View Full Version : Work out Crew- Please help

07-10-2005, 09:03 PM
I'd need some guidance and some plan to get cut. I'm currently at the ideal weight for my height, but with some fat, especially in the gut. It's no excuse but it's due to my eating then immediate sit down and work all the time :( Please help me with some plan as i need to get cut and back to my original self.

Here's my general schedule:

1st 2 weeks: walk and jog for 2 miles per day.
next 2 weeks: run for 3-4 miles per day.

I know that I need to do some muscle work to help burning fat, but my back and neck are still hurt from the accident, so I can't do crunches or any abwork, please tell me what can I do? Also, drinking protein would help increase muscle mass thus help burn more fat, but I'm affraid that I'll continue to gain weigh. :(

Please help, thanks a lot. :)

07-10-2005, 09:05 PM
sucks that you can do any exercises..

07-10-2005, 11:07 PM
Ia people don't work out? :(

07-10-2005, 11:09 PM
VPX redline.... use it


b.a.d. s2000
07-10-2005, 11:20 PM
lots of water. no fatty food. try not to drink any soft drinks. You have to do weight lifting in order to get cut. lots of reps, light to medium weight.

07-10-2005, 11:23 PM
lots of water. no fatty food. try not to drink any soft drinks. You have to do weight lifting in order to get cut. lots of reps, light to medium weight.


07-10-2005, 11:26 PM
What to drink then?...my fat ass needs to loose some inches too

07-10-2005, 11:33 PM
I would only drink juices or water. If you do start going to the gym, run after your workouts. Dieting is the biggest part about getting in shape. Try to eat healthy and sparactic small meals through out the day. Protien shakes won't make you fat.


07-10-2005, 11:33 PM
Be sure to cheat 1-2 days a week in order to keep your metabolism up, or else you're metabolism is gonna start slowing down and when you come off the diet you'll end up putting more on than you lost. I gotta cheat 2-3 days a week cuz my metabolism is fuckin ridiculously high, never been over 6-7% bf in my life.

Do your cardio first thing in the morning before you eat, run for 30-45 minutes so your body can burn fat for the energy and then eat to refuel it, egg whites and oatmeal and possibly a peice of fruit.

Definitely make sure your doing some weight training on top of all of that too, cuz cardio only is gonna end up with you burning muscle too and you dont want that. b.a.d. s2000 had it right for if you're not trying to gain weight, keep the weight moderate and a higher rep range for fat burning and muscle maintaining. If you wanna put some size on as well then of course more weight fewer reps.

There's really too many things to consider to really tell you exactly what to do based on one post so if you want, hit me on the AIM or back in this thread so I can be sure I'm getting everything you wanna know answered.

07-10-2005, 11:34 PM
CrAcK CoCaInE!!!!!!!

or use creatine, get JACKED it works reall well

07-10-2005, 11:58 PM
Thanks guys. I'll sure to do a lot of running and eating healthy + carb free protein.

however, I can't do any weight lifting for a while since my injury is still there. I do have this cardio machine at home called weslo. it's like using my arm and feet together to push my body weight or something. I think it'll help out considering the muscle tone too.

So basically the schedule is:

8: AM: Protein shakes, and 30 min jog, then fruits and cereal (healthy ones)
noon: Small meal (chicken, bean, and brown rice)
3pm. Protein shakes + snacks.
evening: 30 min run, and that cardio/minor muscle work out machine. Small dinner (like chicken, Tofu, Fishes, Veggies?)
Night: Fruits and protein shakes

What supplement can i take to help?? VPX Redline or Creatine???

Thanks a lot guys.

07-10-2005, 11:59 PM
JACKED check the vitamin shop by Gwinnett Mall

07-11-2005, 12:49 AM
a bag of potato chips never hurts

07-11-2005, 12:54 AM
i would just stick with protien until u hit the gym. when u start going to the gym I can help you out on what i took and etc. i can send ya before and after pics to show u and stuff. but right now i'd say just keep up the diet and run. good luck.


07-11-2005, 12:57 AM
water is ESSENTIAL for losing fat. You definitely need to up the 2 miles. Try to do 4 miles 1st 2 weeks and 6 the next two. Do weights on upper body one day, then lower the next day. and what JustinSane said about reps. (if you drink beer/alcohol...QUIT NOW)

07-11-2005, 02:31 AM
How many miles/minutes would you suggest for a stationary bike? I'm not in a real runner friendly area so running around isn't really an option, atleast not close to home. I was doing about 5 miles in 20 mins back when I was into it... but wasn't seein' any results so I got off it. I could use any suggestions also heh. I started lifting weights a couple months ago along with taking creatine, but now I put it off because all I was doing was gaining weight. I put on about 18lbs in 2 1/2 weeks. I know muscle weighs more than fat, but I'm not trying to bulk up at this point, I'm trying to just get down to an average weight, then I'll worry about getting bulk muscle. I appreciate any info.

