View Full Version : Your power goes off, your mother dies.

The Ninja
05-31-2007, 08:54 AM
Maybe not your mom, but this chick died.


05-31-2007, 09:03 AM
jesus :(:(

05-31-2007, 09:06 AM
thats some messed up stuff right there... I saw that on the news last night...

05-31-2007, 09:13 AM
I don't know about NZ, but here you have to fill out a notarized document stating that you have to have certain utilities on at all times for medical reasons. And if it's not documented with the utility provider, then they don't know. Later, QD.

05-31-2007, 09:26 AM
holy crap that is funny.

05-31-2007, 09:28 AM
A coworker of mine used to work for a call center for georgia power. This is sad, but there are a ton of people that claim they have an oxygen pump, babies, etc to avoid having their power cut off because they haven't paid the bill for months. Out of 2000 people claiming such things maybe 10-20 actually have a real problem that requires it to stay on. Since there is no way to tell without visiting the residence, they have to cut it off or else no one would pay their bill. Or they can get a notarized letter from a doctor to prevent it. I'm suprised this doesn't happen more often.

05-31-2007, 09:33 AM
Or they can get a notarized letter from a doctor to prevent it.

That's what I was saying.

We had to do this for my 4 year old. She stopped breathing for almost 15 minutes 3 times in her first month after birth. She was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. She was placed on a breathing machine and a heart monitor. We had to send GP a letter(given to you by your doctor) stating that she had to have power at all times. We were given first priority in power outages also. This lasted for almost 8 months. Later, QD.

05-31-2007, 09:36 AM
did you get a backup power generator?

The Ninja
05-31-2007, 09:37 AM
My mom has sleep apnea, and sleeps with a machine that basically forces air down her wind pipe.

05-31-2007, 09:43 AM
did you get a backup power generator?

Yeah we had a pretty good sized one, IIRC. Later, QD.

05-31-2007, 11:18 AM
this is bullshit btw, the doctors/hospital commented that this woman did not HAVE to be on the device to breath/live. if it were that serious they said they would've never sent her home.