate or has completed officiating an amateur contest shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished for a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. For purposes of this Code section, the term "sports official" means any person who officiates, umpires, or referees an amateur contest at the collegiate, elementary or secondary school, or recreational level.

HISTORY: Code 1981, § 16-5-23.1, enacted by Ga. L. 1987, p. 1010, § 1; Ga. L. 1991, p. 971, §§ 7, 8; Ga. L. 1996, p. 449, § 1; Ga. L. 1997, p. 907, § 2; Ga. L. 1997, p. 1064, § 9; Ga. L. 1998, p. 128, § 16; Ga. L. 1999, p. 562, § 4; Ga. L. 2000, p. 16, § 1; Ga. L. 2004, p. 621, § 3.

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Big J
07-15-2007, 04:29 PM
^u've obviously never been maced

CS tear gas in the Army, never mace. The point being mace is approved, pulling hair like two high high school girls fighting is a bad move.

07-15-2007, 04:32 PM
Yanking her out of the car, fine. Pulling her hair, wrong (and notice, he did it for about a second and let go- still wrong though). Throwing her on her stomach to cuff her, fine. Calling her a bitch, fine. She verbally refused to follow his orders numerous times and resisted when he went to pull her out of the car. If she was sober and following orders I bet she wouldn't have plopped her ass on the ground so hard. She continued to resist when he was cuffing her. I'd probably call her a bitch too after driving drunk, refusing to comply, and resisting me....and I bet you would too. Only thing I saw wrong was about a second of hair pulling.

07-15-2007, 04:33 PM
CS tear gas in the Army, never mace. The point being mace is approved, pulling hair like two high high school girls fighting is a bad move.

CS cannot compare to OC. I've had both and I'll take CS any day. OC in that situation wouldn't have been a good idea, good risk for him to contaminate himself. Hands on was the way to go, minus the hair pull.

07-15-2007, 04:36 PM
There is absolutely NO NEED to get that aggressive with a female.
Fucking pig. He'll get his one day; good thing it was made public who he is.

Big J
07-15-2007, 04:38 PM
he clearly has his hand on her hair between 15:37 and 15:45 on the video. For the use of restraint I could see using the hair, but to attempt to drag her away from the car is wrong.

Why did the initial incident occure off camera?

07-15-2007, 04:40 PM
There is absolutely NO NEED to get that aggressive with a female.

You ever fought a female that was drunk or on drugs, angry, and knew she was going to jail? I've seen more force than that used- very justifiably, you'd be surprised what females are capable of.

07-15-2007, 04:41 PM
he clearly has his hand on her hair between 15:37 and 15:45 on the video. For the use of restraint I could see using the hair, but to attempt to drag her away from the car is wrong.

Why did the initial incident occure off camera?

Because the fucking pig probably told her to drive off so he'll have ample reason to get her for DUI. Typical entrapment.

07-15-2007, 04:42 PM
he clearly has his hand on her hair between 15:37 and 15:45 on the video. For the use of restraint I could see using the hair, but to attempt to drag her away from the car is wrong.

Why did the initial incident occure off camera?

I see one good tug between 35-40. The number of seconds is debatable. Either way, it was wrong to do no matter how much it was.

07-15-2007, 04:43 PM
You ever fought a female that was drunk or on drugs, angry, and knew she was going to jail? I've seen more force than that used- very justifiably, you'd be surprised what females are capable of.

Sure, I see your point, but it's obvious this was NOT the case here.

07-15-2007, 04:44 PM
Sure, I see your point, but it's obvious this was NOT the case here.

See my post above about the force used. Only thing he did wrong was pull some hair.

07-15-2007, 04:47 PM
See my post above about the force used. Only thing he did wrong was pull some hair.

Yeah, I saw your post.
And the only thing the cop did wrong was become a cop for the wrong reasons. Another pussy that was picked on growing up now hiding behind a badge.

Big J
07-15-2007, 04:50 PM
I worked in an ER with two classic "rubber" rooms, we were the initial reciving facility for one of the largest mental health facilitys in the Metro area. I've been "hands on" with many people in the ER. That in that video was not justified, hair pulling is never justified aganist an unarmed, unskilled, woman.

07-15-2007, 04:55 PM
That pig should be punished by a female with a swift kick of her 5" stiletto to his fucking temple. Maybe that will teach him.

07-15-2007, 04:55 PM
had it been a black woman and he had called her a ****** bitch would it have been diffrent.

I was wondering how long it would be before this goddamn shit was brought in. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 04:56 PM
I was wondering how long it would be before this goddamn shit was brought in. Later, QD.

I didn't bring it up.

07-15-2007, 04:56 PM
Yeah, I saw your post.
And the only thing the cop did wrong was become a cop for the wrong reasons. Another pussy that was picked on growing up now hiding behind a badge.

