View Full Version : 600 dollars stolen!

06-20-2007, 08:18 PM
ok now i know im not supposed to mention any names, but i was wandering if anyone on IA has been scammed by this kid? His name is Brandon Thompson, he lives in Cedar Falls Iowa. he's 20 years old and lives with his mom! i bought a LS swap from him over 3 months ago and i haven't seen it yet, his phone number isn't working anymore either! If im in the wrong section please let me know! I just need to know what i can do and if anyone has had to deal with this kid! Thanks oh and his number is 319-269-0619. Someone help!

Update: 7-23-07

All of which is true, I did call!
I sent him another email today, this time it states. . . and i quote

"I want my money back now Brandon! I've been waiting on your ass for too long now! I've pm'd you on multiple sites, I've email you in just about every email you have! You can try to ignore this is you wish but i promise you it's going to come back and bite you in the ass!
I want my 600 dollars back! I've called the city of Waterloo's police department and filed a police report, They even said this isn't the first time they have had someone report your ass! They have had 6 or 7 other people call about you! They put a warrant out for your arrest, and do you know what else is funny? you stole 600 dollars of mine! That is a felony in the US!
Im sure im not the only person you have stolen this much money from! so im sure you have multiple felony's in your name! Im willing to forgive and forget if you send me my money back! All 600 dollars of it! no a penny short! I will call the police department and tell them to drop all the charges on you and tell them it was a misunderstanding! what do you say brandon? I have your street address, your tag number, and your work address if i want to talk to you i will!
you'll be hearing from me soon! I can promise you that, I need that money because Im off to thailand in september for the World Muay Thai Championships, and If i don't have that money, I can't go! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me! And if you fuck it up, well im sure you can guess what's going to happen!"

Update: 7-24-07 ok so i sent him the email that is above. Sure enough i got a responce, keep in mind this has been 3 almost 4 months! He sent me this and a few others.

#1- In plan text!
"I apologize I never received the remaining and I still have the motor
waiting for you as well. And I would be more than happy to go ahead and
refund not a problem give me a call on my new cell phone number. What
your number again? I apologize I switched my service. I was not
intending running out on you. What is your number I will call you this
weekend? I apologize one again Carey not trying to flake out on you. I
never received the remaining of the funds for the motor that I have
holding. Thanks again and I apologize. "

#2- In bigger letters and red text! Not kidding!

I will be getting you that refund I apologize again and will be sending that over to you the same way I receive the funds. And I understand you have a trip going. I actually moved out of town for work… thanks and I apologize

#3- Big text and red!

Oh and I need all your contact information again as well because when I moved I lost all of my information.
Currently I moved to Omaha, NE so if you would get me the information I will go ahead and send that to you more than likely mail because it will be easier to track and make sure it gets to you Carey Thanks again for emailing as I didn’t have your information.

Please send your information so we can resolve in a timely manner, one again I apologize a lot has been going on.

06-20-2007, 08:19 PM
Why did you give him $600 for nothing?

06-20-2007, 08:24 PM
Why did you give him $600 for nothing?

Werd :thinking::thinking::thinking:

06-20-2007, 08:28 PM
I didn't. . .i think you have misunderstood me? I sent him the money for him to send me the swap. . . He's not sending me the swap! his phone isn't working either! So what can i do?

06-20-2007, 08:32 PM
sadly you cant do much of anything..how did you pay???? if you paid with a credit card you may be able to recover the money..but if it was transfered from your bank or if it was cash you are fucked. should have escrowed that shit

06-20-2007, 08:44 PM
I guess the lesson is, sadly, you can't trust people.

06-20-2007, 09:47 PM
I would hunt him down...lol.

06-20-2007, 10:09 PM
I'm with him ^^^

06-20-2007, 10:09 PM
I would hunt him down...lol.

