View Full Version : I HATE DRUNK DRIVERS!!!

s four t5
07-07-2005, 02:05 AM
So as I lay my head down to sleep, I hear....screeeeeeeech...BOOOOOM! I knew it was my car that had been hit as soon as i heard it. My friend came running down the strairs, I stated, "I know a tree just fell on my car." (since it was sever thunderstorms in Atlanta Georgia tonight). She then asked, "Well where did you park?" I replied, "Probably under that tree that tree that just feel." She responded, "Uhhhhh Brady, that's not quite a tree."

I proceed to run outside to find a drunk, 17 year old female had knocked my car, 200 ft down the road. I was in shock and she was injured from the wreck. She claimed to be going approx. 15-20 mph, yet all of her airbags deployed and her car continued to travel down the road, past my dear sweet Volvo, and straight into a neighboors mailbox.

As i continue to investigate the accendent i ecsorted the young female inside the residence and called her mother who was passed out drunk at her boyfriends house. AWESOME!

I then called the police to the scene. It was now that i got my flashlight, threw on some sandals and went outside to see my beautiful 05 Passion Red DTP S40 completley damaged. I started to tally it up, 2 headlights *Bi-Xenon, 1 Hood, 1 Bumper, 2 foglights, wait what is that... ONE CRUSHED INTERCOOLER laying in the ground ~5 feet infront on my front bodykit piece which is still intact on the ground. Next the ac condesor and radiator, radiator fan....the list goes on to be told tommorrow.

Next though pops in...."Oh i can get it towed...Volvo Care . Call Volvo Care....5 more hours till they get here due the fact the weather is incliment! Arg. And thats where i am now. I was supposed to be home tonight, but the weather didn't let me get home, downed power lines and multiple trees.
The cops came back, apparently 12 15-18 year olds are going to jail tonight, thanks to the stupid 17 year old female drunk driver. The house down the has been known to host high school parties....well lets say that is over now.
And its not I like vengenance but daggum, 17 drunk...AND DRIVING?! Are you kidding?! Wow what has this daggum town come to? Anyways, i am fine and my 4 month old volvo....well....she's injured badly. Sad times.

Yet, the bright side of the story. In approximatley 6 hours from now, my boy at the dealership will be calling Don at evolve...Oh yeah as far as insurance goes....thats the factory body kit ...YEEHA!

Pics and more of the damages and hopefully my bad ass rental to come in the morning hours...Now i have to find a way to get home before 8 o'clock when the daggum Plasma Screen gets delievered at my house....And now that i think about it...I'm not as bad off as i thought...but i still think that its ridicolous to let underage children drink at your HOUSE (mother is getting charged as well! YESSS!) and then let them scour the streets at 3 am. Wow...i hate dumd ass biatches!

07-07-2005, 02:12 AM
theres always a good side...when its all done, u will be happy with yoyur new kit etc, and goodies. your car could have been a tree later on down the road...if she would have mad eit that far.

s four t5
07-07-2005, 02:19 AM
good point...and its not that i am mad about the car... Just the fact that a mother knew the girl was drunk and continued to drink vodka and gatorade in the car as she was pulling away.

07-07-2005, 03:52 AM
That really does suck. Sorry to hear that- just hope your core support isnt bent or anything- if its not bad, then maybe they can pull it with a frame machine, I know though from personal expierence (AKA bambi) that when your AC condensor, and radiator get tore up-- so does something else... and usually its the core. So good luck with that.

Its also pretty bothersome, to read about that- esp. with the noobs, the ones that clock in and brag about drinking an shat..... makes you sort of wonder. :slap: And to read about the mother!!!!!- yeah great fawking example for your children. More than half of today's younger socity- aka- freshmeat in HS+ is highly fawked up due to their parents or older syblings. heh The kids usually say :wgaf: but when crap like this happens- and they are behind those wonderful bars.... its a whole diffirent ball game.

If you are going to drink, have a des. driver.... either or stay where the party is or something- dont put your life, or anyone elses life in danger.... not to mention the hazards on the roads. :headslap: I hate to read about this crap.

Sorry again.

The Ren
07-07-2005, 05:29 AM
Damn... Sorry to hear that dude.. Underage drinking seems to get worse and worse.. I may drink at times.. but even when i was in Hs I was never stupid enough to wanna drive when I was.. Im glad the mother is getting charged.. someone needs to take responsability..

s four t5
07-07-2005, 05:33 AM
yeah...i'm still waiting on that damn tow truck to get here though....arg! Anyways, Now that daylight is breaking i went out there to check it out...It's pretty daggum bad...makes my heart frown. Arg oh well...It'll be at gwinnett in a few hours i hope.

07-07-2005, 06:14 AM
sorry to hear that....

07-07-2005, 06:52 AM
That SUX Bro!

s four t5
07-07-2005, 07:13 AM
Well tow truck finally came...gotta wait a while till i hear anything about my rental replacement...as for the damage...the daylight makes it look worse...I have some pics...very blurry but still, you can get the idea from. I will put them up in just a few.

s four t5
07-07-2005, 07:16 AM
Its been a long night to say the least!! Tow truck isn't here yet and I feel terriable for you Brady.. I am just glad you were not pulling up to the house when it happen and that NO ONE else was on the street driving.. Once I get some photos I will post them for you Brady.
OH and the mom is the type her children don't do anything wrong...
You can't talk to her.. and the young girl who hit Brady's car is the same one that a few months ago she came speeding down our street and I told her to slow down.. she gave me the nice center finger and called me some names and drove off...
maybe she will realize she should slow down now..
oh wait she will not have a licensen's anymore THANK GOD!

07-07-2005, 07:29 AM
that sux man, but look at it this way... EVOLVE :D :goodjob: and if you weren't running a nice FMIC you probably can now OEM is always more expensive than aftermarket :D

07-07-2005, 08:16 AM
Here are 3 photos I will post more tonight for you Brady I got some ok shots..
here is her car...
here is Bradys car
here is the landing spot! Brady was parked by our mailbox and ended up were the car is and she ended up by the mans mailbox across the street..

Will post more later..

07-07-2005, 08:22 AM
Damn, I'm sorry to hear about your car, but it could have been a lot worse. People could have been hurt or killed. Plus, this is something that those kids will hopefully never do again (after they get their licenses back in about 5 years, that is).

The Yousef
07-07-2005, 08:35 AM
NOOOoooooo! that sux bro....i hope she gets thrown into jail! dumb bitch!


07-07-2005, 08:55 AM
OMG -- the stupidity of that situation is astounding. Sue the mother !

Edit - what is the insurance situation when it is an underage driving who is drunk? Does insurance still cover that?

07-07-2005, 09:03 AM
that sucks dude, i'm sorry about your car. you are nicer than me - if i would have found out she was drunk i would have kicked her ass.

that was a hot volvo - hope you get everything fixed and i hope she gets her ass handed to her.

07-07-2005, 09:05 AM
Edit - what is the insurance situation when it is an underage driving who is drunk? Does insurance still cover that?

What exactly do you mean?

07-07-2005, 09:19 AM
dang man.....she pushed ur car pretty far! but ur care isnt nearly as messed up for hers.....cuz its a volvo :D that really pisses me off what she did......

we have ppl the go pretty fast through our neighborhood too and some days a sit at the end of the driveway and yell at the teenagers flyin in and out of the neighborhood......sometimes the older ppl to.....its suck a problem tat they are thinkin of putting speed humps in.....that would SUCK for me....

hope you get everything worked out in a timely fashion

07-07-2005, 09:22 AM
The cops came back, apparently 12 15-18 year olds are going to jail tonight, thanks to the stupid 17 year old female drunk driver. The house down the has been known to host high school parties....well lets say that is over now.
And its not I like vengenance but daggum, 17 drunk...AND DRIVING?! Are you kidding?! Wow what has this daggum town come to?

I would assume that the 17 yr old went to jail? Please tell me that she did. As for the other kids that are under age, oh well. They go what they deserved.

07-07-2005, 09:22 AM
i HATE drunk drivers with a passion

07-07-2005, 09:28 AM
What exactly do you mean?

I mean doesn't insurance have provision/exclusions for things that are illegal, like drunk-driving, esp. with an underage driver? Just a question, not sure how that works.

07-07-2005, 09:29 AM
sucks man

07-07-2005, 09:33 AM
i would think insurance may not cover the girls car but i would think it would have to cover his property...

s four t5
07-07-2005, 10:07 AM
yeah after she went to the hospital she went to jail. And is still there now. Her insurance is covering my car, but not so sure about what they are going to do about hers.

07-07-2005, 10:08 AM
^^ thats what i would think. and im pretty sure thats what happens..

that totally sucks man. i know i would be throwing a FIT if that happned to my car.

07-07-2005, 10:38 AM
I mean doesn't insurance have provision/exclusions for things that are illegal, like drunk-driving, esp. with an underage driver? Just a question, not sure how that works.

You are covered by her insurance company if she is at fault. It is up to them to decide if she is covered. Her being drunk doesn't exclude them for paying for her mistake against someone else.

07-07-2005, 10:45 AM
The insurance answers make sense. Just never really thought about it until this thread.

And sorry about the Volvo - makes me hurt to look at those pics.

07-07-2005, 10:47 AM
that sux man! what a nice car! you might even have damage done to the tranny if you had it left in gear. Theres prolly more damage thany ou can see. Maybee you will get a brand new of the same car. OR better yet maybee come up with extra money after fixing it to buy some nice mods! good luck bro

07-07-2005, 11:10 AM
and then let them scour the streets at 3 am.
havent seen that word since that one program that replaced napster after napster got banned lol... anyone else know what I'm talkin bout?

07-07-2005, 11:12 AM
^.... that was random. lol

maybe tahts why they call you random guy!! haha

Boosted S60R
07-07-2005, 12:05 PM
Well it does suck man! AT least your ok and the car isnt totalled. We have already talked about everything now at least you can just get the Evolve front bumper.

07-07-2005, 03:56 PM
Hmmm. Later, QD.

07-07-2005, 04:16 PM
good point...and its not that i am mad about the car... Just the fact that a mother knew the girl was drunk and continued to drink vodka and gatorade in the car as she was pulling away.

oh hell fuckin' NO!

07-07-2005, 04:43 PM
wow, that volvo is sexy, CF hood now?

Darling Nikki
07-07-2005, 04:52 PM
dude i am so sorry to hear about that. i seriously wouldn't know what to do. beat some ass is what comes to mind. Man your really calm too so I give you mad props. Hope everything is well. sorry again.

07-07-2005, 04:57 PM
I forgot to mention, s40's are nice ass cars...:)

s four t5
07-07-2005, 07:49 PM
Well suing has not crossed my mind. Its not like i want to get rich off of this. I just want my car to run like it did before...But considering that my guy at volvo just called me...Rear brake pads/rotors are gone, front two rims bent, transmission was in gear when hit so ugggh. Intercooler, radiator, ac condsor, and core all crushed. Front suspension is messed up. Still no dollar figures on the amount of damage...but Volvo estimates the impact at 42 mph. So i dunno whats going to happen. And not to mention this is going to kill the resale of this vehicle...bah...

07-07-2005, 08:37 PM
go slap that sucker around with a hammer so they'll total it and give you keys to a new one...j/k brady...i hate to hear that buddy that really really sucks...i hate parking by the road for that exact reason

07-07-2005, 08:58 PM
"Dude where's my car, i dont know but their is a crashed Camry right were yours used to be!" Lol j/k, those are f..kn nice cars mang. Sorry to hear about that but glad you are getting it fixed. I cant believe somebody let a 17 yr. old [girl] no offense ladies drive out of their slop drunk, that's like suicide.

s four t5
07-07-2005, 09:05 PM
"Dude where's my car, i dont know but their is a crashed Camry right were yours used to be!" Lol j/k, those are f..kn nice cars mang. Sorry to hear about that but glad you are getting it fixed. I cant believe somebody let a 17 yr. old [girl] no offense ladies drive out of their slop drunk, that's like suicide.
Indeed it is sir...indeed it is.

07-07-2005, 11:44 PM
Well suing has not crossed my mind. Its not like i want to get rich off of this. I just want my car to run like it did before...But considering that my guy at volvo just called me...Rear brake pads/rotors are gone, front two rims bent, transmission was in gear when hit so ugggh. Intercooler, radiator, ac condsor, and core all crushed. Front suspension is messed up. Still no dollar figures on the amount of damage...but Volvo estimates the impact at 42 mph. So i dunno whats going to happen. And not to mention this is going to kill the resale of this vehicle...bah...

That is exactly the shitty part.....even if they fixed the car back flawlessly, its title will never be "clean" again, i.e. when it comes time to sell it, you will lose on the value...just because she plowed into you....