You know this how? Quit assuming shit.

I worked in an ER with two classic "rubber" rooms, we were the initial reciving facility for one of the largest mental health facilitys in the Metro area. I've been "hands on" with many people in the ER. That in that video was not justified, hair pulling is never justified aganist an unarmed, unskilled, woman.

I never said hair pulling was justified. No one ever said the woman was unarmed or unskilled. Who knows what she could've had or what skills she has? We sure as hell don't, neither did the Officer at the time.

07-15-2007, 04:57 PM
If the keys are in the ignition and she is in the driver seat drunk = DUI... wether the car moves or not, whick it did.

That's 100% correct. Later, QD.

07-15-2007, 04:58 PM
Consider the possibility that the woman was def, again hypothetical, but valid for this argument.

LOLOL!!!! I'm going to assume you were serious with this comment because I did not see it followed by the three lettered initials...L O L. Please tell me where even you see this is the joke of thread. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 04:59 PM
You know this how? Quit assuming shit.

I never said hair pulling was justified. No one ever said the woman was unarmed or unskilled. Who knows what she could've had or what skills she has? We sure as hell don't, neither did the Officer at the time.

at what point should he have made that realization and responded in a more appropriate mannor? He sure came to a lot of other snap decisions.

Big J
07-15-2007, 05:00 PM
I'm bored

07-15-2007, 05:01 PM
at what point should he have made that realization and responded in a more appropriate mannor? He sure came to a lot of other snap decisions.

You never know about the fighting skills someone has until they use them. You be extremely cautious and expect the worst out of everyone. He could make the realization that she had no weapons after the female officer arrived to search her, after she was handcuffed.

Big J
07-15-2007, 05:03 PM
She looked really dangerous to me......... and her fighting skills were off the chain

Big J
07-15-2007, 05:04 PM
good thing he neturalized them with a shaolin hair pull

07-15-2007, 05:04 PM
You know this how? Quit assuming shit.


Typical dumbass cop (who should have never become a cop.......I'm betting he's under 5'8") on a power trip. This time, he's taking out his aggression on female.
Video footage is undeniable proof.
Now until you prove otherwise, I'll assume you're a fucking moron.

Big J
07-15-2007, 05:05 PM
obviously his skills are lacking if he has to respond in that manor aganist an unarmed female

07-15-2007, 05:06 PM
Now I understand why QD doesn't try to reason with idiots so much...


07-15-2007, 05:08 PM
Now I understand why QD doesn't try to reason with idiots so much...


Notice how when reasoning came into the equation, I was ignored. Lolol. Later, QD.

07-15-2007, 05:11 PM
Bottom line; he was too aggressive. A typical trait of a cop on a power trip.

Big J
07-15-2007, 05:12 PM
I understand both sides, both side agree that some of it was potentially excessive. It's the "worth" of the actions that is manily in dissagreement

07-15-2007, 05:13 PM
LOLOL!!!! I'm going to assume you were serious with this comment because I did not see it followed by the three lettered initials...L O L. Please tell me where even you see this is the joke of thread. Later, QD.

I bring this back around. Don't know if you saw it and ignored because you caught what I was saying. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 05:16 PM
I bring this back around. Don't know if you saw it and ignored because you caught what I was saying. Later, QD.

I'm bored, that was my responce.

07-15-2007, 05:19 PM
I'm bored, that was my responce.

In other words you completely were lost on the point that I clearly made and I took any all alleged validity out of that comment. Later, QD.

07-15-2007, 06:04 PM
I didn't get him saying that at all. I see him saying don't get yourself in a predicament where the potential for this to happen will. If the lady had any sense, she wouldn't have been DUI in the first place. Same with anyone else that's out doing dumbass shit and get caught. If they were living a better life, they wouldn't be in the position to be approached by police. I'm not denouncing what the officer did, as he was excessive, but she would never had had this event had she not been DUI.

I don't know where you pulled your understanding from. Later, QD.

The point of the story is.. drunk or not, this happens all the time.

How would you feel if it was someone sober? Yes she was drunk... But, Im glad the video is out there for the public to see on how some cops act.

Her being drunk like that does not justify him using all the force. And yes, I know you agree that he used to much forced... But I think some of us are putting to much into the fact that she was drunk.. Yes, she was wrong..

But he abused his authority.

07-15-2007, 06:26 PM
her being intoxicated does matter because an officer will usually assess the risk one poses before acting. if she was clearly sober, i dont think he would have been as aggressive. but at the same time she probably wouldnt have acted like she did if she was sober.

07-15-2007, 06:26 PM
Bottom line; he was too aggressive. A typical trait of a cop on a power trip.

He WAS NOT too aggressive. Cops have the right to use ANY MEANS NECCESARY when someone is resisting. Male or female, hair pulling is legit in these situations.