I know where he lives! I have his address, and the best part is i have a Muay Thai tournament in Iowa in 3 weeks! I pay him a little visit that he wont forget :idb: ! I'll come back with more than 600 bux :yes: ! So is there nothing i can do? I sent the money with Money Gram through wal-mart. . . So is there anything i can do? :thinking:

06-20-2007, 10:23 PM
Muay Thai his ass lol and bring me back some money too

06-20-2007, 10:32 PM
Muay Thai his ass lol and bring me back some money too

Yeah Im thinking of doing something like that when i get there. . . :yes:

But i wont be bringing back just money, Im getting my parts. . .if they even exist? But seriously. . . what can i do? i mean asap! I need the money at this moment!

06-20-2007, 10:41 PM
I hope you can Muay Thai your cell mate off your ass if you do that

06-20-2007, 10:47 PM
I hope you can Muay Thai your cell mate off your ass if you do that

Cell mate, Im only going to be there for. . . 2 days? something like that? I can do my thing and get the hell outta there! :lmfao:

06-20-2007, 11:01 PM
I dont think there is much you can do with a money order. A little vigilante justice will do him some good.

06-21-2007, 12:28 AM
I dont think there is much you can do with a money order. A little vigilante justice will do him some good.

thats what i was thinking! :goodjob:

06-21-2007, 02:25 AM

+1 or paypal buyer protection. I know it's too late already, though. GL with that. :yes:

06-21-2007, 03:30 AM
bought sense is the best sense

06-21-2007, 04:42 AM
yeah i def would have used paypal cant count how many times its saved me. I think money grams have a number you can call for fradulant ppl though check you little receipt that you have to tear off on the side of the money order. If he lives with his mom just stop by his house and talk to her im sure she will make him get his act together ebarrassment FTW!

06-21-2007, 09:33 AM
I know where he lives! I have his address, and the best part is i have a Muay Thai tournament in Iowa in 3 weeks! I pay him a little visit that he wont forget :idb: ! I'll come back with more than 600 bux :yes: ! So is there nothing i can do? I sent the money with Money Gram through wal-mart. . . So is there anything i can do? :thinking:

PLEASE bring another person with you that has a camera!!!!:goodjob: :goodjob: :camera:

06-21-2007, 09:39 AM
PLEASE bring another person with you that has a camera!!!!:goodjob: :goodjob: :camera:

Yeah my girl is coming with me, She bringing the camera for the fights. . .but no that you say something about recording "the other fight" thats a damn good idea! +1 for you!

06-21-2007, 09:44 AM
appreciate it. record for your own viewing pleasure and of coarse ours! :) if we do this enough maybe people will stop stealing...hmmm.... :)

06-21-2007, 09:45 AM
First mistaken: Buying an LS motor.

Second mistake: Paying with no form of recourse whatsoever.

Hope it somehow works out for you.

06-21-2007, 09:50 AM
Buy swaps locally or from a reputable shop if its not local, problem solved! I doubt the $600 lost is worth jail time and court fees, etc. Good luck though

06-21-2007, 10:02 AM
Damn you must feel like shit huh!

06-21-2007, 10:11 AM
fuk him up! *end of comment*

06-21-2007, 01:24 PM
I'm with the freelance merceneries. If I had an oportunity to be in the same town as the guy who robbed me, damn straight he's getting paid a visit! I got robbed in my own house and caught the dumb fucker before the cops could, and you better believe he remembers my name! And yes.... do bring a camera for all our viewing pleasure. Just make sure you don't show your face on film and the cops aint got shit!

06-21-2007, 02:19 PM
Honesetly i'd get in touch w/the local pd and see if there's a way to trace it. It'd probably be helpful if you have some sort of reciept b/c technically it's a felony since it was more than $500. See if they can give you better legal advice. Sure it'd be nice if you beat his ass but that assualt charge would probably cost you more than $600 bucks. Good luck!

06-22-2007, 01:09 PM
Honesetly i'd get in touch w/the local pd and see if there's a way to trace it. It'd probably be helpful if you have some sort of reciept b/c technically it's a felony since it was more than $500. See if they can give you better legal advice. Sure it'd be nice if you beat his ass but that assualt charge would probably cost you more than $600 bucks. Good luck!