07-11-2005, 10:29 AM
If you want to get cut dieting alone will not get you the physique that you desire. You will loose weight yes but you will not have muscle definition without some sort of weight training. Are you a heavy guy or are you a fat skinny guy? Definition of a fat skinny guy is belly fat with no muscle definition, no visible signs of muscle transition. Example would not being able to see your front delts apart from you pecs. If your a skinny fat guy you will have an easier time dropping fat and getting definition than someone who is heavy.

The key is going to be your diet. Diet is the most important thing when it comes to weight training and gettig fit. Supplements are only that they are to supplement your diet. Just because you take diet pills or gear does not mean you can eat what you want. You are going to want to eat 6 meals a day, these meals will be smaller than normal. Drink water and only water if you are really serious. Stay away form soft drinks. Stick with high protein meals with carbs early in the day and before you lift or your physical activity for the day. Stay away from processed foods, saturated fats and high sugar foods.

You will need some sort of weight training, even if it is light in order to loose fat and see definition. The more muscle your body has the more fat you body will burn. You will need to build muscle in order to offset the the effect cardio and running will have on what muscle you do have. It is easier for your body to use muscle for energy than fat so while you loose weight some of it will be muscle and if you do not have alot to begin with you will be dissapointed in the end result. Crunches will not give you wash board abs only low body fat will. You have abs right now and depending on whether you want a bulky miud section or a flat cut mid section will determine the type of ab workout you do. The myth that more reps will help you cut is an absolute myth. More reps will not help you cut only low body fat will do that period. High reps will help with endurance but do nothing to help cut. Stick with the 5-8 rep range with moderate to heavy weight. These guys in the gym lifting light weight and say I am trying to cut up and not bulk up are jokes, they are just pussies who lift anything heavier and use that as an excuse to justify curling 20lb dumbbells.

When it comes to supplements you really only need a few. Protein is a must. A shake as soon as you wake up since you body will need protein very fast since your body has had nothing new in it thru the night. A protein shake 10 mins after oyu work out is a must as well. This is where you body will need it the most and your muscles will be soaking up every nutrient it can, now is the time to feed them more than ever. You can include some carbs in this shake as it will help aid in recovery. Redline is one of the few ephedra free product sI would recommend. It iwll give you the shakes sometimes but it will give you incredible energy and it willhelp loose the lbs. Do not take Redline until you are in a regular routine which should take 3-4 months at the minimum to get your body used to it. It takes time, this will not happen over night or in a week. You cannot change your body with a magic pill, it takes time and dedication. Proper training techniques and a proper diet are a must.

If you are serious and I mean serious then feel free to ask me anything. People tend to get in the mood to work out and then quit after a month or so they quit. This isn't somehting you can do 2 days a week, it's a complete lifestyle change. I never thought I would be bale to change my whole lifestyle but I have and worth every bit of it. I eat almost no junk food anymore at all, candy, chocolate, chips, cake all that good shit is gone from my diet. My new diet will consist of chicken and fish only for meat. Steaks will be sued on the weekends if I go out and eat but probably not more than once or twice a month. I eat 1-2 cans or tuna a day, take 2-3 shakes a day eat 5-7 times a day as well. I was the fat skinny guy I guess. I am an extremely hard gainer with a metabolism that is ridiculous. Right now I am training for strength so I have some unwanted bodyfat. I am not a big guy, I am not arnold but I do know what I am doing and hopefully if I can get past my biggest obsticle which is my diet, I need to put away more calories I should be able to reach my goal.

I know I lef out alot of stuff, not enough time to type it all.

07-11-2005, 10:39 AM

07-11-2005, 11:31 AM
If you can't lift weight, here's what you should do.

1. Run 3-4 miles a day..slow pace,fast pace it's ur choice but u have to run for that long..it's good if it's continuous.

2. Try swimming if u can't run..20 laps or more

3. Eat healthy food. NO FASTFOOD!!

4.Try eating more in ur breakfast and split your lunches...one at 12 and at 4.

5.Do not eat anything after 6 pm...except fruits and drink(water,juice,no sodas)

6.it's not neccesary to take supplements shake ect ect. You want protein, eat more food that contain most protein and drink a lot of milk.Remember some supplements are not FDA approved.
5.Do some fun sports on the wkend...soccer,cycling ect ect.

