View Full Version : CALLOUT: quickdodge®

06-02-2007, 07:47 AM
aight QD, its time. we've been going back and forth about this. you calm to have owned me acouple times in the past, but you and i both know this has never happened.
i know for a fact, that i haven't called you out on anything other than rep issues, and at the end. we both left on so so terms. you never "owned" me.
this is the first or second thread that you and i had any type of communication(links at the buttom)where the fuck did you come up with this conclusion? i know you are just trying to impress Speedmonkey, cause after along time hes finally back. which is fine, if you like sucking balls and riding dick. me personally, am not cool with that, but seeing as how much dick you ride, shits just plain pathitic(sp).
you pick on all the newbies due to their small knowledge on "e-thuging" you hit them in their weak spots. but you've never gotten to my weak spot. and never will, Mike. please this is childish. you know this battle will not be easy. do as you wish, im ready. "Later, Maniac."


QD, you and i have had alot of AIM convo's and i recentally started liking you, at the end we'll still be cool. lets enjoy this.

06-02-2007, 07:49 AM
oh and to all the newbies that read this later, this thread is only ment for QD to reply. reply and you can expect some reps, not only from me but from yoshi too.

The Yousef
06-02-2007, 08:01 AM
....wow to qoute maniac ''this is gay''

06-02-2007, 08:02 AM
aight QD, its time. we've been going back and forth about this. you calm to have owned me acouple times in the past, but you and i both know this has never happened.

Just me posting owns you.

i know you are just trying to impress Speedmonkey, cause after along time hes finally back. which is fine, if you like sucking balls and riding dick. me personally, am not cool with that,

Wow. Might I remind you, that it was you who was witnessed by a couple of people that was whispering "sweet nothings" in Speedmonkey's ear the other night. Only two people(dudes) in a car and you want to lean over and whisper in another dude's ear that you have a secret? Come on man, hike that skirt back down and quit tucking your sack in your ass and be a man.

you pick on all the newbies due to their small knowledge on "e-thuging" you hit them in their weak spots.

No. As it seems to be habit forming with you, you're wrong. I put idiocy in it's place. You know the feeling.

but you've never gotten to my weak spot.

There's a difference in "weak spot" and "g-spot."

you know this battle will not be easy.

You and I both know that I didn't have to respond to this for me to beat you. But for the good of IA, and to provide an entertainment factor and an outlet for laughter(albeit at your expense), I have chosen to respond to you in a manner that will forever stay lodged inside that tiny brain of yours. You know that a dinosaur's brain was about the size of a walnut? Well, it seems you have added another link to evolutionary thinking. Think about it. Really. And no I'm not laughing as I tell you ....lolol.....think. Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 08:07 AM
http://www.autismcoach.com/Easy_English_Dictionary.jpg (www.dictionary.com)

Click the pic. Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 08:16 AM
Also, feel free to respond, if Maniac hits you up with a -1, I can always offset that with +20 so you'll actually get +19. Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 08:16 AM
Just me posting owns you.

that post didn't own anything, come up with something alittle bit more creative.

Wow. Might I remind you, that it was you who was witnessed by a couple of people that was whispering "sweet nothings" in Speedmonkey's ear the other night. Only two people(dudes) in a car and you want to lean over and whisper in another dude's ear that you have a secret? Come on man, hike that skirt back down and quit tucking your sack in your ass and be a man.

Look, just like i said, sucking on Will's balls again, that "event" never happend, yes i did go and "try" to tell him something i didn't want "Celina" in the back to hear, why cause not only did it have to do with anyother girl but it had to do with "sex". and im sure another girl doesn't wanna hear what a guy has to say about this subject, Will was looking the other way and yes he was caught off guard, but we were not alone. he told everyone the same shit the second night we all hanged out. for what? just to make people laugh, if i told you shit he did, id get another 20 from you.
i can say the same about you, get off Will's nuts and do your on shit.

No. As it seems to be habit forming with you, you're wrong. I put idiocy in it's place. You know the feeling.

no i don't, why cause i never been put in my place. you may have done this to other members but not to "Maniac". once again, please come up with something more creative.