What ever happened to women wanting to be treated as equals??? Girls always bitch about how they aren't treated as equals and then something like this happens and there like... "but it's a female":blah:. I don't care. That cop was not out of line at all and his life gets ruined over some bimbo driving drunk, not to mention her stupid ass getting money out of this, I'LL BE DAMNED

07-15-2007, 06:27 PM
The point of the story is.. drunk or not, this happens all the time.

How would you feel if it was someone sober? Yes she was drunk... But, Im glad the video is out there for the public to see on how some cops act.

Her being drunk like that does not justify him using all the force. And yes, I know you agree that he used to much forced... But I think some of us are putting to much into the fact that she was drunk.. Yes, she was wrong..

But he abused his authority.

Don't you confuse me, too, Julio. I'm not so pro-police that I'm blind to the idiots of each force. I haven't justified this officer at all. And I have stated numerous times in this thread that there are corrupt police everywhere. Later, QD.

07-15-2007, 06:54 PM
if u think are cops are soo bad go toanother country and come back and whine bout hair pulling..id take hair pulling any day over mace or tazer

07-15-2007, 07:03 PM
if u think are cops are soo bad go toanother country and come back and whine bout hair pulling..id take hair pulling any day over mace or tazer

If I didnt pay taxes.. I would probably think like that.. But when I do pay taxes and have common sense...... thats to much force..

Lets say, that was a 60 year old lady, drunk?

What would you guys think of that situation?

There is a reason why he was fired... ... and still some of you are still saying it was ok what he did.. :lmfao:

07-15-2007, 07:05 PM
if u think are cops are soo bad go toanother country and come back and whine bout hair pulling..id take hair pulling any day over mace or tazer

And I forgot to say.. I dont know if you ever been out of the US.. if you havent...

Cops in other countries are 1000% worst. same shit everywhere.

07-15-2007, 07:06 PM
If I didnt pay taxes.. I would probably think like that.. But when I do pay taxes and have common sense...... thats to much force..

Lets say, that was a 60 year old lady, drunk?

What would you guys think of that situation?

There is a reason why he was fired... ... and still some of you are still saying it was ok what he did.. :lmfao:

o,well.i stilll feel the same way..wrong or right

07-15-2007, 07:07 PM
He WAS NOT too aggressive. Cops have the right to use ANY MEANS NECCESARY when someone is resisting. Male or female, hair pulling is legit in these situations.

What ever happened to women wanting to be treated as equals??? Girls always bitch about how they aren't treated as equals and then something like this happens and there like... "but it's a female":blah:. I don't care. That cop was not out of line at all and his life gets ruined over some bimbo driving drunk, not to mention her stupid ass getting money out of this, I'LL BE DAMNED

Thats total BS talk right there... I hope she gets payed....
I bet if was your mother, sister or someone else that you knew.. you would think differently.

07-15-2007, 07:19 PM
He WAS NOT too aggressive. Cops have the right to use ANY MEANS NECCESARY when someone is resisting. Male or female, hair pulling is legit in these situations.

What ever happened to women wanting to be treated as equals??? Girls always bitch about how they aren't treated as equals and then something like this happens and there like... "but it's a female":blah:. I don't care. That cop was not out of line at all and his life gets ruined over some bimbo driving drunk, not to mention her stupid ass getting money out of this, I'LL BE DAMNED

I can't believe you're bringing in that equality BS!! :rolleyes:

It's a matter of physical aggression which is completely unnecessary towards someone who is smaller/weaker. UNDERSTAND? Whether he's a cop or not, showing his dominance by pulling her hair, slamming her on the ground, etc, shows what a fucking little pussy bitch piece of shit coward he is.
Men should not, in any way physically assault women or children. He could have easily restrained her and cuffed her without pulling her hair or slamming her on the ground face first. I hope his life gets ruined because he doesn't deserve to get away with that kind of shit. I hope the fucker is sued, loses his badge, and then tries to display any sort of violence towards another female when I'm around........oh the fun I would have :yes: :boxing:

07-15-2007, 07:26 PM
I bet if was your mother, sister or someone else that you knew.. you would think differently.
...as would someone who has had their mother/sister killed by a drunk driver

07-15-2007, 07:31 PM
Thats total BS talk right there... I hope she gets payed....
I bet if was your mother, sister or someone else that you knew.. you would think differently.

My mom is an alcoholic and i swear on my life i have stood in front of her car before to keep her from driving drunk.

How is that BS talk. If you guys want to talk about WHAT IF'S then....

What if she killed someone else or herself.

What if that cop hadn't come along and stopped her.

What if the person she killed was your mom or sibling.

The cop did nothing wrong and that wasn't BS talk

07-15-2007, 07:34 PM
My mom is an alcoholic and i swear on my life i have stood in front of her car before to keep her from driving drunk.