Hope this help.Gd luck!:)

07-11-2005, 11:50 AM
Not most but almost all supps are no FDA approved. That is why they keep trying to pass bills to make all supplements and vitamins banned so "big business" canprofit from them and sell them solely. Look at these commercials for everything, they have a long list of side effects most of which are worse than steroids. When was the last time someone died from a protein shake?

Where do you get don't eat anything after 6 pm from? I can see cutting out the carbs but eating after 6 is just fine.

07-11-2005, 01:36 PM
When was the last time someone died from a protein shake?

Some proteins are so damn nasty that you'll almost wish you'd die haha. Glad I found the kinds I like, cuz some of them are borderline Fear Factor shit. :lmfao:

Where do you get don't eat anything after 6 pm from? I can see cutting out the carbs but eating after 6 is just fine.
Yeah, I was wondering about that too. That would kinda make 6 meals a day hard. Especially when your last meal is gonna have to keep you "fueled" through the night. Easy last meal of the night would be Protein shake mixed with milk instead of water, it digests slower so it fuels you for longer.

07-11-2005, 02:17 PM
It may taste like shit but it won't kill you. haha I prefer ON 100% Whey, I always mix with milk which gives me approx. 60 grams per shake and tastes awesome.

07-11-2005, 02:25 PM
body for life protein shakes rock ecspecially chocolate....we work out every night after dinner for about an hour or more doing mostly upper body doing more weight less reps and weighted crunches and medicine ball crunches and stuff then come back and rest and drink a protein shake or two....definately is helping get bicep and tricep definition

07-11-2005, 02:42 PM
So basically the schedule is:

8: AM: Protein shakes, and 30 min jog, then fruits and cereal (healthy ones)
noon: Small meal (chicken, bean, and brown rice)
3pm. Protein shakes + snacks.
evening: 30 min run, and that cardio/minor muscle work out machine. Small dinner (like chicken, Tofu, Fishes, Veggies?)
Night: Fruits and protein shakes

VPX Redline

try nothing before the run... and take the protein shake after your jog.. jog for at least 40 minutes.. typical person doesnt start burning fat until 20 minutesinto their cardio routine..

dont eat breakfast just take the shake.. but get a good shake make sure its weah ( sp?) protein and use it as a meal replacement system

dont eat lunch eaither take another protein shake

evening jog is good drink a shake after it and than a light dinner.. eat chicken its low in fat and high in protein..

thats what id do.. also before every wokout take a shot of Redline.. Redline is the best fat burner on the market... ..

Also make sure you get a good thich shake. they make Meal REplacement Systems that give you everything you need and it is a good suplement for weight loss..

Cutting out carbs is not necessary, id wont do any good unless you really cont them and take in no less than 15 grams a day...

i wouldnt worry about it though, because those shakes will load you up with carbs and you wil not be effective.. just do a low fat diet and you'll be fine

do it like that.. i lost 55 lbs in 6 months doing a similiar thing, but i did a 5 mile run once a day and cut out all carbs..

I eventually started heavy lifting and went to shakes as a supplement

07-11-2005, 02:54 PM
It may taste like shit but it won't kill you. haha I prefer ON 100% Whey, I always mix with milk which gives me approx. 60 grams per shake and tastes awesome.
Thats pretty good stuff, thats what I'm using right now. I usually get Beverly International Mass Maker and Ultra Size though. 6 scoops of the Mass Maker and 2 scoops of the Ultra Size in water with some ice, few Oreos, a spoon of PB, and a little bit of powdered choc. milk mix. Damn thats some good shit haha, approx. 75-80g per shake.

07-11-2005, 05:05 PM
wow, thanks a lot everyone. I'll start slow. i know it's not the magical overnight thing and will take months but I'll keep it going. I used to be in such good shape in HS because I played sports and such. But I haven't been since college and now work. I'll try my best. Thanks everyone for the advice.

Now, where can I go locally to get some protein at a good price? :D GNC is way overpriced :(

07-11-2005, 06:39 PM
Where do you get don't eat anything after 6 pm from? I can see cutting out the carbs but eating after 6 is just fine.

It''s what I do all the time since after 6pm, The level of activity decreases.It might not true for some people who work till night but in my case, it's true.

07-11-2005, 07:26 PM
Put on a back brace, and then work out. Do sitting weight lifting. My back was messed up for almost 6 months, but I still lifted, wore a back brace and made sure my shit was all stretched out before doing anything.