There's a difference in "weak spot" and "g-spot."

just like Fred hit your G-spot huh and d993s? haha!!

You and I both know that I didn't have to respond to this for me to beat you. But for the good of IA, and to provide an entertainment factor and an outlet for laughter(albeit at your expense), I have chosen to respond to you in a manner that will forever stay lodged inside that tiny brain of yours. You know that a dinosaur's brain was about the size of a walnut? Well, it seems you have added another link to evolutionary thinking. Think about it. Really. And no I'm not laughing as I tell you ....lolol.....think. Later, QD.
once again you use the same old trick you use on every fucking noob.
QD, you know that that comment above me is retarded, what kind of post is that? bringing "dinosaurs" into this subject, what kind of person brings that kind of shit to a "e-battle". other noobs probably wouldn't get it, but shit i know a shit load about dinosaurs, and alittle bit about the whole evolution theroy. QD it looks like this was a waste of time for the both of us. we will never know who really owns who. reply to this if you want, you and i both know this is all a bunch of "LIRL" shit to both of us.

06-02-2007, 08:18 AM
Also, feel free to respond, if Maniac hits you up with a -1, I can always offset that with +20 so you'll actually get +19. Later, QD.
you fucking asshole, haha! remember i said -reps from me and yoshi, thats -2. which means +18 for you... :(

06-02-2007, 08:26 AM
QD, you know that that comment above me is retarded, what kind of post is that? bringing "dinosaurs" into this subject, what kind of person brings that kind of shit to a "e-battle". other noobs probably wouldn't get it, but shit i know a shit load about dinosaurs, and alittle bit about the whole evolution theroy.

Hmmmm. The bringing of dinosaur's into this topic is called "compare and contrast." Comparing your brain size to that of a dinosaur(walnut sized) and then linking you to evolution and the fact that you are proof of evolution and that we(not you, though) are still evolving. The contrast comes in at.............well........there is no contrast. There is no way to dispute what I have posted.

BOOM! Headshot. I forgive you for trying. Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 08:30 AM
Hmmmm. The bringing of dinosaur's into this topic is called "compare and contrast." Comparing your brain size to that of a dinosaur(walnut sized) and then linking you to evolution and the fact that you are proof of evolution and that we(not you, though) are still evolving. The contrast comes in at.............well........there is no contrast. There is no way to dispute what I have posted.

BOOM! Headshot. I forgive you for trying. Later, QD.
haha! Mike, i saw what you "were" trying to say/prove. but your attempt failed. im getting sleepy, maybe some other fag aka noob will come in here and "try" to "own" you. i should invite Fred over.
that'd be nice huh. acouple of posts but not alot of members would call you out. my job here is done.

06-02-2007, 08:35 AM
I'll call him out. I'm hardcore like that.

QD, you suck!

Later, E


PS - QD, wierdest fuckin' thing. I had a dream that you called me. And I answered. And I was like "WTF are you calling me at...shit what time is it, even?" And I don't remember why you called, but it had SOMETHING to do with autocross...

anyways...QD, YOU SUCK!

06-02-2007, 08:35 AM
before i go back to sleep, those that come and attempt to own QD will get +reps from me and yoshi. thats +3, not bad. haha!
good luck and let the force be with you. this made my morning, good times QD. peace.

06-02-2007, 08:38 AM
before i go back to sleep, those that come and attempt to own QD will get +reps from me and yoshi. thats +3, not bad. haha!
good luck and let the force be with you. this made my morning, good times QD. peace.

Lolol @ people who will end up losing 17 points. Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 08:40 AM
i should invite Fred over.
that'd be nice huh.

Real nice. Knowing you have to have someone else come in and fight your battles for you. Thus putting in motion the fact that you going to Wal-Mart every four weeks is indeed, true. Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 08:43 AM
before i go back to sleep.....You woke up to make this thread :thinking: What a waste of time!!

