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07-05-2007, 01:34 PM
Umm, are you serious? Bill and Hillary complaining about Bush commuting someone's sentence??? Ummm, HELLLOOOOOO, Slick Willy pardoned a ton of people that were far WORSE than someone who supposedly TALKED too much.....Ummmm, serious FELONS......buddies of his that were hiding out.....people who stole MILLIONS......are you kidding me???


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White House Reacts to Clintons' Comments
Published: 7/5/07, 2:05 PM EDT
WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House on Thursday made fun of former President Clinton and his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, for criticizing President Bush's decision to erase the prison sentence of former aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

"I don't know what Arkansan is for chutzpah, but this is a gigantic case of it," presidential spokesman Tony Snow said.

Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has scheduled hearings on Bush's commutation of Libby's 2 1/2-year sentence.

"Well, fine, knock himself out," Snow said of Conyers. "I mean, perfectly happy. And while he's at it, why doesn't he look at January 20th, 2001?"

In the closing hours of his presidency, Clinton pardoned 140 people, including fugitive financier Marc Rich.

The former president tried to draw a distinction between the pardons he granted, and Bush's decision to commute Libby's 30-month sentence in the CIA leak case.

"I think there are guidelines for what happens when somebody is convicted," Clinton told a radio interviewer Tuesday. "You've got to understand, this is consistent with their philosophy; they believe that they should be able to do what they want to do, and that the law is a minor obstacle."

Sen. Clinton, seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, said the Libby decision "was clearly an effort to protect the White House. ... There isn't any doubt now, what we know is that Libby was carrying out the implicit or explicit wishes of the vice president, or maybe the president as well, in the further effort to stifle dissent."

Former Vice President Al Gore said he found the Bush decision "disappointing" and said he did not think it was comparable to Clinton's pardons.

"It's different because in this case the person involved is charged with activities that involved knowledge of what his superiors in the White House did," Gore said on NBC's "Today" show Thursday.

Snow also tried to clear up confusion about Libby's probation. While commuting Libby's sentence in terms of prison time, Bush left in place his two years of supervised release. But supervised release - a form of probation - is only available to people who have served prison time. Without prison, it's unclear what happens next.

Snow said the White House view was this: "You treat it as if he has already served the 30 months, and probation kicks in. Obviously, the sentencing judge will figure out precisely how that works."

U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton, earlier this week, said the law "does not appear to contemplate a situation in which a defendant may be placed under supervised release without first completing a term of incarceration."

He gave Libby's attorneys and Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald until Monday to respond.

In his commutation decision, Bush left a $250,000 fine. Libby paid the fine on Thursday.

07-05-2007, 06:29 PM
hmmm, at least there aren't 8 volumes of "clintonisms"? :lmao:

The Yousef
07-05-2007, 06:33 PM
i wuv u Jaime...but

the last time i checked clinton didn't pardon someone who released a classified CIA operative....key word is classified... :lmao:

granted i think libby MAY have fallen on the sword or was the sheep lead to the slaughter, or whatever you want to use to save the administration (aka cheney aka darth vader aka the sith lord aka lucifer aka million dollar man aka i have man sized safe in my office aka i removed the naval observatory from google maps to protect my house aka the VP office is not part of the executive branch of government because i would have to release sensative documents to save my arse)...

07-05-2007, 06:37 PM

07-05-2007, 07:10 PM
i wuv u Jaime...but

the last time i checked clinton didn't pardon someone who released a classified CIA operative....key word is classified... :lmao:

granted i think libby MAY have fallen on the sword or was the sheep lead to the slaughter, or whatever you want to use to save the administration (aka cheney aka darth vader aka the sith lord aka lucifer aka million dollar man aka i have man sized safe in my office aka i removed the naval observatory from google maps to protect my house aka the VP office is not part of the executive branch of government because i would have to release sensative documents to save my arse)...

Yousef, I love you too, but as a Terrorist.....you are under the power of government controlled biased media.... ;) :D

Your boy, Clinton, on January 21, 2001 pardoned 140 CONVICTED criminals on his way out of office. Want to know just a few of those people's resumes?

-First there is Mr. Samuel Morison. First person EVER convicted of leaking CLASSIFIED material to another COUNTRY. The CIA was totally opposed to his pardoning, but Clinton said :2up: and pardoned him anyway.
-How about his own brother? Hmmmm...... :rolleyes:
-How about MANY drug dealers?
-How about a TON of fraud artists?
-How about people that committed PERJURY?...wait, that sounds a lot like what they are complaining about with Libby, right?
-How about illegal firearms dealers?
-How about ARMED BANK ROBBERS who were FELONS BEFORE they robbed a bank?
-How about people that made FALSE STATEMENTS TO A GRAND JURY?