How is that BS talk. If you guys want to talk about WHAT IF'S then....

What if she killed someone else or herself.

What if that cop hadn't come along and stopped her.

What if the person she killed was your mom or sibling.

The cop did nothing wrong and that wasn't BS talk

None of that was going to happen, because she was on the side of the rode passed out :rolleyes:

Shit, he actually woke her up :lmfao:
If he wouldve let her sleep for a couple of more hours, she wouldve probably been sober.

You bring the equal topic up.. yes, thats total BS... Different situation.

We are not saying what she did was wrong.. we are actually talking about his behavior.

07-15-2007, 07:35 PM
if a cop is yelling at me to stop the car and get out, thats what im going to do. she told him no and also resisted arrest while on the ground. i think she deserved it. if it was a male driver, the video wouldnt be about to go to a grand jury. male or female, you are equally dangerous to the public when driving drunk.

no shit because that lil bitch ass cop wouldn't be able to manhandle a grown man out of his car/truck like he did that little female.

07-15-2007, 07:35 PM
I can't believe you're bringing in that equality BS!! :rolleyes:

It's a matter of physical aggression which is completely unnecessary towards someone who is smaller/weaker. UNDERSTAND? Whether he's a cop or not, showing his dominance by pulling her hair, slamming her on the ground, etc, shows what a fucking little pussy bitch piece of shit coward he is.
Men should not, in any way physically assault women or children. He could have easily restrained her and cuffed her without pulling her hair or slamming her on the ground face first. I hope his life gets ruined because he doesn't deserve to get away with that kind of shit. I hope the fucker is sued, loses his badge, and then tries to display any sort of violence towards another female when I'm around........oh the fun I would have :yes: :boxing:

and you wouldn't do shit if you saw that happen in front of you.
The cop was calm and polite until she wouldn't listen to him.

07-15-2007, 07:36 PM
None of that was going to happen, because she was on the side of the rode passed out :rolleyes:

how did she get there?

07-15-2007, 07:37 PM
i think you must have been watching a different video

07-15-2007, 07:37 PM
...as would someone who has had their mother/sister killed by a drunk driver

We are talking about the cops Dumb way of handling things.
We are not saying she was right for being drunk.. She was an idiot... But so was the cop..

If your mother and siter were killed by a drunk driver, sorry to hear that..

But, you are on revenge mode instead of common sense mode.

07-15-2007, 07:37 PM
None of that was going to happen, because she was on the side of the rode passed out :rolleyes:

Shit, he actually woke her up :lmfao:
If he wouldve let her sleep for a couple of more hours, she wouldve probably been sober.

You bring the equal topic up.. yes, thats total BS... Different situation.

We are not saying what she did was wrong.. we are actually talking about his behavior.

Perfectly said!
+1 million if I could

07-15-2007, 07:37 PM
how did she get there?

don't know but she had the since to pullover and just go to sleep

07-15-2007, 07:38 PM
and you wouldn't do shit if you saw that happen in front of you.
The cop was calm and polite until she wouldn't listen to him.

So why did he get fired? :lmfao:

07-15-2007, 07:39 PM
So why did he get fired? :lmfao:


07-15-2007, 07:40 PM
how did she get there?

Hopefully she had some open containers on her suv, She could simply say, she was drinking in her car.. as dumb as that sounds, but Ive seen/heard dumber shit.

But what If she says that? COp has no other proof she was driving..?

What if... hahaha

07-15-2007, 07:43 PM

Now he's going to blame our dumb system and how it wasnt "fair"

And how the higher ranks in the duluth police department should all get fired


07-15-2007, 07:47 PM
Hopefully she had some open containers on her suv, She could simply say, she was drinking in her car.. as dumb as that sounds, but Ive seen/heard dumber shit.

But what If she says that? COp has no other proof she was driving..?

What if... hahaha
if she was drinkin while driving she might have had some cans, in which case she'd probably get away scot free.:lmfao:

07-15-2007, 07:48 PM
no shit because that lil bitch ass cop wouldn't be able to manhandle a grown man out of his car/truck like he did that little female.

Like stated before if it had been a guy in the car, mace would have been involved and guns would have been pulled GUARANTEED
Getting her hair pulled isn't shit. Look at the video again where he pulls her out by her hair. He reaches for her hands and arms and she starts slapping away. IT'S HER FAULT

07-15-2007, 07:53 PM
So why did he get fired? :lmfao:

To get the heat off of the department....
happens all the time, doesn't mean he did wrong

07-15-2007, 07:55 PM
We are talking about the cops Dumb way of handling things.
We are not saying she was right for being drunk.. She was an idiot... But so was the cop..

If your mother and siter were killed by a drunk driver, sorry to hear that..

But, you are on revenge mode instead of common sense mode.
i was just stating the other hypothetical point of view. i just like play the devils advocate.