06-02-2007, 08:44 AM
QD, L0L!. im up, i have to go pick up my lil sister from soft ball practice in an hour anyways.

06-02-2007, 08:45 AM
So since I said QD sucks, I should get +rep...

But since it was a joking manner, I should get my +20...but that only comes with Maniac's neg rep....right? So should I have him neg rep me?

Hmmm...now I'm just confused with all this math...


QD...pretty sure I'll be at turner for autox on the 17th...are you ever at the tracks/events, anymore?

06-02-2007, 08:45 AM
QD, L0L!. im up, i have to go pick up my lil sister from soft ball practice in an hour anyways.

You mean you weren't playing? Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 08:46 AM
Real nice. Knowing you have to have someone else come in and fight your battles for you. Thus putting in motion the fact that you going to Wal-Mart every four weeks is indeed, true. Later, QD.
blah blah blah, you done yet? haha!

Lolol @ people who will end up losing 17 points. Later, QD.
don't be scared guys, he just fucking with yall. haha!

06-02-2007, 08:47 AM
You mean you weren't playing? Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 08:48 AM
So since I said QD sucks, I should get +rep...

But since it was a joking manner, I should get my +20...but that only comes with Maniac's neg rep....right? So should I have him neg rep me?

Hmmm...now I'm just confused with all this math...


QD...pretty sure I'll be at turner for autox on the 17th...are you ever at the tracks/events, anymore?

:gay: i already hit you with a +2

06-02-2007, 09:08 AM
So, I guess I am confused.

By reading part of the first page I gathered the following:

1. Maniac really is gay and that is why he always says threads are full of gayness.

2. Speedmonkey is Alex's daddy; first he protects him from being banned, then allows Maniac to whisper into his ear.

3. QD is stooping to Maniac's level by responding to such a worthless thread.

4. This thread will be over 20 pages by the end of the day.

5. Evasive begs for rep like Maniac begs for cock.

06-02-2007, 09:09 AM
and "B" doesn't know shit. all he knows how to do is get on all fours and take it like a man.

06-02-2007, 09:10 AM
"B" ill deal with you later, im off to pick up my sister.

06-02-2007, 09:10 AM
I take it like a man, yet Yoshi does exactly what that little bitch says?

Maniac, stick to one personality. That way you only suck once.

06-02-2007, 09:11 AM
aight QD, its time. we've been going back and forth about this. you calm to have owned me acouple times in the past, but you and i both know this has never happened. i know you are just trying to impress Speedmonkey, cause after along time hes finally back. which is fine, if you like sucking balls and riding dick. me personally, am not cool with that, but seeing as how much dick you ride, shits just plain pathitic(sp).

I'm sure you meant claimed, and who rides SpeedMonkey’s jock?

eating egg and chicken is gay. tracy is always on SM & Maniac threads, why. what you you wanna know

what SpeedMonkey said, hes the only Z driver that ive losted too. you other fags suck!

why waste your time on porn when you can get the real thing... well atleast i can.

if you wanna see a DICK SLANGIN just ask... not me of course, maybe SM.

this thread is the lamest thread ive ever seen!! Rep'd you.

As KaineJuice would say (owned).

06-02-2007, 09:11 AM
"B" ill deal with you later, im off to pick up my sister.

"Deal" with me later? You can't/won't "deal" with me at all.

06-02-2007, 09:13 AM
[QUOTE=Maniac]aight QD, its time. we've been going back and forth about this. you calm to have owned me acouple times in the past, but you and i both know this has never happened. i know you are just trying to impress Speedmonkey, cause after along time hes finally back. which is fine, if you like sucking balls and riding dick. me personally, am not cool with that, but seeing as how much dick you ride, shits just plain pathitic(sp).

[/QUOTE (http://%5b/QUOTE)]

I'm sure you meant claimed, and who rides SpeedMonkey’s jock?

As KaineJuice would say (owned).

Someone must be doing their homework.

06-02-2007, 09:14 AM
Lolol @ people who will end up losing 17 points. Later, QD.

lol that on its own is pwnage lol maniac stfu.