My dear brown friend.....I could go on and on and on. Clinton's last minute pardon list is actually kind of neat to read, especially considering how he and the Hildabeast are all "dissapointed" with Bush for pardoning someone that shouldn't of gotten convicted in the first place.

For those who do care to see how two faced the Democratic party is, here is the entire list of Clinton's last minute pardons:


So in summary......should the Clinton's even have an opinion on this or what? ;)

The Yousef
07-05-2007, 11:30 PM
can you enlighten me on why scooter (lol @ his name) libby should have been convicted?

07-06-2007, 12:44 AM
can you enlighten me on why scooter (lol @ his name) libby should have been convicted?

Certainly my friend, although I think you meant to say "shouldn't" have been convicted.

You do understand that he was charged with 2 counts of perjury, 2 counts of false statements, and 1 of obstruction of justice. You know how they came to that number? The counts of "perjury" stem from 1 statement he made to 2 reporters. He told them that he'd heard from other reporters that Valerie Plame was working for the CIA. The catch is this: They charged him with a "crime" (I'll come back to this later) because some how suddenly the reporters reported NOT that he'd "heard it from" others, but that those were his own words. It's a he said/she said. Do you believe that the man should serve hard time over that? Mrs. Plame wasn't even working FOR the CIA when the statement was made, as the media would have everyone believe. So even if he DID say something, exactly what Federal law did he break? NONE.

The special prosecutor, Fitzgerald, took 2 years and a gazillion TAX DOLLARS to only come up with 1 bad guy in a he said/she said charge. Do you honestly think that this was about what he said and NOT who he worked for? You have to be kidding. It was political since the beginning, and that is why Bush pardoned him. He took the fall for the Republican party when the Democrats were on a witch hunt of Bush. That is how it was orchestrated and it went down.

It's really simple. What LAW did he break even IF he did exactly what they said he did? NONE. This amounts to Al Capone going down for tax evasion rather than countless murders, racketering, alcohol running, and running the biggest organized crime family of all time. In other words, they couldn't get him on anything else so they settled for tax evasion just to take him off the streets. They couldn't pin anything to Bush or Cheney, so they picked on lowly Libby as the token "conviction" on the Bush admin.

How quickly we forget those famous words......"I did not have sexual relations with that woman.....Ms. Lewinski..." He stuck to that same answer while under oath, yet he wasn't convicted or even charged of any crime. Funny how that works.

Libby was charged, prosecuted, and convicted for saying something to 2 reporters 2 yrs earlier about a woman that neither then nor now was a covert agent nor important. So the gov't spent MILLIONS to prosecute a man for committing no crime. It's Winston-Salem all over again. :rolleyes:

I'm willing to bet that 99% of people couldn't correctly name what position Libby held in our gov't, let alone what he truly got convicted for. So essentially the Democrats goated a prosecutor with a political agenda himself to prosecute a case for a crime that was never committed. What we should all ask for is not Libby to serve time, but to get a refund on the MILLIONS of wasted tax dollars that were used to make a political statement. It would have been cheaper to run an ad on TV during half time at the Super Bowl. :rolleyes:

07-06-2007, 12:45 AM
hillary and bill being completely contradicting is news ?


The Yousef
07-06-2007, 12:51 AM
Certainly my friend, although I think you meant to say "shouldn't" have been convicted.

You do understand that he was charged with 2 counts of perjury, 2 counts of false statements, and 1 of obstruction of justice. You know how they came to that number? The counts of "perjury" stem from 1 statement he made to 2 reporters. He told them that he'd heard from other reporters that Valerie Plame was working for the CIA. The catch is this: They charged him with a "crime" (I'll come back to this later) because some how suddenly the reporters reported NOT that he'd "heard it from" others, but that those were his own words. It's a he said/she said. Do you believe that the man should serve hard time over that? Mrs. Plame wasn't even working FOR the CIA when the statement was made, as the media would have everyone believe. So even if he DID say something, exactly what Federal law did he break? NONE.

The special prosecutor, Fitzgerald, took 2 years and a gazillion TAX DOLLARS to only come up with 1 bad guy in a he said/she said charge. Do you honestly think that this was about what he said and NOT who he worked for? You have to be kidding. It was political since the beginning, and that is why Bush pardoned him. He took the fall for the Republican party when the Democrats were on a witch hunt of Bush. That is how it was orchestrated and it went down.

It's really simple. What LAW did he break even IF he did exactly what they said he did? NONE. This amounts to Al Capone going down for tax evasion rather than countless murders, racketering, alcohol running, and running the biggest organized crime family of all time. In other words, they couldn't get him on anything else so they settled for tax evasion just to take him off the streets. They couldn't pin anything to Bush or Cheney, so they picked on lowly Libby as the token "conviction" on the Bush admin.