07-15-2007, 09:09 PM
There is absolutely NO NEED to get that aggressive with a female.
Fucking pig. He'll get his one day; good thing it was made public who he is.

Stupidest post so far in this thread.

Also, your avatar and then your statement are quite contradictory.

Big J
07-15-2007, 09:38 PM
LOLOL!!!! I'm going to assume you were serious with this comment because I did not see it followed by the three lettered initials...L O L. Please tell me where even you see this is the joke of thread. Later, QD.

Her being deaf could explain why she didn't initally respond, and that was followed by a disclaimer of being hypothetical.

I'm having trouble following, "this is the joke of thread".

07-15-2007, 09:46 PM
Her being deaf could explain why she didn't initally respond, and that was followed by a disclaimer of being hypothetical.

LOLOL!!! You were serious, then. Her being deaf would have hindered her progress in getting a driver's license in the first place, cuzz. There's no hypothetical anything in that.

I'm having trouble following, "this is the joke of thread".

My above explanation might help you with your trouble. Lolol. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:25 PM
LOLOL!!! You were serious, then. Her being deaf would have hindered her progress in getting a driver's license in the first place, cuzz. There's no hypothetical anything in that.

Are you serious? Do you actually think deaf people can't get a drivers license? wow :rolleyes:

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:26 PM
Call the DMV and ask.

07-15-2007, 11:27 PM
Lolol. I'm legally deaf. And I drive with CDL. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:27 PM
I'll be waiting for you to tell me you were wrong.

07-15-2007, 11:28 PM
I'll be waiting for you to tell me you were wrong.

Why would I? Read above. Later, QD.

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:28 PM
Blind people can't get a license, deaf people can.

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:30 PM
What the fuck was your point?

Big J
07-15-2007, 11:33 PM
LOLOL!!! You were serious, then. Her being deaf would have hindered her progress in getting a driver's license in the first place, cuzz. There's no hypothetical anything in that.

You totally owned yourself on that one, nothing hypothetical in that.

07-15-2007, 11:45 PM
deaf drunk bitch behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, the cop should have beat the shit out of that disable lady

I really hope she gets no money. If it was a innocent I would give a damn, but I really don't give a shit about drunk drivers

07-16-2007, 12:17 AM
Stupidest post so far in this thread.

Also, your avatar and then your statement are quite contradictory.

If you would have asked me to explain the point of my avatar, I would have since that would have constituted that you may have at least half a brain, and/or were curious. But you decided to post without thinking first.
That being said, what relevance of contradiction is there?
Wait, I'm asking an idiot. Nevermind.

07-16-2007, 01:37 AM
If you would have asked me to explain the point of my avatar, I would have since that would have constituted that you may have at least half a brain, and/or were curious. But you decided to post without thinking first.
That being said, what relevance of contradiction is there?
Wait, I'm asking an idiot. Nevermind.

Hmmm, you think I need an explanation? You clearly have a picture of a beaten and bruised woman, with it saying she didn't know when to shut up. Seems self explanatory, I do not see what else it could mean.

Well apparently this bitch that the cop took out of her car didn't know when to shut up either. So going along with your avatar, she got what she deserved.

Seems crystal clear to me.

Oh, and yes thanks for the insult of calling me an idiot. Let me go cry in my corner that someone on the internet called me a name.

Eat a dick bitch.

07-16-2007, 03:59 PM
^ LOL:goodjob:

07-17-2007, 03:10 AM
Hmmm, you think I need an explanation? You clearly have a picture of a beaten and bruised woman, with it saying she didn't know when to shut up. Seems self explanatory, I do not see what else it could mean.

Well apparently this bitch that the cop took out of her car didn't know when to shut up either. So going along with your avatar, she got what she deserved.

Seems crystal clear to me.

Oh, and yes thanks for the insult of calling me an idiot. Let me go cry in my corner that someone on the internet called me a name.

Eat a dick bitch.

Dumbfuck, my avatar is just a avatar, nothing more. Just like you're not Don fucking Corleone, you fucking wannabe (how did you like that one, shitstain? I had to stoop down to your level :lmfao: )

Speaking of "someone on the internet" blah blah blah......I heard you were at the Athens meet a few weeks ago. Let me know next time you come out. Talking shit on the internet is easy; even a 12 y/o can do it. Let's see what you can do in person.

07-17-2007, 03:20 AM

He is gentle, dont be worry he wouldnt hurt anyone.

Just remember to bring a female between the ages 18-21 and I promise he wont pay you any mind:)

Big J
07-17-2007, 06:30 AM
thread failure

07-17-2007, 09:54 PM
exactly if it was a guy he would have gotten tazered or maced,and nobody would be making a big deal out of this...

also if she was black,people would be calling him racist

I have to say this is the biggest truth and this is why in other countries there judicial systems OWN OURS!

