View Full Version : Misc Black Snake Moan. Open minded? GO GET IT

07-02-2007, 12:59 PM
yeeeeeeeea what up fools? its ya boy thinkfast, bak up in this bitch w/ another installment of movie reviews. Arent you excited, I know I am

So saturday rolls around, woke up to some chicks callin me about kickin bak.. ok I say, lemme starch my Dickies and Im there.. damn I cant find my old school Dodgers hat, where is it? fuk it, I grab the pinstripe fitted and Im out. I end up bein @ the pool all mothafuckin day, gotta buzz goin off that goose/red bull (ok I was wasted, so what) mad ho's over there, shit was goin good.. they diggn a O.G. like me, they liked where it was goin.. well seems like chicks like bringin up drugs around me? they break lines out, the peruvian flake too.. yea Im Colombian but I got morals so I bounced (they dont smoke cuz that gets em stupid.. shut the fuk up skanks! more 4 me) anyways I was feelin like a tired ass bitch, I got enuff problems w/o cokeheads messin me up, whores.

Well I had seen this flik in theaters, but I was up in a spaceship high, so didnt really remember it. went to go pick this shit up, I call another hoodrat up and setup some alone time.. we went and had some cuban food, Im full off frijoles negros, she's pilled up on bars, anyways no blunts so I made some drinks (damn I should take up bartending.. hmm)

Well you know the deal, surround sounds, house shoes, blaaazay bla.. onto the flik already

This shit is the same director of Hustle&Flow, which is cool, got that same feel like you know where they at.. Sam jackson plays a dirtbag Southern farmer, J Timberlake plays some bitch made fool who cant handle army life, and Christina Ricci plays his nympho girl who needs cock like ATL needs another Outkast album! shit is wild, she get into these spells where she start almost nuttin on herself, I dunno but its nuttin nice.

Well this fool JT gets deployed and what not, and of course his girl needs him bad.. he pounds her out before leavin but she wants more, so she goes to a house party aka orgy on the cow field. she gets doped up and right after she gets a naked piledriver all in the open, she passes out like a good white girl. JT's non-gay friend finds her, tries to get some shooby dooby but she laughs at him (REJECTION! HAHA) so he beats that ass like Ike Turner boy, gaah damn shoulda stayed quiet

Sam jackson aka Laz finds her the next morning w/ a nice shiner and all bloodied up. So what does he do? what most guys would, takes her in, cleans her up and chains her to a radiator. you followin this shit??

Well Laz used to play blues, his old lady just dumped him so he's all emo, cuttin out hearts in the crops, cussin at his self, and just a all around bad attitude towards women (his chick was ugly anyways, old ass bitch) so he feels he needs to help this white girl become a proper lady, like God put the supernymph in his path for a reason (yea right pal, you lucky Alabama state patrol aint see you takin this chick in your house, thats straight jailtime buddy) He makes nice w/ her, gets her some medicine, buys her some dresses and outfits (he aint even beat and he's already cakin, whatta moron) well JT gets sent home after he yaks all over himself on deployment, see the military dont take bitches on their roster, guess he missed the bulletin.. he goes back home to find his lover and wow, look what shes gotten into haha

theres a good moral to the story, Laz and the white girl learn from each other, Ricci dont take cock in all her holes no more, Laz gets into his talent again, playin that fukin guitar like nobodys bizness (talk about a jam session, he coulda made a Unplugged CD.. does MTV still do that?) And JT, well he's still a bitch ass who throw up on himself, but at least he has a clean ass chevy

All in all I say go rent this shit, I bought it but you gotta be open for shit like this, Im not gonna lie. Music on this flik was a 5/5 I dig the blues and you can too.

Also as a p.s. to the directors, dont wanna take away from Ricci's performance but probly coulda used a more prettier white girl, or at least one w/ no ribs showin.. thanx

07-02-2007, 01:08 PM
at least ricci had the camel toe going for her...o yea see this shit

07-02-2007, 04:47 PM
Also as a p.s. to the directors, dont wanna take away from Ricci's performance but probly coulda used a more prettier white girl, or at least one w/ no ribs showin.. thanx

It's the south.. they needed to keep it real, ya dig? lol

07-02-2007, 07:25 PM
Christina Ricci plays his nympho girl who needs cock like ATL needs another Outkast album!

Damn! She must be a sperm-burpin cum dumpster!

07-02-2007, 07:56 PM
fawkin good movie...in the dvd player now and tha mb quart home theater system is bumpin

07-03-2007, 07:59 AM
ricci naked and SLJ what more needs to be said? it actually is a very good movie i was awful surprised it wasn't cheesy and it had a good story line. oh ya ricci is naked!!!

07-03-2007, 12:18 PM
ricci naked and SLJ what more needs to be said? it actually is a very good movie i was awful surprised it wasn't cheesy and it had a good story line. oh ya ricci is naked!!!

sounds good to me

07-03-2007, 12:30 PM
Hah, I want to see this now.