View Full Version : Speeding Ticket Question

07-11-2007, 09:50 PM
*Puts on flame suit*

Ok so some of you know that about a week or so ago I got a pretty nifty speeding ticket. 87 in a 45 with nobody else on the road and a motorcycle cop sitting in some tree limbs.

Well the cop lowered the speed to the ticket to 60 in a 45 only if I go to drivers ED before court. Pretty nice eh. On the ticket under the Remarks section in section 2 (violation). He noted "M/R" then 87, and circled the 87. Now im not dumb I know what the 87 means but what about the M/R part?

Now my real question is. just a few minutes ago coming back from work i passed a sign that said that street was a 50MPH zone. On the ticket he wrote a 60 in a 45. So If I took some pics and brought them to court with me would that make the ticket less for being a 60 in a 50? Or could they bring it back to the full 87 MPH violation and it be 87 in 50?

Before it happens I know I was in the wrong and I know that the officer gave me a VERY good deal because I could be in jail with a suspended liscense. I also know that what I did was VERY stupid and I dont plan on doing it again because I am selling the Z and getting a diff. lifted truck. (Cant haul too much as with those or youy will flip that sucker/lose control). Any idea's?

RECAP QUESTION: Can the judge charge me for the actual speed I was going instead of the 60 in a 45 that the officer originally marked on the ticket

BTW: Nowhere on the ticket does it say it was 87 just the 87 and a circle around it.

07-11-2007, 09:54 PM
*Puts on flame suit*

Ok so some of you know that about a week or so ago I got a pretty nifty speeding ticket. 87 in a 45 with nobody else on the road and a motorcycle cop sitting in some tree limbs.

Well the cop lowered the speed to the ticket to 60 in a 45 only if I go to drivers ED before court. Pretty nice eh. On the ticket under the Remarks section in section 2 (violation). He noted "M/R" then 87, and circled the 87. Now im not dumb I know what the 87 means but what about the M/R part?

Now my real question is. just a few minutes ago coming back from work i passed a sign that said that street was a 50MPH zone. On the ticket he wrote a 60 in a 45. So If I took some pics and brought them to court with me would that make the ticket less for being a 60 in a 50? Or could they bring it back to the full 87 MPH violation and it be 87 in 50?

Before it happens I know I was in the wrong and I know that the officer gave me a VERY good deal because I could be in jail with a suspended liscense. I also know that what I did was VERY stupid and I dont plan on doing it again because I am selling the Z and getting a diff. lifted truck. (Cant haul too much as with those or youy will flip that sucker/lose control). Any idea's?

RECAP QUESTION: Can the judge charge me for the actual speed I was going instead of the 60 in a 45 that the officer originally marked on the ticket

BTW: Nowhere on the ticket does it say it was 87 just the 87 and a circle around it.

no idea but honestly if he gave u a break just take it and run dont try to fight it just my :2cents:

07-11-2007, 09:59 PM
no idea but honestly if he gave u a break just take it and run dont try to fight it just my :2cents:

Thats what I was thinking but i mean if there aint nothing he can do about it because thats what my ticket says and HE wrote down the wrong speed limit for that zone. Then IDK I was just kinda curious since I saw the speed limit was higher than what he wrote down.

Crazy Asian
07-11-2007, 10:07 PM
On these cases fuck it just pay up. Nothing you can do seriously.

40th GT
07-11-2007, 10:10 PM
I think you ran into a dumbass cop. Why not just write you up for 65 in a 50 instead of writing you for a wrong speed zone. (60 in a 45)

But yea, I agree with DA6. There's nothing you can do about this and I'd just take the break with gratitude.

07-11-2007, 10:13 PM
1. Speeding is speeding. The number doesn't reflect anything. They're just evidence to show that you commited a charge.

How heavy the fine is all depend on what the judge wants. He can charge you to the maximum if you speed 5mile over and acted stupid in front of him or charged you the minimum if you speed 30mi and be sincere and acknowledge your mistake.

2. Take the plead bargain and follow the steps I've described before in the previous threads about speeding.


07-11-2007, 10:20 PM
Well, if you feel it's concrete enough so the judge wouldn't know, take it into court and if the cop doesn't show try and see if something can be done about it then and there without going to trial or anything. PIctures might not hurt either.

07-11-2007, 10:39 PM
Slow it down, and you wouldn't have to worry about this.

07-11-2007, 10:42 PM
Slow it down, and you wouldn't have to worry about this.

I know this thats why I was apologizing and taking the officers deal so gratuitously.

07-11-2007, 10:42 PM
FIGHT THE POWER!!!!!! This wouldn't have happend if you were white..... Oh you ar..... Drive a pick-up w/ a rebel flag hanging off the back......Errrrr.... Nevermind. Take it like a man.

07-11-2007, 10:44 PM
I know this thats why I was apologizing and taking the officers deal so gratuitously.
:goodjob: Good thing you didn't get in trouble.

07-12-2007, 10:17 PM
i think you should also do defensive driving again like you planned to.

and whatever you do, don't do what i did in newnan, if ya know what i mean.

and damn... it's only your second one in a less than 6 month period.

07-13-2007, 03:24 AM
i would do the defensive driving thing, go to court, and still show them pics in the place you got stoped, not pointing fingers or anything, but saying the officer made an honest mistake in the speed zone.

so you are still admiting you made a mistake, also taking responsiblity by going to the class, and at the same time correcting the cop in a nice way.

i went to court once and before my case came up there was a lady in kind of the same situation, and she proved the same thing about the speed (he had it posted as 35, it was actually 40) and the judge threw out the entire case because of her almost spotless driving record and the fact that the cop screwed up.