How quickly we forget those famous words......"I did not have sexual relations with that woman.....Ms. Lewinski..." He stuck to that same answer while under oath, yet he wasn't convicted or even charged of any crime. Funny how that works.

Libby was charged, prosecuted, and convicted for saying something to 2 reporters 2 yrs earlier about a woman that neither then nor now was a covert agent nor important. So the gov't spent MILLIONS to prosecute a man for committing no crime. It's Winston-Salem all over again. :rolleyes:

I'm willing to bet that 99% of people couldn't correctly name what position Libby held in our gov't, let alone what he truly got convicted for. So essentially the Democrats goated a prosecutor with a political agenda himself to prosecute a case for a crime that was never committed. What we should all ask for is not Libby to serve time, but to get a refund on the MILLIONS of wasted tax dollars that were used to make a political statement. It would have been cheaper to run an ad on TV during half time at the Super Bowl. :rolleyes:

the neo-con death cult of right wing doom has you in it's Fox News hands my old grey friend...i pray for your soul...



MSNBC reports:

The federal judge who presided over the Libby trial said by commuting his prison sentence, the probation period may be called into question. U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton, who was appointed by President Bush, said Tuesday that federal law "does not appear to contemplate a situation in which a defendant may be placed under supervised release without first completing a term of incarceration."

07-06-2007, 08:18 AM
Don't you have to be under oath to commit perjury? Either way Bush is a bumbling fool. This whole country is going down the tubes b/c people in positions of real power are more interested in furthering their own agendas and playing war like a bunch of five yr olds, than in focusing on the real problems here at home and listening to the PEOPLE which i supposed to be their jobs. They are supposed to represent US. Not special interest groups, but I guess it all just proves that if you give some one enough money they will do anything for you.

The real problem is not even really G.W. It's Cheny. Do a little research on him and see what hes been up to for the past 40 yrs. Hes basically the godfather of modern American politics. He's been pulling strings behind the scenes since Nixon was in office and before. I wish I could shoot people in the face and get away with it. Don't you?

Certainly my friend, although I think you meant to say "shouldn't" have been convicted.

You do understand that he was charged with 2 counts of perjury, 2 counts of false statements, and 1 of obstruction of justice. You know how they came to that number? The counts of "perjury" stem from 1 statement he made to 2 reporters. He told them that he'd heard from other reporters that Valerie Plame was working for the CIA. The catch is this: They charged him with a "crime" (I'll come back to this later) because some how suddenly the reporters reported NOT that he'd "heard it from" others, but that those were his own words. It's a he said/she said. Do you believe that the man should serve hard time over that? Mrs. Plame wasn't even working FOR the CIA when the statement was made, as the media would have everyone believe. So even if he DID say something, exactly what Federal law did he break? NONE.

The special prosecutor, Fitzgerald, took 2 years and a gazillion TAX DOLLARS to only come up with 1 bad guy in a he said/she said charge. Do you honestly think that this was about what he said and NOT who he worked for? You have to be kidding. It was political since the beginning, and that is why Bush pardoned him. He took the fall for the Republican party when the Democrats were on a witch hunt of Bush. That is how it was orchestrated and it went down.

It's really simple. What LAW did he break even IF he did exactly what they said he did? NONE. This amounts to Al Capone going down for tax evasion rather than countless murders, racketering, alcohol running, and running the biggest organized crime family of all time. In other words, they couldn't get him on anything else so they settled for tax evasion just to take him off the streets. They couldn't pin anything to Bush or Cheney, so they picked on lowly Libby as the token "conviction" on the Bush admin.

How quickly we forget those famous words......"I did not have sexual relations with that woman.....Ms. Lewinski..." He stuck to that same answer while under oath, yet he wasn't convicted or even charged of any crime. Funny how that works.

Libby was charged, prosecuted, and convicted for saying something to 2 reporters 2 yrs earlier about a woman that neither then nor now was a covert agent nor important. So the gov't spent MILLIONS to prosecute a man for committing no crime. It's Winston-Salem all over again. :rolleyes:

I'm willing to bet that 99% of people couldn't correctly name what position Libby held in our gov't, let alone what he truly got convicted for. So essentially the Democrats goated a prosecutor with a political agenda himself to prosecute a case for a crime that was never committed. What we should all ask for is not Libby to serve time, but to get a refund on the MILLIONS of wasted tax dollars that were used to make a political statement. It would have been cheaper to run an ad on TV during half time at the Super Bowl. :rolleyes:

07-06-2007, 11:00 PM
Too much reading. Politicians are evil, no one is more or less than the other wether Democrat or Republican. The sooner we all realize this, the sooner we can begin the revolution.

07-06-2007, 11:02 PM
its a necessary evil man, they're all just as bad as the next guy.