06-02-2007, 09:15 AM
I take it like a man, yet Yoshi does exactly what that little bitch says?

Maniac, stick to one personality. That way you only suck once.

:lmfao::lmfao::lmfao:+1 , that made my day.

EDIT:You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to "B" again.

06-02-2007, 09:15 AM
lol that on its own is pwnage lol maniac stfu.


06-02-2007, 09:16 AM
Ah, Saturday morning entertainment.

06-02-2007, 09:18 AM
lol that on its own is pwnage lol maniac stfu.

Why thank you. Lolol. 20 for you. Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 09:19 AM
Ah, Saturday morning entertainment.

But just like Nick at Night, Maniac's shit is getting old.

06-02-2007, 09:22 AM
this thread sucks

06-02-2007, 09:27 AM
before i go back to sleep, those that come and attempt to own QD will get +reps from me and yoshi. thats +3, not bad. haha!
good luck and let the force be with you. this made my morning, good times QD. peace.It is

06-02-2007, 09:36 AM

06-02-2007, 09:38 AM
everyone always gotta hate. haha! i love the attention guys keep it up.

06-02-2007, 09:39 AM
everyone always gotta hate. Spoken just like KaineJuice.

haha! i love the attention guys keep it up.I rest my case.

06-02-2007, 09:40 AM
I'm sure you meant claimed, and who rides SpeedMonkey’s jock?

As KaineJuice would say (owned).
me owned? haha! dude SM does the same shit to me. but whatever, i don't have to prove shit to anyone.

06-02-2007, 09:40 AM
Spoken just like KaineJuice.

I rest my case.
quote it, ill say it AGAIN! I LOVE THE ATTENTION GUYS, KEEP IT UP. :lmfao:

06-02-2007, 09:41 AM
"Deal" with me later? You can't/won't "deal" with me at all.you're a waste of my time B. you try so hard to make yourself look cool. :gay:

06-02-2007, 09:42 AM
everyone else, SUCK it!!!! *points to a dildo*

06-02-2007, 09:43 AM
Here is what you should do:

1. Find a cliff.

2. Jump in your car.

3. Take the RPMs to 6k.

4. Put transmission in 1st.

5. Slip the clutch and launch it off the cliff.

6. D.I.A.F.

06-02-2007, 09:43 AM
20 pages? is that what yall want? haha! i have a life and a real job. i can only stay online til 3pm. so hurry up if yall have something to say about me or QD.
but all of yall are bitches and are scared of him, so i guess yall can bash on me. its fine, i love the attention. hahahaha!!!!

06-02-2007, 09:43 AM
everyone always gotta hate. haha! i love the attention guys keep it up.Like I posted in the other thread.

06-02-2007, 09:43 AM
you're a waste of my time B. you try so hard to make yourself look cool. :gay:Tuck the tail between your legs and run.


06-02-2007, 09:44 AM
everyone else, SUCK it!!!! *points to a dildo*
Normally guys point to their own dicks...Or another guys dick...WTF? Why a dildo???

06-02-2007, 09:44 AM
Like I posted in the other thread.
haha! QD knows why i made this thread. once again, i don't have to prove shit to anyone.

06-02-2007, 09:45 AM
Normally guys point to their own dicks...Or another guys dick...WTF? Why a dildo???
haha! thats fucked up girl! you off all people! if i pointed to "my" dick that would be gay. i am not.

06-02-2007, 09:46 AM
20 pages? is that what yall want? haha! i have a life and a real job. i can only stay online til 3pm. so hurry up if yall have something to say about me or QD.
but all of yall are bitches and are scared of him, so i guess yall can bash on me. its fine, i love the attention. hahahaha!!!!

I am not scared of shit. I posted that he was stooping to your level by responding to your bullshit call out.

I don't give a fuck if he reps me every fucking day for the rest of his life.

It honestly makes no difference to me.

06-02-2007, 09:46 AM
Normally guys point to their own dicks...Or another guys dick...WTF? Why a dildo???..