Some insurance company now give you an "extra check", i.e. for "loss value compensation", which is totally separate to the amount for fixing the car.

s four t5
07-07-2005, 11:56 PM
Well daggum...finally got some pics in a gallery consisting of her car/my car/skid marks....enjoy

07-08-2005, 12:03 AM
here are all the photos click the link to look at them..
the skid mars are a white color and they are VERY long from 2 doors up all the way in front of our home.. you can see the skid marks Bradys car made as well..
Her charges at this time are: Reckless Driving, Under Age Drinking, No Seatbelt, past curfuey (sp) for anyone under 18, Speeding, Too Fast for Conditions, and 6 other charges that the Officers couldn't name off the top of his head.
NO DUI because she blew .075 and the limit is .08.. but the way they did the charge's and wrote the report the Judge here will get the FULL picture and lets just say the lady judge isn't nice to TEENS or Drinkers..
As for the mom (Charge's are pending the invistigation) and they have HIGH hopes of nailing her this time!
yes I said this time!
The young lady did Break her arm OHH too sad (NOT)
I called the police back out to measure the Skid marks they are doing that 07-08-05 during daylight!
I would go for everything you can Brady.. MOMMIE came looking for you today worried you will sue her.. OH her insurance is Cotton STATES..

s four t5
07-08-2005, 12:06 AM
yeah the judge doesn't like teen drinkers cause her son was killed by a teenage drinker/driver if i remeber correctly.

07-08-2005, 12:09 AM
yes dear Brady that would be the same judge!!
almost the same thing as yours.. except her son was the passenger of the car the drunk hit they were out front of a friends home talking
if I remember that story right..

07-08-2005, 08:41 AM
Well suing has not crossed my mind. Its not like i want to get rich off of this. I just want my car to run like it did before...But considering that my guy at volvo just called me...Rear brake pads/rotors are gone, front two rims bent, transmission was in gear when hit so ugggh. Intercooler, radiator, ac condsor, and core all crushed. Front suspension is messed up. Still no dollar figures on the amount of damage...but Volvo estimates the impact at 42 mph. So i dunno whats going to happen. And not to mention this is going to kill the resale of this vehicle...bah...

Well, what would you sue for, though? I mean, you can sue to get you back to what you "had" provided that their insurance doesn't cover everything. However, to get "above and beyond" what you had typically won't happen since you weren't injured (or even in the car for that matter). You can sue for depreciated value caused by the wreck, perhaps.

07-08-2005, 08:44 AM
here are all the photos click the link to look at them..
the skid mars are a white color and they are VERY long from 2 doors up all the way in front of our home.. you can see the skid marks Bradys car made as well..
Her charges at this time are: Reckless Driving, Under Age Drinking, No Seatbelt, past curfuey (sp) for anyone under 18, Speeding, Too Fast for Conditions, and 6 other charges that the Officers couldn't name off the top of his head.
NO DUI because she blew .075 and the limit is .08.. but the way they did the charge's and wrote the report the Judge here will get the FULL picture and lets just say the lady judge isn't nice to TEENS or Drinkers..
As for the mom (Charge's are pending the invistigation) and they have HIGH hopes of nailing her this time!
yes I said this time!
The young lady did Break her arm OHH too sad (NOT)
I called the police back out to measure the Skid marks they are doing that 07-08-05 during daylight!
I would go for everything you can Brady.. MOMMIE came looking for you today worried you will sue her.. OH her insurance is Cotton STATES..

No DUI? No, I don't believe that is correct. Remember, she is UNDER 21, so anything over .01 or .02 for someone under 21 in the state of GA should be a DUI; minor under the influence or something. If she was 21 or over, she would be okay.

Brady, DO NOT talk to the mother about this in all honesty. You should probably retain a lawyer if you plan to sue. What you say to a private party can hurt you in court at times. You can always retain a lawyer and they will sue for their wages included with your case if need be. Seriously, do not talk to the mother about the case. Let someone familiar with the legal system speak on your behalf.

07-08-2005, 08:45 AM
^ ya i would do the same b/c value of that car dropped atleast a couple g's just b/c of the wreck

Ms Dollar
07-08-2005, 09:36 AM
[QUOTE=Ruiner]No DUI? No, I don't believe that is correct. Remember, she is UNDER 21, so anything over .01 or .02 for someone under 21 in the state of GA should be a DUI; minor under the influence or something. If she was 21 or over, she would be okay.QUOTE]

i'm sorry sir but you are wrong... It is now zero tolerance in Georgia whether you are 21 or not, if you blow a .000001 you get a DUI and you go to jail. They changed the laws, so if they let her off without a DUI then she probably knows people, or the cop is dumb as hell, or maybe her drunk mom fucked the cop? Who knows but that should have been Reckless Driving(bc of the accident), Minor Possession through consumption(bc she's underage), and also a DUI(bc she was driving while intoxicated)

Ok thanks I'm done I am a Criminal Justice Major that's how I know all of that

07-08-2005, 12:31 PM
i'm sorry sir but you are wrong... It is now zero tolerance in Georgia whether you are 21 or not, if you blow a .000001 you get a DUI and you go to jail. They changed the laws, so if they let her off without a DUI then she probably knows people, or the cop is dumb as hell, or maybe her drunk mom fucked the cop? Who knows but that should have been Reckless Driving(bc of the accident), Minor Possession through consumption(bc she's underage), and also a DUI(bc she was driving while intoxicated)

Ok thanks I'm done I am a Criminal Justice Major that's how I know all of that

I've been in the law system for about 25 years, myself (father was a judge for 25 years, he is a lawyer, my brother is a lawyer, uncle is a DA, etc). I have sat in court for about 15-17 of those years; watching, learning. Trust me on this one.

The limit in GA is still 0.08 for people 21 and over. Under 21 is still 0.02 grams.

(5) The person´s alcohol concentration is 0.08 grams or more at any time within three hours after such driving or being in actual physical control from alcohol consumed before such driving or being in actual physical control ended; or
(6) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of this Code section, there is any amount of marijuana or a controlled substance, as defined in Code Section 16-13-21, present in the person´s blood or urine, or both, including the metabolites and derivatives of each or both without regard to whether or not any alcohol is present in the person´s breath or blood.

Sorry, but according to the GA code on under 21 that is online, you are wrong.


(k)(1) A person under the age of 21 shall not drive or be in actual physical control of any moving vehicle while the person´s alcohol concentration is 0.02 grams or more at any time within three hours after such driving or being in physical control from alcohol consumed before such driving or being in actual physical control ended.


Zero tolerance for alcohol usage by drivers under the age of 21 years.
A driver under 21 years old is guilty of DUI if his alcohol concentration is 0.02 grams or more.

I'm doing my best to pull GA code here, but if you will show me the new law I will gladly retract my statements.

s four t5
07-08-2005, 04:43 PM
Well hot damn Brandon...oh and i got the police report today. She was charged with DUI appearently. Go Ga laws!

07-08-2005, 04:51 PM
Well hot damn Brandon...oh and i got the police report today. She was charged with DUI appearently. Go Ga laws!

Yeah, when it comes to GA law, if I can't find it in the GA code, I have infinite resources who will help to clear things up. I wasn't trying to battle swtgapeach421, but knowing the exact law makes a big difference when dealing with situations such as this.

The GA Code online, however, is an incredible resource. I am glad that she was charged with a DUI. Hopefully this will work out well for you. I hate it when bad things happen to good, innocent people. Good luck!

07-08-2005, 05:16 PM
And not to mention this is going to kill the resale of this vehicle...

Yes and no. it WILL kill the resale that is correct. there is away you can compensate for that... when the adverse carrier offers to cut you a check for DV or dimished value or whatever it is they call it (the value a car loses because of being in an accident) deny it. tell them you want to have a private appraiser take a look at your car. it will cost you some out of pocket expense but instead of them cutting you a check for 400 bucks as deamed the minimum by the mabry case you can pay out 1-400 bucks for an inspection and get a check for several hundred more. unless you feel their estimate is accurate, which on newer cars it generally is.. on older cars you really lose money.

oh and sorry about your luck, i would have flicked a cigarette on the camary and went back to bed.

07-08-2005, 07:37 PM
Sorry to see that, Brady. Especially to your brand new car. The grill from afar does kinda look cool how it's so open. (Optimistically speaking.) Good luck with it.

07-08-2005, 10:27 PM
sorry bout the Volvo Brady...makes me uneasy to park out in front of Beckie and Brian's house now... :rolleyes:

07-08-2005, 10:38 PM
That is one reason we use Grandma's drive and park in the front yard so much.. We have always said sooner or later some dumb ass was going to hit one of the cars!

As for the DUI thing charges were still pending more investigations and such.. So in the end I am sure they will get everything they can on her!! The Cop was pissed!!

I am just glad it wasn't a normal night for our house.. Were Brady would have been in his spot, then Terrence, then Mark, and sometimes Kemo.. cause she would have messed up several cars!!
It makes me sick to my stomach and I feel terriable that it happen..

I kinda got tickled tonight when I got home I pull up and Brady is parked in the driveway.. instead of his normal spot..
I am just thankful no one was really hurt.. the cars can be fixed or replaced.. a life can't!