Yeah i know it's a felony for more than $500 but if Im going to be in the same town as the unlucky bastard that stole my money Im going to MAKE him remember my name! Like the dude above you said^^^ I like his advice! Thanks though.

p.s. the only reason your advice wouldn't work is because i didn't get a receipt. :no:

06-22-2007, 01:13 PM
appreciate it. record for your own viewing pleasure and of coarse ours! :) if we do this enough maybe people will stop stealing...hmmm.... :)

Dude, I love making examples of people! Then show everyone they know! embarrass the fuck out of them, and then move on! I doubt he would ever steal again, and if he does then they can contact me! I go to Iowa ever so often to fight, so It wont be my last time up there! :bump:

06-22-2007, 02:20 PM
did you look up the info on the money order?? You can find out where he cashed it and when IF YOU STILL HAVE THE RECEIPT!!

06-22-2007, 02:24 PM
Cell mate, Im only going to be there for. . . 2 days? something like that? I can do my thing and get the hell outta there! :lmfao:

that was until your dumbass posted it all over the net...have fun and don't drop the soap :goodjob:

06-22-2007, 03:27 PM
that was until your dumbass posted it all over the net...have fun and don't drop the soap :goodjob:

Nah, Im just gonna shake him up a bit. Im not going to attack him or anything, but Im going to let him know that Im not fucking around! Who said i was going to kick his ass?

06-22-2007, 03:33 PM
hate to break it to you but you may as well kiss that money good bye...sorry that you had to learn the hard way...but i'm sure most of us have been had before...if you do do something...keep it to yourself and thats it...the more people that know about it the more mouths you have to worry about it...be smart

06-22-2007, 03:45 PM
Take it from a 2nd degree (JKD). You do not want to fight this guy - especially after posting this thread (pre-meditated). Even if you make a "nice" visit and things go down, you're in more trouble b/c of this thread. Furthermore, we (martial artists) get enuff shit from people JUST for being versed in a discipline. I've had total strangers approach me in a club JUST b/c people like you feel the need to flex your skills against some1 w/ minimal/NO fight experience and they wanna find out the hard way... they wanna take down some1 on the Nat'l Black Belt Registry b/c they think it's all smoke and mirrors or wanna look kool. WHAT'S THE POINT?? He's outsmarted you once - and unless you want a cell mate like some1 said he will do it twice by the time his lawyers are done w/ you - all for $600. There are ways to put the pressure on w/out laying a finger. Start w/ MoneyGram - if he has cashed his end of it then he is on paper WITH a signature. Also, print out all emails, IMs, and get your phone records of every call you have made w/ him (even if his number doesn't work). You can end up w/ a lot more than $600 (fees, travel fees, court costs, missed days from work, etc) if you do it quick and legally. My .02. GL bro - if you do pay him a visit, let it just be that unless you are threatened. Dunno who your MT teacher/mentor is, but unless he a wannabe hardass he'd be dissapointed in this plan to lay this guy out. That's BASIC rules of martial arts (restraint).... use your head, and stay kool.

06-22-2007, 03:57 PM
Take it from a 2nd degree (JKD). You do not want to fight this guy - especially after posting this thread (pre-meditated). Even if you make a "nice" visit and things go down, you're in more trouble b/c of this thread. Furthermore, we (martial artists) get enuff shit from people JUST for being versed in a discipline. I've had total strangers approach me in a club JUST b/c people like you feel the need to flex your skills against some1 w/ minimal/NO fight experience and they wanna find out the hard way... they wanna take down some1 on the Nat'l Black Belt Registry b/c they think it's all smoke and mirrors or wanna look kool. WHAT'S THE POINT?? He's outsmarted you once - and unless you want a cell mate like some1 said he will do it twice by the time his lawyers are done w/ you - all for $600. There are ways to put the pressure on w/out laying a finger. Start w/ MoneyGram - if he has cashed his end of it then he is on paper WITH a signature. Also, print out all emails, IMs, and get your phone records of every call you have made w/ him (even if his number doesn't work). You can end up w/ a lot more than $600 (fees, travel fees, court costs, missed days from work, etc) if you do it quick and legally. My .02. GL bro - if you do pay him a visit, let it just be that unless you are threatened. Dunno who your MT teacher/mentor is, but unless he a wannabe hardass he'd be dissapointed in this plan to lay this guy out. That's BASIC rules of martial arts (restraint).... use your head, and stay kool.