06-02-2007, 09:46 AM
Normally guys point to their own dicks...Or another guys dick...WTF? Why a dildo???He has to use a dildo when SpeedMonkey isn't around.

06-02-2007, 09:47 AM
I am not scared of shit. I posted that he was stooping to your level by responding to your bullshit call out.

I don't give a fuck if he reps me every fucking day for the rest of his life.

It honestly makes no difference to me.
yirl, you still running that mouth boy? B you try WAY to hard. :lmfao:

06-02-2007, 09:48 AM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 15 (15 members and 0 guests)
Maniac, SLOWLYbtngU, Clegger, "B", hXc007, Echonova, quickdodge®, St0lenR, Grnblur, TRYMY4.0, Nitro, Sack Attack, Six2Six, ryan34

man, i don't even try and i get attention. wow.

06-02-2007, 09:49 AM
lol... admin at his best.... Nice. lol

06-02-2007, 09:49 AM
I got your "boy" right here. You are way out of your league, rookie. Get out of your dad's office and go back to your room where they have perental controls turned on.

06-02-2007, 09:50 AM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 15 (15 members and 0 guests)
Maniac, SLOWLYbtngU, Clegger, "B", hXc007, Echonova, quickdodge®, St0lenR, Grnblur, TRYMY4.0, Nitro, Sack Attack, Six2Six, ryan34

man, i don't even try and i get attention. wow.

How do you not try? You have 3 new threads. Of course people are going to read them.

06-02-2007, 09:51 AM
I got your "boy" right here. You are way out of your league, rookie. Get out of your dad's office and go back to your room where they have perental controls turned on.
haha!!! B i have nothing to worry about. especially you.

06-02-2007, 09:52 AM
You should feel privelaged to be "protected" like you think you are.

06-02-2007, 09:52 AM
How do you not try? You have 3 new threads. Of course people are going to read them.
i only have two, i made one yesterday and another one today. the rep thread is like months old, some faggot brought it back up. not me. get it now.
its not my fualt people post in my threads and bump them up. haha!

06-02-2007, 09:53 AM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 12 (12 members and 0 guests)
Echonova, St0lenR, Maniac, quickdodge®, SRCRX, Clegger, TRYMY4.0, Nitro, Sack Attack, Six2Six, ryan34

If your not an attention whore, then why do you post the people veiwing in almost EVERY GODDAMN THREAD YOUR IN. That is all.

06-02-2007, 09:53 AM
You should feel privelaged to be "protected" like you think you are.
is that it? is that all you have to say? i know you have a big mouth, put it to use for once. and please try to make it atleast alittle bit funny.

06-02-2007, 09:54 AM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 12 (12 members and 0 guests)
Echonova, St0lenR, Maniac, quickdodge®, SRCRX, Clegger, TRYMY4.0, Nitro, Sack Attack, Six2Six, ryan34

If your not an attention whore, then why do you post the people veiwing in almost EVERY GODDAMN THREAD YOUR IN. That is all.
like B says NEWS FLASH!

i love the attention, keep it up! :lmfao:

06-02-2007, 09:56 AM
Mike, see what happens.. i try to have a nice conversation over the internet. and when you don't expect it, noobs come running in here. they're all like "oh snaps! a Maniac thread, lets go read and bust his balls! yeah, sounds like fun"

hahaha! good times QD. peace yall. im bored of yall. my work here is done.

06-02-2007, 10:00 AM
Mike, see what happens.. i try to have a nice conversation over the internet. and when you don't expect it, noobs come running in here. they're all like "oh snaps! a Maniac thread, lets go read and bust his balls! yeah, sounds like fun"

hahaha! good times QD. peace yall. im bored of yall. my work here is done.You should have taken that shit to PM's. lol

06-02-2007, 10:00 AM
i don't have to prove shit to anyone. Just drop it then, cuz the more you keep trying to go at it with them the more that quote doesn't make sense.

06-02-2007, 10:00 AM
You'll be back. Attention whore.