07-17-2007, 09:58 PM
There is absolutely NO NEED to get that aggressive with a female.
Fucking pig. He'll get his one day; good thing it was made public who he is.

awww feminist , yall are soooo cute!

07-17-2007, 10:00 PM
Dumbfuck, my avatar is just a avatar, nothing more. Just like you're not Don fucking Corleone, you fucking wannabe (how did you like that one, shitstain? I had to stoop down to your level :lmfao: )

Speaking of "someone on the internet" blah blah blah......I heard you were at the Athens meet a few weeks ago. Let me know next time you come out. Talking shit on the internet is easy; even a 12 y/o can do it. Let's see what you can do in person.

:thinking: Your response was weak. Quite weak I must say. Your response was your avatar is an avatar. Now if that isn't the statement of the year I don't know what is. I clearly made a valid point that left you no room to argue, so you resort to childish insults and being an e-thug.

My avatar goes along with my username, which is a nickname many call me. Since I will not be putting a picture of myself on there, I put Don Corleone.

I hope tonight you sleep better knowing you challeged someone you don't even know to a fight over an online argument where you made yourself look like nothing more than an ignorant hypocrite.


He is gentle, dont be worry he wouldnt hurt anyone.

Just remember to bring a female between the ages 18-21 and I promise he wont pay you any mind:)


07-17-2007, 10:03 PM
Because the fucking pig probably told her to drive off so he'll have ample reason to get her for DUI. Typical entrapment.

i think I choked on my laugh from this.. Im sorry but I fcuking hate how I get profiled in my BLUE STI! but I rather them do that and not get on to people like that fucking idiot who nails that nice ass integra on 85 in his sti! (pics in the car pic thread :() People need to be taught lessons no matter if you black white yellow brown male or female! I say you and play the drunk bitch and I PLAY THE OFFICER and we will some witnesses and see how the first part went.!~ :goodjob:

I was wondering how long it would be before this goddamn shit was brought in. Later, QD.

I agree. but whether if ***** chink cracker/honkey or **** could have been used this type of stuff is happening far to much in our society. Lawyers need less power and people need to learn that = RESISTING = YOU ARE GOING TO BE BROUGHT DOWN! Served her right. I wished they would use this as a way to show you that everything WILL BE TREATED EQUALLY.........

She looked really dangerous to me......... and her fighting skills were off the chain
she resisted ..that skill was used...... and she could have had BOWSTAFF SKILLS,,,, GTFO MOE-RON

Typical dumbass cop (who should have never become a cop.......I'm betting he's under 5'8") on a power trip. This time, he's taking out his aggression on female.
Video footage is undeniable proof.
Now until you prove otherwise, I'll assume you're a fucking moron.

I betting that you were beat down by officers for trafficing drugs and now this is your time to find some revenge in this event. Grow and realize ...What if she got away and did do what she said in .. "im not stopping" and hit you while driving like that and killed you!!"

07-17-2007, 10:07 PM
The point of the story is.. drunk or not, this happens all the time.
How would you feel if it was someone sober? Yes she was drunk... But, Im glad the video is out there for the public to see on how some cops act.

Her being drunk like that does not justify him using all the force. And yes, I know you agree that he used to much forced... But I think some of us are putting to much into the fact that she was drunk.. Yes, she was wrong..

But he abused his authority.



if u think are cops are soo bad go toanother country and come back and whine bout hair pulling..id take hair pulling any day over mace or tazer


If I didnt pay taxes.. I would probably think like that.. But when I do pay taxes and have common sense...... thats to much force..

Lets say, that was a 60 year old lady, drunk?

What would you guys think of that situation?

There is a reason why he was fired... ... and still some of you are still saying it was ok what he did.. :lmfao:

60 year old lady would HOPEFULLY have more sense then that dumb bitch TO NOT RESIST

Thats total BS talk right there... I hope she gets payed....
I bet if was your mother, sister or someone else that you knew.. you would think differently.

is that was my GF or one of my sisters. I would help that damn cop and drag them further! I WOULD WHOOP THEIR ASS'S FOR ENDANGERING THEMSELVES, AND WHO KNOWS WHAT THAT DRUNK BITCH DID BEFORE SHE WAS CAUGHT!!! EVER THINK ABOUT THAT

Men should not, in any way physically assault women or children. He could have easily restrained her and cuffed her without pulling her hair or slamming her on the ground face first. I hope his life gets ruined because he doesn't deserve to get away with that kind of shit. I hope the fucker is sued, loses his badge, and then tries to display any sort of violence towards another female when I'm around........oh the fun I would have :yes: :boxing:

Awww did you never get a spanking as a child.. GROW UP.... :idb: .......... 30 years ago you could beat the hell out your kid for doing stupid shit now if the parent looks at the kid wrong child services looks into it.....


07-17-2007, 10:10 PM
None of that was going to happen, because she was on the side of the rode passed out :rolleyes:
Shit, he actually woke her up :lmfao:
If he wouldve let her sleep for a couple of more hours, she wouldve probably been sober.
You bring the equal topic up.. yes, thats total BS... Different situation.
We are not saying what she did was wrong.. we are actually talking about his behavior.

What was she sober till she stopped? If she was passed out why did the car move and he has to yell at her to HIT THE BRAKE?!?! HAHAHAHA :screwy::lmfao::goodjob::lmfao::thinking:

no shit because that lil bitch ass cop wouldn't be able to manhandle a grown man out of his car/truck like he did that little female.

EXACTLY AND THATS WHY THEY HAVE TASERS AND MACE! yay for idiots like you... Go try and pass the test at the academy!!! :lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:

07-17-2007, 10:28 PM
Damn dubS03. Combine those quotes into one or two posts. You did a whole page by yourself of quotes. Later, QD.

07-17-2007, 10:30 PM
Damn dubS03. Combine those quotes into one or two posts. You did a whole page by yourself of quotes. Later, QD.

IM about to
im just pissed about all this

07-17-2007, 10:44 PM
haha i post with no one reading and look what happens!!

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 7 (7 members and 0 guests)
dubs03rsx, MaRk2k, ruah_23, TheGodfather, SicStang03, con, 1SICKLEX

07-17-2007, 10:45 PM
dubs03rsx = reps

07-18-2007, 09:36 PM
i think I choked on my laugh from this.. Im sorry but I fcuking hate how I get profiled in my BLUE STI! but I rather them do that and not get on to people like that fucking idiot who nails that nice ass integra on 85 in his sti! (pics in the car pic thread :() People need to be taught lessons no matter if you black white yellow brown male or female! I say you and play the drunk bitch and I PLAY THE OFFICER and we will some witnesses and see how the first part went.!~ :goodjob:

Let's do it.
I'm up for it.
Are you?

Come on bitch. I even have a cop friend who has a uniform you can borrow.

I betting that you were beat down by officers for trafficing drugs and now this is your time to find some revenge in this event. Grow and realize ...What if she got away and did do what she said in .. "im not stopping" and hit you while driving like that and killed you

And I'm betting that you're in way over your head with your comments.

Never been beat down by an officer, never trafficked drugs. I don't need to get revenge, I just love hitting people that deserve it.

07-18-2007, 09:57 PM
:thinking: Your response was weak. Quite weak I must say. Your response was your avatar is an avatar. Now if that isn't the statement of the year I don't know what is. I clearly made a valid point that left you no room to argue, so you resort to childish insults and being an e-thug.

My avatar goes along with my username, which is a nickname many call me. Since I will not be putting a picture of myself on there, I put Don Corleone.

I hope tonight you sleep better knowing you challeged someone you don't even know to a fight over an online argument where you made yourself look like nothing more than an ignorant hypocrite.


:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

You've got to be the biggest fucking moron to not be able to understand that one!
Here it is again, in simpler terms (and larger font):

An avatar could, but does not necessarily describe the person using it. Understand? Just like you're not Don Corleone, and I'm not a beaten/bruised female wearing a purple shirt. Come on dipshit, it's pretty fucking simple to understand.

The only valid point you made is that you post more nonsense than the average person on IA. If you're gonna talk/post shit, be prepared to back it up with something, either an e-battle (which you're obviously limited to, despite your lack of understanding and pointless comments) or a real one.

07-18-2007, 10:38 PM
I am not reading 5 pages of arguments. I think he should have done the world a favor, and put one in her head.

07-18-2007, 10:45 PM
:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

You've got to be the biggest fucking moron to not be able to understand that one!
Here it is again, in simpler terms (and larger font):

An avatar could, but does not necessarily describe the person using it. Understand? Just like you're not Don Corleone, and I'm not a beaten/bruised female wearing a purple shirt. Come on dipshit, it's pretty fucking simple to understand.

The only valid point you made is that you post more nonsense than the average person on IA. If you're gonna talk/post shit, be prepared to back it up with something, either an e-battle (which you're obviously limited to, despite your lack of understanding and pointless comments) or a real one.

Sigh. Yes, I am going to waste my time with a piece of shit failed abortion such as yourself by driving all the way up from Tampa to fight you over your stupidity and lack of knowing when a cop has to do his job.

Please explain how the hell you dodged the rusty hanger while in the womb? It is the only explanation for you being alive.

Once again, my avatar goes with my nickame, so your avatar, like most other peoples, should go with something about them or something they think is funny.

I never said you were that bitch in the avatar, I mentioned you obvoiusly found that picture with the words funny or got a kick out of it. I'm not saying I don't, but you are the one going beserk on account of a cop taking a stupid drunk bitch out of her car, when she didn't know what the fuck to do.

I can only hope and pray by some form of devine intervention that your life does not last much longer. Based on your feeble minded responses, you won't be missed.

07-18-2007, 10:49 PM

07-18-2007, 11:00 PM
WTF happened to my thread, im gone for a few days and now its up to 9 pages, Cliff notes from someone please

07-18-2007, 11:18 PM
Sigh. Yes, I am going to waste my time with a piece of shit failed abortion such as yourself by driving all the way up from Tampa to fight you over your stupidity and lack of knowing when a cop has to do his job.

Please explain how the hell you dodged the rusty hanger while in the womb? It is the only explanation for you being alive.

Once again, my avatar goes with my nickame, so your avatar, like most other peoples, should go with something about them or something they think is funny.

I never said you were that bitch in the avatar, I mentioned you obvoiusly found that picture with the words funny or got a kick out of it. I'm not saying I don't, but you are the one going beserk on account of a cop taking a stupid drunk bitch out of her car, when she didn't know what the fuck to do.

I can only hope and pray by some form of devine intervention that your life does not last much longer. Based on your feeble minded responses, you won't be missed.

Oh, I'm sure you'll find other reasons to come up here besides having to "fight" me :lmfao: Just let me know when you do. It will be fun. I'm sure it will involve some level of humiliation; just a regular ass-beating would not suffice.
I could care less if your avatar meant that you like sucking the shit off your dad's dick after he fucks you in the ass! Feeble minded........that's what your dad thinks of you every time you submit to his cock.
And since I'm not religious, keep your prayers to yourself.
And it's spelled divine, with an "i", dumbass.

07-18-2007, 11:22 PM
Feeble minded........that's what your dad thinks of you every time you submit to his cock.

You should stop, that was some third grade shit right there.

07-19-2007, 12:13 AM
Oh, I'm sure you'll find other reasons to come up here besides having to "fight" me :lmfao: Just let me know when you do. It will be fun. I'm sure it will involve some level of humiliation; just a regular ass-beating would not suffice.
I could care less if your avatar meant that you like sucking the shit off your dad's dick after he fucks you in the ass! Feeble minded........that's what your dad thinks of you every time you submit to his cock.
And since I'm not religious, keep your prayers to yourself.
And it's spelled divine, with an "i", dumbass.

Just a regular ass beating would not suffice? So while feeling the need to insult my deceased father, you also feel the need to threaten my life online, or threaten an ass beating isn't enough.

For the love of God you are one dumb shit. You do realize you are stooping to childish insults and threats to prove your point? Do you know how rediculous you look right now saying you want me to drive 9 hours to meet up with you over some online argument? You say you aren't religious, but I'm sure some rosaries could be said on your account, because you need it.

Buddy, you are taking this too far and I am finished with this bullshit.

You should stop, that was some third grade shit right there.

Yes sir it was.

07-19-2007, 12:42 AM
Just a regular ass beating would not suffice? So while feeling the need to insult my deceased father, you also feel the need to threaten my life online, or threaten an ass beating isn't enough.

For the love of God you are one dumb shit. You do realize you are stooping to childish insults and threats to prove your point? Do you know how rediculous you look right now saying you want me to drive 9 hours to meet up with you over some online argument? You say you aren't religious, but I'm sure some rosaries could be said on your account, because you need it.

Buddy, you are taking this too far and I am finished with this bullshit.

You gave me no choice but to stoop to childish levels. Why you had to start shit with me, I don't know. Obviously you don't know me. Why then? I did not threaten your life. I don't want you to drive 9 hours over an online argument. But next time you come up here, be sure to let me know.
And wait, there is no God. So you can't love what doesn't exist.
See? A total waste of shit-talking.
Lesson learned the easy way.
+1 for you

07-19-2007, 12:57 AM
You gave me no choice but to stoop to childish levels. Why you had to start shit with me, I don't know. Obviously you don't know me. Why then? I did not threaten your life. I don't want you to drive 9 hours over an online argument. But next time you come up here, be sure to let me know.
And wait, there is no God. So you can't love what doesn't exist.
See? A total waste of shit-talking.
Lesson learned the easy way.
+1 for you

:thinking: I do believe in God, so no point in saying that wasted anything. Faith is belief in something you cannot see, but know is there. Some have it, some don't. Makes no difference to me.

I did not force you to stoop to childish levels, you did that on your own.

I never claimed to know you. I made a simple observation a toddler could have made.

I am not sure what lesson I am supposed to have learned, but I still love the fact you expect me to let you know next time I come up. That cracks me up that you, who I do not know and have said that in this post as well as before, wants to approach me and fight me.

E thugging ain't easy.

07-19-2007, 12:58 AM
E thugging ain't easy.

Rookie, lolol. Later, QD.