You know what? Your right. . . I have learned better than this, Im just really pissed off right now! I lost my job thanks to this! So i mean there is way more to the story than what I've stated! My car isn't running, lost my job, and out 600 bux! Im really pissed at this kid! If given the chance to kick his ass would you if you where in the same situation as i? A lot of other people would agree with me in my situation! and about the whole thing with the IM's and emails is a good idea! I'll post them up! Thanks :goodjob:

06-22-2007, 04:04 PM
TRUST ME man... if you hurt this guy it will NOT be as rewarding as you think once it's all done. Not to mention, you'd still be out of $600. When I was in Okinawa there was an Army guy who had about 3 years Kenpo experience and talked $100 worth of shit. I instructed (JKD) at the Banyan Tree on Kadena 3 nights a week and he was one of the most popular regulars, but didn't want to train at the speed of the slowest person in the class and verbally made that known (he was good, but a hothead). I told him he was not welcome in my class unless he had something positive to offer. To make a long story short he-said she-said and we ended up at a bar outside of Kadena called The Hideaway where full-contact fights went down. I knew I had him covered, but agreed and hurt him pretty bad - I didn't feel good about it AT ALL and I still don't. Make sure you have a COOL HEAD when you go out there or your decision to fight may come back to haunt you. I am not telling you anything you don't already know. In that case the good guy (you) would lose in the end and I'd hate to see that. Think it out homey. Just use good judgement. :cheers:

06-23-2007, 06:52 AM

you've got 3WEEKS to build up a solid case against this idiot that took you for 600 dollars. if you do show up make sure that you are flanked my L.E.O'S and a manila envelope.
beating the shit outta him would've been great in the 70's-90's, but at this point in time, with the judicial system handing out felonies like free cheese, it's best to use the time you have PRIOR to your arrival to:

1) gather all information of you and his interactions,
2) the deal that was made and
3) the proof that you sent money to him.
4) contact the local PD in his area, inform them of what took place
5) speak with a detective in his area PD and inform him of what is bringing YOU to his town, your tourney, which happened to be where the thief is from. and ask that someone accompany you to the guys house.

06-23-2007, 06:53 AM
you've got 3 weeks and NO JOB!!

there's no excuse for you not to get the smart way done.

06-23-2007, 12:24 PM
yea man i agree with ahmonrah and baby j. you should be above the fact that you just wanna flex on him. do it legally. i've done martial arts for about 10 years, and its at the point where you don't really ever wanna fight.

besides if you beat his ass, you're still out 600 dollars, and still out of a job, and car. bruises and broken bones heal. in the end he'd still have your 600 dollars.

do it the right way.

06-23-2007, 02:21 PM
Ahmonra - always a pleasure when you post. +1

06-24-2007, 12:24 AM
Yeah i know, I've done some shit i regret too! I can talk all the shit i want. . . but in the end i probably wouldn't do anything to this kid! When i get mad i have this habit of getting really pissed when my shit gets stolen, there in lies my problem. . . But I like the list of advice thanks! Greatly appreciated guys! :goodjob:

07-05-2007, 11:34 AM
what goes around comes around Mr.MuayThai and if u beat him up u will get charge with using a weapon cuz u know MuayThai

07-05-2007, 12:26 PM
what goes around comes around Mr.MuayThai and if u beat him up u will get charge with using a weapon cuz u know MuayThai

What goes around comes around? I don't get it? :thinking:

07-05-2007, 04:06 PM
originally posted by Mr.MuayThai
What goes around comes around? I don't get it? :thinking:

its kinda like the concept of karma if you understand that

07-06-2007, 03:07 PM
its kinda like the concept of karma if you understand that

No i get it. . . but i don't know why he would say that to me? I haven't done anything wrong! :no:

07-06-2007, 03:09 PM
have u kicked his ass yet???!!!

07-06-2007, 03:13 PM
You have his address, just mail him anthrax.

07-06-2007, 03:26 PM
No sorry, i haven't gone up there yet. . . I'll be heading up there in mid July. And where could i get Anthrax? I guess i can send him Napalm? In some type of container? Any Ideas?

07-12-2007, 01:47 PM
No sorry, i haven't gone up there yet. . . I'll be heading up there in mid July. And where could i get Anthrax? I guess i can send him Napalm? In some type of container? Any Ideas?

you'll be in so much sh|t if you did that bro..

just pay him a visit and that should be good..

07-12-2007, 02:56 PM
did u get it off EBAY??? and yea take ur shit back any way u can

07-12-2007, 05:37 PM
nah, im really not going to send him anthrax! Im just going to give him a good talking to. . . Ong Bak style!! :goodjob:

07-12-2007, 08:37 PM
im guessing that walmart thing is similar to money order

if im correct you can actually get someone like a 'mailman police' or some sort to pay him a visit...going thru FBI or some sort wont do any good, cuz they dont care much for e-screwed ppl.

my suggestion is go there and see if thats where he lives, then call the cops...they will straiten everything out

07-13-2007, 01:52 AM
yeah your right. . . but still, Im going to pay him a visit and see what's up!

07-13-2007, 03:07 AM
I say bust his shit and call it a day, if every con artist got beat down by a person who knows martial arts at there mamas crib most con men would find a real job

07-15-2007, 11:50 AM
I say bust his shit and call it a day, if every con artist got beat down by a person who knows martial arts at there mamas crib most con men would find a real job

That's my plan! But right now I might be losing my sponsorship, because my car isn't running yet! I can't be where is need to be! It really sucks! So i might not even be heading up to Iowa!
So that plan might be not be reachable!

07-15-2007, 11:55 AM
ok now i know im not supposed to mention any names, but i was wandering if anyone on IA has been scammed by this kid? His name is Brandon Thompson, he lives in Cedar Falls Iowa. he's 20 years old and lives with his mom! i bought a LS swap from him over 3 months ago and i haven't seen it yet, his phone number isn't working anymore either! If im in the wrong section please let me know! I just need to know what i can do and if anyone has had to deal with this kid! Thanks oh and his number is 319-269-0619. Someone help!

Sucks. Maybe you should have spent that money on ideas for your "proposal." Later, QD.

07-15-2007, 12:20 PM
You bounce back and forth according to whoever posts.

You say you want to kick his ass, then someone talks sense and you get sensible, then someone says kick his ass and you say thats your plan and on and on.

You lost your money, unfortunately there really isn't anything that you can do. The only thing you might be able to do is talk to his mother, show her what happened and maybe, just maybe you might get something there. Other than that, there is really no legal anything that can be done. So you go up there and beat him up at his house. All that's gonna do is land you in jail when his mother calls the cops.

Lesson learned is really all you got. It sucks, but it's life. There comes a time when you realize that violence ain't gonna settle shit. Sure you look cool to the retards who think that busting his ass accomplishes something, but trust this, all those people want to see is a fight, they don't give a shit about what happens to you.

All your martial arts training and all that you will ever train in the future isn't shit in a courtroom except a hinderance. All it will do is cause the judge to think of you as "Trained" and that will weigh more heavily on you especially if you use that training to harm another. This ain't the Wild West, those days are over.

07-15-2007, 12:24 PM
I'm afraid I'm going to have to rep you for that bit of truth. Later, QD.

07-15-2007, 12:26 PM
I'm afraid I'm going to have to rep you for that bit of truth. Later, QD.

QD you old softie.

07-15-2007, 03:22 PM
Sucks. Maybe you should have spent that money on ideas for your "proposal." Later, QD.

Dude, What the hell is your problem? Why do you insist on being a dick? I miss understood you before on that other thread, my bad. But shit leave it alone! Im sorry i just wanted to get some ideas from other people before i try anything. So why is it that you always need to say something, even if it isn't your place to say anything? Please enlighten me.

07-15-2007, 04:42 PM
QD you old softie.

Lolol. Yessir.

I miss understood you before on that other thread, my bad.

I would've left it alone had I known you realized your misunderstanding. But since you chose to ignore it then, I chose to "insist on being a dick." Later, QD.

07-15-2007, 05:53 PM
Here is some advice for you: Don't post personal problems on IA:goodjob:

07-16-2007, 12:17 AM
I would've left it alone had I known you realized your misunderstanding. But since you chose to ignore it then, I chose to "insist on being a dick." Later, QD.

Yeah my bad, My computer shitted out on me! I would have said something but i forgot. Once again, My bad! Sorry!

07-16-2007, 05:34 AM
Yeah my bad, My computer shitted out on me! I would have said something but i forgot. Once again, My bad! Sorry!

It's all good, then, homey. Good luck with your money, situation, too. No matter what I posted, that's bullshit what happened. Later, QD.

07-16-2007, 09:10 AM
It's all good, then, homey. Good luck with your money, situation, too. No matter what I posted, that's bullshit what happened. Later, QD.

Well thanks bro! I really don't know what I should do in this situation?

07-23-2007, 08:11 PM
Ok i have an update!! on the original post!

07-23-2007, 08:24 PM
so whats going to happen?

07-23-2007, 08:35 PM

07-23-2007, 09:09 PM
Go fuck his ass up. I've been wanting to do a roadtrip before college starts. lets go beat this bitches ass down

07-23-2007, 11:00 PM
Go fuck his ass up. I've been wanting to do a roadtrip before college starts. lets go beat this bitches ass down

When do you wanna start? Im down when you are! just let me know!!

07-24-2007, 01:48 PM
I got a response Via email! i knew this would bring him out of the wood work!

07-24-2007, 04:13 PM
How did he take your money.. ?

It says in the bold red stuff you posted, That he hasnt shipped the motor due to him not receiving the rest of the cash ?

07-24-2007, 05:14 PM
No i sent him all the money, he was just being a douche and told me to send him more to ship it! Thats what he was saying! He told me 500 i sent him 500 and them he asked for more to ship so i sent him another 100 bucks to ship it and he said that would cover it! Then he said he didn't have the money and needed more money to ship it. i said no, I then we started to fight, soon after that he stopped answering my calls, texts, emails, etc. then all the sudden his number was changed and i didn't hear from him for 3 months! after sending him tons of emails he finally responded! with that!

07-26-2007, 06:08 PM

looks like you'll be building that SOHC after all. :)

best of luck maine. Just keep tabs on him, I'm sure he'll pop up here in GA sooner or later.

Revenge is a dish best served with a cold heart.

07-26-2007, 09:32 PM
if u sent him a money order do u still have the receipt shit if u do u can see if he cashed it then go whoop his ass i messed up like dat on ebay i losted the receipt and the guy said he neva got it i couldnt prove he did cuz i aint have the receipt ever since then ive been using pay pal if u get your money back hit me up ill sell u a ls swap

07-26-2007, 10:53 PM
....southside... i just wanted to say.... about the engine in your sig...

*ahem*.... "that is by far, the most JDM intake i think i have ever seen" !mAd prOps yO!


07-26-2007, 11:20 PM
What do you mean he might come down to GA?? he lives in Iowa, And i don't think he is that stupid. . . But you never know, only one could wish though, I would love to meet this kid face to face!

07-27-2007, 01:42 AM
....southside... i just wanted to say.... about the engine in your sig...

*ahem*.... "that is by far, the most JDM intake i think i have ever seen" !mAd prOps yO!

-jonathanthanks moms kinda got mad when she couldnt vacuum no moretho:goodjob:

07-27-2007, 11:08 AM
What do you mean he might come down to GA?? he lives in Iowa, And i don't think he is that stupid. . . But you never know, only one could wish though, I would love to meet this kid face to face!

I'm sure he still has family or something down here... or friends... i mean... the holidays are coming up faster than you think. :) He'll be back (if he even moved at all)