06-02-2007, 10:04 AM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 12 (12 members and 0 guests)
Echonova, St0lenR, Maniac, quickdodge®, SRCRX, Clegger, TRYMY4.0, Nitro, Sack Attack, Six2Six, ryan34

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 12 (11 members and 1 guests)
Echonova, 90_ZC_HATCH, BMW, quickdodge®, "B", 180inprogres, TRYMY4.0, Nitro, Sack Attack, ryan34

I wonder who the one guest is?

06-02-2007, 10:10 AM
haha! QD knows why i made this thread. once again, i don't have to prove shit to anyone.

then why do it? what is the point of this thread then? if u wanted it to be about QD, take it to the PM's. this is a waste of time. Honestly man, this shit is childish. is all u want is attention? go to a major hwy and attempt to jump. you'll be all over the news. or just go ahead and jump, enough of this crying and begging for attention. Everyone knows u and how you talk so much shit. Now all they are seeing is you being a cry baby about EVERYTHING.

06-02-2007, 10:12 AM
If I may. There are some people in this world that have too much love to give. They, unwittingly give their love in forms that others might not understand. The ways of showing people love and affection vary so greatly that sometimes it's hard to spot that love. There are times when people feel that they are not loved by other people. There people sometimes feel the need to fill that void in their lives by drawing attention to themselves. It is, in these times, that the attention is met with hostility. Not all people want to love other people. These people react in a negative way towards the one showing love. This in turn causes a chain reaction and the "lover" ends up getting on the hostile end and posts a thread claiming that everyone around the person is a "fag." Posts are flung back and forth until we are all reduced to chimpanzees fighting over a mate(attention) in the jungles of Africa. So try to remember, if you will, that while you may be able to love people and show kindness towards them, not all people will love you back and you should just move on to the next person that may reciprocate your feelings. Until then, take care of yourself. And each other. Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 10:12 AM
then why do it? what is the point of this thread then? if u wanted it to be about QD, take it to the PM's. this is a waste of time. Honestly man, this shit is childish. is all u want is attention? go to a major hwy and attempt to jump. you'll be all over the news. or just go ahead and jump, enough of this crying and begging for attention. Everyone knows u and how you talk so much shit. Now all they are seeing is you being a cry baby about EVERYTHING.


06-02-2007, 10:15 AM
returned B. :)

QD...we've had our differences, but please...fuk his ass up.:goodjob:

06-02-2007, 10:16 AM
I wish I would have woke up earlier. Go QD! Go Maniac! (Both are cool)

06-02-2007, 10:16 AM
Ant. you're fucking gay! QD isn't gonna fuck anyone up.

06-02-2007, 10:17 AM
returned B. :)

QD...we've had our differences, but please...fuk his ass up.:goodjob:

I honestly think that Maniac brings all the bullshit on himself. He is lucky that SpeedMonkey stuck up for him, because he was a bout to be banned I think.

How does he return the favor to the admins? By making more bullshit posts and threads.

06-02-2007, 10:18 AM
returned B. :)

QD...we've had our differences, but please...fuk his ass up.:goodjob:
:lmfao: repd

06-02-2007, 10:18 AM
Ant. you're fucking gay! QD isn't gonna fuck anyone up.

Hmmm, Maniac leaves and Yoshi appears.

It's amazing, it's the mirrors.

06-02-2007, 10:19 AM
:lmfao: repd

No one gives a fuck if you negative rep them.:lmfao:

06-02-2007, 10:20 AM
It's amazing, it's the mirrors.

06-02-2007, 10:22 AM
hahaha...B your funny. i dunno, it is true tho. Everyone would probably like him if he didnt cry on the site so much. in person he's pretty quiet and doesnt talk shit. but on here.....damn...

06-02-2007, 10:23 AM
ok, look everyone. QD and i had this talk already. this thread was ment for only QD and I to post in. its not my fault yall can't view and thread and not post. ist yall decision, not mines. yall always bitch about me being an attention whore. by making threads? now, come on. this is the fucking whores lounge. im also a Kills guy and yall don't see my making threads like crazy and posting like i do in the WL.

seriously yall all need to get off my nuts, this is fucking crazy how everyone of my threads, i have people jumping on my dick. first i start with one guy, then other wannabe badasses join and again, another fag, jumps on my cock.

like b16 super mod said. im here, so get used to me or ignore me. if yall knew me in real life im sure yall would know i do this shit for fun. now this will be my last post here, maybe. if yall talk mad shit, ill jump back in. ok. thanks. peace. haha!

06-02-2007, 10:28 AM
ok, look everyone. QD and i had this talk already. this thread was ment for only QD and I to post in.

Those are called PMs not threads.

its not my fault yall can't view and thread and not post. ist yall decision, not mines. yall always bitch about me being an attention whore. by making threads? now, come on. this is the fucking whores lounge. im also a Kills guy and yall don't see my making threads like crazy and posting like i do in the WL.

I have no problem with you personally, but you bring shit on yourself. You are correct, this is the WL. Yet you are surprised when people post in a thread you make.

seriously yall all need to get off my nuts, this is fucking crazy how everyone of my threads, i have people jumping on my dick. first i start with one guy, then other wannabe badasses join and again, another fag, jumps on my cock.

No one is jumping of your's or QD's dick. I said your thread is bullshit and QD is stooping to your level. That is hardly jumping on anyone's dick.

like b16 super mod said. im here, so get used to me or ignore me. if yall knew me in real life im sure yall would know i do this shit for fun. now this will be my last post here, maybe. if yall talk mad shit, ill jump back in. ok. thanks. peace. haha!

If you look back in that thread, I was against you beign banned in the first place. I think your posts are funny sometimes; but the majority of the time, you are just another douchbag on IA.

06-02-2007, 10:31 AM
If you wanted this to be between him and you, why didnt you keep it in PM's?

06-02-2007, 10:36 AM
I said your thread is bullshit and QD is stooping to your level.

I gotta protect mine's. Later, QD.

06-02-2007, 10:57 AM
ok, look everyone. QD and i had this talk already. this thread was ment for only QD and I to post in. its not my fault yall can't view and thread and not post. ist yall decision, not mines. yall always bitch about me being an attention whore. by making threads? now, come on. this is the fucking whores lounge. im also a Kills guy and yall don't see my making threads like crazy and posting like i do in the WL.

seriously yall all need to get off my nuts, this is fucking crazy how everyone of my threads, i have people jumping on my dick. first i start with one guy, then other wannabe badasses join and again, another fag, jumps on my cock.

like b16 super mod said. im here, so get used to me or ignore me. if yall knew me in real life im sure yall would know i do this shit for fun. now this will be my last post here, maybe. if yall talk mad shit, ill jump back in. ok. thanks. peace. haha!
Not everyone is out to get you. Think of QD as a philosopher.

06-02-2007, 11:03 AM
seriously yall all need to get off my nuts, this is fucking crazy how everyone of my threads, i have people jumping on my dick. first i start with one guy, then other wannabe badasses join and again, another fag, jumps on my cock.

Wow. You are gay. Really gay. You have an obsession with having guys on your crotch.

06-02-2007, 11:10 AM
Wow. You are gay. Really gay. You have an obsession with having guys on your crotch. Maybe he wants you guys on his crotch cuz ya'll are bitches....hmmmmm Just a thought. Don't take it seriously :goodjob:

06-02-2007, 11:16 AM
Maybe he wants you guys on his crotch cuz ya'll are bitches....hmmmmm Just a thought. Don't take it seriously :goodjob:

No, I think it's just because he is gay....:D

06-02-2007, 11:19 AM
hahahaha, that makes sense too.

The Yousef
06-02-2007, 11:22 AM
Wow. You are gay. Really gay. You have an obsession with having guys on your crotch.

:lmfao: :lmao:

The Yousef
06-02-2007, 11:23 AM
Not everyone is out to get you. Think of QD as a philosopher.

they're not!!??

i didn't get that bloody memo... :rant: :2up: